ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #22

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In my opinion there is more to come and the QPS will have them sweating bullets. 24 hrs would feel an eternity to some grubs today I am betting. We won't have to wait long for more horrors to unfold.

IMO GBC achieved zero results in any scenario in life without assistance from others and I dont believe he started doing things solo that Thursday night.


brilliantly said...:goodpost:
To me that doesn't suggest anything.
Firstly Kholo Creek runs all the way up to the Scout camp. Even then I would still call any of the creeks that feed into it Kholo Creek as it has been referenced as that and media reporting it wouldn't all of a sudden change the name they have been using.

Also if a body had been sitting there for 11 days someone would have smelt it driving over the bridge. After 2-3 days it would have been pretty obvious.
I am not saying it wasn't there the whole time, it could have been, but I feel someone would have noticed the smell and though "wow, what died there" and with everything in the media would have stopped and looked over the bridge.

Such a horrible thought regarding the smell, but I agree with what you are saying there. Its something I have been wary of bringin up on here, because I did not know how people would feel about that thought. But I know how something like a wallaby can absolutely smell stongly from quite a distance after a few days. So a human body I would think more so.. I am so sorry people to even say this. As I know its not a nice thought.
There are new laws in Queensland. If they don't think there is a possibility of an untainted jury they can have a judge only trial. I linked a couple of pages ago.
Hope Hawkins can clear it up for you.

Thanks, I read that. The question though was if the trial could be held in another jurisdiction.
I have wondered about this too. I keep thinking they are all so callous and manipulating that there is something behind every action and inaction they do.
Rolling around in my head is the time these people have had to come up with different outcomes and how they will handle each of those.
But I' guessing when communication is stopped -- unease will set in and they will start to question everything that "may" have been found out that the other parties aren't privvy to. When this happens is when I am hoping that the whole house of cards come tumbling down!!

Bit of a rabbit on I had there-my head is spinning today.

Granted that this is MOO :)

I wish the media would do a little bit of snooping around and tell us if the BC seniors have lawyered up or not!
To me that doesn't suggest anything.
Firstly Kholo Creek runs all the way up to the Scout camp. Even then I would still call any of the creeks that feed into it Kholo Creek as it has been referenced as that and media reporting it wouldn't all of a sudden change the name they have been using.

Also if a body had been sitting there for 11 days someone would have smelt it driving over the bridge. After 2-3 days it would have been pretty obvious.
I am not saying it wasn't there the whole time, it could have been, but I feel someone would have noticed the smell and though "wow, what died there" and with everything in the media would have stopped and looked over the bridge.

Fair point. I didn't think about it that way. I still believe Allison was dumped there.

Regarding the smell, how long do you believe the body was there for - wouldn't the smell have been there regardless of how long she was there i.e. 1 day or 10 days? Cars regularly go over that bridge.
It's gone very quiet suddenly regarding possible accomplice being granted immunity! I wonder if that whole story was just a diversion? Or are we about to witness another arrest this week?

This might be a silly question - but could it be possible that PT's blog story was actually true and the accomplice was granted immunity early this week (or even as late as yesterday morning) - thus spilled the beans which led to yesterday's arrest? It just seems quite timely - plus the fact that the police were back searching the BC residence last night leads one to think someone has come forth with information also?
The more I ponder this the more I realise postings on here that I dismissed as way to strange, are looking more and more likely.

I can't understand how anyone could do this, so I truly wonder whether GBC has not got some type of disorder, whether he is a sociopath or what there is something not quite correct in his mind. this story gets more and more bizarre.

There has to be someone else involved at least after the fact. If Allison was murdered at home I don't think it would be possible for one person to carry a body out the narrow door and stairs at the front of there Brookfield house. I am starting to get to the stage that I can't let myself imagine it anymore - it is just too awful.

A question, did the Dickies apply for custody of the girls, or did the police apply for them to be granted custody? In my opinion it would have been a lot betterfor them if they could have stayed in the locality and at the local school, which would have of course meant, they stayed with the Baden Clay snr - it just doesn't add up to me I think the police believe that there is still more to come for Nigel and Elaine Baden Clay
This might be a silly question - but could it be possible that PT's blog story was actually true and the accomplice was granted immunity early this week (or even as late as yesterday morning) - thus spilled the beans which led to yesterday's arrest? It just seems quite timely - plus the fact that the police were back searching the BC residence last night leads one to think someone has come forth with information also?

In which case the Attorney General possibly fudged the truth a bit in saying as far as he knew he had not been approached by police to ask for the immunity for anyone..(as far as he knew he hadn't been approached?:waitasec:) MOO
Just been reading through the posts after a short break for some housework.

I have just had an awful thought relating to Hawkins' comment regarding Allisons injuries being shocking to a jury and the police having the car for so long. Could it be possible that GBC ran over Allisons body (sorry) after she died to make it look like she was hit by a car. Hence the going for a walk story. Maybe comparing tyre prints to marks found on her body.
I hate saying this.
This might be a silly question - but could it be possible that PT's blog story was actually true and the accomplice was granted immunity early this week (or even as late as yesterday morning) - thus spilled the beans which led to yesterday's arrest? It just seems quite timely - plus the fact that the police were back searching the BC residence last night leads one to think someone has come forth with information also?

Yes, I agree. QPS must have had another search warrant for last night, and it could be it was granted on the basis of new info provided by someone else. The next few days will be interesting. I believe QPS will be releasing more bits of info as days go by.
I've driven over the bridge and it doesn't appear to be a bridge people walk over, mainly drive over, usually with windows up and quite fast as well, it would be hard to smell I think IMO

Quite a bit of road kill around there too (sorry)
I wish the media would do a little bit of snooping around and tell us if the BC seniors have lawyered up or not!

I hear you!! The media IMO don't aim to portray them in a positive light- always skullking(spelling intended:) ) around, groping eachother and looking dodgy, which leaves me to believe that they think they have blood on their hands too. It amazes me constantly what people can dig up info wise on this forum so maybe something will come to light on the BC's---that is relevant,no more PDA's-my stomach is light today.

The more I ponder this the more I realise postings on here that I dismissed as way to strange, are looking more and more likely.

I can't understand how anyone could do this, so I truly wonder whether GBC has not got some type of disorder, whether he is a sociopath or what there is something not quite correct in his mind. this story gets more and more bizarre.

There has to be someone else involved at least after the fact. If Allison was murdered at home I don't think it would be possible for one person to carry a body out the narrow door and stairs at the front of there Brookfield house. I am starting to get to the stage that I can't let myself imagine it anymore - it is just too awful.

A question, did the Dickies apply for custody of the girls, or did the police apply for them to be granted custody? In my opinion it would have been a lot betterfor them if they could have stayed in the locality and at the local school, which would have of course meant, they stayed with the Baden Clay snr - it just doesn't add up to me I think the police believe that there is still more to come for Nigel and Elaine Baden Clay

Thanks for your thoughts.. I have to say I am not sure it would be better for them to stay with the BC seniors regardless of whether they were involved or not. Perhaps the Dickies will move up here anyway or maybe Allisons sister if she lives locally will take over custody..who knows.

The whole moving the body has been something I have questions on too. A dead body/unconscious body would not be any easy thing to move at all, even for a strong male. I would think it more likely to require more than one person? Not saying it could not be done, but highly more likely to need help. IMO
:jail: Wacol High Security Mens Prison

Oh a studio apartment haha.
The more I ponder this the more I realise postings on here that I dismissed as way to strange, are looking more and more likely.

I can't understand how anyone could do this, so I truly wonder whether GBC has not got some type of disorder, whether he is a sociopath or what there is something not quite correct in his mind. this story gets more and more bizarre.

There has to be someone else involved at least after the fact. If Allison was murdered at home I don't think it would be possible for one person to carry a body out the narrow door and stairs at the front of there Brookfield house. I am starting to get to the stage that I can't let myself imagine it anymore - it is just too awful.

A question, did the Dickies apply for custody of the girls, or did the police apply for them to be granted custody? In my opinion it would have been a lot betterfor them if they could have stayed in the locality and at the local school, which would have of course meant, they stayed with the Baden Clay snr - it just doesn't add up to me I think the police believe that there is still more to come for Nigel and Elaine Baden Clay

IMO anybody who is capable of murder (not manslaughter) is not NORMAL!
I also made a comment last night about the fact that temporary custody was granted to the Dickies as opposed to the BC seniors. I agree, there is more to come ... and the BC's silence, no words of support for their son, etc. is strange. IMO.
Yes, I agree. QPS must have had another search warrant for last night, and it could be it was granted on the basis of new info provided by someone else. The next few days will be interesting. I believe QPS will be releasing more bits of info as days go by.

I agree, with the release of info coming. However the police may still have had a crimescene warrant for the house. They can be extended indefinitely and as I read it reported last night or today that GBC had been living still with his parents I believe(meaning the house was vacant).(in which case if it was an extention of the warrant then they would not have needed another warrant.) IMO
IMO anybody who is capable of murder (not manslaughter) is not NORMAL!
I also made a comment last night about the fact that temporary custody was granted to the Dickies as opposed to the BC seniors. I agree, there is more to come ... and the BC's silence, no words of support for their son, etc. is strange. IMO.

waiting for the other shoe to drop here.. I believe there is more to come(?)
It's gone very quiet suddenly regarding possible accomplice being granted immunity! I wonder if that whole story was just a diversion? Or are we about to witness another arrest this week?

I don't think it has gone away. I think they will try to get what they can out of GBC, and this could include evidence against other parties if he's not careful what he says. They can always go after the others later. If they don't get a conviction on GBC, it will be pointless to charge others as accessories. (IMO)

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