Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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what I do find interesting is that of all the areas searched and all the manpower used to find this baby, KC picked one spot that no one could search. Obviously it wasn't flooded when Caylee was buried.
was that area prone to flooding?
why did so many of us think she was confident the body wouldn't be found when it was right in "her own backyard" and it wouldn't stay flooded forver? Surely that wasn't a good spot.

You know, hearing myself post, I am going to reverse mysaelf and agree it was a very careless and strange spot. I think it would actually lend itself to her kidnapping defense (assuming that will happen)

I think it's important to remember that there are thousands of retention ponds all over Florida that stay filled with runoff water sometimes all year. This may have been just that...especially since it was fenced off as many are. These ponds help drain water from various surrounding areas due to Florida's low elevation and high rain levels.

By Terry Dykehouse, P.E.
Jones Edmunds & Associates
Gainesville, Florida

"You may have noticed that some stormwater ponds hold water while others are dry. This difference is not simply based on the length of time from the last significant storm event. Some stormwater ponds are designed to be dry within three days after a storm, while others are designed to hold water year round. Both types of ponds provide storage of stormwater runoff, attenuation of peak runoff rates, and treatment for stormwater quality.

Retention ponds and detention ponds are two of the types of stormwater ponds commonly constructed. Retention ponds are supposed to be dry until a significant storm event occurs. Stormwater gradually leaves the retention pond by infiltration into the soils and by evaporation. Retention ponds are used in locations where the high ground water table elevation during the wet season—seasonal high water table (SHWT)—is below the bottom of the pond, and the soils allow infiltration of the required volume within the allotted time.

Detention ponds gradually release stormwater through an outlet structure to adjacent surface waters rather than through infiltration into the soils. Detention ponds can be designed as wet or dry. Wet detention ponds are constructed so that the pond bottom is below the SHWT elevation. Dry detention ponds set the pond bottom above the SHWT."
Seagull ... unfortunately there is "nothing new under the sun." Take a look at this. (BTW, hello - old member but rare poster here.)

By Associated Press

GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) - The body of a toddler found in the trunk of his mother's car may have been there for months as she drove around town, evaded questions about him and was even arrested, police said.

The mother, Summer ManyWhiteHorses, was charged Monday with deliberate homicide. Authorities say the body of her 2-year-old son, James, was found Friday in the trunk of her car - more than six weeks after it was towed to a wrecking yard when she was arrested.

During the investigation, authorities learned that ManyWhiteHorses told relatives the state had taken the toddler long ago, that state officials were told initially the child was in Browning and then later that he was in Portland, Ore.

"Her stories varied based upon who she was talking to," said police Detective Bruce McDermott.


This is my hometown. ManyWhiteHorses not only drove around with her son in the trunk for months, the poor baby was left in the car for months afterward in the tow yard. Police didn't search the vehicle.
From June through December Florida has been VERY wet! Note how little rain in March, April and May and then the increase Starting in June. It doesn't take a TS or Hurricane to fill retention areas...which this area may be.

Orlando Floridia Monthly rainfall totals from City of Orlando Public Works:

March (0.50")
April (2.84")
May (1.58")
June (7.95")
July (9.14")
August (12.98")
September (4.09")
I don't think the bag could have been easily seen from the road or even from 10 to 15 feet into the area. I just walked past a very similar area right smack dab in the middle of my subdivision. I walked up to the edge of this 'green space' and could not see more than 5 feet into it because of all the palmetto shrubs, kudzu, and underbrush.

The crime scene is not only further than 10 feet, but it has a downward slope to it - at least that it what it looks like from watching the people go in and out. If you live anywhere that Kudzu grows - you know how fast and how furious it spreads. Even if the bag was not buried, the surrounding vegetation would have grown up very quickly around it. Add in the rains and the flooding that occurred. tim Miller said they tried to search the area, but couldn't because of the flooding. The young man who took the phone video stated most of the area was under water until only 2 weeks or so ago.

I think the bag has been there since Casey dumped it there. It might have moved around a little from the flooding, but I do think it has been there since the middle of June.
Thank you for explaining this particular area in more detail. I'm not familiar with some of the vegetation you're describing so it really helps. I know Tim Miller and TES would've done as thorough a job as possible, and believe him when he said it was flooded and also commend him for not going into the area at that time and disturbing or destroying possible evidence. Another thought of mine is that Casey has lived there for a long time and maybe knew the spot would become flooded. She'd also know the vegetation would grow quickly and cover up the bag. Maybe she was counting on wildlife (whatever there is in that area) getting to all the bones. It's also been repeated on several cable news shows that mothers often dispose of a child within a 2 mi. radius of home. This was her comfort zone where she could easily check up on any activity there without attracting attention to herself. I still do believe Caylee was originally in the back yard, moved to the car trunk then when the odor became too noticeable she dumped the bag near where it was found. I do agree the flooding could've moved it a little bit, but I don't think it was originally too far from where it was found. Another thing is I don't believe Casey could've carried a 30-35 lb. bag too far either. MOO
Yes, she did.

And please, look at this video. This judge has read the search warrant and from that he thinks the police think the body was moved to the spot!

If LE immediately thought the body was moved there by someone other than KC then wouldn't there have been an immediate search on Lee's house and car also and not just the Anthony home? IMO, Lee would be just as suspect.
Just popping in to make a comment... might have been brought up before but I felt compelled..

For those who think that KC used chloroform to knock Caylee out so that she could go out and do whatever.. I find a problem with that.

If you were going to knock your kid out... and I'm sure that none of us here would do that, but lets just say you were going to.. wouldn't you use some common medicine like Nyquil or a sleeping pill perhaps? Why would you go out of your way to use chloroform?

I just dont understand why an otherwise lazy Casey, would spend the time researching and tracking down chloroform when she could go up to her neighborhood drug store and get some over the counter medicine unless she was intending on doing more damage than just making her sleep.

Perhaps because it's been used in so many movies when kidnapping someone. Casey was viewing movie and TV scripts that featured kidnapped kids, wasn't she? IMO she was creating a scenario that would be tied into perhaps the Chloroform was just to bolster the "script."
IMO KC deliberately killed Caylee and she did this for revenge against CA - that simple. KC admittedly said "I'm a spiteful b*tch". KC says during the interview at Universal that if she wanted to leave she would have just left Caylee with her parents and gone. No, this was a revenge killing - no doubt. Probably done right after the huge fight with CA where CA's hands ended up around her neck.

This morning - well last night - has me questioning. How come we have heard NOTHING concerning this meter reader? Don't get me wrong - HE IS A TRUE HERO AND I BELIEVE GOD'S SHEPARD but no one has talked to him. Anyone even remotely connected to this case is immediately put on the news. But nothing. No name - no picture - nothing. There could be a couple of reasons for this - one, he requested NO CONTACT and/or two, LE has placed him in some sort of protective custody. Now why would that happen? He only saw the skull - and that probably freaked him out - I know if it would have been me - I would have run back to the middle of street hyperventilating. But what did he see with that skull? I have tought for a long time that KC hit her in the head with something - thus fractured skull and COD easily proven. Did this hero see this poor child's skull cracked? I just find it odd that we have heard nothing about this guy - not even a name. If he wanted to remain anonymous - fine - the news would have at least reported his name, I would think.

Don't know if this is the right thread for this but its something that has been eating at me all day yesterday. Anyone else's thoughts?

bolded by me - I also strongly think that the skull rolled out with a ponytail full of hair and this is why there has been somewhat of a leak about the remains being female. maybe not, i don't know how the hair would be at that stage of decomp. but with the tape being around the skull, wouldn't it have held some in tact?
Um, she borrowed a shovel. End of story.

"If" the bag was placed there after any searching or any other person could have been involved, you can be sure LE will be able to rule this in in someway. More than likely, they will be able to date the time the body was placed there and relate that to the timeline.

If there was any shred of any babysitter beyond obvious lies, I would be suspect. But the only obvious thing here is that Casey was involved in the death somehow.

One last thing I will say. The best spot to locate a body is a place already searched or cleared. So, if there is any data that shows that body was placed a good deal of time after death or moved more than once, or during the time Casey was in jail then the police will be looking at someone else other than Casey.
If LE immediately thought the body was moved there by someone other than KC then wouldn't there have been an immediate search on Lee's house and car also and not just the Anthony home? IMO, Lee would be just as suspect.

And where is LA any way? Has anyone seen/heard of his actions or location lately?
Sorry if this is off-topic but I just watched a Fox News clip of an interview with Leonard Padilla from today. I never liked this guy from the start and always saw him as an opportunist from this horrible tragedy. Why would you bail KC out in the 1st place? I mean come on, everybody already knew she was guilty as hell.
LP just wanted to create controversy and drum up interest in him. I believe it was mentioned that he was trying to get or has gotten a reality show a la Dog the Bounty Hunter? He knew all along she was guilty and that the family was nuts but chose to stick his nose into this situation. What has LP done to help anything? Nothing!
It was funny on Greta's show the other night when LP was talking about how he was flying back to Orlando. Greta wanted to know why he was going back. LP couldn't really give a good answer except that he was going out to dinner with people he befriended while "working" on the case. What a joke!

Thats funny, DH and I saw that too and were thinking "whaaat?". He is coming back to Orlando to have DINNER???!!!! Um.... ok.... sure, whatever LP! Anything to get your face back out there, huh?
And where is LA any way? Has anyone seen/heard of his actions or location lately?
He was at the parents' house yesterday collecting the mementos left on the grassy area between the street and sidewalk, and Craig Rivera and other media were trying to interview him. He threatened to call LE if the media followed him onto the A's property. It was on Fox News on Geraldo's show last night. MOO
mm, i have three dogs and two cats.
2 oreck vac
1 sears vac
1 shop vac
1 hand held oreck vac
that is 5 vacs and my floors are still dirty (they don't run themselves)[/quote]

Me too! I've thought of getting a Roomba, they run themselves, but I think one pass across my floor would clog it up with dog hair and it would die!
Thats funny, DH and I saw that too and were thinking "whaaat?". He is coming back to Orlando to have DINNER???!!!! Um.... ok.... sure, whatever LP! Anything to get your face back out there, huh?

He probably wants closure just like all of us. Caylee has finally been found, and since he has been a part of this case since almost the beginning, whether people like it or not, he is going to be there now. JMO!
I agree with you on one point, Turbo. I do think she acts like she could be a meth addict, or brain injured in some way, or like she has some disorder or disruption that prevents her understanding the seriousness of the situation and what could be happening to Caylee (or has already happened). Possibly manic (up only), or who knows, even a dissociative/multiple personality disorder. Meth can certainly damage people and their personalities very fast. JMO of course, only guessing from her appearance, speech, etc.

But I do think if she had placed the bag there she could have gotten to it to move it. Ample opportunity.

Can we say psychopath?

P.S. Your dog really is beautiful

I totally agree. Good luck with your training.
I think this has been mentioned by others, but I think that the bag was placed where it was found by KC (not sure when...). But I think she acted in haste to get it away from the house/car and had plans to get it later and move it. However, the longer she left it there without it being discovered, the more comfortable she became with it being there. She may have thought she would eventually move it again when the time was right but never got a chance b/c of publicity/jail/webcams, etc. JMHO.

(ETA: Sorry if this has been discussed at length before - I admit not to having read the entire 28 pages of this thread - LOL!)
I think this has been mentioned by others, but I think that the bag was placed where it was found by KC (not sure when...). But I think she acted in haste to get it away from the house/car and had plans to get it later and move it. However, the longer she left it there without it being discovered, the more comfortable she became with it being there. She may have thought she would eventually move it again when the time was right but never got a chance b/c of publicity/jail/webcams, etc. JMHO.

(ETA: Sorry if this has been discussed at length before - I admit not to having read the entire 28 pages of this thread - LOL!)
The one thing I keep thinking about as to her maybe wanting to go back and move the bag is her asking Cindy for "one more day" when Cindy's calling 911 on 7/15. I too agree it seems she was in a hurry to dispose of the bag dumping it in the first place that she thought it wouldn't be found, maybe wanting to carry it further into the woods but it was too heavy for her. MOO
I think Casey's well known laziness is to blame for the spot. I think the day she ran out of gas she had to get rid of the body quickly because boyfriends tend to run for the hills when they find dead bodies in your trunk.

I still don't get why she called him at all that day, other than come save me syndrome.

To witness that she was there because she was out of gas, if someone saw her poking around in the brush.
I am wondering if this is the "secret place" that was described by Kio that Casey would hang out at with friends. In her interview she said she would take LE there and they did go the next night. IIRC she said across from the school and at another time she said beside.

The schools actually just a bit down the street, though. I don't think this was the secret place. I think it was the first wooded place she came to, after she rounded the corner, on her way north.
TY JB, that was one of my thoughts. We framed you because you didn't follow the script yada yada.
Or other sinister ideas but again because the sheriff is throwing around obstruction charges, this must hold some credence somewhere.
Why didn't small animals pick at that bag??

I am taking this from the reporter that was on LKL last night from Jessica D'onfrio. She is adamantly shaking her head, disagreeing with Stacy Honowitz (sp?) about the rains and LK cuts it off there.

Well, since KC no longer has to "protect" Caylee with her silence, she can now spill her guts.

Let's hear the whole story now, Case! Names, dates, places!
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