Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Nothing about this case makes any sense to me. There is an inference (from the computer forensics) that KC made searches in March for chloroform, neck-breaking, shovel etc. with the intention of killing her child. If that is correct, why wait almost 3 months to do it? She had plenty of opportunity to do it sooner, as it appears probable that she was spending a lot of time in her home (rather than at 'work') when her parents were not there. She could also have taken Caylee at any time to a secluded location in her car and committed the deed there.

She also had those same 3 months to 'pre-meditate' her plan, but from what I can see, there doesn't appear to be any consistent plan at all. She avoids her parents for a month and tells her friends that Caylee is with the nanny, safe, happy and having fun. When her mother confronts her, this story suddenly changes to a scenario that is totally contradictory and which can be disproved very rapidly. I don't call that much of a plan!

She apparently kept the body in her car for at least a few days and then abandoned the vehicle full of evidence in plain sight, notably on her mother's daily route to work. Also, as it appears now, she disposed of the body right in her own back-yard (figuratively speaking). If she had pre-planned a murder and the kidnapping scenario, these actions certainly don't fit with it.

I think whatever happened was not pre-meditated but was a sudden, spur of the moment event and everything she has said since has been made up as she goes along.

This post makes total sense to me, but I can't get past WHY the early searches for chloroform, missing kids, neck breaking, etc?

But I am inclined to agree with you...
It seems to me that it should be easy for LE to determine whether the spot the body was found in was actually searched by anyone or not. Since searchers are assigned grids to search, they should know if this was done or was called off because of water. They should be able to get similar info from Tim Miller and his group. I would assume due to all the talk, they have already been looking at this issue. They have to be asking "how could we have missed a body this close to the Anthony's?"
I did not get that from watching the video, he is speculating (his words, not mine)!!!

I also don't believe he has seen the actual search warrant either!

It is just a theory, the Fox news guy even says that.

Judge: A unwitting accomplice throwing a bag of garbage in the woods for Casey ... WTH???? ... Come on, would someone really be that stoopid?

This video is a waste HUGE waste!! :crazy:

Does anyone really believe if the search warrant has been made public, not one single news organization would have reported on what exactly it says? Of course he hasn't seen the search warrant.

If someone moved the body after Casey was arrested, why on earth wouldn't they have found a spot further from the A's house? I would imagine if anyone could get to wherever the body supposedly was before and move it, they would take it to another state, not down the street a few hundred feet.
Does anyone really believe if the search warrant has been made public, not one single news organization would have reported on what exactly it says? Of course he hasn't seen the search warrant.

If someone moved the body after Casey was arrested, why on earth wouldn't they have found a spot further from the A's house? I would imagine if anyone could get to wherever the body supposedly was before and move it, they would take it to another state, not down the street a few hundred feet.

I agree that I doubt he saw the actual search warrant. I am guessing he is basing his opinion on the items that were seized using the search warrant.
You have a retaining pond in the area. We don't know how full it was previously. We don't know how much rain it takes to push it over the edge. We also don't know if that area collects water quite easily, but the kid who made the video mentioned clearly that there is a steeper slope into the area which would allow the water to collect/pond/concentrate in certain areas. The point is...with the rain even in small amounts of raining daily...the ground would stay more saturated over a period of time so when the heavier rains did created more of an environment for the area to flood and drainage would take much longer with the way the area was built around it.

And, keep in mind that Florida has been under a drought the last couple of years. Up until recently our water usage has been rationed.

So, even though it did rain on the days you pointed out, it's going to take awhile for the ground to saturate enough to flood.
Who knows. I've given up trying to figure out these people. However, looking at the creature. She's a liar, but not a particularly clever one. Her lies are easily discovered and disproven under any type of real scutiny. She's not very organized. She doesn't seem to be able to formulate a plan and carry it out effetively to save her life, and I mean that literally. She THINKS she smart. She uses a lot of adverbs. She might have some inate intelligence but she hasn't really developed it. She's tiny and attractive in a cute sort of way with big eyes. That and her ability to make it up as she went along always got her by when the stakes weren't high, when she was dealing with her family or others invested in her, or when she was trying to pick up guys or developing surface relationships. When people had no reason to hold her feet to the fire and question the things she was saying, she got by. When a baby was missing and police needed to verify information from a mom who said the baby had been kidnapped, KC's whole approach to life suddenly didn't work. Now there were men asking her hard questions who wanted the truth, who wouldn't be seduced by her confident demeanor, her cute little body or big soulful eyes. When that happened, KC Ant had nothin'.

Of course she COULD HAVE dumped the body beside the road, and very well might have. Maybe she though the water would cover it up soon when the area flooded like it did most years at that time. Maybe she weighted it down with rocks and thought it would never come up. Maybe she burried it. Maybe she just needed to get rid of it fast and tossed it. Maybe she was staging a kidnapping but nobody but her 'got' her clues. She doesn't seem to think well, or plan well, or execute well. She just flies by the seat of her pants...but she sure does know a lot of spiffy adverbs!
We don't know that Cindy's dinner cost $100.00. We don't know that the dinner and hotel weren't paid for by someone what sympathized with the family, after hearing the findings. We don't know that they didn't go to those places for the high security and privacy- not that I'm condoning anything the Anthony's have done. But if I had been covering for my murderous child, and very possible proof of her remains had surfaced, I'd know that I did not want to face any reporters or angry protesters, and I'd feel a lot safer in a nice large hotel than in a freakin' motel 8 and at McDonalds.

I hope you don't think I'm being disagreeable, I really do appreciate the fresh viewpoint of your post. I like considering the different possibilities...this is just my thoughts after considering that...

Absolutely agree. I am sure the Anthony's need protection right now. Although, I don't agree with everything they have done, they are now having to face the facts and it must be the most awful thing anyone has had to go thru.
For anyone wanting to know the weather in Orlando ...

From July 1st to July 30th 2008
Month to date precipitation was 7.35 inches

From Aug 1 thru 30th 2008
Month to date precipitation 10.67 inches

You can find this info here:

I know there was a reporter on NG last night (the woman) who was shaking her head no when someone said that area was under water when TM tried to search there. I tend to believe the above website over a reporter. :)
Ok I am gonna throw this one out there..but didnt kc tell ca in one of the jail i want you and dad and la to look in places that are familiar to us the family....which means that maybe one of them did find it and bring it closer to the surface
A conspiracy theory? To help KC? That would mean that someone moved the body from one place where it hadn't been found to a place a few feet off of a street near KC's House? What could be in the bag that made LE rush get a search warrant for the A House where KC and Caylee lived that didn't have anything to do directly with CA and GA - a throw pillow off Caylee's bed, a pillow case, a sheet, a wash rag, a towel, duct tape, trash bag, pliers, a knife, dish rag, sand, bottle of cleaner, pool chemical bucket nearby, cooler nearby, one of those red mechanic cleaning rags that might have been a match to a stack that LE had seen in the garage before, a car vac bag of certain brand that LE thought might be same brand as car vac that was in A's garage, bottom or top of what might be matching set of clothes and other article in A House,plastic glove/gloves-kind you wear in yard or to do dishes, one sock, one shoe.....not to mention the lint, dog fur etc.
LE and TM and LP didn't find her before now ----I don't have anything negative to say about any of these people - they were looking, they spent a lot of time and money looking. TM said you have to search a place at least three times to make sure nothing was missed - hurricanes and deep water prevented this from happening. Cadaver dogs didn't go running and barking down the street , dragging the handler to the bag like a CSI TV Show...
She (if it is Caylee) wasn't found before now. Now she has been found. The people that didn't find her before now are not the bad guys. The bad guy is the one that killed her.
KC isn't a genius. I do not find it strange at all that the bag was found where it was found. It's close to home it's maybe the neutral place KC was talking about and where she used to go to when she was younger - maybe it was just time for her to dispose of the body and this is where she was when that thought hit her.
For anyone wanting to know the weather in Orlando ...

From July 1st to July 30th 2008
Month to date precipitation was 7.35 inches

From Aug 1 thru 30th 2008
Month to date precipitation 10.67 inches

You can find this info here:

I know there was a reporter on NG last night (the woman) who was shaking her head no when someone said that area was under water when TM tried to search there. I tend to believe the above website over a reporter. :)
a lot of posters have worked very hard to put the weather information in our case calendar on a daily basis. It is tracked with cell ping maps and Casey's movements. I hope everyone is looking at it.
Actually it is not strange.
many killers bury victims under their their yard.
in their workplace.
Dumps close by.
So close to home Casey said so herself....

:shudder: gacy.....dahmer>>>>may they both be rotting in h3ll.

It is odd and i do wonder.
not sure if anything could surprise me anymore with these people.:furious::yuck:

moo :cow:
Okay, just a thought- I haven't seen this posted as of yet, but I might have missed it

Let's just say that IF this was all premeditated, as could be evidenced by the March 17 searches for Chloroform, missing kids, and neck breaking, is at possible that Casey had also planned on putting Caylee in that spot? Is it close to home, secluded, easy access via a trail leading from their backyard, so she could "visit" or move it if necessary, also, she probably knew it flooded over during hurricane season, so maybe she waited until it was near the rainy season to bury Caylee in that low lying area, thinking it would flood, and she would have an extra however many months for either evidence to be destroyed, etc. I mean, if Casey hung out there a lot when she was younger she might have known approximately when it started flooding, etc and just hoped...maybe she knew she would have about 4 or 5 months for evidence to possibly be destroyed by water?

of course she wouldn't know the exact date, but maybe she knew it flooded everytime it rained?

When I was little there was a spot in our neighborhood that flooded like this, and it dried up in the fall/winter, too....

The only thing that gets me about the computer searches, is that if this were all premeditated, why wouldn't she have searched for "best places to hide a body" or "how to speed up decomposition" etc. She wasn't very careful, so why not searches to hide the evidence?

Anyway, just a thought...may not be plausible to some, but there it is:)


A couple of posts mentioned how long ago she did these internet searches until the time she did the deed. I think she thought about this for a long time, whenever there was turmoil in her dealings with her Mom. Things would blow over and it wouldn't be in her sick head anymore. But then things get ugly and the evil thoughts come back. I believe she thought about getting rid of Caylee way earlier. Which brings me to thinking they may go with an insanity, post partum depression that was never treated, sort of defense.

She staged all this to make it look like a kidnapping, that's obvious. But to go with that defense is risky considering there is no evidence of any nanny or anything that points to another party. She's more likely to get sympathy by playing the crazy mother spin.
I've been wondering this too. I have no idea if that smell can be transferred by cross contamination, so to speak.

I've also been wondering about when Casey,Kio and (insert name I can't remember here) used to hang out back there. Did they hide things there? Did they pretend and fantasize about it being somewhere they would never be found, things would never be found? The brain reverts to reptilian under times of stress. Would that place have popped into her head as the magical nothing is ever found place?

I shouldn't try to make sense. I shouldn't try to rationalize. None of those things were in play when all this was taking place.


This is my first post although I have been lurking forever! (Too chicken to post.) I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but in the quoted post above Noniegrace makes reference to the "magical nothing is ever found place". That made me wonder, since this was a teenage hang-out place, could it have been there that Caylee was conceived?

That would certainly give even more significance to this location.
It seems to me that it should be easy for LE to determine whether the spot the body was found in was actually searched by anyone or not. Since searchers are assigned grids to search, they should know if this was done or was called off because of water. They should be able to get similar info from Tim Miller and his group. I would assume due to all the talk, they have already been looking at this issue. They have to be asking "how could we have missed a body this close to the Anthony's?"

TM did answer that on several talk shows. He said the area was flooded and not searchable.
I just looked at weather for 23rd, 24th, and 25th, there was hardly any precipitation.

This is my first post although I have been lurking forever! (Too chicken to post.) I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but in the quoted post above Noniegrace makes reference to the "magical nothing is ever found place". That made me wonder, since this was a teenage hang-out place, could it have been there that Caylee was conceived?

That would certainly give even more significance to this location.
TM did answer that on several talk shows. He said the area was flooded and not searchable.
Suzi we even have posts about this back in October discussing the area and how it was too flooded to search. Our case calenday show there was heavy rain the week of June 16. I am going to check out the next week,
Does anyone know the name of the pond they keep showing on tv when they show her sub division and then they show the street the body was on- it runs behind all those houses? thanks
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