Armchair Psych discussion of Jodi Arias

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This is where Travis' hypocrisy really came out. He didn't want Jodi for a wife because she was, well, a *advertiser censored*. But continued to have sex with her while he did look out for a wife who was a virgin and was what he thought a wife should be. Not very cool.

But Jodi is not blameless. She had grown used to using her sexuality as a tool. Hell, she tried it with Flores too. She thought if she showed Travis a new sexual world and let him know how amazing it would be to have a freaky Mormon like her, how could he ever resist her? She was not respecting his faith by coming around and shaking her tail at him. And it backfired. It just made him lose respect for her. Serves her right.

I don't think Jodi is a *advertiser censored* myself. People are free to do what they please with their sex lives. If they want to use sex to get what they want, more power to them. It's her misrepresenting her part in their relationship that I have a problem with.
I appreciate your saying all this. :clap::clap: We can see this aspect of Travis and still feel he is the ultimate victim, and that Jodi is without excuse.

I do think Jodi had an emptiness within, and used outward things to compensate (dyed hair, trying to look like a bombshell, being creative and wild with sex). I think the idea that the sex would not work, and that a young virgin like Lisa would be the preferred object, had never occurred to her. By the time she caught on, she was horrified and the abyss loomed within. The rest, as they say, is history.

I can feel sorry for Jodi (and I really do) without making her a "victim" who should get off via "self defense". (such as some radical feminist types do ). If she gets convicted on murder one and gets the death penalty, I will understand ( I think even she will, despite her howls of protest).
Yes agree with this. Maybe on a subconscious level Travis felt Jodi was somewhat dangerous . . . .but most normal people truly do not realize how terribly dangerous personality disordered, obsessed sickos like Jodi can be.

Someone on this thread - or one of the others- posted awhile back that she thought Jodi was likely obsessed with Travis as a substitute Self: When she realized that the sexual drama - probably the only area in which she felt herself to be powerful and important - could be left behind by him , and that he had a whole future world to move on to - genuine religion, marriage, children, profession- while she was only going to get older and emptier - she probably believed that to destroy him was somehow to negate this chilling reality. Of course she ruined her whole life too but she figured she would never be caught. The whole thing is an unbelievably SAD & gruesome tragedy that never should have happened.
Well said.
This is where Travis' hypocrisy really came out. He didn't want Jodi for a wife because she was, well, a *advertiser censored*. But continued to have sex with her while he did look out for a wife who was a virgin and was what he thought a wife should be. Not very cool.

But Jodi is not blameless. She had grown used to using her sexuality as a tool. Hell, she tried it with Flores too. She thought if she showed Travis a new sexual world and let him know how amazing it would be to have a freaky Mormon like her, how could he ever resist her? She was not respecting his faith by coming around and shaking her tail at him. And it backfired. It just made him lose respect for her. Serves her right.

I don't think Jodi is a *advertiser censored* myself. People are free to do what they please with their sex lives. If they want to use sex to get what they want, more power to them. It's her misrepresenting her part in their relationship that I have a problem with.

Yes she misrepresented herself to Travis - once Jodi realized she was not closing the deal with Travis she tried this strategy: "It's OK that I am not your girlfriend, Travis. But you know, we have such freaky, amazing sex! And we have great fun traveling! Let's keep on doing that, and I'll agree that you are free to date others. I'm ok with it".

Then Jodi puts all her effort into becoming sexually accessible and irresistible to Travis under the guise of being OK with just having a friends with benefits relationship.

The whole time she is doing this, she is getting more and more upset. Travis is dating "good girls" who don't have sex with him, and he prefers them-! He's taking one to Cancun! Once Travis gets married, Jodi realizes she will be OUT of his life entirely and she can not stand this. She flips out.
Yes agree with this. Maybe on a subconscious level Travis felt Jodi was somewhat dangerous . . . .but most normal people truly do not realize how terribly dangerous personality disordered, obsessed sickos like Jodi can be.

Someone on this thread - or one of the others- posted awhile back that she thought Jodi was likely obsessed with Travis as a substitute Self: When she realized that the sexual drama - probably the only area in which she felt herself to be powerful and important - could be left behind by him , and that he had a whole future world to move on to - genuine religion, marriage, children, profession- while she was only going to get older and emptier - she probably believed that to destroy him was somehow to negate this chilling reality. Of course she ruined her whole life too but she figured she would never be caught. The whole thing is an unbelievably SAD & gruesome tragedy that never should have happened.

That's an interesting theory.
To me it seems more like, if I can't have you, then nobody else will ever have you. And, how dare you for making promises to me that you're not going to keep. She set her sights on him and she couldn't let go. In her mind, she felt betrayed.
not sure why anyone wouldbe defending her here..its not rocket science...she murdered her boyfriend.....end of...period.....she has no defence whatsoever....she is a psycopath at beat, there is no reason on this earth why she shouldNOT get the needle....end of

She shot him on theface then stabbed him 27 times then slit his throat ear to ear.....she is an evil creature and there is no argument against me, there isnt... :) she should FRY, anyone who defends her should fry too, unless they take it back lol and say what an evil person she is
I appreciate your saying all this. :clap::clap: We can see this aspect of Travis and still feel he is the ultimate victim, and that Jodi is without excuse.

I do think Jodi had an emptiness within, and used outward things to compensate (dyed hair, trying to look like a bombshell, being creative and wild with sex). I think the idea that the sex would not work, and that a young virgin like Lisa would be the preferred object, had never occurred to her. By the time she caught on, she was horrified and the abyss loomed within. The rest, as they say, is history.

I can feel sorry for Jodi (and I really do) without making her a "victim" who should get off via "self defense". (such as some radical feminist types do ). If she gets convicted on murder one and gets the death penalty, I will understand ( I think even she will, despite her howls of protest).

Oh, absolutely. I'm not blind and I think this aspect of Travis was pretty despicable. But he was religious, so I can't say it surprises me. It doesn't mean he deserved what he got or that Jodi was justified at all.

And there are stories I've heard where I couldn't help feeling sorry for her, like her sleeping under Travis' tree when he told her there was no room for her (it isn't as bad as it sounds, she showed up uninvited). It is sad and pathetic. But I have to remind myself that she was a psychopathic stalker and that her behavior is not sad it's sick. Most people would realize when they are not wanted and back off. Not Jodi, she just pushed harder.

I know things are not black and white. But Travis was the victim here. People should remember that. No matter what he did, he did not deserve such a horrific death. It breaks my heart just thinking about it.
That's an interesting theory.
To me it seems more like, if I can't have you, then nobody else will ever have you. And, how dare you for making promises to me that you're not going to keep. She set her sights on him and she couldn't let go. In her mind, she felt betrayed.

And that's not really fair for her to feel that way. She knew where Travis stood and she acted totally fine with it. She knew he wouldn't marry her and seemed fine with that too. He never made any promises to her. He told her to date other people and she did. She knew he was dating other people and seemed fine with it. She seems to have been quite aware that she was just a booty call. But in her journal she writes how Travis cheats on her and whatnot. But they were not an item at the time she wrote that. They were long broken up and she had given the impression that she was okay with him dating other people. She writes that she is the one that won't marry him. It is delusional.
not sure why anyone wouldbe defending her here..its not rocket science...she murdered her boyfriend.....end of...period.....she has no defence whatsoever....she is a psycopath at beat, there is no reason on this earth why she shouldNOT get the needle....end of

She shot him on theface then stabbed him 27 times then slit his throat ear to ear.....she is an evil creature and there is no argument against me, there isnt... :) she should FRY, anyone who defends her should fry too, unless they take it back lol and say what an evil person she is

No one is defending her. :banghead:
Yes she misrepresented herself to Travis - once Jodi realized she was not closing the deal with Travis she tried this strategy: "It's OK that I am not your girlfriend, Travis. But you know, we have such freaky, amazing sex! And we have great fun traveling! Let's keep on doing that, and I'll agree that you are free to date others. I'm ok with it".

Then Jodi puts all her effort into becoming sexually accessible and irresistible to Travis under the guise of being OK with just having a friends with benefits relationship.

The whole time she is doing this, she is getting more and more upset. Travis is dating "good girls" who don't have sex with him, and he prefers them-! He's taking one to Cancun! Once Travis gets married, Jodi realizes she will be OUT of his life entirely and she can not stand this. She flips out.
I think this is exactly right, all the way. Her "friends with kinky benefits" was only a mask, behind which she was still aiming for marriage.

She even hints at this in the phone sex tape, when she tells him she "knows they will both marry other people" BUT...." will they be able to find Mormons who will be able to let them flower sexually, and that she is blossoming but doesn't want to wind up wilting in a marriage"? He responds, "Let's just enjoy your blossoming" - she wanted him to say, "Say, maybe we should marry each other".
not sure why anyone wouldbe defending her here..its not rocket science...she murdered her boyfriend.....end of...period.....she has no defence whatsoever....she is a psycopath at beat, there is no reason on this earth why she shouldNOT get the needle....end of

I'm not defending her actions and haven't read a single post here that does. This is the Armchair Psych thread and I like exploring the psychological reasons for why people do what they do no matter how heinous. Or especially the heinous.

Full disclosure: I personally, professionally, socially, financially, politically and morally do not support the DP. Not a deterrent, cost a butt-load of money, dangerous for those who are wrongly convicted and, it takes an enormous toll on the living victims as the appeals work their way through the legal channels.
not sure why anyone wouldbe defending her here..its not rocket science...she murdered her boyfriend.....end of...period.....she has no defence whatsoever....she is a psycopath at beat, there is no reason on this earth why she shouldNOT get the needle....end of

She shot him on theface then stabbed him 27 times then slit his throat ear to ear.....she is an evil creature and there is no argument against me, there isnt... :) she should FRY, anyone who defends her should fry too, unless they take it back lol and say what an evil person she is
You cannot be serious.:what:
I'm not defending her actions and haven't read a single post here that does. This is the Armchair Psych thread and I like exploring the psychological reasons for why people do what they do no matter how heinous. Or especially the heinous.

Full disclosure: I personally, professionally, socially, financially, politically and morally do not support the DP. Not a deterrent, cost a butt-load of money, dangerous for those who are wrongly convicted and, it takes an enormous toll on the living victims as the appeals work their way through the legal channels.
I am OK with the death penalty but it would be too difficult for me to explain why. But as to your disclosure, consider this:

The United States is the only western nation that still uses capital punishment. The United States and Japan are the only fully developed countries that still engage in this practice. Fourteen states and the District of Colombia have formally abolished the death penalty. It has lost support among all western, democratized nations, and is viewed as regressive and barbaric throughout Europe.
Women are held to a different standard than men by many. If a woman has had multiple partners does not make her a *advertiser censored* or *advertiser censored*. Women have used their sexuality for hundreds of years. Men often have more liberties with sexuality than women. We are all sexual beings and our experiences and desires are the same as a man. Though women have come along way the power balance still favors the men.
Just a month ago I was discussing sexual abuse and women. My opinion is that most women have and will experience a form of sexual abuse. Example as a teen my employer used to press and grind behind the counter while erect. He counted on our sexual inexperience. Never mentioning it to our parents. Many of the girls working there had same experience. We talked about it amongst ourselves. Then in my 20's a man grabbed my crotch on subway and jumped off at next stop. He was later arrested and several women came forward with same experience. Many more examples but hopefully make my point.
I also used my sexuality to my advantage. Ie. Getting guys to buy beers when in college at bar. So I own that part of my sexual power.
Sex is power for men and women always has always will. IMO
I am OK with the death penalty but it would be too difficult for me to explain why. But as to your disclosure, consider this:

The United States is the only western nation that still uses capital punishment. The United States and Japan are the only fully developed countries that still engage in this practice. Fourteen states and the District of Colombia have formally abolished the death penalty. It has lost support among all western, democratized nations, and is viewed as regressive and barbaric throughout Europe.

I would like to hear more about your feelings on the DP if and when you can share.

Yes, most of us are appalled at public beheadings in places like Saudi Arabia so I think method and access (sword or needle, public square vs. private execution chamber) must make some difference. I imagine beheading is a pretty quick and painless way to go.
I would like to hear more about your feelings on the DP if and when you can share.

Yes, most of us are appalled at public beheadings in places like Saudi Arabia so I think method and access (sword or needle, public square vs. private execution chamber) must make some difference. I imagine beheading is a pretty quick and painless way to go.
"Hillman also goes on to point out that the so-called painless guillotine is likely anything but. He states that "death occurs due to separation of the brain and spinal cord, after transection of the surrounding tissues. This must cause acute and possibly severe pain." This is one of the reasons why the guillotine, and beheading in general, is no longer an accepted method of execution in many countries with capital punishment."
My feelings on the death penalty are very complicated. I am both for it and against it. It really depends.

In Jodi's case, I am for it.
Speaking of the innocent facing the the death penalty, today is Good Friday ~ Sunday is Easter and I'm going to try to focus on renewal this weekend. Jesus is Risen and is my Savior because I asked for His forgiveness for my sins and wrongdoings.

Hope everyone has a nice and peaceful weekend.
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