ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#24

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This may be off topic...but there was debate in the last thread about what makes someone evil ....i.e. Genes or enviornment etc.. For those in Australia on the east coast the program below is on SBS1 tonight at 9:30 pm AEST. Might be interesting.

Are You Good Or Evil?
9.30pm - 10.30pmSBS ONETonightALT. TIMES
What makes us good or evil? It's a simple but deeply unsettling question. One that scientists are now starting to answer. In this program we meet the researchers who have studied some of the most terrifying people behind bars - psychopathic killers. But there was a shock in store for one of these scientists, Professor Jim Fallon, when he discovered that he had the profile of a psychopath. And the reason he didn't turn out to be a killer holds important lessons for all of us. We also meet a man who is using this new understanding to rewrite our ideas of crime and punishment.
I think , that his ringing the police at 7.30 was an aberration of the plan. Something forced that error.. like in tennis.. the whole thing went to *advertiser censored* at that point.. Not that it wasnt ever going to go that way anyway, but that seems to me to be the moment when the thing collapsed under its own weight of simple stupidity. The body was well hidden. I say this, because it took 11 days to find it.. he was back at home, anyone else involved was back at their base, being normal. But something forced that error and the call was made at that time.

Maybe something to do with Allisons phone, which is well hidden also. very well hidden.

maybe she normally got a phone call at that time each morning? her children to say good morning from their sleepover (it was rumoured the sleepovers were a regular weekly thing) or maybe one of her parents etc
or even possibly it could have been because he was expecting the children to arrive any minute before school asking for mummy? imo
Just wondering why they need his beard - (and I wonder if after he shaves it will he grow another to perhaps cover new scars etc)

They can actually tell if hair has been forcibly broken off!!! So perhaps they are looking to match a hair which was broken off on ABC with GBC's hair from the beard.Given the fact that it is mottled they might need a good distribution of colour and texture. Just a thought.
Hello everyone!!! I havent been posting much the last few days....I feel at a bit of a stand still as to where to go next!! I think I am lying in wait of another arrest and following that, a clearer picture of what happened.

I must say there have been some really great posts the last few days and lots of informative and specific discussion pertaining to the judicial system, and what <modsnip> might have to look forward to in the coming months!!

This may sound weird and difficult to believe, but Im still processing the arrest and what it means as far as the extent of guilt of GBC and any other possible participants??I know I spit out posts faster than I can usually think, but at this stage I have gone into 'opposite world' and find I CAN'T post at the moment. So I am waiting on something more to secure how I feel about the situation right now.

anyway..just wanted to touch base and say HI :seeya:
Hello everyone!!! I havent been posting much the last few days....I feel at a bit of a stand still as to where to go next!! I think I am lying in wait of another arrest and following that, a clearer picture of what happened.

I must say there have been some really great posts the last few days and lots of informative and specific discussion pertaining to the judicial system, and what <modsnip> might have to look forward to in the coming months!!

This may sound weird and difficult to believe, but Im still processing the arrest and what it means as far as the extent of guilt of GBC and any other possible participants??I know I spit out posts faster than I can usually think, but at this stage I have gone into 'opposite world' and find I CAN'T post at the moment. So I am waiting on something more to secure how I feel about the situation right now.

anyway..just wanted to touch base and say HI :seeya:

sorry summer breeze :what: it slipped out :D
I am not 100% sure of QLD protocol, but one of my relatives, in NSW, once dialed 000 as an empty threat to someone who would not leave their property. He dialed the number, but hung up as he held the phone to his ear (just as it connected, so the operator didn't even get a chance to speak, apparently), and then continued to feign the call.

About 10 mintes later, the police did show up, and whilst my relative was quite embarrassed, and explained the feigned call, it actually turned out to be quite handy for him as the police escorted the increasingly aggressive trespasser off the property :thumb:.

So yes, it seems incomplete calls do make it through, and are acted upon immediately.

HTH :)

Dark Shadow...Someone posted way back that police cars had been seen at the house earlier that night possibly only a rumour though...but could it have been possible they may have received an 000 call and were responding to it and given an excuse of some kind that all was right and then next morning he reported Allison missing and all alarm bells went off with the QPS hence making it an immediate crime scene...just wondering if you would see this as a possibility...
Just wondering why they need his beard - (and I wonder if after he shaves it will he grow another to perhaps cover new scars etc)

They can actually tell if hair has been forcibly broken off!!! So perhaps they are looking to match a hair which was broken off on ABC with GBC's hair from the beard.Given the fact that it is mottled they might need a good distribution of colour and texture. Just a thought.

For mtDNA analysis they need just one hair. So they probably need the skin tissue from that area now, may be some facial hair follicles, etc. JMO.
This may be off topic...but there was debate in the last thread about what makes someone evil ....i.e. Genes or enviornment etc.. For those in Australia on the east coast the program below is on SBS1 tonight at 9:30 pm AEST. Might be interesting.

Are You Good Or Evil?
9.30pm - 10.30pmSBS ONETonightALT. TIMES
What makes us good or evil? It's a simple but deeply unsettling question. One that scientists are now starting to answer. In this program we meet the researchers who have studied some of the most terrifying people behind bars - psychopathic killers. But there was a shock in store for one of these scientists, Professor Jim Fallon, when he discovered that he had the profile of a psychopath. And the reason he didn't turn out to be a killer holds important lessons for all of us. We also meet a man who is using this new understanding to rewrite our ideas of crime and punishment.

I was about to suggest the same show, it should be interesting to say the least!
Sorry for anyone in Melbourne??...reports coming in about an earthquake down there?????
There were a few posters who did quite a bit of sleuthing regarding this and also into the ASIC records. I can't recall the exact details, but it seemed as some had access to info like this.

I do not think it's possible at all to even declare, in case of ASIC or ABR at least, that one has access to certain records. Some registers are available to general public (ABN, company name, registration date, place of registration, etc) but any financial details are not, by default.
Sorry for anyone in Melbourne??...reports coming in about an earthquake down there?????

Permission to say PLUCK YEAH.....****..Im trying to calm down. Kids huddled behind me in my bed. Waiting for hubby to get home from work.

Severe enough that the kids met me in the hallway and we huddled....Things were shaking badly, but nothing fell.
Ohh heck Willough...stay safe...seems at this stage it's only strong tremors..
Ohh heck Willough...stay safe...seems at this stage it's only strong tremors..

Thank god.....Dont get me wrong, it wasnt too dramatic....But it was like this small shake (asimilar to one we had last year), then it slowed....thought it was stopping, then it started up stronger, shaking things.

All is good and the good adrenalin has calmed back down

Thanks for thinking of me Marly ((((((hugs))))
Off to do the tuck in night routine with the kids! So nitey nites! But things are really slow tonite and dragging on. Come on this is soooo unlike you all, keep the momentum going! You gotta guys fire up to brainstorm about the possibilities of involvement, implications, new possible arrests, evidence, bail hearing! You guys can't take to your safe fall back positions now - ABC needs your sleuthing minds!

Since I probly won't be back til the morn -stay safe Melbournites - earthquakes are scary, sending loads of anti-seismic waves your way!

Come on sunflower brigade keep up the intensity for ABC!!!!

Love you guys (and mods)!
This may be off topic...but there was debate in the last thread about what makes someone evil ....i.e. Genes or enviornment etc.. For those in Australia on the east coast the program below is on SBS1 tonight at 9:30 pm AEST. Might be interesting.

Are You Good Or Evil?
9.30pm - 10.30pmSBS ONETonightALT. TIMES
What makes us good or evil? It's a simple but deeply unsettling question. One that scientists are now starting to answer. In this program we meet the researchers who have studied some of the most terrifying people behind bars - psychopathic killers. But there was a shock in store for one of these scientists, Professor Jim Fallon, when he discovered that he had the profile of a psychopath. And the reason he didn't turn out to be a killer holds important lessons for all of us. We also meet a man who is using this new understanding to rewrite our ideas of crime and punishment.

If anyone watches this can they please let us know a little of what was said. I am particularly interested in the lessons that Professor Jim Fallon learned about why he didn't turn out to be a killer when he worked out that he had the profile of a psychopath, and also the different ideas that emerge about crime and punishment.

I didn't feel the earthquake...though my daughter did.......but at first she thought that it was the rats that we have been trying to get rid of (that caused us to lose heating for a week......brrrrrr!) or the possums that we are trying to distract from the cosiness of our ceiling space! Any tips on that one Possumheart......LOL. Save the possum tips for the chat room or a PM though please in the interests of the purpose of this forum.
Sorry for anyone in Melbourne??...reports coming in about an earthquake down there?????

Small but longish earthquake down here.

Had some thoughts on request to shave the beard: Histopathologists input requested on this.

IF there were scratches to face, hair follicles in that area may have been damaged causing distortion to hair shafts growing from them. Though in order to determine such, I would think it a cm by cm shaving task. If they were looking for drug use, I'd have thought they'd have gone for head hair because as we all know, that has been there longer.

IMO MOO etc etc
Dark Shadow...Someone posted way back that police cars had been seen at the house earlier that night possibly only a rumour though...but could it have been possible they may have received an 000 call and were responding to it and given an excuse of some kind that all was right and then next morning he reported Allison missing and all alarm bells went off with the QPS hence making it an immediate crime scene...just wondering if you would see this as a possibility...

I was not thinking of a complete call to 000 perhaps only one ring where noone spoke...I know for a fact small children have been known to ring 000 if they find access to a does happen...
Permission to say PLUCK YEAH.....****..Im trying to calm down. Kids huddled behind me in my bed. Waiting for hubby to get home from work.

Severe enough that the kids met me in the hallway and we huddled....Things were shaking badly, but nothing fell.

I hope you're ok willough - especially the kids - must have been frightening for them. I also hope they sleep ok tonight.
I have a good friend in Melbourne and she said it lasted a good 10 seconds. It scared her quite a bit too, and she's as tough as they get!
Dark Shadow...Someone posted way back that police cars had been seen at the house earlier that night possibly only a rumour though...but could it have been possible they may have received an 000 call and were responding to it and given an excuse of some kind that all was right and then next morning he reported Allison missing and all alarm bells went off with the QPS hence making it an immediate crime scene...just wondering if you would see this as a possibility...[/QUOTE

I was not thinking of a complete call to 000 perhaps only one ring where noone spoke...I know for a fact small children have been known to ring 000 if they find access to a does happen...

Sorry..I meant this to be in reply to a private mistake...
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