ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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All we know about them is what media have told/showed us. They are very clearly biased towards the Dickies, so of course they want the BCs to look as "bad" as possible. None of us know how they reacted to Allisons disappearance/murder.

True....Though I dont recall seeing photos/articles of any of the BCs at the command post care......Instead they seemed angry at the media always and the police.....and only seem through our only link, the be only concerning of themselves.

Was there any confirmation that none of them, ever attended the command post?
I wondered if maybe she had no involvement in the murder at all.....As it seemed he had a new girl (possibly this lady in NSW that he met at the Century 21 shindig).

I wondered if maybe during his time with TM, he had dropped comments like "We should kill her" "It would be good if we could get rid of her" and TM thought "WTF...". Then now, she was able to tell police that he was insinuating this during their relationship.

Hi Willough
I may be in the minority here but I believe that the NSW link is because TM went into hiding and she went to NSW hence the police going here to interview her there once again.
Willough, my initial feeling was that TM had no involvement in Allison's murder. She was GBC's mistress, nothing illegal there, immoral maybe but not illegal. So why was she allegedly interviewed on three separate occasions, once for a period of four hours? She must have had a lot to say or perhaps just took a long time saying it, I really don't know. There has been absolutely nothing further mentioned in MSM about TM since she was outed as GBC's mistress. Would this be part of an immunity deal I wonder?

BBM: Yes, what you say is quite feasible and if some bloke said that to me, I'd be thinking WTF also. :what:

I think it has to do with the shady financial side!
Willough, my initial feeling was that TM had no involvement in Allison's murder. She was GBC's mistress, nothing illegal there, immoral maybe but not illegal. So why was she allegedly interviewed on three separate occasions, once for a period of four hours? She must have had a lot to say or perhaps just took a long time saying it, I really don't know. There has been absolutely nothing further mentioned in MSM about TM since she was outed as GBC's mistress. Would this be part of an immunity deal I wonder?

BBM: Yes, what you say is quite feasible and if some bloke said that to me, I'd be thinking WTF also. :what:

Yep......All things are possible. It was odd the length of her interview....and this has also made me wonder, if yes, she was involved.

I dont even think I have made a decision whether I do think she is involved...Im definitely a :fence: when it comes to her. Probably because as you say, just because her moral compass was a bit askew at that time, it doesnt make her a murderer.
Hi Willough
I may be in the minority here but I believe that the NSW link is because TM went into hiding and she went to NSW hence the police going here to interview her there once again.

Possibly....Though I was under the understanding that he met the new lady a year ago at a century 21 conference on the gold coast. Whereas he met TM when he listed her house in 2009. But as we know, the guy talks through his fart zone.....and it could mean anything. If we found out it was TM, at that conference, I would NOT BE in the least surprised.
Found this at the NSW Judicial Commission site:

Full link here Murder - Judicial Commission of NSW

The example they show bears no relation to the circumstances we are discussing, but it may indicate that the prosecutors feel GBC's offence is worse than murder alone (if anything could be worse than that) because he interfered with her body in some way. I really believe the way this charge is stated, and the fact that it was listed as a separate charge, means he did more than just move or disturb her body. God I hope not, but I can't see why they would add this charge otherwise.

My understanding is that the second charge carries only a 2 year jail sentence. If he would have mutilated her body, I think there would have been some other charges. Just my opinion.
Hi Willough
I may be in the minority here but I believe that the NSW link is because TM went into hiding and she went to NSW hence the police going here to interview her there once again.

Hi Rational,
I guess it's possible that the NSW female that police interviewed was TM but I'd have thought if this was the case then the media would have stated as much - given that they had already 'outed' her (TM).

Just My Opinion.
It is very ironic that he is a bit depressed now himself, but I am sure its only a little bit and he will be fine.

Im glad I wasnt a reporter when he did that interview.....I would have been so tempted to SNOT HIM.....What a display of sookism (lol, I know thats not a word). Then to discover, that after all that sooky-lala, he did it.....I bet he wasnt so sooky when he was allegedly doing the nasty act.

Hi Rational,
I guess it's possible that the NSW female that police interviewed was TM but I'd have thought if this was the case then the media would have stated as much - given that they had already 'outed' her (TM).

Just My Opinion.

Yes I agree but they would have only found out after. Only so many reporters, resources etc.
Yep....Isnt it funny though, that he is the one needing 24 hour medical watch supposedly....Hmmmmm.
Going by this, it isn't necessarily that he is needing it, but rather that medical watch is a normal part of police procedure regardless of what state of mind a person is in.

Mr Baden-Clay has been in the medical wing since his transfer to the prison at Wacol.

There is no suggestion Mr Baden-Clay is under any watch orders, as risk assessments are standard procedure.

Read more:
Hi Willough
I may be in the minority here but I believe that the NSW link is because TM went into hiding and she went to NSW hence the police going here to interview her there once again.

Media reported he met this second woman last year at a conference. TM has worked with him for much longer. IMO it is a different woman.
Possibly....Though I was under the understanding that he met the new lady a year ago at a century 21 conference on the gold coast. Whereas he met TM when he listed her house in 2009. But as we know, the guy talks through his fart zone.....and it could mean anything. If we found out it was TM, at that conference, I would NOT BE in the least surprised.

... His fart zone...:floorlaugh:
Going by this, it isn't necessarily that he is needing it, but rather that medical watch is a normal part of police procedure regardless of what state of mind a person is in.

Mr Baden-Clay has been in the medical wing since his transfer to the prison at Wacol.

There is no suggestion Mr Baden-Clay is under any watch orders, as risk assessments are standard procedure.

Read more:

I doubt the assessment takes several days. He may be refusing to eat/drink?
But I think he has shown signs of a "break-down".
I totally agree and have posted similar on here. I posted a link regarding this actually. Given the amount of decomp, something like stangulation I believe would be very hard to determine straight away. And the unusal fracture, I don't think would be something thery would determine without autopsy. From what has been reported police knew cause of death it seems at Kholo creek when her body was discovered and police attended the scene.(although this information has been deliberately kept quiet from the public for the sake of the case.). To me something visible like that I agree would likely be something like stab wounds or gunshot wounds..(I tend to think more likely stabbing, but just a guess).. This would probably also tie in with the blood found in the car.


But UT, if it had been stabbing, I have no idea but would there not be a LOT of blood, at the house, in the car, the route from the house to the car etc etc? I guess we don't know there wasn't do we.
I doubt the assessment takes several days. He may be refusing to eat/drink?
But I think he has shown signs of a "break-down".

Or may need to be protected from other inmates who believe that allegedly killing a defenceless mother of three beautiful daughters is not on!!!
All of course IMOO
But UT, if it had been stabbing, I have no idea but would there not be a LOT of blood, at the house, in the car, the route from the house to the car etc etc? I guess we don't know there wasn't do we.

Someone mentioned a few days back now, that the police did have the lights off in the home, the night of his arrest....and that there seemed to be low lamps or torches shining in the home.....which made a few of us wonder whether they were testing for blood......All hearsay though :)
Or may need to be protected from other inmates who believe that allegedly killing a defenceless mother of three beautiful daughters is not on!!!
All of course IMOO

That is something I can never come to any understanding of. All of them are in there for a crime of some kind, hopefully they are working towards rehabilitation at some point. They all get a sentence, why would they think it is their place to inflict any further punishment of their choice, on another prisoner, also jeopardising their own release date, makes no sense at all.

That's interesting Bayside. So no love lost then? TM dumps on GBC, lawyers up, receives immunity and the wheels of justice for Allison slowly begin to roll. It would be fascinating to know exactly what TM told the police. Was it about shady business deals, pre-meditated murder or both. Unfortunately we may never be privy to what TM divulged.


Thank you so much Bayside and Sleuthilicious for sharing this info with us.

Perhaps TM really was just assisting police in those interviews she did with them - giving them background information about the affair and GBC, evidence of what she knew about the marriage, fights, financial situation, business dealings etc, and she was not actually involved in the crime at all.

Neither of you mentioned (I don't think?) accomplices - I wonder if there was suspicion of an accomplice right from the start, (apart from TM).... sorry I guess this is probably something you can't answer in any event.
My understanding is that the second charge carries only a 2 year jail sentence. If he would have mutilated her body, I think there would have been some other charges. Just my opinion.

The lack of attention paid to this is interesting. A murder conviction carries a life sentence which means the offender cannot apply for parole until 15 years and 1 day after conviction. If there was also a conviction for interference it would not affect the sentence in any way. Although there is provision for the court to order that sentences be served consecutively, this matter doesn't fit within any of the existing common law guidelines which enliven the exercise of that discretion. It is not a circumstance of aggravation for murder, there are no circumstances of aggravation for murder in Qld because of the mandatory life sentence.

There are a couple of possibilities as to why it was added to the indictment (if in fact it survives to be included). It could be suggested that if there is eventually a plea bargain and the accused pleads guilty to manslaughter in answer to the charge of murder on the indictment, that the DPP will require a plea to guilty for the interference charge also, to the effect of increasing the overall penalty. It could be that the circumstances of the interference do, in fact, enliven the discretion as to ordering consecutive sentences.

It could, alternatively, be that the police feel that the circumstances of the interference are so offensive that the community needs to be able to formally express its feelings about this to the offender by way of a conviction, regardless of whether it can figure in the sentence for a manslaughter conviction. That would involve extra time, stress and expense at trial.

It is interesting that the media do not seem to be pursuing the reason behind this inclusion of a second charge, given its apparent lack of impact on the proceedings. MOO.
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