ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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I have always thought that strangulation would have been hard to prove given the state of the body when found . It was stated in the CM that decomposition was advanced.(I just hate saying that) After 10 days in those elements I have always thought that if murder was evident at the time Allison was found it would be more like a puncture wound of some kind or an unusual fracture (that couldn't be the result of a fall) which I suppose could happen in strangulation. IMO

Yes, it could be stab wounds or suffocation. When strangulation happens, from what I understand, there is a small bone in the neck that breaks and that would be evident in the autopsy. IMO.
Yes, it could be stab wounds or suffocation. When strangulation happens, from what I understand, there is a small bone in the neck that breaks and that would be evident in the autopsy. IMO.

I believe there is also a blood leakage pattern inside the back of the skull
Today I spoke to someone very close to the initial investigation of Allison's disappearance (I had no idea someone close to me was in any way working on this case). GBC was suspect number 1 from day 1. The very first properties searched for Allison were empty houses on his property listings (both sale and rentals). It was discovered he had conducted his affair at empty houses. The police were always searching for a body. A huge argument was heard both the night she disappeared and the previous night from the house. The screams heard further away the Thursday night are unrelated to the case. The investigators assumed in the early stages that it was an argument that escalated, not pre-planned. The search area was incredibly dense and difficult at times and there were many areas on properties unreachable. All rumor I know and IMO..
Mmmm ... That all maybe the case and would IMO only have supported a charge of manslaughter. However some of the things I have looked at (all previously posted and the result of searches on what is available in the public domain) plus he charge of 'interfering with a corpse' would suggest something more than a spur of the moment'DV gone wrong'. If it had not been pre-planned the 'after the fact' evidence are much more devious and callous.
Mmmm ... That all maybe the case and would IMO only have supported a charge of manslaughter. However some of the things I have looked at (all previously posted and the result of searches on what is available in the public domain) plus he charge of 'interfering with a corpse' would suggest something more than a spurt of the moment'DV gone wrong'. If it had not been pre-planned the 'after the fact' evidence are much more devious and callous.

Not necessarily manslaughter. The manner in which she was killed also comes into play when determining murder or manslaughter. The second charge IMO relates to moving the body and not something more sinister. IMO.
I wonder where TM is (still in hiding?) and what she may be confronted with in the near future? Will she visit him in jail or will she dump him for good?
I respect your knowledge, plentyofnous, and I think you have plenty of it...nous, that is.

But we weren't given the option of 'sorting it out'. We (ie the boys and I) were given two alternatives: see the father or see the father.....

Dear Jillie
I think the difference is in that your ex was not charged with the murder of his wife or perhaps did not have a criminal record. In which case his arguments for seeing his children was as strong as yours. Maybe not just, but this is the way the system works.
This case his somewhat different, in that the person has been charged with the murder of their mother. IMO

This does not take away from your experiences, it just highlights how difficult the area of Family Law is, and if it is a case of one person's view against another (in the absence of evidence or witnesses to the contrary) the prevailing result will inevitable be that children are allowed to spend time with both parents.

Today I spoke to someone very close to the initial investigation of Allison's disappearance (I had no idea someone close to me was in any way working on this case). GBC was suspect number 1 from day 1. The very first properties searched for Allison were empty houses on his property listings (both sale and rentals). It was discovered he had conducted his affair at empty houses. The police were always searching for a body. A huge argument was heard both the night she disappeared and the previous night from the house. The screams heard further away the Thursday night are unrelated to the case. The investigators assumed in the early stages that it was an argument that escalated, not pre-planned. The search area was incredibly dense and difficult at times and there were many areas on properties unreachable. All rumor I know and IMO..

Since I have some very good sources I am happy to pass on some things I have heard now an arrest has been made.

I agree with you re Gerard being a suspect from day one and also re the fights on both of those nights which were physical.

I also agree about the rental properties being searched but not in the first few days. The details about Gerard and his then current affair partners date locations came out after the interview with them.

The fights were fueled by serious financial problems, more than just having a rough patch in business more along the lines of some shady things going on. I believe the affair was not the motive but obviously would not help the situation.

As I am not verified and do not intend to be this is just rumour so treat it as such, take it with a grain of salt. Most of it people here have already figured out for themself.

I think COD will leak out with the bail hearing coming up so by the end of the week everyone should know how this beautiful woman died. I do not think it will be the woops I pushed her and she bumped her head and didnt wake up scenario.
I wonder where TM is (still in hiding?) and what she may be confronted with in the near future? Will she visit him in jail or will she dump him for good?

I really think she would dump his a$$ but who knows women do strange things in the name of "love". He might dump her when he founds out what she has given the police.

I am thinking his dance card might be full for a while anyway.
I wonder where TM is (still in hiding?) and what she may be confronted with in the near future? Will she visit him in jail or will she dump him for good?

I think if she can get her head around the fact that he never loved her (rumours of more than one affair on GBC's part would be a pretty good indication of this - plus the fact that he did not leave Allison once the news of the affair with TM was discovered) she will be able to dump him for good.

I hope for her sake that she can, anyway! Otherwise I fear he will take her further into the abyss.

Yes, it could be stab wounds or suffocation. When strangulation happens, from what I understand, there is a small bone in the neck that breaks and that would be evident in the autopsy. IMO.

The hyoid bone in the neck is what you are thinking of. It is a small, unconnected (floating) bone (not part of the spine) in front of the larynx. Very easily identifiable in the case of stranglulation - breaks. IMO of course.

I have always thought she was suffocated. IMO of course. I have no way of knowing this, just my experience.

(My ex had bragged to acquaintances, who have since passed this on to me, that he knew exactly how to kill me - not strangulation, but suffocation, as I am asthmatic and he knew (thought) I wouldn't last long and there would be no physical signs.) Nice :)

The Murder/Manslaughter Distinction in Unlawful Homicide

Thank you so much KnowledgeThirsty! I haven't been able to get these distinctions clear in my mind.

I didn't know that you could be charged with murder but convicted of manslaughter. I guess that would be voluntary manslaughter.

BTW the thanks button seems to have disappeared from my screen. So here is a personal thanks instead :blushing:
Thank you Bayside. Great posts.

I think in all of this we can also be mindful of the fact that 'Mr I told the police everything' has only told them that 'she went for a walk and did return' and had to have the Magistrate being willing to order for him to provide a mitachrondial DNA sample before he 'consented ' to providing one, and possibly on the advice of his LE has said nothing more.

Thank you Bayside. Great posts.

I think in all of this we can also be mindful of the fact that 'Mr I told the police everything' has only told them that 'she went for a walk and did return' and had to have the Magistrate being willing to order for him to provide a mitachrondial DNA sample before he 'consented ' to providing one, and possibly on the advice of his LE has said nothing more.


You can bet your last dollar that he did not help the police in any way and remained silent when being charged. His family have also done the same other than when they asked the police for help re being harrassed and threatened.

All imo of course.
Dear Jillie
I think the difference is in that your ex was not charged with the murder of his wife or perhaps did not have a criminal record. In which case his arguments for seeing his children was as strong as yours. Maybe not just, but this is the way the system works.
This case his somewhat different, in that the person has been charged with the murder of their mother. IMO

This does not take away from your experiences, it just highlights how difficult the area of Family Law is, and if it is a case of one person's view against another (in the absence of evidence or witnesses to the contrary) the prevailing result will inevitable be that children are allowed to spend time with both parents.


Thank you Rational. I understand all this, but it is very difficult when you are in the middle of it and the children plead with you not to allow him access....heartbreaking, in fact. All a very long time ago now.
You can bet your last dollar that he did not help the police in any way and remained silent when being charged. His family have also done the same other than when they asked the police for help re being harrassed and threatened.

All imo of course.

Not true of them did very helpfully tell everyone that Allison suffered from depression...... and for that we should be grateful.
Not true of them did very helpfully tell everyone that Allison suffered from depression...... and for that we should be grateful.

Yep....Isnt it funny though, that he is the one needing 24 hour medical watch supposedly....Hmmmmm. Not degrading depression, because I think at times we all can suffer from a bit of it to varying degrees....But, yep, she was the one with it, but he is the one needing help for it.....How ironic....<modsnip>.

and please, I dont need the depression bandwagon jumping on me. But when you are digressing that your wife has it over the media, then are the very one needing support for it, one can only call the guy hypocritical.
So if it was a argument that escalated and not premeditated I wonder what the evidence was that caused an arrest for murder and not manslaughter. Whatever it is that evidence would be the evidence that would deny him bail IMO

Because an arguement that escalates can still have the outcome of murder(does not have to be classed as manslaughter). Someone can still stab or strangle or anything that causes anothers death in an argument and it is still murder. Even in manslaughter if it is voluntary, a person can still have intent to kill or harm, just that their mental capacity is somehow deemed to be affected in a way as to reduce culpability.(involuntary is another matter in which an accused can not be provent to have the mind or intent to kill, but their actions are not of a reasonable person under the circumstances).

So if police are arresting on murder then their belief and evidence would suggest an intent to kill or harm (or that the person accused could forsee that their actions or lack of would cause the death of the victim). In other words if in a fit of rage or argument escalation, you stabbed someone to death or strangled them to death, that could be said that there is intent to kill with that or that you could forsee those actions could or would result in the victims death.

(I am starting to feel like there may be some premeditation here in this case though. I don't know and I hope not..)
The hyoid bone in the neck is what you are thinking of. It is a small, unconnected (floating) bone (not part of the spine) in front of the larynx. Very easily identifiable in the case of stranglulation - breaks. IMO of course.

I have always thought she was suffocated. IMO of course. I have no way of knowing this, just my experience.

(My ex had bragged to acquaintances, who have since passed this on to me, that he knew exactly how to kill me - not strangulation, but suffocation, as I am asthmatic and he knew (thought) I wouldn't last long and there would be no physical signs.) Nice :)

Yes, that's the bone I was referring to.

Wow, how horrible what he was thinking!! Suffocation can also be detected in an autopsy (something with blood vessels in the eyes or similar).
I believe Greg was being sarcastic.

Probably moreso spot on, i'd say.

Though I do think bay would agree with him anyways....I daresay she would mean, apart from them spouting "the depression" angle, they had been very quiet indeed.
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