***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #32

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Most all on here had everyone convicted of this crime including close friends of Mickey's; it seems that a stranger sex offender was somehow skipped.

sundrop, all indicators pointed to a stranger sexual predator, from day one. The problem is, due to the sheer number of RSOs, unregistered SOs, and absconded RSOs(estimated 100, 000+), in our midst. Identifying the perp is futile in most abductions.
Sadly, sexual predators are being released from prisons across America daily. Seems, with each one convicted, two more are released.
Tier 3 RSOs: Sexual predators such as Brandon Lavergne, are recidivist..
Hold on. So, this guy was also arrested for not staying registered as a sex offender? He lived at the same property long enough for his house to burn down and move a trailer onto it and the cops never came to pick his rear end up and get him back in the program? Did LE drop the ball BIG time? Answers please! I hope I'm misreading this.
For those of you not from the area, I thought I would do a little informative explanation of the locations here:


From looking at this map, it SEEMS like the perp could get home on back roads from WB exit... Maybe?
For those of you not from the area, I thought I would do a little informative explanation of the locations here:

From looking at this map, it SEEMS like the perp could get home on back roads from WB exit... Maybe?

He would have to take I-10 West and exit somewhere past Lafayette to take the backroads up through to Eunice/Church Point. I'm from here and I'm not even sure of the exact route. I think maybe through Rayne?
I'm sickened, saddened and completely heartbroken over this.
I came out of lurking and joined this forum because of Mickey's disappearance. I think the thing that hits me the most about this is that it could have been me. I mean, not in Lafayette, but in my youth I've done so many things that were dangerous, not thinking of consequences. Thinking that nothing bad could happen to me, that I could handle anything.

Thanks for this forum. I've tried to talk to my hubby about Mickey, and other missing people cases I've been following, but he doesn't understand my interest and kinda just ignores me. It's nice to have a group of people working together with the same interest and goals. I hope to become more active in the forum as time goes on.

My heart is broken for the Shunicks.

pugmom. we are all sickened, saddened, and completely heartbroken over this tragedy. As the mother of an abducted/murdered victim Morgan Harrington; Gil Harrington said,

"Our daughter has been found, Closure is not the appropriate word, I call it accomodation, I am determined that the man that done this to my daughter, hurts us only one time, we will survive"!
Hold on. So, this guy was also arrested for not staying registered as a sex offender? He lived at the same property long enough for his house to burn down and move a trailer onto it and the cops never came to pick his rear end up and get him back in the program? Did LE drop the ball BIG time? Answers please! I hope I'm misreading this.

I have not read that he failed to register...but doesn't mean I did not miss it. Hope it is not true though because that should have been a red flag. Or least one would think so! IMO
I have not read that he failed to register...but doesn't mean I did not miss it. Hope it is not true though because that should have been a red flag. Or least one would think so! IMO

I think when they say verified on5/28 they (LE) went and checked up on him that day. I would think all the local sex offenders were verified around that time.

I do not and never did think he ran over her and her bike!
Good morning everyone!

I am heartbroken to wake up to this news and have a huge lump in my throat.
Poor sweet Mickey. I am so sorry this happened to you.

I also wanted to say that you all are a great group to sleuth with. Thanks to everyone of you but especially the Lafayette locals who painted the picture of the area for us non locals.

My thoughts and prayers are with Mickey's family and friends at this time.:(

I am so glad they have a suspect and he's been arrested. I have felt since LE and the family was so quiet that they must know more and may have had a suspect, and compared this a bit with Sierra La Mar's case that one day they will announce an arrest that will surprise us.

I hope he tells all and Mickey can be found. This is so tragic on so many levels.
Yeah I'm not sure but that statement that they just got the video footage from TDA today really bothers me! hello why so many weeks later? Why wasn't it checked before now? Huh? makes no sense.

Probably already covered, but I'm thinking that maybe a reporter had been digging and found the footage. I don't know where it shows because I'm way behind, but could it have been from a route Mickey that no one thought she took home? And someone started looking and asking about footage from anywhere in the area. Dunno just guessing.
I'm about to head out to a long day at work, and won't be back until after the PC, so I wanted to post this now before things got super crazy.

Thank you everyone who made all of us from the area feel welcome. It's been an amazing time here, and I've learned so much from you all and about you as well -- most importantly, I've learned that people out there DO care, not just here in our town.

I'm glad that I could help in my own tiny way by providing the videos I did. Even if they weren't helpful to you all, at least I felt I was doing *something* and that was priceless, IMO.

I'll admit that I'm heartbroken and not sure I want to continue visiting the site. It's hard for me to find such a tragic ending to the first case I've ever done any sleuthing on, and it's depressing, to say the least. I'll try to stick around, but I know there are lots of people who are in the same boat as me.

Also, all of you people who live here in Lafayette and the surrounding areas, it's been wonderful meeting ya'll online. I'd love to meet some of ya'll in person if it ever came to it, but even just saying I know ya online is good too.

Much love to everyone and especially to the Shunick family. <3

BayouBecky, your videos were very helpful in orienting folks from outside the Lafayette area. Your insight & theories were priceless. It is very sad that your first missing/abducted person case resulted in such tragedy.

I have a hunch, from the many caring intelligent people that contributed to the Mickey Schunick search, for their first time will continue in other missing persons cases.

There are many opportunities to volunteer by joining SARs such as TES, CUE, & other missing persons orgs. Everyone has special talents, expertise, knowledge, etc., that is unique to them. Many of these orgs are advocates for the families and provide many services with the help of volunteers.

Jump in...the rewards are priceless...& the folks are genuine..
The 9th Annual National Missing Persons Conference 2013

THEME 2013 ” A Pathway to Resolution “

'There are CUE outrerach coordinators in virtually state'..
Mickey Shunick Case: Police Charge Sexual Offender With Murder

So they have to have evidence she died!
I wonder if they found her!
The scariest part for me is wondering whether or not he is involved in the disappearances and/or murders of other women in the area that didn't get the attention the Mickey case did. If he is guilty I hope she is the only victim of this man. It makes me wonder about the serial killer killing women in Jennings, which is only a hop, skip, and a jump from Church Point where he lives. All he has to do is hit I-10 and head in the direction opposite of Lafayette to get there within minutes.

Well, he was in jail when the majority of the Jennings 8 were killed.
Well, he was in jail when the majority of the Jennings 8 were killed.

For 6 years, while in Prison, RSO Brandon Lavergne worked for the State of LA Department of Corrections as a mechanic. It would be interesting to know if he was a trustee with furlough privileges.. Just a thought...
It WAS Lake Charles...I watched them tow it!

Thank you.
I went and looked at your post about this (thread 21, page 41, post 1003) and you stated you took pictures. Do you still have them? Would you be willing & able to share them here? (You would likely want to check with a MOD first to make sure it is okay.) TIA
I gotta admitt Iam kinda Baffled still. It wasn't to long that the video came out of her riding her bike and they new what road she was on and who knows maybe she turned down a road we don't see just after that video we all had seen regardless It would all be in a general area and if your a local your gonna be very familliar with those streets and roads...What get's me though is if your a resident or a buisness owner that you come to work every day and pull in off the road she was on and you would know if u have camera's or not wouldn't you be in at i don't know 5 am to check those tapes I know i sure would but obviously alot of people didn't do so or we woulda had this solved this case a heck of alot sooner ..If something happens to someone in a I don't know 5 mile radious of where u live or work and u happen to have video camera;s it just seems to me the very first thing you would be doing the day after u hear she went missing in your area would be going over your recordings in slow motion to see if you happen to catch something yet some of the people new ezactly where she was on the road that night and video tape evidence is just coming in now what 43 days later .why weren't these tapes checked the very next day .If you new u had a camera facing that road u would just think as a human you would be rushing in to check those tapes the next day to see if u can some how help so how do these tapes come in to play 43 days later ...

It's possible they did and turned them over to LE, but keep in mind that some of these videos are grainy and hard to positively identify someone, plus it takes time and manpower to go over all these tapes. Even if LE had the videos all this time, does not mean they would release them or any information they gleaned from them to the public.
Little on the "who Dat" is a language spoken in New Orleans taken from "Yat" as in "where y'at?"... It REALLY IS a form of the Hoboken, Jersey, Bronx accent with a "southern twist" made famous in a book "Confederacy of Dunces" which is suppose to be made into a movie. Every time they have tried to make it...the lead actor has succumbed to death (John Belushi, John Candy, Chris Farley) then when funding was available & a "live one was found (John Goodman) Katrina came a'calling & hauling...so now it's STILL being looked at but they want Will Ferrell (I see Jack Black)...sorry off the subject but felt the need to lighten the mood a little with useless trivia.

One of my all-time favorite books!

And count me as another member of the WhoDat Nation (formerly known as the Ain'ts)!!!
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