Armchair Psych Profile and JH's Background

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He is not a doctor shopping patient. A psychologist with training in forensic psychology will do their examination. Then, they will have a second psychologist do their examination. It will be extensive.

Are you comparing your daughter to a mass murderer?

He** no I can never compare her... she is not evil.
The statement was simple - someone asked. Can he evade a trained Psychiatrist?
My reply is they all can. It may take a very long time to get accurate diagnosis on him...
but it will probably be 2-3 years before it goes to trial -- IF IT EVER goes to trial.

I think it won’t go to trial, and that he will never see the sun again LWOP
I spoke with my adviser every day while in school. Talked one on one several times a week. I was in a class of eight and we went out to eat once a month and went to a bar after a huge exam. Our adviser would go with us. At this point in an educational career, an adviser isn't an authority figure, but colleague. I say colleage because we worked together on research and once that research was published in journal, we were all authors together. It was a team.

Yes , actually all PhD graduate candidates from Universities are assigned their own adviser.

I guess our news reporters should be talking to JH's adviser to get more details about his last few months before he went crazy.
Why wouldn't it go to trial? Andrea Yates went on trial not once, but twice, and there was lots of mental history with her. Whereas with JH, there appears to be none.

The size and complexity of this massacre is different and it is not who done it.
It may go to trial but I doubt it.
They are seeking the death penalty. It will go to trial. He may be guilty but they will argue the death penalty. They will read the charges Monday. Then the punishment phase, that's where his lawyers will argue against the death penalty. Then it will be a drawn out phase suggesting why he shouldn't be put to death.
They are seeking the death penalty. It will go to trial. He may be guilty but they will argue the death penalty. They will read the charges Monday. Then the punishment phase, that's where his lawyers will argue against the death penalty. Then it will be a drawn out phase suggesting why he shouldn't be put to death.

Remains to be seen. :D
I have my opinions.
I sure do know the process.

NOT all cases go to trial......
Dr. Drew is going to have the parents of a 9 yr. old girl with Schizophrenia on right now. I'm sure I'll learn something, but then again this little 9 yr. didn't massacre a bunch of people.
LOL...sorry I don't know why I was thinking AZ (some gun law trivia stuck in my head). Yeah CO is a blue state, he isn't going to be executed.

Jared Loughner is the recent one from AZ?
Dr. Drew is going to have the parents of a 9 yr. old girl with Schizophrenia on right now. I'm sure I'll learn something, but then again this little 9 yr. didn't massacre a bunch of people.

Nor there is any evidence JH actually has schizophrenia.
I guess our news reporters should be talking to JH's adviser to get more details about his last few months before he went crazy.

Keep in mind that JH was only one year into a program that takes 5 to 7 years. And the first year was mostly coursework. The intensive research phase of the program had not yet begun. So JH's adviser may not have known him as well as he/she would know a student who's further along in the program. JH's adviser might be as baffled by what happened as everyone else. Also, the adviser would be limited in what he/she could say to the media because of FERPA. Also, the university has been advised by law enforcement not to speak about specifics of the suspect or the case. I know everyone is curious to find out as much as possible about JH, but if I were a faculty member, I would stay away from the news media and only speak to law enforcement.
Nor there is any evidence JH actually has schizophrenia.

True, and I think Dr. Drew is to blame for me connecting it has anything to do with the movie shootings.

I'm already hearing this little girl has IQ 146 and showed extreme signs that scared the nanny urging the Mom to call 911.
True, and I think Dr. Drew is to blame for me connecting it has anything to do with the movie shootings.

I'm already hearing this little girl has IQ 146 and showed extreme signs that scared the nanny urging the Mom to call 911.

Schizophrenia among children is very rare. In addition, it's rather obvious that JH didn't have schizophrenia as a child. So, for Dr. Drew to try and link a child with schizophrenia with this case makes no sense whatsoever.
I thought he went with the "sudden onset" crowd last week.
It is not a waste of air time to talk about MI on this Dr.Drewo show, but NO ONE KNOWS if JH was suffering from anything. He didn't seem to give many hints. Yes, I want to hear from the advisors. Did any of his small group complain to the advisor because that would have to be on record? But I realize we won't be hearing any of this soon. In the meantime, the media is starting to put the slant on their diagnosis as a whole to keep us content there is an answer as to why. "No one was there for him."
He definitely does not have a shot of seeing light of day ever again.
And we all know that attorney’s job is to do the best they can with a case they take on.
but I do sincerely believe that man is ill. I am not saying it because i want him to get a lighter sentence… in fact maybe putting him out of his misery will give his parents some peace, who knows?
But believe me MI is not BS I know it firsthand because my daughter is MI and I have taken many classes, been to many groups, heard too many stories.
This man IS Evil and MI. (not all MI people are Evil) And I am going t stick with that.

Songline please don't think that I am of the opinion that MI is bs because I am not.. I've seen it up close and personal and dealt with it in many close friends as well as family members. I know it is alive and well and can make ones life a living hell for both the person suffering from it along with all those around them.. I know that you've had a rough go of it with your daughter.. Believe me tho I must admit I chuckled for a moment at how you described your once having called for help for her and that she was so good at hiding and conning medical professionals that you were the one that ended up being taken in..(and I mean no disrespect by laughing it was just the way you told you have me with a mental picture of you being strapped down and carted

So, I know that you have very first hand personal knowledge of MI.. But believe when I speak of bs I am not speaking of MI not existing because I very much know that it does.. I'm just not giving this monster that benefit of the doubt at this time that he in fact is MI to a degree that would matter or hold any bearing in a court of criminal law for his heinous crimes..

That's all.. So, I didnt want you to misunderstand and think that my opinion was that MI is bs.. Because that's not how I feel..
It is not a waste of air time to talk about MI on this Dr.Drewo show, but NO ONE KNOWS if JH was suffering from anything. He didn't seem to give many hints. Yes, I want to hear from the advisors. Did any of his small group complain to the advisor because that would have to be on record? But I realize we won't be hearing any of this soon. In the meantime, the media is starting to put the slant on their diagnosis as a whole to keep us content there is an answer as to why. "No one was there for him."

Who wants their name associated with JH? The guy who called him mediocre student appears to be most upset that his name is associated with that of JH, even though it was years ago. So why would his advisor talk, even if it was not against FERPA?
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