ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#24

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You're a little bit hurt but you're ok? ::floorlaugh:: Sorry, couldn't resist.

And you should have heard my wobbly mumblings and weirdly-expressioned face when I wrote that ....
Seems definitely to have been a stressful time: business folding, opening again in new premises, funeral, revelations of personal and financial problems, children's lives virtually destroyed, living with parents, back and forth to Brookfield for clothes, smashed cars -- and the murder of Allison

One would have to acknowledge though, that not many people would have held up as he apparently has, hence I think that now that he is behind bars and out of sight, he may be letting it all out and be depressed/suicidal. IMO.
mmm, distance between scene and perp in other case was quite a distance, and apparently he was seen playing weekend at bernies as well, IMO, must be something unique to this particular spot, but seems well down the track, IMO

Yeah I thought so to that's why I said I was guessing at the pollen idea, but then again they will keep hunting for evidence till the case. They still have the captiva don't they, may have been stripping it down looking for evidence and found something.
One would have to acknowledge though, that not many people would have held up as he apparently has, hence I think that now that he is behind bars and out of sight, he may be letting it all out and be depressed/suicidal. IMO.

By some reports he may have indeed been on the verge of cracking by the time police arrested him. I do think that its probably hit like a tonne of bricks right now.
One would have to acknowledge though, that not many people would have held up as he apparently has, hence I think that now that he is behind bars and out of sight, he may be letting it all out and be depressed/suicidal. IMO.

Impossible to know, really. The person's an enigma, seemingly
Maybe because social media is legally considered publishing, but gossiping over the back fence to the neighbour isn't. And gossiping on the QPS Facebook page gives you a much wider audience than gossiping to the neighbour. JMO.

I think the world/authorities will have to come to grips with this, because social media will not go away. The QPS FB page is a different story and am surprised some people were silly enough to post inappropriate comments there, of all places!
Any thoughts on how long it takes to have police clearance to visit someone on remand? i am surprise OW/BCs have not visited him. Or could it because of legal advise from GBC's lawyer? No more chit-chat with parents?
I think the world/authorities will have to come to grips with this, because social media will not go away. The QPS FB page is a different story and am surprised some people were silly enough to post inappropriate comments there, of all places!

Yep.. Like alot of things with the net. I think the law is still to catch up. But yes, don't want to make things any harder for QPS, need to think about what we say where and give them the best possible chance of putting away whomever did this.
Any thoughts on how long it takes to have police clearance to visit someone on remand? i am surprise OW/BCs have not visited him. Or could it because of legal advise from GBC's lawyer? No more chit-chat with parents?

Hmm, maybe they are trying to put a bit of seperation between certain parties, for reasons.. exerting some pressure? Or because sights are set on others by QPS? Very much MOO.
If he is granted bail, any ideas on how much the amount would be? I know that alleged murderers normally don't make bail, but the ones that have in the past, I would assume it would be a hefty sum like $1 mio?
If he is granted bail, any ideas on how much the amount would be? I know that alleged murderers normally don't make bail, but the ones that have in the past, I would assume it would be a hefty sum like $1 mio?

I am highly doubting bail will be made, but if so..wonder where that money would come from??
I am highly doubting bail will be made, but if so..wonder where that money would come from??

Yes, I wonder about that too. I think they only have to come up with 10%. I also wonder who/how the barrister is being paid. We are not talking about someone who has a lot left (no business).
it sounds quite a process to get visiting rights, prospective visitors must first apply to the prison's general manager and be subjected to a criminal history check, according to QCS, so maybe there wasnt enough time before thursdays bail hearing, and they are hoping he gets bail, or maybe his family have turned their backs and disowned him!
otherwise, if hes very depressed or suicidal he could be on medication and his family have been advised its better if they dont visit during these early stages?
Yes, I wonder about that too. I think they only have to come up with 10%. I also wonder who/how the barrister is being paid. We are not talking about someone who has a lot left (no business).

Hmm, there was discussion of this the other night and I can't remember who said it,( sorry bout to go to bed and too tired to look it up), but legal aid was mentioned. I thought when you went through legal aid you had a court appointed lawyer though the perosn said GBC's Laywer could just happen to be one that works for legal aid(and he could choose, I think?). But they suspected not the case with this one. I would be surprised if they were also- top criminal laywer.. pricey I would think.

looked, but could not find the post sorry..
it sounds quite a process to get visiting rights, prospective visitors must first apply to the prison's general manager and be subjected to a criminal history check, according to QCS, so maybe there wasnt enough time before thursdays bail hearing, and they are hoping he gets bail, or maybe his family have turned their backs and disowned him!
otherwise, if hes very depressed or suicidal he could be on medication and his family have been advised its better if they dont visit during these early stages?

I had also thought about the possibility of them turning their backs on him because he has now become a disgrace to their "highly regarded" name. IMO. Agree, he could also be sedated.
Head hair has a smaller diameter than hair from the rest of the body and is more evenly colored. Hair from the legs and trunk contain more medulla than head hair, and exhibit a less uniform distribution of pigment. Facial hair is coarse and may have a triangular cross section, with blunt tips as a result of trimming and shaving.
Thank you for providing valuable perspective

I agree with what you've written

Ever since humans squatted in caves, they've communicated. Communication is hard wired in humans. It's why language developed

People have always voiced their opinions - over the fence, on the street, in the workplace, on buses and trains, via phone, in public places, through the print and televised media, etc. Always

Someone posted recently that the numbers of murders per thousand in Australia have remained pretty much constant in the years, for example, 1907 and 1997. Many of us remember many of those murder cases and can remember how it was then before social media

When Graham Thorn was kidnapped and brutally murdered back in the 1960's, thousands of people made their way to the street in which he'd lived. Enterprising others sold coffee, newspapers, ice-creams etc. to those crowds

The print media and tv indulged in sensationalistic updates and devoted hours to coverage which was saturation, Australia wide

As result, discussion of the case was encouraged. It was impossible not to know about the case, so intense was main stream media coverage

Where were those complaining about 'influencing the trial' back then ?

Where were police warning the public not to discuss the case back then ?

Why don't these 'concerned legal people' admit that because of social media -- the mainstream news isn't making the same sort of profit from grisly crimes as they used to and the mainstream media is angry about that and trying every trick in the book to regain it's profitable edge, using 'legal experts' as their tool ?

How long has social media been mainstream? What -- ten years? Less?

So suddenly social media is being portrayed as the villain of the piece -- yet for thousands of years, people have voiced their opinions, speculations etc., about crime -- and for thousands of years, this public voicing of opinion has NOT been seen to 'prevent a fair trial'. Obviously -- because they've still managed to form juries

We're supposed to accept and preach to others now though, that 'social media' could jeoparise fair trials ? Lol. I'm not buying the argument. It's see through. I regard all the blather about the detrimental effects of social media as bulldust, as hoopla, being spun by people who want to sell their latest book or want to create a new job for themselves vetting social media

Fantastic post.
Well said and I agree. I find it very insulting to be told what I can and can't write especially one one's private social media page.
As I have said previously, good luck to them because if they "go after" one defamation comment they would have to follow up on the hundreds I have seen.
Channel 7 News just reported they are sending evidence to W.A. for further fornesic examination.

Interesting anyone know what this would be, what does Perth have that we dont.

Hi Sheerluck, I also believe evidence was sent to Melbourne this week too?
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