ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #10

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I watched it, and I regret that the murder happened, but no, I don't regret watching it. That is just how my mind works. For me, discussing the case without seeing the video would be like discussing a book I had never read. My career in Pathology also tends to make me very clinical and I analyze the world from data. I understand and support other people for NOT watching it. I can't watch the kitten videos. I am not sure what that means, but it is the same reason I can work in a hospital but not in a Veterinary clinic.

I feel exactly the same way - can't watch the kitten videos! But years of working in hospitals and dissecting human body parts as a pre-med has enabled me to detach and view everything from a very clinical perspective. However, I would have had to FF through the murder had that been filmed.
Poor Gandhi. Did he die before or after the death penalty law (by hanging) in his country?

But that's for another day, another forum.

I have empathy right now for your lack of empathy. We will have to agree to disagree on this point.
Justin Ling's latest article on today's court appearance:
From Xtra! Canada's Gay & Lesbian News:

Luka Magnotta pleads not guilty
Prosecutors will soon meet with Lin Jun's family

Highly suggested read.

I'm happy to share that Justin let me know that he will be covering this until the conclusion of the trial.
The prosecutors acknowledged that there will be some difficulty in finding a jury to sit through what is sure to be a gruesome trial, especially because it stands to drag through much of the summer, but said that these cases are “always hard.”
I didn't know the justice system moves so quickly in Quebec. In Ontario we wouldn't expect a trial for at least three years.
This has been said before in an earlier thread, and my response now is the same as it was then. Luka Magnotta is not the product of modern problems or a sign that the world has gone to hell in a handbasket. There have been Lukas in every day and age. The Zodiac killer sent letters to the newspapers, Jack the Ripper taunted Scotland Yard with letters and parcels containing body parts of his victims. Albert Fish sent a letter to the mother of one of his victims detailing what he did to her child, and then there was that Holmes character who built an entire house of horrors in which to torture his victims.

This is the internet era so the modern incarnation of those named above posted it on a gore site. And the result? He was caught a week later. If you ask me the only difference between this day and age and times past is that its harder to get away with murder now than it used to be.

that doesn't invalidate the original post IMO

yeah, Luka is a modern incarnation of everything that is wrong with humanity ... just like others before him were an indication of what was wrong with society then

I agree. Keeping some people alive does no good. Why should he get 3 squares and a bed every day when his victim does not have this? In prison he will be alive and breathing...something he deliberately took away from his victim. How is this just?

Some crimes are so heinous and horrible.....why should they be rewarded with the very thing they took away from someone in such a deranged way? What he did was beyond uncivilized....and yet keeping him alive serves what purpose?

I read about some of the sickest killers in history and some of them have been put to death already. In reading interviews with some of the families...they are not mourning them and wishing that they didn't get the death penalty for killing their loved one.
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Yah but there are also those who had their little girls murdered by some sick perv who are now advocates for the death I think I'll support the victims and their family rather than a murderer.
I am not. I am for a more civilized society, not less.

I'm definitely pro-death penalty for murders & child molesters (too bad that can't happen) BUT only if they are mentally sane. Capital punishment for the mentally ill is certainly not justifiable under any circumstance.

It really does bother me that so many people do not understand that mental illness is as much a disease as cancer. One eats the mind & soul and the other the body but both can be catastrophic.

The same fear that engulfs a cancer patient can be ten-fold in the mind of a mentally ill person who spends their life with terror (internally & externally).

Some forms cancer cannot be cured... the same is true for some forms of mental illness. Some of each can be held at bay through medical science. Not all at so fortunate.

If you dare, read some blogs written by schizophrenics & bipolar I's living with psychosis. They are not as cut & dry as one may believe. Their spectrum is as vast as the universe and unimaginable for most but it can give one a glimpse into what life is like inside their minds.

I think LRM is one of those who cannot be cured. I think he passed the point of no return. I believe his illness has permanently damaged the ability of his brain to ever function enough to live in society even with medical intervention.
Lest we forget who the true victim is here.


Just bumping this, before we all end up bumping each other :slapfight: :bigfight:

I didn't know the justice system moves so quickly in Quebec. In Ontario we wouldn't expect a trial for at least three years.
I hope you're not speaking for me when you say "we" in Ontario.

The criminal courts in Canada have been clear in the matter of the accused's right to a trial without unnecessary delay.

3 years was deemed excessive years ago.
I have empathy right now for your lack of empathy. We will have to agree to disagree on this point.

Thanks but I don't need empathy. Save it for the victim's family. They need it more than me during this nightmare they're living every single day and for the rest of their lives.
So where were we? I see some posting wanting to hug the accused killer and it's giving me the heebie jeebies.

completely taken out of context IMO
I'm not upset in the least. I don't empathize with killers. IMO, if he's got many empathizing, he achieved his goal.

Let's put him in a mental ward and declare him rehabilitated in a year or 2. Hey, if it worked for child killer Turcotte, it may work for Eric Newman. Or let's lock him up for a ummm let's say 12 years and send him to the Carribean like Homolka.

My empathy extends to him as a child before he turned to torturing animals, and murder. I do not want to see him released ever. At this point I believe he should receive the death penalty.
I wish we had all the details of his life story and DNA, and mental state ( I doubt we ever will). If psychopathy could be prevented, treated or cured then somebody better get busy, but he should never be released back into society-ever.
Yah but there are also those who had their little girls murdered by some sick perv who are now advocates for the death I think I'll support the victims and their family rather than a murderer.

Link, please.
I'm definitely pro-death penalty for murders & child molesters (too bad that can't happen) BUT only if they are mentally sane. Capital punishment for the mentally ill is certainly not justifiable under any circumstance.

It really does bother me that so many people do not understand that mental illness is as much a disease as cancer. One eats the mind & soul and the other the body but both can be catastrophic.

The same fear that engulfs a cancer patient can be ten-fold in the mind of a mentally ill person who spends their life with terror (internally & externally).

Some forms cancer cannot be cured... the same is true for some forms of mental illness. Some of each can be held at bay through medical science. Not all at so fortunate.

If you dare, read some blogs written by schizophrenics & bipolar I's living with psychosis. They are not as cut & dry as one may believe. Their spectrum is as vast as the universe and unimaginable for most but it can give one a glimpse into what life is like inside their minds.

I think LRM is one of those who cannot be cured. I think he passed the point of no return. I believe his illness has permanently damaged the ability of his brain to ever function enough to live in society even with medical intervention.

There's no evidence to suggest he's mentally ill. As with every murderer in this province (so far I know of 3), the defence requests psych evaluations sometimes the process lasts years. I posted a case earlier. It's been 3 years for a woman who killed her two daughters. She's free on bail until the psych evaluations are completed.
Whether you agree with the death penalty or life in prison with or without parole, I think we are all here because of our interest in the case. No one here, from what I can see, admires LRM. However, many of us are interested in understanding what drove him to commit this heinous act. There is really no point in arguing and making rude remarks towards each other, as I believe we all want justice for the victim and the victim's family. I can see both arguments, but in Canada there is no such thing as the death penalty. All we can hope is that the court sees LRM's premeditation in this case and complete understanding of what he had done (as evidenced by his online postings and fleeing the country).
I had a crippling bone disease as a child and had to wear a brace on my leg. I was made fun of and ostracized by all of the "cool kids". I think that is where my need to understand humanity comes from. Why would they treat me like that? What was wrong with THEM that made them try and make ME feel bad? I found the following story years ago, and I have it hanging in my office, over the brace that I wore as a child.

The Two Wolves
An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life.

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves." "One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego." "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." "This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old chief simply replied, "Whichever one you feed."
Thanks but I don't need empathy. Save it for the victim's family. They need it more than me during this nightmare they're living every single day and for the rest of their lives.

A nightmare that will never be eased, even by Luka's death. Closure is a fancy term that to a grieving family holds no meaning. I understand your anger and your hatred, but killing Luka won't make it better for his family. They will go to their own graves with the horror of their son's tragic death engraved in their souls.

Rather than killing Luka, I will state AGAIN, that I would prefer to see him studied so that maybe, just maybe we can stop others like him before they become the monsters he has become, and to that end, we will see some good come of thise senseless death. I am not, in anyway, suggesting soft treatment for him and I really resent your attempts at belittling me, and others on this board for having empathy for the young Eric who became Luka.

"Sympathy is a feeling of care and understanding for suffering beings. Empathy is understood as the ability to mutually experience the thoughts, emotions, and direct experience of others without them being directly communicated intentionally."
I think i would have made a world of diff for LM (hug) , my god his families complete disassocation with this human takes my breath away. Gosh for 15 days your son brother aunt uncle (whatever family role) is the front page globally for doing horrid things -- NOT one has come "out" for lack of better word , even tried to say something, reached out , told him they cared NOTHING - now that is ALONE.

they said in the beginning that they were 'waiting by the phone' for him to call

back when Luka was hiding out in NY from the animal activists, he gave his mother's name & phone # to a lawyer as a contact person

if he really felt so abandoned by family, would he have done that?

I'm sure their family dynamics are very complicated but the family shouldn't be expected to expose themselves to a media storm and public scrutiny to show him they care - they either do or they don't and he would know that regardless

There's no evidence to suggest he's mentally ill. As with every murderer in this province (so far I know of 3), the defence requests psych evaluations sometimes the process lasts years. I posted a case earlier. It's been 3 years for a woman who killed her two daughters. She's free on bail until the psych evaluations are completed.
Again, link please.
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