Are wedding bells ringing?

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Does anyone think this may be why Vanessa was targeted? She already has a child. Couldn't Raven use that in court and say, "If I really didn't want another baby, why would I marry someone with a child?"

I don't think Vanessa was targeted. I think that they have similar interests, are each single parents raising a child, take the kids to soccer etc. together. I think that their paths crossed and that they have enough in common to enjoy each other's company. They have both gone through some tough times and it is nice to have someone there that you can talk to with out fear of being judged. I am sure it is nice to have someone to enjoy life with and to work together towards a better future for each of them and there family.

(note that I am aware of Raven's past, but that doesn't change how it feels to meet someone you "click" with).
They live in Utah, right? Marriage license should be easy enough to find if " It's over" means " We got married" and not " We broke up".

BTW, the photo on her MySpace page is back to JUST her, no Raven with her. Much better photo, Vanessa!!
Maybe it's in reference to the messages that are being left in her guestbook at The Knot:

from: Angel 6/30/2008 - Vanessa, Angels are watching over you and countless people you haven't met are praying for you everyday.

from: Teacher 6/17/2008 - He's a convicted felon, embezzling from his employer and and POI for his wife's murder. Seriously, do your homework.

from: Memories 6/12/2008 - So many affairs to remember.

from: GOOGLEHIMFIRST 6/12/2008 - Did you hear what happened to his first wife? And by the way, does the Rave still have his knife collection? I was thinking that you probably don't need CUTlery.

from: Janet Abaroa 6/11/2008 - Be careful, Vanessa. Think long and hard about this and don't make the mistake I did.
She's been "drained" for a few days. My hope was that it was from making a tough decision to split with Raven, but I think it is from the commotion of getting married and going on a honeymoon.

I think that the "get over it part" is in reference to those comments in her guest book.

I think the it's over part is in reference to the wedding being over vs. the relationship. If the relationship were over, I'd think she'd delete the link saying they were getting married. I also think that the tone would be a bit different.

That is all my opinion. I try to always caveat things by saying that I don't know her intent or what she is thinking. I can't speak for Vanessa. All I can do is offer my interpretation of what I see.
From Term's post directly above mine, it is stated that Janet finds out that their house is rented, not purchased.:eek::eek: I've never seen this addressed before, although it could be here and I missed it. Wow, what a shock to find out.. kind of like the embezzlements. He lied and lied and lied so he could play with his toys and try to act like a big shot at soccer.

How could someone who had an accounting/ finance type background like Janet, and who was smart, like Janet was, not know if they were buying or renting their house? Did he have fake mortgage papers forged somewhere?
If it was a purchase, is NC a state where both husband and wife don't have to sign the sale closing paperwork?
Help me understand this. Janet was a smart young woman, IMO.


Janet knew they were renting. I'm not sure where the notion came from of him fooling her into thinking they had bought a home. That never happened. She knew they were renting, and she knew the landlord. And yes, in NC, the spouse must sign the deed for the home, regardless of whether or not they're listed as a guarantor on the loan. But he DID fool her in many other ways...
Maybe it's in reference to the messages that are being left in her guestbook at The Knot:

from: Angel 6/30/2008 - Vanessa, Angels are watching over you and countless people you haven't met are praying for you everyday.

from: Teacher 6/17/2008 - He's a convicted felon, embezzling from his employer and and POI for his wife's murder. Seriously, do your homework.

from: Memories 6/12/2008 - So many affairs to remember.

from: GOOGLEHIMFIRST 6/12/2008 - Did you hear what happened to his first wife? And by the way, does the Rave still have his knife collection? I was thinking that you probably don't need CUTlery.

from: Janet Abaroa 6/11/2008 - Be careful, Vanessa. Think long and hard about this and don't make the mistake I did.

JG thanks for linking those for me, I never clicked the guest book link and just saw the front page before.

I do want to say the entry made by someone stating they are Janet really made even me quite uncomfortable, and I am an extremely blunt person and have been told quite harsh here at times.

Vanessa, I haven't posted on your Guest Book, because you know what I think. I don't know what's happening, but keep your self safe, if you married him, then God be with you and your daughter and use your head if you feel you are in danger, if you are not together anymore, please stay safe.
Janet knew they were renting. I'm not sure where the notion came from of him fooling her into thinking they had bought a home. That never happened. She knew they were renting, and she knew the landlord. And yes, in NC, the spouse must sign the deed for the home, regardless of whether or not they're listed as a guarantor on the loan. But he DID fool her in many other ways...

I am the one that heard this information and I know exactly where this information and notion came from.

My guess now is Raven states he is the proud owner of the house to others and Janet did not bother correcting him even when the conversation came to selling the home?
If she doesn't have any doubt that her beloved Raven did this maybe she should look at the timeline of the events that night. This isn't from us "crazy" posters.

Winter I see his pictures and I see so much evil behind his eyes.

I don't know what is happening with them, but I hope Vanessa knows we really truly aren't getting any sort of pleasure out of having to come here to check on this case.

It's frustrating, sad, it angers me, it causes me emotional distress and at times physically has made me ill knowing he's free.

There are many of us here that have different opinions on the hows and what's of things, and it's caused stress between some of the people that have been here a long time, because of our ways of dealing with the case, our thoughts on what's up with the case, our frustration with LE, DA, media etc.

What any body that comes to this forum to read needs to realize is though many of us are perfect strangers many of us have bonded here, even if we do not agree on what each of us have to say, or the way we go about things or sometimes we even argue amongst each other on certain points of this case that in actuality we have NOTHING to gain in pointing our finger at Raven.

None of us here are perfect and we go about things in our ways, I've probably crossed the line in things I have said and I know I have ruffled feathers here and people haven't agreed with the way I have stated things, but in the end we all share a common bond , we care that Janet and her unborn child was murdered, we want to see Justice for Janet and her unborn child and we DO NOT WANT ANOTHER PERSON HARMED.

It's sad because it's obvious so many of us genuinely DO CARE about what happens to her and her child and Kaiden.

I do not want to see any other people harmed by someone I believe is extremely dangerous.
I almost started a thread called Dear Vanessa. I just didn't have the right words, and I tried. I want her to know that I am sorry that she got into this tangled mess. Our goal isn't to snoop into her life and make it miserable. We believe beyond a reasonable doubt that Raven killed Janet. Many of us here knew Janet and our lives have changed forever because of this case.

I have said this many times. I knew Raven and I liked him when he was engaged to Janet. The only thing that bothered me was that he'd never give a straight answer about his mission. I figured that was personal and he had the right not to tell me things that he felt were private. Raven was very charasmatic and likeable. From what I hear, he continues to be very likeable. I cried and cried when i heard that Raven killed Janet. I didn't believe it. I knew many people that cried and couldn't believe it. My brother won't even think about the possibility of Raven being guilty because he really liked Raven. After Janet married she moved away and I didn't hear from her. I was sad to hear her friends tell of the marrital troubles, the financial troubles, the affairs, the embezzlement etc. There were so many saddnesses that Janet went through. She couldn't have imagined any of them when she got married.

I guess that is what scares me most about Raven. He wasn't a murderer until that moment he killed her, but he still had enough wrong to make almost anyone want to run.

Now Raven has had a fresh start in life. Perhaps he is a changed person, but I simply can't believe that. I am scared for the girls he dates and the people he will hurt. I feel strongly that he will cheat again. I am scared for Vanessa and just want her to know that sometimes taking the hard road and leaving Raven is best in the long run.
{{{Rainbows}}} Here's a hug.

Many people are in your position, and I can understand how difficult it must be that you and your own brother don't agree, but so many people have written to me that I have never met and said, they heard Janet "died" and automatically thought Raven killed her....before they even knew details and there are those that actually really loved him very much and are resigned that he did it and yet don't hate him, but hurt deeply.

Do I believe Raven was born evil, no. I think he has psychological issues, and he truly is a sociopath. Not all sociopaths kill though. I think his upbringing had something to do with it, but it did not put a knife in his hand.

His lack of any remorse and not facing what he has done and his pity me attitude inflame me to no end though. He brought this upon himself.

During the NC Wanted shows he tried to make Janet look bad on SEVERAL OCCASIONS, his wife is murdered and he's trying to paint her in a light that is not real or accurate.

He made comments regarding he wanted the religion intimating that the homeschooling was HIS idea and Janet was against it. He controlled Janet, what she wore, who she talked to and if he can control Janet, who was NOT a weak person, she was a very strong, he can control others.

My biggest issue with Raven is his utter lack of remorse, his utter lack of facing what he has done and he continues to make mistakes over and over again.

His thieving ways aren't over, his scamming ways aren't over, his cheating ways aren't's the other things I'm afraid he'll repeat.
JG thanks for linking those for me, I never clicked the guest book link and just saw the front page before.

I do want to say the entry made by someone stating they are Janet really made even me quite uncomfortable, and I am an extremely blunt person and have been told quite harsh here at times.

Vanessa, I haven't posted on your Guest Book, because you know what I think. I don't know what's happening, but keep your self safe, if you married him, then God be with you and your daughter and use your head if you feel you are in danger, if you are not together anymore, please stay safe.
I'm glad you said that, I was uncomfortable with those posts....well, some of them. She very well could think people here are nuts already and a few of those posts don't help. There's being blunt, or passionate...but then there's a line that shouldn't be crossed.

I'm also new to this case, wasn't around here when it actually happened, but has he been officially off LE's list of whodunit?
For the record, I never posted ANYTHING to Vanessa except here in this forum. I will not post anything to her personally on her "turf". I think it's up to the people that know her to guide her any further. If The Knot site is hers and his for real... she obviously got the message. I hope she made it here.
Yeah, you guys are right. I am obviously Rainbows. I do not want to step on Vanessa's turf. I wish her the best in life. It is Raven that concerns me. I'm sorry that her life became entangled in this mess. She is an adult and has the right to choose who she is with.
I'm also new to this case, wasn't around here when it actually happened, but has he been officially off LE's list of whodunit?
Heck no. In fact, somewhere around this forum is an interview with LE, stating that sometimes evidence you DON'T find is just as telling as evidence you DO, (or something to that affect). Many, if not all, of us believed upon seeing that interview for the first time that LE was telling us that Raven is their POI.

There's also a press release in these threads from LE requesting information from anyone that knows anything. Interestingly, in that press release, they seem to detail Raven's movements on the night of the murder and seem to be fishing for information about Raven. If I have time tomorrow, and no one's posted those links by then, I'll look around for them so you can see what I mean.
I'm glad you said that, I was uncomfortable with those posts....well, some of them. She very well could think people here are nuts already and a few of those posts don't help. There's being blunt, or passionate...but then there's a line that shouldn't be crossed.
I completely agree. I found the comment from "Janet Abaroa" to be chilling and WWWAAAYYY over that line.
There are many of us here that have different opinions on the hows and what's of things, and it's caused stress between some of the people that have been here a long time, because of our ways of dealing with the case, our thoughts on what's up with the case, our frustration with LE, DA, media etc.

What any body that comes to this forum to read needs to realize is though many of us are perfect strangers many of us have bonded here, even if we do not agree on what each of us have to say, or the way we go about things or sometimes we even argue amongst each other on certain points of this case that in actuality we have NOTHING to gain in pointing our finger at Raven...

... but in the end we all share a common bond , we care that Janet and her unborn child was murdered, we want to see Justice for Janet and her unborn child and we DO NOT WANT ANOTHER PERSON HARMED.
Very well said.

Thanks to everyone that's sticking by this case and for still being here in spite of the hard times that some of us may have shared.
I'm glad you said that, I was uncomfortable with those posts....well, some of them. She very well could think people here are nuts already and a few of those posts don't help. There's being blunt, or passionate...but then there's a line that shouldn't be crossed.

I'm also new to this case, wasn't around here when it actually happened, but has he been officially off LE's list of whodunit?

Hi Fragile, He is NOT ruled out as a suspect and if you get a chance to look at NC Wanted everything is pointing to him. Of course, everyone knows me, myself and I believe 100% that he did it. He is the murderer of Janet and her unborn child and I believe he premeditated it.

As far as what Vanessa thinks of us, or me personally, I have no control over that and it does not bother me if she hates me or thinks I'm crazy.

Vanessa wants us to be crazy, lunatics. She NEEDS to believe it to believe in him. If we aren't crazy, then we could be right. If we are right, she's living with a murderer. She doesn't need to like me at all, she needs to look at her daughter and think about what she is doing!

Rainbows, don't feel bad. Frustration and anger has set in and to know that he is following through with his mommy shopping which we all know he's been doing since he moved back to Utah, is bound to get everyone frustrated. Now we have another woman with a child in danger and another family can be destroyed by him.

Vanessa knew what she was doing when she posted on The Knot and knew people here would find it, and she played a little game and I think she realizes it's not so fun.

This isn't fun, for anyone here, someone is dead, her name is Janet and there is an unborn child, that was murdered. Kaiden's mommy was stabbed to death in her home. Vanessa needs to use her head and all we can do is pray for her, as she's living and sleeping with the boogyman and I'm just a concerned Lunatic.

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