Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

1- I think that Casey would have thrown Cindy under the bus long ago.
I do not think Casey would protect Cindy.
2- I do not think Cindy is going out for $100.00 dinners. She was not able to go home after she arrived because they Finlay got a search warrant and were in there confiscating things that they should have had before now.
(IMHO that warrant was long past due) Dinner was comped by LKL show.
3- While it is very hard to believe that a Mom can harm her kid. JUST LOOK at the chain of events. This is a Mom that went out dancing when her kid was missing. :eek:
If the body was moved......why move it closer to the A's house ??.......why leave 'whatever' evidence in the bag, that took LE straight back to the A's house ??

Zanny the nanny wouldn't have had access to Anthony carpet fiber or hair from the Anthony cat.

Those are most likely the kind of thing that was found on the adhesive side of Caylee's gag.
I think Judge Napolitano is stating clearly in this video that the wording of the Search Warrant indicates to him that the police believe Caylee's body was moved to this location sometime after Casey's arrest.

I sure would love to read that search warrant. Or at least the inventory list. Has anyone seen it posted online?
I think Casey may have initially hidden the bag out in the remote areas by the airport where her cell phone was pinging, and then later moved it to near her home when she knew those woods had already been searched and then all the rains came. She probably figured they wouldn't search there twice, and when they did search there agaion, they had to stop because of all the water and she lucked out.

I personally think the only person involved in any way is KC. I do not think her parents or Lee had anything to do with hiding the body. I just think KC thought she was being smart to move the body near her home once that area had searched in the first week or so by LE.

Someone in here pointed out (and I agree with them) that the dogs may have hit in the A's backyard because of toys and things removed from the trunk (that had decomp smell on them) and simply put back in Caylee's playouse, etc. once GA got the car home.

I don't think Caylee was ever actually back there.

How would KC have the opportunity to do that (move Klee closer to home after area was searched). When she was out on bond she had people around her all of the time. I know this is a separate point, but I still go back to that interview with that friend of hers that thought he saw her jogging on Chickasaw on July 15. She texted him back saying that it wasn't her (which redflagged me). I wonder if she ran down there at some point to check on the remains in the minutes leading up to police being called...
No mystery. Lazy= nearby. Arrogant and stupid= someplace obvious.

You KNOW it's the right place, because she has not reacted to any other "finds."


Casey was cool and disdainful when the divers were digging through muck in the Econ river. Even when the findings of "fingers" and "toes"was being reported.

When she heard where they were this time, she got sick.
How would KC have the opportunity to do that (move Klee closer to home after area was searched). When she was out on bond she had people around her all of the time. I know this is a separate point, but I still go back to that interview with that friend of hers that thought he saw her jogging on Chickasaw on July 15. She texted him back saying that it wasn't her (which redflagged me). I wonder if she ran down there at some point to check on the remains in the minutes leading up to police being called...

I agree Fridawolf and I take this back...she was arrested right after Cindy called cops. I just checked the timeline (probably as you posted this)...

I think it may have been missed early on.

I remember Tim Miller (on NG this Thursday after remains were found) said that he said LE took him back there and he could see the bag had been there a long time and had been in very high weeds, etc... There was an indentation in the dirt like a log rolled away from a spot it had been sitting in a long time.
TS Fay hit in mid August. Of course supplying the water in the location. I think Casey expected this child to be found quickly thus leading LE down the road of abduction.
I just wonder how this would have been had Caylee been found early on.

Bolding by me.

I tend to agree. If the duct tape over the mouth is true (staged to look like a kidnapping), then KC could have put her in a place where she would be found rather quickly. I find her comments that she is close to home (a hint) and they haven't even found her clothes yet (come on guys, she's right under your noses) to be interesting.

Of course, IF they found a paver in the bag, then it's even more confusing.
But with this (above in bold, by me) you assume that KC was smart enough to know what phone pings are, and that they can be tracked! No way Jose. :)
Actually yes I do think Casey was smart enough. Jeez, she even knew about sim cards! I had never heard of sim card, much less how to get it out of a phone! I think that we will find that a lot of planning went into the cover-up of this crime. It's obvious she stalled for time just so little Caylee's remains would decompose enough, or to be carried away, to make an ID harder. I can see her planning this diabolical scheme, knowing that cellphone pings can pinpoint your location. She's been sitting back watching everyone drawing up these elaborate cell phone ping maps, tower locations, etc. All along I have thought that Casey is no dummy. But in this case, her arrogance and smarts just weren't enough to overcome the fact that mother nature and the divine intervention of the meter reader foiled her plan.
It has/had been said that in June it was very dry.IIRC Tim Miller said yesterday or the day before that there was an impression in the ground where the bag had been sitting.
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

For what it's worth I ran a similar theory by my husband this morning. The question is in my mind what family dysfunctional dynamic would let this lie continue?? No one will take a life time rap for someone else..obviously not fun loving, partying people person KC..if any of this theory turns out to be true she must be getting close to throwing "whichever" family member is involved under the bus..

By the way, with this case, I change my theories from minute to minute.:)
I feel that she dumped Caylee's body where she did as a matter of convenience and familiarity. Remember that in Kiomarie's interview, she spoke of a "hiding spot" behind Hidden Oaks Elem School.

"And back in the day there was no fences put up here, there was just ah, like a dirt hill and you can go back there with your bicycles and there’s two different spots back there where we used to hangout at. And we pretty much hung out there most of our time. We used to bring blankets and picnic baskets and just steal food from our houses and bring it out there and just snack on food for hours until the lights came on when we had to go home. Um, pretty much just get away from our parents, which used to drive us up the wall especially in middle school. And then we stopped going there once freshman year hit."

It was familiar to KC, convenient, and I think she knew it would be undetectable because of limited access with the undergrowth and flooding in summertime. Like LP said once, "This girl lives her life 10 minutes at a time". He hit the nail on the head there. She tells a lie and moves on. She does a bad deed and moves on. She dumped Caylee and moved on. She's like Scarlett O'Hara. She'll worry about it tomorrow. I truly believe it's as simple as that.

I had never heard that before. LP did hit the nail on the head. This describes KC perfectly.
I don't remember reading about having the dogs in that area. Now, where I do feel LE fell down in this was when the neighborhood teens found that hole, and the newly disturbed ground, them telling the boys it was a bomb instead of bringing the dogs in then. I really don't understand that, but there may be more to that than we know just yet too.

Bombs have been found in Central Fla. Couldn't tell you exactly where though.
I can't tell you from when either.

I don't think a dark plastic bag on the ground in dense brush covered with 2 ft. of water would be readily seen.

Vacuum cleaner = dog hairs from the Anthony's dogs

If there are dog hairs on any of the duct tape that means the tape came from the Anthoy house.

Oh, there will be all kinds of things in that vacuum and on the body that will incriminate KC.

Agree this is one of her early remarks that stood out.
After all this time and trying to decipher KC's dialogue, I lean toward her saying that because she was reverting back to her manipulative stance w/CA to 'how dare you think I'm involved/guilty of anything,I'm going to have a hissy fit if you don't back off and you'll never get any clues from me about the nanny or the sawgrass apts'. She needed to be sure CA was going to 'protect' her and go along w/her storyline. She also was angry her mother made 'cameo' appearances because she always thought herself smarter then her mother as her past methods of weaseling out of things always worked BUT at that time KC didn't know if CA big mouth would accidently slip & something that would possibly incriminate her any further.

Originally Posted by DesSands
Ya know that's another thing that makes me shudder. When talking to her mother on the phone from jail, she says "YOU don't know what MY involvement is?" I brought this up before and it was dismissed by a few posters, but she sounds like she is throwing it back at CA angrily.

Think back to LA's interview, They just realize Caylee is gone. He's questioning KC, mediating between her and CA. CA walks in at some point after hearing their conversation and says: "What have you done?"

A confession from KC happened right then.
This is where YOU don't know what MY involvement is?" comes in.
do you think she waded through water and buried Caylee? I hear that the area is underwater most of the time. or do you think she jjust threw her in? or do you think it was dry at that time?

I think the description places where she was found not far off the road. KC drove up, pulled to the side of the road, and tossed the trash bag down the hill and into the swamp.

Remember where she was found is not deep in the woods. The Utility worker who found her had stepped away from the work dig (which are pretty much always along the side of streets, and don't go cross country) in oder to relieve himself. he would have only walked far enough back into the wooded area to gain some privacy. So probably less then 100-200' from the street.

Everything I see here only reinforces what I and many of us have long suspected about KC. She is lazy, and covers her laziness with lies. I don't think there was anything complicated with how the childs body got there. KC killed her, and drove around with her in the trunk until that became to dangerous. Probably when her father nearly found her when he discovered the gas cans. At which point she quickly pitched the bag into the nearby swamp.
I don't feel it is odd or strange in any way that Casey dumped her body in this particular location since I mentioned it several times. It was easy and Casey is all about easy. She knew it would flood with water, too. She knew the area well and this would buy her some time. I don't know when or who put up the fence, but this was to her advantage. However, before Fay ever struck...there was plenty of rain to help delay finding Caylee. Casey's luck just ran out when the Utilities worker decided to relieve himself in the exact spot where he eventually found Caylee.

If you will look at the weather from June 16th on, you will see that it rained almost daily there.

6-16-08: Rain
6-17-08: No rain
6-18-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-19-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-20-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-21-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-22-08: Rain
6-23-08: Rain
6-24-08: Thunderstorm
6-25-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-26-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-27-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-28-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-29-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-30-08: Rain, thunderstorm
From July 16 to the 30 (31st wasn't available) there was only 3.64" of rain total according to the Orlando airport history. So, the idea it was underwater when the police should have been doing their main search is out of the question. Most days was 0-.1". Also, the ferns I saw in the video the teen took don't grow that much in just a week, at least not in my neck of the woods. the same type grows here, if I was seeing it clearly.

If any of the A's moved the body later as some are implying they wouldn't be so stupid as to leave items to trace. G was a homicide detective, for heaven's sake. If the others weren't wise to forensic evidence before, they sure would be during the course of this nightmare they've been going through. Now, one thing is true. If the bag had been laying there for a while, the plant growth would die temporarily. But, that would happen in a week or two. At least this is true on my land.

I agree! When Caylee was killed the area was dry for a while before the rains hit. I think the body was moved there not to long ago. TE said it had been there for a while but it doesn't take long for a mark to be made in the grass. I had a large flower pot on my backyard and in a week I went to move it and the grass was dead already. The dent in the yard is still there.
Could she have had someone do this or did someone have it in for her and took her child ? Cayce knows and she needs to talk.

The only person I've seen talking about this was the kid from the neighborhood who walked back there and took photos or a video. He said it is under water back here almost all year and had just dried up because there's less rain in the fall.

I've had grass live a lot longer than a week with something on top of it, although it turned pale it greened up again. It depends on the type of grass, how dry or wet the ground is, how fertile the soil and how deep the roots.
I don't feel it is odd or strange in any way that Casey dumped her body in this particular location since I mentioned it several times. It was easy and Casey is all about easy. She knew it would flood with water, too. She knew the area well and this would buy her some time. I don't know when or who put up the fence, but this was to her advantage. However, before Fay ever struck...there was plenty of rain to help delay finding Caylee. Casey's luck just ran out when the Utilities worker decided to relieve himself in the exact spot where he eventually found Caylee.

If you will look at the weather from June 16th on, you will see that it rained almost daily there.

6-16-08: Rain
6-17-08: No rain
6-18-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-19-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-20-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-21-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-22-08: Rain
6-23-08: Rain
6-24-08: Thunderstorm
6-25-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-26-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-27-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-28-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-29-08: Rain, thunderstorm
6-30-08: Rain, thunderstorm
Good solid facts, as usual. Thank you.
Nothing about this case makes any sense to me. There is an inference (from the computer forensics) that KC made searches in March for chloroform, neck-breaking, shovel etc. with the intention of killing her child. If that is correct, why wait almost 3 months to do it? She had plenty of opportunity to do it sooner, as it appears probable that she was spending a lot of time in her home (rather than at 'work') when her parents were not there. She could also have taken Caylee at any time to a secluded location in her car and committed the deed there.

She also had those same 3 months to 'pre-meditate' her plan, but from what I can see, there doesn't appear to be any consistent plan at all. She avoids her parents for a month and tells her friends that Caylee is with the nanny, safe, happy and having fun. When her mother confronts her, this story suddenly changes to a scenario that is totally contradictory and which can be disproved very rapidly. I don't call that much of a plan!

She apparently kept the body in her car for at least a few days and then abandoned the vehicle full of evidence in plain sight, notably on her mother's daily route to work. Also, as it appears now, she disposed of the body right in her own back-yard (figuratively speaking). If she had pre-planned a murder and the kidnapping scenario, these actions certainly don't fit with it.

I think whatever happened was not pre-meditated but was a sudden, spur of the moment event and everything she has said since has been made up as she goes along.
If the body was moved......why move it closer to the A's house ??.......why leave 'whatever' evidence in the bag, that took LE straight back to the A's house ??
If someone else did move it...perhaps they were too repulsed to look inside and had previously been told by KC that only the body was in the other items??? Just throwing this out there. I also that it odd that the grandparents were out of town when this happened.
Not at first she wasn't... I think LE searched the first week in the woods near the home before Tim was involved (when Caylee was out by the airport), and then KC moved her near the house (before her arrest for child neglect).

KC was arrested on the afternoon of July 16th and spent about a month in jail before being bonded out the first time. By then Fay had moved in. I remember the satelite feeds didn't work well because of the storm. Between the protesters, the media, and 24/7 BH guard, I don't think she would have had the opportunity to move Caylee anywhere before the area was flooded.
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