ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#24

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Just looked this up and saw it was written on the 1st May...When she refers to His freedom is that meaning in a religious way not GBC?

I am not used to reading this sort of thing, but the capital letter tells me they are referring to the male diety of the Christian sort. :ohoh:
Social media is a juggernaut. It's way too big and embedded to control or shut down. It can be regulated though, with the cooperation and common sense of everyone involved in it. I think internet communities have been given a huge amount of power and its largely up to them to consider how they use it. It has grown too quickly for the law to keep pace. Australians have always valued a fair go and as a culture I think we strike a pretty good balance between not letting ourselves be dictated to by authority but also respecting the rights of others. That's why I love the joint. We're not perfect but i think we do it better here than in most other places.

I know almost nothing about Mr Baden Clay except that the QPS believe he murdered his wife. As a fellow Aussie I reckon I owe him the right to a proper hearing based on the evidence that passes the court's test for fairness. I reckon his family and those who care about him, including his kids, also deserve some respect and consideration. It would be bad enough having lost one family member then having another one accused of killing her without every Tom, Dick and Harry suggesting all sorts of other horrific things without any regulation at all. If enough people repeat an allegation, no matter how little real evidence there is for it, it starts to acquire the trappings of 'fact'. People forget where the rumour started and it gets passed on as if it's true. That can be truly hurtful to the subject of the allegations but also totally devestating if the the subject is facing a serious criminal charge that could result in them having the rest of their life ruined and their family torn apart.

On the other hand, I don't feel any particular sympathy for the guy beyond that, for all the reasons that were discussed here before the arrest. And all the talk about permanent stays on indictments and aborted trials I reckon doesn't really help. It just confuses people further and it causes defensive reactions and perhaps even intensifies the level of animosity when people feel their right to have an opinion is threatened. I listened to the lunch break video on the CM yesterday and it all just sounded like confused waffle to me. All well intentioned but full of mixed messages and uncertainty about what they were actually trying to say.

I also reckon that most people are fair minded enough that when a judge tells them to make a decision based only on the evidence they hear in the court that they can and will do that. Presumably judges are fair and decent enough to follow that advice themselves, so why can't we extend the same assumption of decency to the members of the community who do jury service? So many people are on social media and internet forums now that there's little point in hoping that vague warnings about subjudice will just stop internet speculation. That would be just sticking our heads in the sand.

I've got no answers to any of this, but I think that each of us could at least pause for thought before we press 'submit' on a post and consider whether what we are doing or saying is fair to all concnerned. I don't reckon that the law can effectivley regulate, on its own, what happens in social media these days but we can all play our part by valuing the wider audience it gives to our thoughts and by continuing to question our own actions. Just MOO. I'd really like to hear other people's opinions about this.

Hawkins, you never fail to inspire me with your technical/legal knowledge, however this post inspires me in a different way. What you have written here IMO is spoken like a true Aussie!

It is one thing to feel comfortable sitting at home posting on an Internet forum reading members' opinions but it is another to sit in a court room surrounded by the judiciary, the accused, the witnesses and the facts. This is a serious environment that has been created to underpin the important and responsible role that the court plays in deciding the fate of the accused. Therefore, I have every faith that the jury that is chosen will be able to come to a fair decision based on the evidence presented to them.
IMO the scratches are the reason he grew a beard following Allison's disappearance. I haver thought this from the beginning of this horror story.

Have you seen any scratches? lol If so, please post the photos as I would love to see them.

If there were any there they must have been fairly superficial or photos would have picked them up? Why grow a beard days afterwards when any superficial scratches would have already healed? It doesn't make sense.

The beard IMO is to hide behind - it's a mask.

I have heard several hairdressers over the years say that when a loved one dies, a lot of people cut their hair and it is a common phenomenon.

However to grow hair? Hiding something! JMO
If a case took only say 2-3 months to get to trial, then I would agree with bail not being granted, but with the current situation of waiting upto 2 years, I think it is generally grossly unfair to hold some until then (presumption of innocent principle). Also, with murder, if we are talking of an intimate homicide, I don't see a risk to the general community (only perhaps to immediate family of the accused). Different situation is if the murder was random or multiple (like Port Arthur), in which case the suspect should stay behind bars until trial. IMO.

Wonder what the community reaction would be if he does get bail?

Would there be a public outcry if we find out the evidence against the alleged killer is very strong?

It's a very high profile case, so lots will have opinions.

Do you think the children could be in danger from a nutter who wants to see him suffer?

Could the accused be in danger from one of Allison's family and friends? Many of us on here, including the less vocal, have said what we would do to someone if they killed a loved one of ours.

And my concern, which is why I was glad the accused was arrested, was that of murder suicide. And that would be even moreso now that he knows he has to face trial. Let alone the flight risk!
Posting a couple of photos - if enlarged, IMO marks can be seen on face.

IMO when you enlarge the first of these photos, you can see a scratch just below the hairline, about an inch and a half to the right of his widows peak.
I have seen it in another shot also. I will try to find it again.
I have never been able to see the scratches on any photos either, but there have been so many rumours about them, which could indicated some truth to it. It appears the rumoured scratches were on his right side of face, but I haven't seen them myself.

The media and his sister have seen the scratches.
His sister knows how they got on his face. ?????????
SBS TV program tonight - Basically, they discovered that the frontal part of the brain of serial killers (like Dahmer) is different, and also the frontal sides. These areas deal with emotions, like empathy. The brain scans were analysed on a "blind" basis, not knowing which scan belonged to what type of individual. There is also a gene (now called the Warrior Gene) that is missing in these individuals. But, many people who show these traits do not become murderers (incl. the Professor, although his children said they did notice he had a foul temper sometimes, a bit scary at times). Therefore, the scientist decided to studies the upbringing of these killers and they had been abused as children and grew up in less than favourable homes. For someone to become a murderer, I understood it had to be a combination of the above 3 aspects, not just one or two.

Thanks CaseClosed........another demonstration of the importance of a quality home life in terms of the love and care of children for their development. Didn't someone famous like Abe Lincoln say that "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world!" From what you have written I wouldn't be surprised whether certain individuals due to their genetic makeup and personality traits may be more vulnerable than others if their stable and loving home life is disrupted.
Have you seen any scratches? lol If so, please post the photos as I would love to see them.

If there were any there they must have been fairly superficial or photos would have picked them up? Why grow a beard days afterwards when any superficial scratches would have already healed? It doesn't make sense.

The beard IMO is to hide behind - it's a mask.

I have heard several hairdressers over the years say that when a loved one dies, a lot of people cut their hair and it is a common phenomenon.

However to grow hair? Hiding something!

It seems certain that there was a scratch on his face, superficial or otherwise. The good Mr Ainsworth specifically said that police asked GBC where he got the scratch, and GBC gave police a "version" of how he came to get that scratch.
Wonder what the community reaction would be if he does get bail?

Would there be a public outcry if we find out the evidence against the alleged killer is very strong? probably so, but does undermine the principle of "innocent until proven guilty"

It's a very high profile case, so lots will have opinions.

Do you think the children could be in danger from a nutter who wants to see him suffer? he was around for 8 weeks in the community , sighted many times

Could the accused be in danger from one of Allison's family and friends? Many of us on here, including the less vocal, have said what we would do to someone if they killed a loved one of ours. it has to be remembered it is alleged at this point, if, just because of the profile of this case, and his choice to whether he makes any comments to the media, is his choice, and he shouldn t be judged by that alone. Your question however, is a good one, but maybe he could move to a safer location and make that part of his Bail Conditions

And my concern, which is why I was glad the accused was arrested, was that of murder suicide. And that would be even moreso now that he knows he has to face trial. Let alone the flight risk!
I humbly suggest you read the following links, , it may provide a better perspective to "lock him up and through away the key" The comments are to portray what could happen in the course of proceedings, not a judgement on what should. The law will take care of that side of things.
This is what I got from the documentary that Strangeworld didn't cover. I'm tired so here goes. Hope I get it right.

Apart from what Strangeworld said it seems to have been established that there is a gene called 'The Warrior Gene' that psychopaths have, that influences lack of control when angry among other behaviors. There is also brain chemistry and brain activity difference that they can now measure (via PEP scan) in areas of the brain that develop/or not such things as empathy etc..
A murderer in the USA who was being tried for murder of a very vicious nature was tested for the warrior gene and his brain was examined via PEP scan and was found be of the same brain makeup as all the many other psychopaths in the study and was also found to have the Warrior gene.He was found guilty but escaped the death penalty (they felt) because of this evidence. One of the jurors stated after the trial that she felt the fact that accused was born with these abnormalities and suffered an abusive childhood ,that this should have been considered in the verdict.It was mentioned that if a child is born with these defects that a good loving and nurturing environment ,in at least the first 5 years of life can have a huge influence on whether the child will develop psychopathic behavior in later life.
Jim Fallon found out through his elderly mother that his cousin and their family had experienced no less than 16 murders down there family line. His mother suggested he test his immediate family (siblings etc.) in the same study. He did this and before examining the scans threw some of the scan from his study into the mix.When he defined/picked out the scan of the psychopath it was his scan. Jim Fallon believes his warm and loving childhood wiped out him being a candidate for psychopathic behavior.It was stated that this study could change the way people perceive crime and punishment.

That's as brief as I can be. It was interesting.

For anyone interested. :bedtime:

Thank you so much Mothergoose. What a horrible discovery to make about your family and your own personal profile for Jim Fallon. Terrific that warm and loving childhoods can make a huge difference for the outcomes of individuals with this profile. As a community let's all do what we can to support our young parents in their task so that our children are all nurtured in loving and warm environments. The importance of family life should never be underestimated nor undervalued. Obviously this is all just my humble opinion.
Dark Shadow...Someone posted way back that police cars had been seen at the house earlier that night possibly only a rumour though...but could it have been possible they may have received an 000 call and were responding to it and given an excuse of some kind that all was right and then next morning he reported Allison missing and all alarm bells went off with the QPS hence making it an immediate crime scene...just wondering if you would see this as a possibility...

Zookyliz posted that a mate said they saw two police cars at the house on Thursday night. Zoo sent a text to her mate but as yet it has not confirmed, so it is a rumour.
to Marlywings, new article on CM have a look at the pic at the bottom of GBC and you can see 2 white lines running down his face closer to his mouth... hope this helps.....
It seems certain that there was a scratch on his face, superficial or otherwise. The good Mr Ainsworth specifically said that police asked GBC where he got the scratch, and GBC gave police a "version" of how he came to get that scratch.

Yes I've read that too...& by sounds it was only one scratch??...police already knew about it then why the need to grow a beard to cover it. That doesn't make sense to me & is why I think it was some attempt to try & disguise himself.

I hope I've done this right. Another (IMO) picture of the scratch near the hairline.

Obviously not, lol, I'll have another go
IMO and IMO only, good sleuthing occurs when people look, think, investigate with available resources or provide their own experiences and place them forward in order for others to discuss, evaluate and comprehend what effect some of these sleuths/comments will have on current and following events. It is , IMO, not a , " well i think they should just" type of comment that some people exhibit, which gives any understanding or thought, IMO , what would be more than valuable is the ability to back up statements/sleuths with some thought, experience or sleuthing, which will provide the answers everyone appears to seek, and ultimately to help people who obviously have feelings about this matter, help make their minds up.

Just my humble opinion
It seems certain that there was a scratch on his face, superficial or otherwise. The good Mr Ainsworth specifically said that police asked GBC where he got the scratch, and GBC gave police a "version" of how he came to get that scratch.

True, but can we see a good piccie please to put us out of our misery!!
to Marlywings, new article on CM have a look at the pic at the bottom of GBC and you can see 2 white lines running down his face closer to his mouth... hope this helps.....

Thanks amandaton...will check it out...

June 20, 2012 10:36AM

Prosecutor Danny Boyle appointed to Baden-Clay murder case

THIS is the man whose role is to argue accused wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay should remain behind bars until his trial.
Prosecutor Danny Boyle has been chosen as the Director of Public Prosecutions' man to mount a case in Brisbane’s Supreme Court to deny the father-of-three bail on Thursday.

Baden-Clay, 41, is accused of murdering his wife, Allison, at their Brookfield home in April.

His lawyer Darren Mahony said Baden-Clay would "defend the charge vigorously''.

Mr Boyle is an experienced prosecutor who has tried a number of murder trials, including one in 2009 which led to the conviction of a Hervey Bay man who paid a hitman $10,000 to murder his wife
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