Armchair Psych discussion of Jodi Arias

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@ ibesleuthin Furthermore (NOT that it is going to make an ounce of difference in this trial, but it is psychologically compelling to examine these questions) - suppose she did have friends/accomplices (she would be just as guilty) - they say there is no evidence, but these were my first thoughts. Some see this as fruitless musings---maybe it is for another thread......or website!!!:what:
I am aware of the hospice program in Angola and think it should be a model for all prisons. Learning a skill that can help with a trade after release another great idea. Paying people wages grossly below the wage that would be afforded a worker outside a prison is slavery. Convict can buy from commissary for extras not offered by prison. The money could also be used the families of prisoners. If arts and crafts are taught, nurtured and sold I wold love to come to the fair and rodeo.
I am aware of the hospice program in Angola and think it should be a model for all prisons. Learning a skill that can help with a trade after release another great idea. Paying people wages grossly below the wage that would be afforded a worker outside a prison is slavery. Convict can buy from commissary for extras not offered by prison. The money could also be used the families of prisoners. If arts and crafts are taught, nurtured and sold I wold love to come to the fair and rodeo.
Yes, this fits in with the rehabilitative model of corrections, which is the model of western democracies. ETA: As opposed to the punitive model of prison, which the West did away with (although we still practice it in the US).
I am all for questions, as they facilitate debate. Even questions out of left field have been known to germinate answers in some direction. :rocker:

THERE are lies and there are facts- and we are dealing with both in the case of Jodi Arias. She was caught(not red handed) but practically- so when her lies didn't work- she admitted to the truth. "I did it"(this was not a lie) but how many years did it take for her to admit it. Two years, she had no choice- no one would represent her, she tried to do it herself- finally the court forced these two sad sacks Nurmi and Wilmont to do it. She changed her story, for a third time, story equals another lie- because even tho she admits, she did it- she'll never tell why. In her mind, her lies, the truth, nothing matters. Survival Matters. She must win at any cost. The cost was Travis Alexander's life. My thoughts, she is an animal- she thought, Travis was an easy mark/meal ticket and he refused to go along with her plan for him. SHe wasn't good enough for him(true *advertiser censored* if there ever was one) and she could not face the truth. He recognized her for who she truly was....the monster from everyone's nightmare. And she killed him for it- For not marrying her, not taking her to Cancun, dating other women, not letting her in the front door to his home...calling her a gold digger and a sociopath...Because he is probably the only person who had the balls and told her to her face what she truly was-a psychopathic piece of *****. that has no value to anyone- a user- the true abuser-a loser.

ok-rant over, thanks for listening...ha!
Yeah I live in Louisiana too and Angola is still a feared place to go to. It's our big daddy of jails.
THERE are lies and there are facts- and we are dealing with both in the case of Jodi Arias. She was caught(not red handed) but practically- so when her lies didn't work- she admitted to the truth. "I did it"(this was not a lie) but how many years did it take for her to admit it. Two years, she had no choice- no one would represent her, she tried to do it herself- finally the court forced these two sad sacks Nurmi and Wilmont to do it. She changed her story, for a third time, story equals another lie- because even tho she admits, she did it- she'll never tell why. In her mind, her lies, the truth, nothing matters. Survival Matters. She must win at any cost. The cost was Travis Alexander's life. My thoughts, she is an animal- she thought, Travis was an easy mark/meal ticket and he refused to go along with her plan for him. SHe wasn't good enough for him(true *advertiser censored* if there ever was one) and she could not face the truth. He recognized her for who she truly was....the monster from everyone's nightmare. And she killed him for it- For not marrying her, not taking her to Cancun, dating other women, not letting her in the front door to his home...calling her a gold digger and a sociopath...Because he is probably the only person who had the balls and told her to her face what she truly was-a psychopathic piece of *****. that has no value to anyone- a user- the true abuser-a loser.

ok-rant over, thanks for listening...ha!
OH, I fully agree with you - she is guilty of premeditated murder, and she did it for the reasons you say, and she did NOT act in self-defense. Fully agreed.

The only thing I was conceding to ibesleuthin (which I asserted would not change anything as per the trial, or JA's guilt or innocence) is that the idea of accomplices - likely after the murder - is compelling. I recall a case in New Jersey and also one in London: In both cases, the defendant had stabbed the victim to death and then called friends for help. It is only a thought....
This, in a nutshell, is what I'm trying to express. Based on who T said he was, he should never have been with J in the first place. You can't have your eggs and eat them too. This does not excuse that J killed T but there's a lesson here somewhere outside from that Jodi is a predator and that T was fooled by her ~ it's much more complicated than that.

As an example, the sicko who took Mickey Shunick off the street and killed her is a predator. Jodi's story isn't the same.

I believe that Jodi will kill again if she gets out.
The only lies Jodi tells are those that are self-serving. If there was chance that she had an accomplice we would know. She would have given names and their part in the crime. She has thrown every person that has loved her at one time under the bus. Most heinously is Travis. In attempt to rationalize the crime that she committed alone.
The only lies Jodi tells are those that are self-serving. If there was chance that she had an accomplice we would know. She would have given names and their part in the crime. She has thrown every person that has loved her at one time under the bus. Most heinously is Travis. In attempt to rationalize the crime that she committed alone.
Probably true, but what I meant is that she is perhaps not outing them until she sees if the self defense works--- if not, then she will. It is just a 1% chance theory.
OH, I fully agree with you - she is guilty of premeditated murder, and she did it for the reasons you say, and she did NOT act in self-defense. Fully agreed.

The only thing I was conceding to ibesleuthin (which I asserted would not change anything as per the trial, or JA's guilt or innocence) is that the idea of accomplices - likely after the murder - is compelling. I recall a case in New Jersey and also one in London: In both cases, the defendant had stabbed the victim to death and then called friends for help. It is only a thought....

At this point, I think, the only accomplices she had (gus searcy- MM- Darryl) were unknowing facilitators...(not sure of the correct legal definition) I think all 3 "actors'/friends for Jodi Arias- helped her carry out her plan, without knowing she planned to murder Travis. I think it would have come out prior to this(she would have given them up- to get out of trouble) those 2 ex-boyfriends/other (Gus) and maybe more-like her grandparents, her sister are laying low- because of their own guilt. They Knew she was trouble, but not to this extent. Stealing, lying, drama, inconsistent behavior...They didn't think she was capable of murder.
This is hard to describe, but nobody recognizes the danger of a sociopath until the damage is done...and some Gus searcy, Darryl, MM got away with their lives. They know this now- they may still feel guilt- and think that they helped her carry out this murder, but not intentionally. They still feel guilt. Or they should...if they are not sociopaths...I think Darryl does, Gus Searcy, Not so much.
I believe that Jodi will kill again if she gets out.
I think given the right circumstances, there is a high probability she would.

In other types of murders, for example killing for life insurance, it's often found that the person committed a string of them but was not caught until now. It is striking how often this is the case.
At this point, I think, the only accomplices she had (gus searcy- MM- Darryl) were unknowing facilitators...(not sure of the correct legal definition) I think all 3 "actors'/friends for Jodi Arias- helped her carry out her plan, without knowing she planned to murder Travis. I think it would have come out prior to this(she would have given them up- to get out of trouble) those 2 ex-boyfriends/other (Gus) and maybe more-like her grandparents, her sister are laying low- because of their own guilt. They Knew she was trouble, but not to this extent. Stealing, lying, drama, inconsistent behavior...They didn't think she was capable of murder.
This is hard to describe, but nobody recognizes the danger of a sociopath until the damage is done...and some Gus searcy, Darryl, MM got away with their lives. They know this now- they may still feel guilt- and think that they helped her carry out this murder, but not intentionally. They still feel guilt. Or they should...if they are not sociopaths...I think Darryl does, Gus Searcy, Not so much.
Yes, I know what you mean. They may have even known of her plans to see him, and to keep it secret, but had no idea how far she'd go.

Yes, they did get away with their lives. But I think they weren't important enough to JA for her to murder them when things didn't work out. Travis was her ideal, and she was not going to allow him to move beyond her.
I believe that Jodi will kill again if she gets out.

If this was her first murder?
let's say she didn't get caught..
then She would have killed again- No doubt...
She was just getting career in PPL
I mean she was caught with Knives and a gun...she was just getting started.
Just to add my 2 cents about prison life here. Basically just saying how prison is in my state for some perspective, sorry to be O/T of the thread title

I live somewhat near Angola prison in Louisiana. I have been there a few times for the Angola Rodeo and crafts show which is quite interesting. I don't watch the rodeo part but i do go to the arts and crafts part and the work these men do is very beautiful, intricate, talented and has a lot of time put into it. They even have quilts that men have made as part of supporting a hospice program in the prison.

They also have fields to work in and the inmates will work neighboring fields as well which is how the prison supports itself and provides decent food for the inmates. I see nothing wrong with this. Most people need to work to survive anyway, so why shouldn't they be working if they are healthy, rather than being cooped up all day. Hopefully they learn some workable skill or if nothing else gain a work ethic or feel some positiveness over getting a job accomplished.

Sure it gets hot here, scorching hot but guess what? It's hot for innocent people on the outside as well. We deal with it, that's life. It's hot for our troops out there serving our country in other lands, living in tents and eating basic meals. It was hot as heck in August a few years ago after a hurricane as I help hubby and BIL rip off old damaged roofs and put down new roofs for friends and family but i did it. I'm only 5 ft 1 but I busted my butt doing it even though I deal with some pretty major health problems. You wouldn't believe how hard roofing is so i know what manual labor is.

i do not think inmates are forced to work but given alternatives. Working is one of those and hopefully comes with some advantages. Their "pay" is proportionate to the fact that they pay no bills such as rent, utilities, healthcare, etc.

Angola even has its own newspaper which is pretty much completely run by the inmates.

i think the "chain gangs" of a prison would be the most visible and therefore the most well know. You might not have known that the hospice program, newspaper, other decent jobs, also exist.

I think these are all very important programs because they give inmates options rather than just being locked in a cell a majority of their lives. Angola is known as a tough prison by some but there is also a lot of positive stuff available as well if an inmate is determined to do something positive.

I saw a report on Angola prison on tv some time ago and I think all prisons should be like this. Let prisoners work if they want to.I'm all for it. I saw the beautiful and interesting arts and crafts some of the prisoners make. I also saw the hospice program. I was very impressed.
Here is something that hasn't been discussed. (or atleast as far as I have read) My theory. Who thinks, Jodi Arias was a prostitute? Who thinks Gus Searcy paid for her in the evenings at these PPL parties. I believe Juan Martinez was implying this during his testimony- asking what she wore- if they saw each other at night? He got her the phone- so he could reach her when he needed sex- or as payment? He seemed so Seedy! A Lech?
How did she get the money for those deposits in Pasadena? After she met with Gus Searcy...I think I know.
Here is something that hasn't been discussed. (or atleast as far as I have read) My theory. Who thinks, Jodi Arias was a prostitute? Who thinks Gus Searcy paid for her in the evenings at these PPL parties. I believe Juan Martinez was implying this during his testimony- asking what she wore- if they saw each other at night? He got her the phone- so he could reach her when he needed sex- or as payment? He seemed so Seedy! A Lech?
How did she get the money for those deposits in Pasadena? After she met with Gus Searcy...I think I know.
Very perceptive. I read on another site, cannot recall precisely where, a similar theory.

They were musing that Arias, given her proclivity for all forms of sex acts with TA, and for using it as a tool for power, was likely a sex worker in the *advertiser censored* industry (low level) or a low level escort. This was after all, her skill.

They pointed out that TA may have been allowing her to slide on the car payments in return for sex. And then wanted out.
Here is something that hasn't been discussed. (or atleast as far as I have read) My theory. Who thinks, Jodi Arias was a prostitute? Who thinks Gus Searcy paid for her in the evenings at these PPL parties. I believe Juan Martinez was implying this during his testimony- asking what she wore- if they saw each other at night? He got her the phone- so he could reach her when he needed sex- or as payment? He seemed so Seedy! A Lech?
How did she get the money for those deposits in Pasadena? After she met with Gus Searcy...I think I know.

some people were discussing this on the other thread weeks ago. i think she gave gus a b.j in exchange for the phone. yeah gus came across to me as a slime bag...blech...
Karmandy: thanks for correcting warden to sherief. The little fish are plentiful in Arizona and tents plentiful. It would not be nice to live in tent city or in the prison buildings. I'm sure that those with lower level crimes don't enjoy working on chaingang in august or the working farm. They do hard labour for ridiculous low wages. In my eyes this is modern day slavery. Arizona is not the only state that prisoners work for pennies in kitchen, farm, janitory services ect.

I didn't mean to have a corrective tone at all, Cate. So I apologize if it sounded that way. I just presumed you aren't local and don't know that it's the Sheriff that's famous/infamous for Maricopa County jail policy and that the Warden is just following orders -- although I presume he's like minded. Tent city must be truly brutal in August and I've seen chain gangs working the entrance ramps to the freeway many times. Both women and men. But I'm not sure that it's the tent city folks on the chain gangs. I think tent city is mostly for really short term sentences and that a lot of them can leave in the daytime for work. Could be wrong about that though. The person I know who was there was there for DUI and did get to go to work and was not on a chain gang.
Very perceptive. I read on another site, cannot recall precisely where, a similar theory.

They were musing that Arias, given her proclivity for all forms of sex acts with TA, and for using it as a tool for power, was likely a sex worker in the *advertiser censored* industry (low level) or a low level escort. This was after all, her skill.

They pointed out that TA may have been allowing her to slide on the car payments in return for sex. And then wanted out.

some people were discussing this on the other thread weeks ago. i think she gave gus a b.j in exchange for the phone. yeah gus came across to me as a slime bag...blech...

Thanks for your replies- FYI-I don't have anything against sex workers- except this one.
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