ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#24

DNA Solves
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June 19, 2012 12:00AM

ACCUSED wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay will remain in Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre's medical wing until his bail application on Thursday, locked away from any visitors other than his lawyer.
Queensland Corrective Services said the decision not to move the father of three - who is charged with murdering his wife Allison at the family's Brookfield home in April - into a cell, followed a standard medical assessment.

It also was revealed yesterday that police have applied to the court to have Baden-Clay's beard removed to allow for further forensic testing.
June 19, 2012 12:00AM

ACCUSED wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay will remain in Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre's medical wing until his bail application on Thursday, locked away from any visitors other than his lawyer.
Queensland Corrective Services said the decision not to move the father of three - who is charged with murdering his wife Allison at the family's Brookfield home in April - into a cell, followed a standard medical assessment.

It also was revealed yesterday that police have applied to the court to have Baden-Clay's beard removed to allow for further forensic testing.

Thanks, Marly

Fascinating, isn't it

and .... fascinating

in more ways than one
June 19, 2012 12:00AM

ACCUSED wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay will remain in Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre's medical wing until his bail application on Thursday, locked away from any visitors other than his lawyer.
Queensland Corrective Services said the decision not to move the father of three - who is charged with murdering his wife Allison at the family's Brookfield home in April - into a cell, followed a standard medical assessment.

It also was revealed yesterday that police have applied to the court to have Baden-Clay's beard removed to allow for further forensic testing.

Now I'm convinced it's not the beard hair that they're after, but rather what's beneath it. I would assume from the scratches/scars they would be able to determine what angle they were inflicted, along with width/depth/possible causes etc

Does anyone know much about "blackouts" and any association with violent crimes.
What can we say here, huh? So much dilligence and exacting efforts

all to be rewarded by a 12 year 'exchange' for someone's own, granted to them, own-personal-property life

Will we keep our best (i.e., the Lynne Milnes) or will addlepated parole boards send them overseas or worse -- into despair, disappointment and depression and eventual bitterness and disillusion

Make parole boards accountable please. Give us transparency. Make sense of this farce and all the tragedies

No? Too busy peddling wars for profit and focusing on the idiotic antics on the floor of parliament ? Oh ok. Sure. That's why we elect and empower you. What's life anyway, right. Who matters. Who cares

Well we bloody care. It's why we're here, attempting vicariously to put things to rights. Remember that, won't you, as you're drawing your last breath

Thanks Laser for bringing us right back to the reason why we are here so direct and to the point.
Thanks, Marly

Fascinating, isn't it

and .... fascinating

in more ways than one

Why is he getting special treatment? Surely the reason for him staying there could only be because of medical reasons?
Now I'm convinced it's not the beard hair that they're after, but rather what's beneath it. I would assume from the scratches they would be able to determine what angle they were inflicted, along with width/depth/possible causes etc

Does anyone know much about "blackouts" and any association with violent crimes.

Wasn't it last Friday though they were wanting to get a sample from his beard??

Maybe they're doing both...have taken the beard sample..sent if off for testing & now they want beard off to test skin samples??
Now I'm convinced it's not the beard hair that they're after, but rather what's beneath it. I would assume from the scratches they would be able to determine what angle they were inflicted, along with width/depth/possible causes etc

QPS are masterful

So many birds with one stone

Beard hair = drugs tests?

Uncover what may lie beneath it = tests

Comparisons with possible other discovered hairs to see if common Dna

Psychological espionage (mythical Samson)

Demoralise the shaven - remove the mask

Keep everyone guessing

Can be tendered at bail hearing = waiting for potentially crucial tests

Maybe they will have to dry shave to avoid chemical contamination = ouch
Wozzle....seeing that we are not able to do jury duty, maybe we could get a headcount on how many of us will be going to Brookfield to the cricket match to raise money for Allisons girls.

I'd certainly come (with a 'sunflower' in my hair!) if I was closer, but I am many many many km away. I'll be donating to the 'fund' on the day, so I'll feel a 'part' of it that way. With all the talk about how much this you beaut lawyer and barrister will be costing for GBC, it's a crying shame that all that money isn't being spent on/saved for the girls.....makes me mad, actually. One day they'll have an understanding of this, but at least they'll know they've been loved and embraced by the whole country. It's one of the things that I love about being Australian - we ALL 'pitch' in when necessary (pardon the pun....just trying to be a little 'Greggy'....while he's sin binned!) I'm nervous about Thursday....surely surely surely they won't let him loose? Det Ainsworth I hope your 'brief' fills three wheelbarrows when you front up for the hearing!:please:
Thank you for providing valuable perspective

I agree with what you've written

Ever since humans squatted in caves, they've communicated. Communication is hard wired in humans. It's why language developed

People have always voiced their opinions - over the fence, on the street, in the workplace, on buses and trains, via phone, in public places, through the print and televised media, etc. Always

Someone posted recently that the numbers of murders per thousand in Australia have remained pretty much constant in the years, for example, 1907 and 1997. Many of us remember many of those murder cases and can remember how it was then before social media

When Graham Thorn was kidnapped and brutally murdered back in the 1960's, thousands of people made their way to the street in which he'd lived. Enterprising others sold coffee, newspapers, ice-creams etc. to those crowds

The print media and tv indulged in sensationalistic updates and devoted hours to coverage which was saturation, Australia wide

As result, discussion of the case was encouraged. It was impossible not to know about the case, so intense was main stream media coverage

Where were those complaining about 'influencing the trial' back then ?

Where were police warning the public not to discuss the case back then ?

Why don't these 'concerned legal people' admit that because of social media -- the mainstream news isn't making the same sort of profit from grisly crimes as they used to and the mainstream media is angry about that and trying every trick in the book to regain it's profitable edge, using 'legal experts' as their tool ?

How long has social media been mainstream? What -- ten years? Less?

So suddenly social media is being portrayed as the villain of the piece -- yet for thousands of years, people have voiced their opinions, speculations etc., about crime -- and for thousands of years, this public voicing of opinion has NOT been seen to 'prevent a fair trial'. Obviously -- because they've still managed to form juries

We're supposed to accept and preach to others now though, that 'social media' could jeoparise fair trials ? Lol. I'm not buying the argument. It's see through. I regard all the blather about the detrimental effects of social media as bulldust, as hoopla, being spun by people who want to sell their latest book or want to create a new job for themselves vetting social media

Maybe because social media is legally considered publishing, but gossiping over the back fence to the neighbour isn't. And gossiping on the QPS Facebook page gives you a much wider audience than gossiping to the neighbour. JMO.
Wasn't it last Friday though they were wanting to get a sample from his beard??

Maybe they're doing both...have taken the beard sample..sent if off for testing & now they want beard off to test skin samples??

I'll have to go back through the media releases and check out the wording (which, as we all know, can be quite different from various sources). But I have always wondered how much impact the presence of GBC's hair/DNA could have on securing a conviction; considering you would expect it to be there due to the fact they were married.
I'll have to go back through the media releases and check out the wording (which, as we all know, can be quite different from various sources). But I have always wondered how much impact the presence of GBC's hair/DNA could have on securing a conviction; considering you would expect it to be there due to the fact they were married.

June 16, 2012

A Brisbane businessman charged with murdering his wife has agreed to provide police with a sample of his DNA.

He was brought back before the court about an hour later when prosecutors sought and were granted a forensic order to take a DNA sample.

The order is for a sample of Gerard Baden-Clay's beard
Wasn't it last Friday though they were wanting to get a sample from his beard??

Maybe they're doing both...have taken the beard sample..sent if off for testing & now they want beard off to test skin samples??

Or identification of unbearded driver of vehicle at Kenmore roundabout? JMO
Maybe because social media is legally considered publishing, but gossiping over the back fence to the neighbour isn't. And gossiping on the QPS Facebook page gives you a much wider audience than gossiping to the neighbour. JMO.

Agreed, gossiping over the back fence is alot smaller audience then when comments are put out in social media, potentially they have the ability to influence or at the very least reach a huge amount of people in one go. And talking of QPS FB page, I would think they have to be careful in particular of what people write as perhaps it can be seen even more so to influence or in effect for them to be endorsing comments made on their site. MOO
I'm going for carbon monoxide poisoning - drugged or physically knocked out and then gassed in the car .. and body taken to Scout camp. IMO:moo:
I'm tossing up between something found at the house and the specialised DNA testing...perhaps something along the lines of what's carried out at UWA "DNA profiling in humans (determination of ancestry)"

IMO I'm fairly convinced that there was only one perp; but it would certainly make for an interesting situation if there was hair found that could be linked to GBC through DNA profiling.
"Truth in Sentencing" ... don't we have this in Qld?

It is just so heartbreaking to read about cases of convicted murderers being released after 12 years! Life should mean Life and no parole for murder. IMO.
ahhahhaa... * on floor* .. remove his beard!!...

lets hope the Barber has a steady hand.
The DNA testing of the beard has me stumped, anyway, off to bed, thanks for your posts tonight, most enjoyable
"Truth in Sentencing" ... don't we have this in Qld?

It is just so heartbreaking to read about cases of convicted murderers being released after 12 years! Life should mean Life and no parole for murder. IMO.


It's an insult

Salt deliberately rubbed in the wound
Or identification of unbearded driver of vehicle at Kenmore roundabout? JMO

I don't really watch crime they still do those 'line ups'? Thought they went out with button up boots! :waitasec:
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