Armchair Psych discussion of Jodi Arias

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I disagree with the statement that Travis is not on trial. JA and her defense attorneys have indeed put Travis on trial. She murdered him not once, but over and over again in this trial. The only mean, cruel, perverse, angry Travis that we hear about is from the JA team. Those that know Travis tell us about a young man who was a pleasure to be around, who tried to help people, inspire them, who wanted to get married and have children and live a good Mormon life..he wanted to get away from his addiction called sex and jodi!...Travis was IMO sexually immature until he met JA. She reeked of sexual temptation...that is what she used to trap men....and I do believe she trapped Travis. IMO to understand Travis we must listen to the people who knew him...knew his heart and his soul. Watch the young man doing the chicken dance,...there you see the real Travis.

Your opinions are shared by many of us in previous posts.
According to JA (= big fat grain of salt), she has always been the dumper.

Which explains why she confronted them once they started seeing someone else post relationship :floorlaugh: another failed lie for Jodi, when you dump someone and you hear that they are seeing someone else, you're relieved. I think the fact that she went after their next girlfriends proves that they dumped her. Only guy she didn't pepper with 'stalking' post relationship was Daryll, because she did dump him, so she could move onto Travis.
I disagree with the statement that Travis is not on trial. JA and her defense attorneys have indeed put Travis on trial. She murdered him not once, but over and over again in this trial. The only mean, cruel, perverse, angry Travis that we hear about is from the JA team. Those that know Travis tell us about a young man who was a pleasure to be around, who tried to help people, inspire them, who wanted to get married and have children and live a good Mormon life..he wanted to get away from his addiction called sex and jodi!...Travis was IMO sexually immature until he met JA. She reeked of sexual temptation...that is what she used to trap men....and I do believe she trapped Travis. IMO to understand Travis we must listen to the people who knew him...knew his heart and his soul. Watch the young man doing the chicken dance,...there you see the real Travis.

I totally agree with you here Sunny ! The DT has turned this into Travis being on trial ...not Jodi....While I by no means think Travis was a pure as driven snow angel, I believe that Jodi was much more experienced than he and she used that to trap him into his dangerous relationship with her that ultimately cost him his life....I love the chicken dance video too !
I'm watching the interrogation tapes and something interesting stood out. When Det. Flores says he thinks she was there and he has proof she killed Travis, she clearly states that she wouldn't because Travis never hurt her or raped her. I wonder if this is coming out during rebuttal. Her own words and actions are putting the needle in her arm.
Good Lord has this trial gone on so long that I completely forgot about the examples you mentioned or are my senior moments now senior days! Thanks for refeshing my terrible memory.
:floorlaugh: :laughcry:
Ooh ooh hooo. Me too. :crazy:
I'm watching the interrogation tapes and something interesting stood out. When Det. Flores says he thinks she was there and he has proof she killed Travis, she clearly states that she wouldn't because Travis never hurt her or raped her. I wonder if this is coming out during rebuttal. Her own words and actions are putting the needle in her arm.

Large portions of the interrogation tapes have already been played during the trial. Her defense is that she mostly lied during the interrogation and her motivation for lying was a desire to preserve TA's reputation.
Till Death Do Us Part

Roses are red
and Violets are blue
After one meeting
I'm ObSeSsEd with you

I packed up my rental
with my gun and my knife
Gonna convince you to
make me your wife

A surprise little visit
and you scream "Go Away!"
but, ME and MY LOVE
are here to stay

I turned up the music
and locked up the pet
You're gonna love me
OR you're gonna regret

Pose in the shower
Like a good little boy
I'm the photographer
You are my toy

A shot to the head
you dropped to the floor
But, I'm not finished
I want more!

Crawling to the sink
on your hands and knees
Little do you know,
This is just a tease

I'm filled with Horror,
Lust and Rage
with a slice to the heart
I'm setting the stage

I move very swift
I must save time
Gashing & slashing
I wield twenty nine

You don't love me
I'm just you're *advertiser censored*
Try to flee, Travis
head for the door...

This is it,
You're close to the end
I am your nightmare
Never your friend

I pull back your head
and slash your vein
now suffer and feel
ALL of MY pain

The roses are DEAD
and the ribbons are blue
It took me 62
seconds to murder you.

I may be a 3- hole wonder?
It's funny how
you're the one whose
six feet under...

I'm in prison
locked away
The trial's begun
But, I'll have my say

I'll scam and lie
Play the victim role
Drag you through mud
you're a deviant soul

The fog rolls in
I don't remember, I don't know
I can't let the prosecutor
steal the show

I'm starved for attention
on the stand for 19 days
But the truth you'll never hear
because I'm 50 shades of Craze

Pure & innocent
I have the perfect excuse
I am a woman who
cries domestic abuse

The Irises are cold
and your grandmother is too
Do you think she knows
who slaughtered you?

I'll fool the world
I'll be acquitted, you'll see
Back in society
and then I'm free.

This poem was written by a friend.
I'm watching the interrogation tapes and something interesting stood out. When Det. Flores says he thinks she was there and he has proof she killed Travis, she clearly states that she wouldn't because Travis never hurt her or raped her. I wonder if this is coming out during rebuttal. Her own words and actions are putting the needle in her arm.

yes this is what I wonder also.
Till Death Do Us Part

Roses are red
and Violets are blue
After one meeting
I'm ObSeSsEd with you

I packed up my rental
with my gun and my knife
Gonna convince you to
make me your wife

A surprise little visit
and you scream "Go Away!"
but, ME and MY LOVE
are here to stay

I turned up the music
and locked up the pet
You're gonna love me
OR you're gonna regret

Pose in the shower
Like a good little boy
I'm the photographer
You are my toy

A shot to the head
you dropped to the floor
But, I'm not finished
I want more!

Crawling to the sink
on your hands and knees
Little do you know,
This is just a tease

I'm filled with Horror,
Lust and Rage
with a slice to the heart
I'm setting the stage

I move very swift
I must save time
Gashing & slashing
I wield twenty nine

You don't love me
I'm just you're *advertiser censored*
Try to flee, Travis
head for the door...

This is it,
You're close to the end
I am your nightmare
Never your friend

I pull back your head
and slash your vein
now suffer and feel
ALL of MY pain

The roses are DEAD
and the ribbons are blue
It took me 62
seconds to murder you.

I may be a 3- hole wonder?
It's funny how
you're the one whose
six feet under...

I'm in prison
locked away
The trial's begun
But, I'll have my say

I'll scam and lie
Play the victim role
Drag you through mud
you're a deviant soul

The fog rolls in
I don't remember, I don't know
I can't let the prosecutor
steal the show

I'm starved for attention
on the stand for 19 days
But the truth you'll never hear
because I'm 50 shades of Craze

Pure & innocent
I have the perfect excuse
I am a woman who
cries domestic abuse

The Irises are cold
and your grandmother is too
Do you think she knows
who slaughtered you?

I'll fool the world
I'll be acquitted, you'll see
Back in society
and then I'm free.

This poem was written by a friend.

I got CHILLS reading it.
Something that I have wondered and forget to ask, Did any of the men in ja's previous relationships break it off with her first or did she leave first on her terms? TIA

I think it was her that broke off the 2 previous partners , lil buddy may know this for sure or others.
I Know-It is scary-
My friend, a websleuth member who wrote it, this week,did not want to post it themselves-
but I thought it so fit JA's frame of mind- and was written very well-and everyone would know that it did not affirm but condemns JA/murderer
wanted to share
She did have previous incidents, snooper. The ones we know about from testimony are Bobby and Matt. With Bobby, she snooped in his e-mail, from communications with another woman, and immediately drove to Bobby and confronted him about 'cheating.'
With Matt, she drove 1.5 hours to confront Matt's new gf Bianca, when some work colleague told her Matt was cheating on her.

These are just the ones she admitted to, who knows what other examples may be out there.

But I do think that with Travis, everything was more extreme, emotionally. As many others have stated more eloquently, I think she blamed Travis for rejecting her, and thus her dreams of a parasitic high life were shattered, and she had to get revenge. I think this hadn't happened with previous
boyfriends because they didn't have much to
offer, financial, social status wise, so she could discard them and easily move
on to the next mark.

She could not stand to be discarded by Travis, and the situation just pushed all the right buttons (that were probably there all along, just didn't have the right triggers) that justified/required her to obliterate him.

Good post Chester
Karmandy: thanks for correcting warden to sherief. The little fish are plentiful in Arizona and tents plentiful. It would not be nice to live in tent city or in the prison buildings. I'm sure that those with lower level crimes don't enjoy working on chaingang in august or the working farm. They do hard labour for ridiculous low wages. In my eyes this is modern day slavery. Arizona is not the only state that prisoners work for pennies in kitchen, farm, janitory services ect.

Just to add my 2 cents about prison life here. Basically just saying how prison is in my state for some perspective, sorry to be O/T of the thread title

I live somewhat near Angola prison in Louisiana. I have been there a few times for the Angola Rodeo and crafts show which is quite interesting. I don't watch the rodeo part but i do go to the arts and crafts part and the work these men do is very beautiful, intricate, talented and has a lot of time put into it. They even have quilts that men have made as part of supporting a hospice program in the prison.

They also have fields to work in and the inmates will work neighboring fields as well which is how the prison supports itself and provides decent food for the inmates. I see nothing wrong with this. Most people need to work to survive anyway, so why shouldn't they be working if they are healthy, rather than being cooped up all day. Hopefully they learn some workable skill or if nothing else gain a work ethic or feel some positiveness over getting a job accomplished.

Sure it gets hot here, scorching hot but guess what? It's hot for innocent people on the outside as well. We deal with it, that's life. It's hot for our troops out there serving our country in other lands, living in tents and eating basic meals. It was hot as heck in August a few years ago after a hurricane as I help hubby and BIL rip off old damaged roofs and put down new roofs for friends and family but i did it. I'm only 5 ft 1 but I busted my butt doing it even though I deal with some pretty major health problems. You wouldn't believe how hard roofing is so i know what manual labor is.

i do not think inmates are forced to work but given alternatives. Working is one of those and hopefully comes with some advantages. Their "pay" is proportionate to the fact that they pay no bills such as rent, utilities, healthcare, etc.

Angola even has its own newspaper which is pretty much completely run by the inmates.

i think the "chain gangs" of a prison would be the most visible and therefore the most well know. You might not have known that the hospice program, newspaper, other decent jobs, also exist.

I think these are all very important programs because they give inmates options rather than just being locked in a cell a majority of their lives. Angola is known as a tough prison by some but there is also a lot of positive stuff available as well if an inmate is determined to do something positive.
I Know-It is scary-
My friend, a websleuth member who wrote it, this week,did not want to post it themselves-
but I thought it so fit JA's frame of mind- and was written very well-and everyone would know that it did not affirm but condemns JA/murderer
wanted to share

yes it is good - HORRIBLY good and I'm glad you posted it.
Karmandy: thanks for correcting warden to sherief. The little fish are plentiful in Arizona and tents plentiful. It would not be nice to live in tent city or in the prison buildings. I'm sure that those with lower level crimes don't enjoy working on chaingang in august or the working farm. They do hard labour for ridiculous low wages. In my eyes this is modern day slavery. Arizona is not the only state that prisoners work for pennies in kitchen, farm, janitory services ect.

I think we are paying for all prisoners... ALL of them. Why shouldn't they have to WORK for their keep?

I totally agree with you here Sunny ! The DT has turned this into Travis being on trial ...not Jodi....While I by no means think Travis was a pure as driven snow angel, I believe that Jodi was much more experienced than he and she used that to trap him into his dangerous relationship with her that ultimately cost him his life....I love the chicken dance video too !

Yes they have.
I hope that justice will prevail.
But I do think that with Travis, everything was more extreme, emotionally. As many others have stated more eloquently, I think she blamed Travis for rejecting her, and thus her dreams of a parasitic high life were shattered, and she had to get revenge. I think this hadn't happened with previous boyfriends because they didn't have much to offer, financial, social status wise, so she could discard them and easily move on to the next mark.

She could not stand to be discarded by Travis, and the situation just pushed all the right buttons (that were probably there all along, just didn't have the right triggers) that justified/required her to obliterate him.

Agree with this--the other boyfriends did not have as much to offer. Even Darryl - he had to pay child support and Jodi had to contribute to expenses while they lived together. So Jodi wanted more and "landing" Travis became her goal.
Till Death Do Us Part

Roses are red
and Violets are blue
After one meeting
I'm ObSeSsEd with you

I packed up my rental
with my gun and my knife
Gonna convince you to
make me your wife

A surprise little visit
and you scream "Go Away!"
but, ME and MY LOVE
are here to stay

I turned up the music
and locked up the pet
You're gonna love me
OR you're gonna regret

Pose in the shower
Like a good little boy
I'm the photographer
You are my toy

A shot to the head
you dropped to the floor
But, I'm not finished
I want more!

Crawling to the sink
on your hands and knees
Little do you know,
This is just a tease

I'm filled with Horror,
Lust and Rage
with a slice to the heart
I'm setting the stage

I move very swift
I must save time
Gashing & slashing
I wield twenty nine

You don't love me
I'm just you're *advertiser censored*
Try to flee, Travis
head for the door...

This is it,
You're close to the end
I am your nightmare
Never your friend

I pull back your head
and slash your vein
now suffer and feel
ALL of MY pain

The roses are DEAD
and the ribbons are blue
It took me 62
seconds to murder you.

I may be a 3- hole wonder?
It's funny how
you're the one whose
six feet under...

I'm in prison
locked away
The trial's begun
But, I'll have my say

I'll scam and lie
Play the victim role
Drag you through mud
you're a deviant soul

The fog rolls in
I don't remember, I don't know
I can't let the prosecutor
steal the show

I'm starved for attention
on the stand for 19 days
But the truth you'll never hear
because I'm 50 shades of Craze

Pure & innocent
I have the perfect excuse
I am a woman who
cries domestic abuse

The Irises are cold
and your grandmother is too
Do you think she knows
who slaughtered you?

I'll fool the world
I'll be acquitted, you'll see
Back in society
and then I'm free.

This poem was written by a friend.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Do NOT think she will be aquitted, tho ;)
The enormity of the evidence showing that JA killed TA is incontrovertible.
I suggest familiarizing yourself with the evidence.
Absolutely the bloody palm print was matched to her and blood at the scene was DNA matched to her.
Pictures of JA were on the camera - the date matching the pics of the murder.
The only way the evidence could be more damning is if the murder was videotaped by a third party.
If you watch the trial and interrogation tapes JA initially denies ever being in Mesa - this is the first day of her arrest.
The second day of arrest JA tells police intruders did it.
Two years later, after many different lawyers quitting her case, including herself giving self-representation a go, she says she did it, but it was self defense.

She has never admitted it was 1st degree premeditated murder. There is plenty of evidence to support premeditation, go look it up.

(color emphasis by me to illustrate a point).


I offered some of these topics of evidence to think about because I noticed on this thread that there was a change in the wind. I noticed some of the posters have started to sympathize with JA.

There IS overwhelming evidence that she was THERE. There is NOT overwhelming evidence that SHE murdered TA. (There simply IS NOT OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that she murdered him). If there was, all her lies wouldn't have mattered.


She claims there were intruders, did they take the photos?

She has openly admitted to being a liar. I watched the video.

She admits to Juan that she lies right on down the line.

The point I'm trying to make here just for the sake of a good, open discussion is that if she's LYING about everything then, couldn't she also be LYING about killing him?

Or, are her lies only considered lies whey they can be used to support whatever verdict you are trying to get across?

Here's an example: A lie that says TA was a pedophile.

Doesn't fit into the character assassination of JA so THIS? This is a lie.

Example #2: A lie that JA murdered TA.

THIS? This would mean she's guilty so let's accept this lie as a fact.

Example 3# Two intruders murdered TA.

Maybe? Maybe there were two intruders. Maybe they took the photos. MAYBE, maybe, maybe, maybe.

It's a big fat MAYBE because in the big wide world of LYING and testimony you are currently unable to weed out which lies are TRUE and which lies are well, LIES.

Maybe, given the propensity for turning men into sensless sexually depraved hounds, JA had also been messing with the brains of the roommates?

All of these things haven't been investigated to the satisfaction of my curiosity. Something's missing here.
(And all that MAYBE and all that sympathizing with JA is what's going to cause a breeze of 'reasonable doubt' to sift through that jury like a bad wiff of 5 day old fish).

They need to remove the maybe.

I offered some of these topics of evidence to think about because I noticed on this thread that there was a change in the wind. I noticed some of the posters have started to sympathize with JA.

There IS overwhelming evidence that she was THERE. There is NOT overwhelming evidence that she murdered TA.


She claims there were intruders, did they take the photos?

She has openly admitted to being a liar. I watched the video.

She admits to Juan that she lies right on down the line.

The point I'm trying to make here just for the sake of a good, open discussion is that if she's LYING about everything then, couldn't she also be LYING about killing him?

Or, are her lies only considered lies whey they can be used to support whatever verdict you are trying to get across?

Here's an example: A lie that says TA was a pedophile.

Doesn't fit into the character assassination of JA so THIS? This is a lie.

Example #2: A lie that JA murdered TA.

THIS? This would mean she's guilty so let's accept this lie as a fact.

Example 3# Two intruders murdered TA.

Maybe? Maybe there were two intruders. Maybe they took the photos. MAYBE, maybe, maybe, maybe.

It's a big fat MAYBE because in the big wide world of LYING and testimony you are currently unable to weed out which lies are TRUE and which lies are well, LIES.

Maybe, given the propensity for turning men into sensless sexually depraved hounds, JA had also been messing with the brains of the roommates?

All of these things haven't been investigated to the satisfaction of my curiosity. Something's missing here.
I am all for questions, as they facilitate debate. Even questions out of left field have been known to germinate answers in some direction. :rocker:
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