Armchair Psych Profile and JH's Background

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what you describe is schizoid leaning toward schizotypal
personality disorder. people who identify as schizoid
prefer to call it a personality type.
it's not an axis 1 & is not a rapid-onset thing,
it's part of their personality.
whatever made him 'snap', i think the only contribution
his personality disorder made, was that no-one was
around to recognize he was about to snap due to his lifestyle.
I am going AXIS 1 only !
In reading a few other posts, it appears some are confusing competency with NGRI. These are two different things. Criminal charges involve two prongs. Actus Reus (guilty act, link) and Mens Rea (guilty mind, link). NGRI, also known as the M'Naughten rule (link), applies to the "mens rea" of the defendant, and is a defense that can be put forth at trial. NGRIs are rarely used as a defense ( < 1%) due to public disfavor. Competency, otoh, has to do with whether (or not) the defendant can make sound legal decisions. And since the legal process, in and of itself, is quite complex, it can involve several competency hearings:

Competency to waive Miranda Rights
Competency to stand trial
Competency to be sentenced
Competency to waive appeals (arguably, for each possible appeal)
Competency to be executed

So, for example, in competency to stand trial, does the individual understand the charges? Can they assist in their defense? In competency to waive appeals, does the individual understand the consequences of waiving the appeal, etc. In all cases but Miranda, if the individual is found to be incompetent, they are remanded to a mental institute to be restored to competency. The latter, specifically, competency to be executed, raises several ethical Qs, and was extensively discussed in the case of Singleton v Norris. (link)
Hi liz MI would most likely only be considered a mitigating factor at sentencing. There really is no defense that is not guilty by reason of mental illness these days. Insanity is something else And very difficult To prove. In my opinion he's probably mentally ill But competent to stand trial and sane in legal terms. In other words he may be mentally ill but not insane. However remember that one of the aggravating factors will probably be the extremely violent and horrific nature of the crime. Jmho

Just my feeling - this will not go to trial.
but he will be locked up forever.
thank you, i was aware that some statements made by SoL
were proven not to be him, but trolls after his arrest.
i understand though that some posts were him,
evidenced by a witness who met him IRL via username SoL.

whoever DID write that scenario about faking mental illness
after a mass murder had the same idea as JH.

Oh yes these defendants are EXTREMELY similar! Eerily so! The similarity struck me immediately as well. I absolutely agree there, quite possibly suffering from the same personality disorder.

Difference is Holmes never expected to avoid punishment and has no hope of of it, while McDaniel appears to have been super careful and it looks like he has a pretty good chance of beating the charges.
Oh yes these defendants are EXTREMELY similar! Eerily so! The similarity struck me immediately as well. I absolutely agree there, quite possibly suffering from the same personality disorder.

Difference is Holmes never expected to avoid punishment and has no hope of of it, while McDaniel appears to have been super careful and it looks like he has a pretty good chance of beating the charges.
Like Luka up until that minute in the cafe!
Yep, I agree. The guy sounds like sour grapes, to me.

Well, I had to laugh about the idea that the guy is slandering JH by calling him a mediocre student, considering that JH is accused of killing 12 people.
Well, I had to laugh about the idea that the guy is slandering JH by calling him a mediocre student, considering that JH is accused of killing 12 people.
Well, def not slander. The posturing is still rather humorous... imho, of course.
i understand though that some posts were him,
evidenced by a witness who met him IRL via username SoL.

And yes I think he definitely wrote some of the older posts, however if it can't be proven then it didn't happen (in a court of law). Also I don't think it is fair to take posts like that out of context, it depends on the topic and the website (trust me plenty of the comments on this site would seem very incriminating if they were taken out of context, just snippets read in court). I am honestly surprised McDaniel didn't write far more extreme things.
Don't mind me, I'm reading this way-over-my-head article. Guessing JH would be said to have monothematic delusions of the joker killer variety.

"A useful distinction can be drawn between &#8220;polythematic delusional systems&#8221; and &#8220;monothematic delusions.&#8221; Someone exhibiting a polythematic delusional system exhibits a wide variety of delusional beliefs covering many different topics. Someone exhibiting a monothematic delusion possesses just a single delusional belief or at most a few such beliefs all related to a single theme."
Just my feeling - this will not go to trial.
but he will be locked up forever.

Why wouldn't it go to trial? Andrea Yates went on trial not once, but twice, and there was lots of mental history with her. Whereas with JH, there appears to be none.
BBM I do think it is your opinion and that is fine. Your opinion is as valid as anybod y elses.

But I also can see that JH could have been stubborn, and want to do things only his way... you would not have known that because your encounter with him would have been very different then Jacobson who had to deal with him.

Brilliant has nothing to do with behavior. The work never got done, is common in MI - so is procrastination, or insisting to do things thief way.
These are also classic signs of ADD or OCD which hardly would stand a chance in helping him even in mitigating factors.. No doubt his defense attorneys will NOT have difficulties finding SOMEONE to come in and diagnose him with an entire slew of mental illnesses.. Still doesn't make it true IN THE LEAST that's what attorneys are paid for when representing the guilty throw as many things at the wall and pray to God something sticks.. And IMO that's his only chance is to have another Pinellas 12 buy into the bs and lighten his sentence when IMO he straight up deserves the death penalty.. And for me that will stand this man has more than proven over a long extended period of time to plot, plan, and slaughter.. Whatever illness his defense attempts to throw at the wall NOT A SINGLE ONE WILL CHANGE THE FACT HE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THE HELL HE WAS DOING AND THE EXACT HEINOUS CRIME HE COMMITTED IS THE EXACT REASON WE HAVE THE DEATH PENALTY!
And IMO that's his only chance is to have another Pinellas 12 buy into the bs and lighten his sentence when IMO he straight up deserves the death penalty.. And for me that will stand this man has more than proven over a long extended period of time to plot, plan, and slaughter.. Whatever illness his defense attempts to throw at the wall NOT A SINGLE ONE WILL CHANGE THE FACT HE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THE HELL HE WAS DOING AND THE EXACT HEINOUS CRIME HE COMMITTED IS THE EXACT REASON WE HAVE THE DEATH PENALTY!

Yeah this guy is not going to get the death penalty in CO.

He sends his plans to the school before the mass killing, he rigs the apartment with explosives but doesn't set a timer and then TELLS the police the apartment is rigged, he stands there politely and lets the police arrest him without trying to flee the scene. The guy is not right in the head.

No doubt that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weirdness, he is not going to get the needle in CO. Guess some folks will just have to hope he gets stabbed to death in prison.
Many are actually so good at conniving and manipulating, you start to think maybe they are innocent.
So can he fool a trained psychiatrist? YES.

My daughter has done do for years and now they know better. Hmmm. So she changes doctors.

He is not a doctor shopping patient. A psychologist with training in forensic psychology will do their examination. Then, they will have a second psychologist do their examination. It will be extensive.

Are you comparing your daughter to a mass murderer?
Considering this happened in Co, I'd say there is a 100 % guarantee he is not going to get a death penalty in AZ.
These are also classic signs of ADD or OCD which hardly would stand a chance in helping him even in mitigating factors.. No doubt his defense attorneys will NOT have difficulties finding SOMEONE to come in and diagnose him with an entire slew of mental illnesses.. Still doesn't make it true IN THE LEAST that's what attorneys are paid for when representing the guilty throw as many things at the wall and pray to God something sticks.. And IMO that's his only chance is to have another Pinellas 12 buy into the bs and lighten his sentence when IMO he straight up deserves the death penalty.. And for me that will stand this man has more than proven over a long extended period of time to plot, plan, and slaughter.. Whatever illness his defense attempts to throw at the wall NOT A SINGLE ONE WILL CHANGE THE FACT HE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THE HELL HE WAS DOING AND THE EXACT HEINOUS CRIME HE COMMITTED IS THE EXACT REASON WE HAVE THE DEATH PENALTY!

He definitely does not have a shot of seeing light of day ever again.
And we all know that attorney’s job is to do the best they can with a case they take on.
but I do sincerely believe that man is ill. I am not saying it because i want him to get a lighter sentence… in fact maybe putting him out of his misery will give his parents some peace, who knows?
But believe me MI is not BS I know it firsthand because my daughter is MI and I have taken many classes, been to many groups, heard too many stories.
This man IS Evil and MI. (not all MI people are Evil) And I am going t stick with that.
Considering this happened in Co, I'd say there is a 100 % guarantee he is not going to get a death penalty in AZ.

LOL...sorry I don't know why I was thinking AZ (some gun law trivia stuck in my head). Yeah CO is a blue state, he isn't going to be executed.
Shur said that graduate students are part of a "family" and generally see their advisers every single day

so he is seeing an ADVISER everyday... where is this adviser? can he/she speak about JH without compromising FERPA law?

I spoke with my adviser every day while in school. Talked one on one several times a week. I was in a class of eight and we went out to eat once a month and went to a bar after a huge exam. Our adviser would go with us. At this point in an educational career, an adviser isn't an authority figure, but colleague. I say colleage because we worked together on research and once that research was published in journal, we were all authors together. It was a team.
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