ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#24

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HOW ON EARTH would anyone know this detail?

Further, Brisbane is quite a small town. Lawyers will be clamouring over this one, and quite likely are acting pro-bono for the publicity. The payoff will be when they get him released. and wait for GBC to change legal representation mid-stream. IMO this is likely to happen when the details of the prosecution case are revealed and even blind freddy is forced to admit GBC's involvement. The high priced lawyers will drop him in a heartbeat.

I really don't think its that lawyers were clammering for this. By all reports GBC lawyered up from the day he reported his wife missing.. don't think there was much time for solicitation from the legal area. MOO
Could there have been the possiblity that Allison tried to call 000 (just dialled) and not got through... The operators would have been able to still get the number who it belonged to and surely would have looked into it at some stage to see if it would have been a hoax or not.. 000 operators do have direct connection with police don't they ?...

i wondered that too, and if there is a recording of her brief call, could the tv have been going in the background, but then i guess the time would be on the call, so they wouldnt need tv schedules for that
I recalled (a while back, in my lurker days) when someone on this forum said they were a 000 operator working around the time that Allison was reported missing (can't remember whether that person said they worked either the Thursday night or Friday morning, but as I recall it was one of those two times) but neither he/she nor any of the other 000 operators she spoke to received a call from GBC.

Rumour only, not verified fact.

Perhaps Gerard phoned the police station directly?

Surely though if this person was indeed an 000 operator they would not have been able to divulge such information to anyone and especially not on a public forum...All their calls would have to be of the strictest confidentiality in every way so I believe it would be a rumour only imo
It is hard to imagine how everybody (incl. the Dickies) managed that sad day. Because I come from the idea that this murder was not pre-planned and just an escalation of events after a fight (and sheer panic afterwards) I do also believe that perhaps that moment was when he realised the enormity of what he had allegedly done. Contrary to most people's thinking on this forum, I don't necessarily think he is a mean/narcissitic/psychopath type of person. He maybe a control freak though (which would stem from being very insecure). All my humble opinion.

Someone posted last night about the Dickies situation at the funeral. It wouldn't surprise me if the Dickies did confront GBC privately after the body was found. I certainly would have, if I was in their terrible situation.

Bolded.. yes thats the impression I get from that photo you posted. Like a bit of shock and horror at the relization of what he may have done(if guilty). However it is so hard for me to accept then that you would not at some point now fess up- if its just as you suggest an escalation of something that led to her death(Not saying you are wrong). I do theoretically understand that people can get 'stuck' and feel there is no other way out of the mess than to continue a charade. But even at the point of arrest he has still not fessed up. I will say that I do accept that people do deal with things differently in that I can see the possibility as I said of feeling no way out and that sort of mindset could lead to suicidal and mental breaking point.. Perhaps a reason he is being kept in the medical ward at the prison and why police decided to arrest earlier than planned due to his mental state(?) supposedly.
That is the only thing I have been able to deduce. He rang them direct IMO. Very strange. What do you say 'I am a grown man of 41 years of age, and my wife has not come back from her walk, what do you think I should do?', 'no I have not gone looking, ah officer I feel so bad, a little bit hurt that she has gone for a walk but I have this feeling that something has happened to her'. (sorry had more but would not be suitable to post!!!!)

I think the 7:30 am call timing might have to do with the kids being dropped off back at home by the people where they were staying (BCs or others) to either get into their school uniforms or pick up their lunches, etc. because they live not far from the school anyhow. This would tie in with the rumour that the kids may have said to QPS "no, we were not home last night" (or similar). All my opinion only.
I know next to nothing about custody laws and family law but I was thinking the change of custody to the Dickies is telling, certainly at this point in time.

What if the police have (GBC's) parents involvement on file somehow and so QPS need to keep the kids out of the BC scenario completely. I know QPS have said 'no more arrests' and then 'at this stage we cannot confirm that there be no more arrests'. (To me this sounds like the same ole story we were strung along with when GBC was a suspect and then not a person of interest, no comment at this time sort of stuff.)

The girls would not be allowed to stay with relatives implicated in the murder of ABC so perhaps this is why they have allowed them to be with the Dickies. The BC's were looking after GBC for the 8 weeks that he was 'not talking' to police. In my mind this in itself is disturbing, did the parents know of his alleged guilt, because this could be effectively aiding and abetting a criminal.

OW was questioned leading up to the arrest and I would think logically that if EBC and NBC would have been questioned and had cooperated with the police then they would still have the girls - would not speaking to the police cause concern for suspicion to detectives? And could this impact on BC's custody of the girls.

In terms of stability I think the Dickies would be the superior carers. MOO However, the Brookflied school and the girls' friends are all around where EBC and NBC live and would cause the least disruption to their life at this point. (But probably a minor consideration after their ordeal to date.)

No more talk from TM (maybe that is because of her lawyer.)

I apologise if this has been discussed before but does anyone know if GBC was residing with his parents after Allisons body was found or had he moved back into his Brookfield home.
Bolded.. yes thats the impression I get from that photo you posted. Like a bit of shock and horror at the relization of what he may have done(if guilty). However it is so hard for me to accept then that you would not at some point now fess up- if its just as you suggest an escalation of something that led to her death(Not saying you are wrong). I do theoretically understand that people can get 'stuck' and feel there is no other way out of the mess than to continue a charade. But even at the point of arrest he has still not fessed up. I will say that I do accept that people do deal with things differently in that I can see the possibility as I said of feeling no way out and that sort of mindset could lead to suicidal and mental breaking point.. Perhaps a reason he is being kept in the medical ward at the prison and why police decided to arrest earlier than planned due to his mental state(?) supposedly.

Yes, I do believe his mental state was probably very fragile by the time he was arrested. He is not stupid and he knew that eventually his time would be up. After that, he does not need to confess because it's too late for that (if he in fact is guilty). He would not get away with it, therefor he may as well play his "innocent" card to the end and put his trust in his defence team. All assuming he is in fact guilty.
Social media is a juggernaut. It's way too big and embedded to control or shut down. It can be regulated though, with the cooperation and common sense of everyone involved in it. I think internet communities have been given a huge amount of power and its largely up to them to consider how they use it. It has grown too quickly for the law to keep pace. Australians have always valued a fair go and as a culture I think we strike a pretty good balance between not letting ourselves be dictated to by authority but also respecting the rights of others. That's why I love the joint. We're not perfect but i think we do it better here than in most other places.

I know almost nothing about Mr Baden Clay except that the QPS believe he murdered his wife. As a fellow Aussie I reckon I owe him the right to a proper hearing based on the evidence that passes the court's test for fairness. I reckon his family and those who care about him, including his kids, also deserve some respect and consideration. It would be bad enough having lost one family member then having another one accused of killing her without every Tom, Dick and Harry suggesting all sorts of other horrific things without any regulation at all. If enough people repeat an allegation, no matter how little real evidence there is for it, it starts to acquire the trappings of 'fact'. People forget where the rumour started and it gets passed on as if it's true. That can be truly hurtful to the subject of the allegations but also totally devestating if the the subject is facing a serious criminal charge that could result in them having the rest of their life ruined and their family torn apart.

On the other hand, I don't feel any particular sympathy for the guy beyond that, for all the reasons that were discussed here before the arrest. And all the talk about permanent stays on indictments and aborted trials I reckon doesn't really help. It just confuses people further and it causes defensive reactions and perhaps even intensifies the level of animosity when people feel their right to have an opinion is threatened. I listened to the lunch break video on the CM yesterday and it all just sounded like confused waffle to me. All well intentioned but full of mixed messages and uncertainty about what they were actually trying to say.

I also reckon that most people are fair minded enough that when a judge tells them to make a decision based only on the evidence they hear in the court that they can and will do that. Presumably judges are fair and decent enough to follow that advice themselves, so why can't we extend the same assumption of decency to the members of the community who do jury service? So many people are on social media and internet forums now that there's little point in hoping that vague warnings about subjudice will just stop internet speculation. That would be just sticking our heads in the sand.

I've got no answers to any of this, but I think that each of us could at least pause for thought before we press 'submit' on a post and consider whether what we are doing or saying is fair to all concnerned. I don't reckon that the law can effectivley regulate, on its own, what happens in social media these days but we can all play our part by valuing the wider audience it gives to our thoughts and by continuing to question our own actions. Just MOO. I'd really like to hear other people's opinions about this.

Thank you so well said .. I have tried my best from even before arrests were made to say some of what you have, yet I never ever think it has come out as well put as you have written.
I apologise if this has been discussed before but does anyone know if GBC was residing with his parents after Allisons body was found or had he moved back into his Brookfield home.

As far has been reported in the Media, I do not think he did return to the house. Despite some hearsay to the opposite.
I still do not see the time of 7.30 being necessarily suspicious in terms of guilt or innocence IMO. If somebody's behavior is totally out of character ie. not being where they usually would be it would be natural to be worried and if he has made phone calls to certain people regarding her whereabouts and there was no trace IMO it would be a good reason to call the police. I get your reasoning of why he would not let her disappearance go on and on but do not regard this as being as important as you seem to think. Guilty or not I do not see the timing as being so important. I do understand the idea you have put forward re. place she went missing from, but missing and the last time someone has been seen is not the same. The story was set once those calls to friends and family were made making the police call not out of the picture UNLESS someone else made it.

Det Insp Aisworth confirmed it was GBC who called police.
Perhaps C21 has decided that the damage to the company's reputation as a result of being attached to the Baden-Clay name is too much and has decided to remove the franchise from them and award it to someone else.

Don't know how these things work though so perhaps someone with knowledge of franchise operations could assist.

No that is the old original office! :)
Bolded.. yes thats the impression I get from that photo you posted. Like a bit of shock and horror at the relization of what he may have done(if guilty). However it is so hard for me to accept then that you would not at some point now fess up- if its just as you suggest an escalation of something that led to her death(Not saying you are wrong). I do theoretically understand that people can get 'stuck' and feel there is no other way out of the mess than to continue a charade. But even at the point of arrest he has still not fessed up. I will say that I do accept that people do deal with things differently in that I can see the possibility as I said of feeling no way out and that sort of mindset could lead to suicidal and mental breaking point.. Perhaps a reason he is being kept in the medical ward at the prison and why police decided to arrest earlier than planned due to his mental state(?) supposedly.

The reason why I don't think he has ever or will admit he done it is because of his daughters, what else does he have in his life now and if they find out that daddy did hurt mummy - I don't think they will want anything to do with daddy ever again. IMO IMO IMO IMo
I think the 7:30 am call timing might have to do with the kids being dropped off back at home by the people where they were staying (BCs or others) to either get into their school uniforms or pick up their lunches, etc. because they live not far from the school anyhow. This would tie in with the rumour that the kids may have said to QPS "no, we were not home last night" (or similar). All my opinion only.

i agree, and it does explain the children being there in the morning. imo if he didnt have the children to worry about that morning, he could have had all day before calling police, because as they were supposedly estranged, he could have just assumed she had left for her conference early, catching a cab, to explain her car being there, and when she hadnt returned later that night, then call her and her friends, then call police.
I apologise if this has been discussed before but does anyone know if GBC was residing with his parents after Allisons body was found or had he moved back into his Brookfield home.

This is from back on April 26, 2012 (one week after Allison's disappearance)...whether or not he moved back in fairly soon after this I don't know...members on here have mentioned he eventually moved back to the house.

POLICE have pulled down the tape from the front gate of the Baden-Clay family home this afternoon, a week after missing mother-of-three Allison is believed to have disappeared.
The husband of the missing woman, real estate agent Gerard Baden-Clay, was later seen entering the property with family members.
i agree, and it does explain the children being there in the morning. imo if he didnt have the children to worry about that morning, he could have had all day before calling police, because as they were supposedly estranged, he could have just assumed she had left for her conference early, catching a cab, to explain her car being there, and when she hadnt returned later that night, then call her and her friends, then call police.

You never know, one of the school mums might have dropped in to see Allison before school, drop something off etc - this would have put him on the spot, you just never know how it all occurred.
Maybe it is possible that Allison had bank accounts frozen or perhaps withdrew money from accounts.....with the intent of leaving him and knowing that he and his family would be ruthless in Property and Divorce proceedings maybe she thought this was her only option?

:waitasec:IMO and Only a thought?

I think that is a good thought you had.
Now CaseClosed!!! you have a link??

... sorry, there are so many links in the Timeline, but it was discussed here probably a week before his arrest and someone posted the link confirming that GBC was the one who called.
Yes, I do believe his mental state was probably very fragile by the time he was arrested. He is not stupid and he knew that eventually his time would be up. After that, he does not need to confess because it's too late for that (if he in fact is guilty). He would not get away with it, therefor he may as well play his "innocent" card to the end and put his trust in his defence team. All assuming he is in fact guilty.

Yep I understand that. could go either way. Fess up and hope to get leniency or hope like hell your legal team can get you off and so continue to plead innocent. I can certainly see what you are saying.
I apologise if this has been discussed before but does anyone know if GBC was residing with his parents after Allisons body was found or had he moved back into his Brookfield home.

There were some reports that he had moved back home but I do not believe that to be true.
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