Armchair psych profile and personal background

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I'm sorry,OT in this thread but I don't know where to put it.I havn't seen this before.They interviewed the guy (Antonio Minakakis ) that was charged alongside Magnotta in the fraud case..

Classic LRM: victimizing others and then trying to turn himself into a victim.

LRM commits fraud and other crimes, and then proclaims he is "in danger" from some shadowy powerful interest, in this case some member of the Greek community in his neighbourhood.

LRM tortures and kills kittens, and then proclaims to the New York lawyer that he did it, but was forced into it. Elsewhere, in online ramblings and in an interview with The Sun, he proclaims he didn't do it, but that he was "framed" by stalkers.
And ufcurzz there is a Ripoff report... Dont know if this was posted before..

Hm. Anyone else want to bet that these anonymous vitriolic invectives is none other than LRM? Given the Ottawa Citizen story, LRM obviously tried to settle some scores with Minakakis, and his family, by making allegations about them that police obviously found baseless.

Notice one of the anonymous commentors is named "Madeleine Mccann".

Madeleine McCann is the name of the young British girl who went missing in Portugal on a family trip a few years back, and is most likely dead.

LRM loves naming himself after the victims or perpetrators of such crimes (think of the YouTube accounts named after "Alexis Reich" who falsely confessed to the murder of 6 year old Jon Benet Ramsay).

LRM does his best to hide himself, but his own psychological pathologies often give him away... He repeats these little patterns. He can't help himself.
Hm. Anyone else want to bet that these anonymous vitriolic invectives is none other than LRM? Given the Ottawa Citizen story, LRM obviously tried to settle some scores with Minakakis, and his family, by making allegations about them that police obviously found baseless.

Notice one of the anonymous commentors is named "Madeleine Mccann".

Madeleine McCann is the name of the young British girl who went missing in Portugal on a family trip a few years back, and is most likely dead.

LRM loves naming himself after the victims or perpetrators of such crimes (think of the YouTube accounts named after "Alexis Reich" who falsely confessed to the murder of 6 year old Jon Benet Ramsay).

LRM does his best to hide himself, but his own psychological pathologies often give him away... He repeats these little patterns. He can't help himself.

Taking it a step further, several things he says sound like LRM is actually describing himself and his opinion of himself (projecting), such as

*"Tony is an acne scar faced rotten mouth pig. His lies destroy lives."


*"Tony always had to scam because hes too stupid to work."

*"This loser cant take responsibility for his pathetic failed life and failed relationships."

"He had no friends and he wanted to buy his friends as usual... once he buys your friendship then he tries to act tough but he is bat s*** crazy."

"Tony is complete TRASH and is a liar. This loser needs to just go away, we are all tired of seeing him. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAS THIS MAN SCAMMED. HIM and HIS FAMILY are PARASITES.MAKE YOUR OWN MONEY INSTEAD OF STEALING. Everyone can see through your lies you trash."

His narcissism is thinly veiled to cover his hatred of himself and everything around him, as was suspected.
Reposting from another thread because it's also relevant to LRM's psychology...


[ snip... ]

Something else people may find interesting and/or amusing:

LRM's lame attempts back in 2008 to prevent Wikipedia from deleting his Wiki page (which he, of course, created) on the basis of "non-notable" (of course, this happened before the murders...).

Notice how many sockpuppets LRM creates in order to vote against deletion. Also notice how LRM appears to try to "compromise" in order to keep the article ("Let's all work together to edit it!!!"), only to spew rage and vitriol when it appears that most think the article should be deleted according to Wikipedia deletion policy.

Some typical quotes:

Ok, so He has Toronto Sun articles, associtaed content article, articles in fab magazine, links to his videos and thousands of hits in google..and millions of hits in youtube? Seriously, this is getting pathetic and childish. Keep the bloddy article and stop arguing and vandalising it. What the hell is the big deal. Get a life people. So annoying. He HAS reliable sources and is notable. Thats what it says in Wikipedia standards and guidlines. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Buttercupbaby77 (talk • contribs) 21:01, 23 January 2008 (UTC)

Honestly its getting real sad that some people on here are acting like children "tit for tat" the guys obviously well known..he's oon television interviewed for his career, millions view his *advertiser censored*, he is in magazines. Bottom line is the guy has links to ALL his films, and some of the people on here are being unrealistic. He is notable and the links proove it, They keep saying "provide links" ALL THE LINKS TO HIS VIDEOS ARE PROVIDED. Links to television interviews are also provided, countless articles and websites. He is alot more known then alot of the other male *advertiser censored* stars I researched on here. Keep article and lets all grow up 22:39, 26 January 2008 (UTC)MartinLKing9 —Preceding unsigned comment added by MartinLKing9 (talk • contribs) — MartinLKing9 (talk • contribs) has made few or no other edits outside this topic.

Can we please just agree that there are reliable sources such as Toronto Sun, Fab magazine, and IMDB. However there ARE numberous other articles from news sited talking about his cosmrtic surgery and involvment in Scientology. Im getting really tired of arguing and just want this to be over. I really am sincerely in belief that the article should stay up. Also Internet celebritys who have hundreds of thousands fans and Millions of subscribers obviously research him on a daily basis, just chsck the history. One of the comments on his official youtube page reads " Hey, Luka..I think your a fairy and I nominated your Wikipedia page cause your a fairy and I hat fairys" That is rediculous. Also please go to this link [5] It is a television interview stating he is a male escort? Why is that not included? Bottom line. He is obviously notable, there are alot of articles, I do admit though some are not reliable..however alot are you have to admit. FAB magazine and Toronto sun's media. Alot of people find this article useful, I personally am willing to change and edit it myself, does anyone have any ideas or can help me so that we can keep it. I am trying to be fair and negotiate. I do think the page should be saved BUT it would need to be protected from vandalisim. Please let me know if you are willing to help me. Thank you kindly. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Buttercupbaby77 (talk • contribs) 08:14, 24 January 2008 (UTC)
Taking it a step further, several things he says sound like LRM is actually describing himself and his opinion of himself (projecting), such as

*"Tony is an acne scar faced rotten mouth pig. His lies destroy lives."


*"Tony always had to scam because hes too stupid to work."

*"This loser cant take responsibility for his pathetic failed life and failed relationships."

"He had no friends and he wanted to buy his friends as usual... once he buys your friendship then he tries to act tough but he is bat s*** crazy."

"Tony is complete TRASH and is a liar. This loser needs to just go away, we are all tired of seeing him. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAS THIS MAN SCAMMED. HIM and HIS FAMILY are PARASITES.MAKE YOUR OWN MONEY INSTEAD OF STEALING. Everyone can see through your lies you trash."

His narcissism is thinly veiled to cover his hatred of himself and everything around him, as was suspected.

Nice catch. I mean, all of this is speculation-- and would be impossible to prove in court... but that does sound a lot like LRM describing himself. In fact, it mirrors the story that "Tony" tells in the Ottawa Citizen article: that LRM tried to "buy" some friends with money and other items.
Reposting from another thread because it's also relevant to LRM's psychology...


[ snip... ]

Something else people may find amusing:

LRM's lame attempts back in 2008 to prevent Wikipedia from deleting his Wiki page (which he, of course, created) on the basis of "non-notable" (of course, this happened before the murders...).

Notice how many sockpuppets LRM creates in order to vote against deletion. Also notice how LRM appears to try to "compromise" in order to keep the article ("Let's all work together to edit it!!!"), only to spew rage and vitriol when it appears that most think the article should be deleted according to Wikipedia deletion policy.

This guy is a pathetic narcissistic psycho brat. Canada would be smart to give him zero press or coverage, and then lock him away for life without internet. No fame, no glory. Just a geek Eric Newman.
Sorry if this has already been posted in some form.
I have a new (to me) theory that this was a crime of passion in a sense,
in addition to all of the other motives for the acts.
I believe Luka used his rage against former lover Nader Eid to build up his adrenaline enough to complete the murder & dismemberment.
He posted up a storm May 24th & 25th on about both himself and Nader Eid using various names including Barbie Swallows, who is a real person Luka hadn't spoken to for years.
Jun Lin was the furthest thing from his mind when he was dismembering him.
Luka:*advertiser censored*-ac-a0028.htm
Another Luka:
Nader Eid:
Taking it a step further, several things he says sound like LRM is actually describing himself and his opinion of himself (projecting), such as

*"Tony is an acne scar faced rotten mouth pig. His lies destroy lives."


*"Tony always had to scam because hes too stupid to work."

*"This loser cant take responsibility for his pathetic failed life and failed relationships."

"He had no friends and he wanted to buy his friends as usual... once he buys your friendship then he tries to act tough but he is bat s*** crazy."

"Tony is complete TRASH and is a liar. This loser needs to just go away, we are all tired of seeing him. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAS THIS MAN SCAMMED. HIM and HIS FAMILY are PARASITES.MAKE YOUR OWN MONEY INSTEAD OF STEALING. Everyone can see through your lies you trash."

His narcissism is thinly veiled to cover his hatred of himself and everything around him, as was suspected.

He is full of rage in my opinion... this is such a tirade of abuse!!!

Sorry if this has already been posted in some form.
I have a new (to me) theory that this was a crime of passion in a sense,
in addition to all of the other motives for the acts.
I believe Luka used his rage against former lover Nader Eid to build up his adrenaline enough to complete the murder & dismemberment.
He posted up a storm May 24th & 25th on about both himself and Nader Eid using various names including Barbie Swallows, who is a real person Luka hadn't spoken to for years.
Jun Lin was the furthest thing from his mind when he was dismembering him.
Luka:*advertiser censored*-ac-a0028.htm
Another Luka:
Nader Eid:

Crime of passion? Huh? A crime of passion is a crime committed in a fit of rage or psychotic break, with no pre-meditation or planning.

Here, LRM was creating posts about the kill video weeks before he had even made it. The fact that he video taped and dismembered JL all suggest this was planned and pre-meditated.

LRM may have done some rambling and vitriolic posts online the day before, or day of, the murder. In fact, this appears to have likely been a daily activity for him. But that does not make it a crime of passion.

Simply because someone gets angry or passionate in the midst of a murder they have planned, does not make it a "crime of passion".
Ok, not quite a Crime of Passion. I admit I did not know the definition.
It does appear that his feelings about this other man were on his mind at the time of the murder. A premeditated effort to boost his adrenaline through his rage toward Nader.
He is full of rage in my opinion... this is such a tirade of abuse!!!


I agree, and even though it's speculation, it's the reason I can't buy into the 'he was born that way' part of this. Everything he said in those comments I can see being used on a child to abuse them and make them feel worthless.

I, and many others, may be far off base there, but I feel this monster was created.
Ok, not quite a Crime of Passion. I admit I did not know the definition.
It does appear that his feelings about this other man were on his mind at the time of the murder. A premeditated effort to boost his adrenaline through his rage toward Nader.

Yes, it's just bizarre that in the midst of committing such a horrific crime, he may have taken some time out to defame a former partner or whatever.

In terms of the timeline, over on the "video discussion" thread it's been determined that LRM likely committed the crime over a night, starting in the evening of May 24th, and continuing until the next morning, May 25th. He flew out of Montreal on May 26th.
Taking it a step further, several things he says sound like LRM is actually describing himself and his opinion of himself (projecting).

He did the same projection in the rip-off report about Karla Homolka forum owner Jennifer (WKH) . First he impersonates another person, a forum user who lend her ID (kattzpaws //gattino rose) so he could access the forum after he was banned. He even calls the forum owner 'lunatic'! And he used his sockpuppets to write more comments in the same tone.

"She creates drama because she has no life. She makes up lies in order to seek attention from the police and from others"

"She is delusional and she thinks she is important, when in fact nobody knows who she is , nobody cares who she is and nobody wants to know who she is or listen to her self inflicted drama."

"and she is creating alot of drama in order for the media to pay attention to her. DONT FALL FOR IT. She wants people to think she is an evil genius or something , she relates to Homolka's personality and she is crazy"

"She thinks she is smarter then everyone and can pull the wool over peoples eyes, she is a lonely girl from Hamilton with no life"

" She stalks people and makes up lies to gain attention and sympothy. She runs a SERIAL KILLER FORUM and she wonders why she has drama in her stupid life. SHE CREATES IT!! She has succeeded in humiliating herself on the internet. GREAT JOB you nutcase."

"One last thing, she posts videos of herself and talks to herself by creating fake accounts, so beware of this lunatic. "
I agree, and even though it's speculation, it's the reason I can't buy into the 'he was born that way' part of this. Everything he said in those comments I can see being used on a child to abuse them and make them feel worthless.

I, and many others, may be far off base there, but I feel this monster was created.

I agree absolutely 100%. Time and time again its been shown the seeds are planted for this at a very young age, and that as the life spirals downwards CAN and sometimes DOES lead to this.
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