Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Just down the block, on her very own STREET!
Last night on Geraldo's show, brother Craig drove down the street from the house to where LE was at the disposal site, and it took him 40 seconds. Yes, not far at all. :furious: MOO
If KC DIDN'T do it, how did she overlook a decomposed body, in the trunk of he car, for a week or so?
There was not a decomposing body in the trunk for a week or so, imo. Only from the time it took to drive around the corner.
You know, we keep assuming that KC was trying to hide this so wwell, but I really do not think she was. This spot makes sense to me, its somewhere where she could keep an eye on it. KC thought that everyone would buy the kidnap story and would be off trying to find a live Caylee, she did not need to hide the remains well. Just my .02 cents...

I'll see your two cents and raise you two more. :blowkiss:
Excellent point about her lies being blatant and she told them with confidence too.
So do you think the spot was under water when the baby was buried?

That would make it even odder.

I was thinking that.
Knowing how swampy Florida is, and how poorly/slowly water drains after any rainfall I would say that area was wet but perhaps not flooded when Caylee placed there.
Was it reported that the remains may have been buried, or covered by dirt?
I know, her failure to provide any phone numbers, address, etc, for the nanny is very incriminating against her. That plus the failure to report was why all the suspicion landed on her in the first place, after all.
JG asks the question about "who was really watching Caylee" in one of his interviews, which can be linked to from the "interviews" sticky. I don't remember if it was after he had gotten together with the Anthonys and a couple of the friends in that initial effort to figure out a timeline, or how he arrived at that question. I'll have to read it again.
Also, Cindy asked her in the jailhouse conversation, "Is Zannie the one with the apartment that has drums in it, in the photos we have? " apparently implying, 'is Zannie actually someone at Ricardo's apartment', (or maybe she meant another friend who had drums, seemed to be implying RM apartment.) KC at first agrees, yes, that is Zannie's apartment in the photos with the drumset. But then when Cindy keeps pressing she finally says, well, that is Ricardo's apartment you're talking about, but Zannie also has drums and her apartment is 'set up the same way'.)
Of course some people theorize that "Zannie" was actually any friend KC left Caylee with here and there. Some people even theorize that Zannie could be an alter-ego of Casey, i.e. Casey herself. I honestly don't know.

KC does not have DID (multiple personality disorder). KC has never awakened having driven somewhere and not known why, much less has she had "fugues" (lost time) since childhood.

KC is a sociopath. A common sociopath. There's nobody home where the compassion should be. IMHO
Do you think so? The disorganization of behavior, the sloppy disposal, and driving around in a car with a smelly, messy body like you describe sounds to me like a pervasive thinking disorder, maybe psychosis or another disorder that would cause a person periods of unawareness. Wouldn't a psychopath, almost by definition, be strategic and avoid incriminating themselves?

Also, if the reports are true/accurate about this body having been duct-taped around the head, to me that points more to psychosis or other true mental illness. But I'm interested to hear your take on these things.

Psychosis requires a thought disorder (delusions) and/or hallucinations. Other symptoms would include inattention to appearance, and failure to perform ADLs (bathing, eating, etc.)

A DUMB sociopath would likely do EXACTLY what KC has been doing.

KC isn't crazy. She's cold.
When seeing the area on TV, I had the same thought, Dot, it does look like there is a ditch there. which is not unusual here in FL, since most places don't really have a sewer system. I remember when I lived in PA, there were sewers on the side of the road for water from when it rains. But in FL, at least where I live, there aren't sewers but ditches along the sides of the roads for water run off, so it doesn't flood the streets.

After moving to FL I go a quick lesson on retention ponds, swales etc...for water run off as opposed to the sewer system I was used to seeing.
When building in Florida, roads and lands are raised to help with water run off into swales and wetlands
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

I believe Cindy is involved, not sure how but she is, from the frirst call Casey made from jail ,KC was fussing with Cindy on the phone, and KC questioned CA and said: You don't know what my f...... involvement is Mom?
Right there in that statement there is that question, I knew somehow Cindy knew something and was involved, what do you think it means?
But if KC really had to make a choice, i.e. could not have Caylee with her and pursue a relationship with Tony also, which I'm not sure is really true, she could easily return Caylee to the grandparents, no need to harm her. Simply dropping her off with them or Lee or Mallory would be so easy. Would she really choose this other path?

Clearly she DID? That or she lied to the cops so often for.. what reason?

And, how did she overlook the decomposing body in her car?

She killed Klee because CA was starting to insist that she grow up, get a job, and take care of her.
to me, if a person drives around with a body in their trunk doing other trivial things, they either don't know it's there yet, or they are very mentally ill. Or possibly on drugs. A psychopath would know to dispose of it asap and where it wouldn't be found. JMO

Not a dumb psychopath. Like KC.
Thanks so much Noway. I will bookmark the reference.

But without the muscle and ligaments remaining? No attachment, correct?

Joints. And, ligaments often dessicate, raher than rot.
Joints. And, ligaments often dessicate, raher than rot.

So there could be a 'powdery' substance that remains? I was not aware of this. Thanks Brini.
Casey is not a meth addict. I will bet my life on that. I, and I know others on this forum, have been meth addicts. Casey is a sociopath. She didn't drink heavily; she didn't do many drugs. Pure and simple, she is evil incarnate.

Exactly. And, KC hasn't had to do detox, since incarceration. She CERTAINLY wouldn't do meth. It makes one ugly, including rotting teeth from the roots, in fairly short order.
I read a report somewhere (sorry, no link - it was a news channel tho) that he is not answering his door or his phone at this time, and has no desire to speak to reporters. Can you really blame him? If I had been the one to make the discovery, I would be doing the same!

As for his name, other posts on this site have given it as Mr. Gonzalez.

The poor man is probably traumatized.Can you imagine the horror?
He has seen what the Anthony's do to people,so he's laying low.
IMO he has done all the right things.He has not contacted media and he called LE[or his supervisor] right away. LE may have asked him not to talk to anyone about what he saw.
What? The interviews with Amy and several others were released. They said, Amy included, that KC was a good mother and they couldn't see her ever harming Caylee. Not one friend interviewed said that they could see Casey harming Caylee. It's there in the interviews.....I'm just saying.....
I certainly have always wondered why no interview with a few of the friends/roommates (Iassen, JP, for example, the Annie interview is reportedly under wraps but I never heard of even any interview with the other two).

Sorry, I didn't see anything in the text messages that proves anything like that KC wanted to kill her child! Do you mean where she was talking about Caylee having a runny nose? Or where she said once that she couldn't go out tonight because she couldn't get the sitter? Big deal. Sorry, that's just not proof of any kind of abuse whatsoever to me, much less murder. I find the "I can't go out tonight I can't get the sitter" mssg to be perfectly normal, and as for the runny nose mssg, I found TR the obnoxious one to be honest, more so than KC, in that mssg. Personally I can't stand the term "snot" myself but I have heard many young parents nowadays use terms like bratty, snotty, poopy, etc. Certainly no proof to me of motive for murder.
But your opinion on this case has been more than clear since the very beginning, you are certainly entitled to it.

So.. you think a woman who sleeps with her toddler in the same bed with her boyfriend of ONE month is a good mother? Or, a mother who leaves the baby in the living room of a crash pad with strangers, while she goes into the bedroom with another boyfriend? How about one of the friends pulling the baby off Tony's balcony, unwatched, while mom KC was schtupping Tony in the other room?

How about all the whining KC did about not being able to go to PR, with her friends, because of Caylee?

Not buying the "good mother" bit. Those friends do not seem to be models of industry or stability, themselves, BTW. JMHO
you know, one of the strangest things to me about this case, is the whole theory that she would have driven around with a body decomposing in her trunk, knowing it was there. Why would she drive around with a body in her trunk unless she didn't know it was there until the smell made her look? If she killed the child and put the body there, she would dump it immediately I would think. JMO

Too lazy and stupid.
I agree with you on one point, Turbo. I do think she acts like she could be a meth addict, or brain injured in some way, or like she has some disorder or disruption that prevents her understanding the seriousness of the situation and what could be happening to Caylee (or has already happened). Possibly manic (up only), or who knows, even a dissociative/multiple personality disorder. Meth can certainly damage people and their personalities very fast. JMO of course, only guessing from her appearance, speech, etc.

But I do think if she had placed the bag there she could have gotten to it to move it. Ample opportunity.

P.S. Your dog really is beautiful

She understands the situation perfectly. That's why she tries to lie her way out of it, so much. Only problem is.. she's not smart enough to lie effectively. And, she's too dumb to plan a trip to the bathroom.

She is none of your above-citied diagnoses. I'm a psych nurse, with two degrees in this stuff. She's a plain, old sociopath. If she had another baby, she might kill that baby, too. If she got bored with her husband, and he had a decent death benefit on his insurance, he'd be murdered as well. IMHO

There is nothing mysterious about that babe.
yuck, just the thought of that, doesn't it take a lot of force to sever someone's neck? I guess decomp could be held to blame too, but hmm, ok, my brain is getting into way too graphic detail, I will stop now:eek:
:blowkiss:back at ya

To sever it, yes. To break it, not so much.
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