ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #10

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Respectfully, persons with cancer or lupus or diabetes typically do not pose a danger to society and to innocent victims. At least not in any higher percentage than the average population.

Certain types of mental illness or proclivity DO pose a serious danger to others and arguably are not candidates for rehabilitation.

I have sympathy for people suffering from any physical or mental disease. But when said person is a threat to the safety and human rights of myself or my loved ones, then they darn sure ought to be held accountable rather than pitied and excused for their transgressions.

The rights of victims and potential victims are no less valuable than the rights of persons who suffer with mental illness.


I'm sorry that you missed the point of my message... mental illness is as much as disease as cancer, lupus, diabetes... the only difference is the location of the maladies.
I had a crippling bone disease as a child and had to wear a brace on my leg. I was made fun of and ostracized by all of the "cool kids". I think that is where my need to understand humanity comes from. Why would they treat me like that? What was wrong with THEM that made them try and make ME feel bad? I found the following story years ago, and I have it hanging in my office, over the brace that I wore as a child.

The Two Wolves
An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life.

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves." "One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego." "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." "This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old chief simply replied, "Whichever one you feed."

thanx for that quote, i shall write it down ,and put it in my two boys birthday cards this year
I miss Magnotta On The Run...

Anyone with me?


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yeh a little, sounds horrible huh? but hey at least we are owning it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now honestly, especially since you all taught me Canada is not gonna do camera court the truth is none of us are gonna ever know anything about facts (super interested in family/childhood facts!)

Folks here who live in Canada this is like three years off..............UGH
I'm sorry that you missed the point of my message... mental illness is as much as disease as cancer, lupus, diabetes... the only difference is the location of the maladies.
Thank you!
No one here is pitying LRM. Empathy is NOT pity.

My point was that I am not an idiot and do not need to be preached to about mental illness being a disease.

But that does not mean that I have to class mentally ill people with murderous tendencies in the same group as people dying from cancer! My mother died of cancer and I would never have thought her a threat to my children. Or anyone else.

The statement was that people need to get it thru their heads that mental illness is a disease like cancer. Wrong.

It is a disease. But it's apples and oranges.

This thread is not a place to discuss the death penalty. This thread is not a place to attack one another or tell others how to post... Please let us all get back to business here and keep the terms of service in mind.

I'm sorry that you missed the point of my message... mental illness is as much as disease as cancer, lupus, diabetes... the only difference is the location of the maladies.

And the threat to innocent people. I wouldn't think people with cancer need to be locked up to protect the public. Unless they were also suffering from mental illness.

I meant no disrespect, but your original post came off as a bit preachy and frankly, rubbed me the wrong way as I do NOT see homicidal psychopaths in the same category as other illnesses.

I didn't mean to fight. I just feel quite strongly about mental illness not being a pass to do whatever and walk free.

:). Truce
My point was that I am not an idiot and do not need to be preached to about mental illness being a disease.

But that does not mean that I have to class mentally ill people with murderous tendencies in the same group as people dying from cancer! My mother died of cancer and I would never have thought her a threat to my children. Or anyone else.

The statement was that people need to get it thru their heads that mental illness is a disease like cancer. Wrong.

It is a disease. But it's apples and oranges.
BUT is or could illiness (any flavor) be a CHOICE! That is the key point and the neat notion earlier about diff between sympathy and empathy>
Very last shot in van he closed his eyes like ready to go to sleep and officers knew he was drugged that is why they held him so tight!

They did seem to be guiding him down the stairs.

I'm so behind.
yeh a little, sounds horrible huh? but hey at least we are owning it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now honestly, especially since you all taught me Canada is not gonna do camera court the truth is none of us are gonna ever know anything about facts (super interested in family/childhood facts!)

Folks here who live in Canada this is like three years off..............UGH

We will learn plenty. There will be reporters in the court room who will write up lengthy articles at the end of each day. Cameras are not needed to learn the facts. They WILL come out, when it is time. Not before.

Although, it is unlikely we will hear about his family life. It is not useful evidence. It is character, it will most likely be left out. But the FACTS in the case, the evidence, it WILL come out.

this thread is not a place to discuss the death penalty. This thread is not a place to attack one another or tell others how to post... Please let us all get back to business here and keep the terms of service in mind.

thank you!
They did seem to be guiding him down the stairs.

I'm so behind.
Oh my god watch when he enters the van the LE guy would not let go of his arm until he was IN the seat and then he closed his eyes. Thats meds. Lets all admit we have been a bit tipsy and done steps we do it just like that S L O W L Y (!) and if with people they tend to hold ones arms very tightly!!
BUT is or could illiness (any flavor) be a CHOICE! That is the key point and the neat notion earlier about diff between sympathy and empathy>

I don't think anyone chooses to be ill. Either physically or mentally. But if the nature of ones illness becomes a threat or has done harm or caused the death of innocent people, then that person cannot simply be excused with "oh my, he is ill. It's like cancer, ya know. He didn't choose this."

Choice or not, some people are dangerous and some are evil. And they ought not to be free to act as they are driven.
Oh my god watch when he enters the van the LE guy would not let go of his arm until he was IN the seat and then he closed his eyes. Thats meds. Lets all admit we have been a bit tipsy and done steps we do it just like that S L O W L Y (!) and if with people they tend to hold ones arms very tightly!!
and oh my goodness has it been a day!
And the threat to innocent people. I wouldn't think people with cancer need to be locked up to protect the public. Unless they were also suffering from mental illness.

I meant no disrespect, but your original post came off as a bit preachy and frankly, rubbed me the wrong way as I do NOT see homicidal psychopaths in the same category as other illnesses.

I didn't mean to fight. I just feel quite strongly about mental illness not being a pass to do whatever and walk free.

:). Truce

I feel strongly about that as well. They should be locked away, throw away the key, end of. But, it doesn't stop me from feeling empathy. It could happen to any of us...who is to say what lurks in the brain that could someday go off?
Not to quibble but this supposed smile is so slight that it might very well be his face contorting slightly from the sun being in his eyes for all we know. When he breaks into a full grin like Amanda Knox did at her trial then I will be alarmed.

Good point about the slight smile being unusual......there are not many photos where he is smiling.
Does anyone have a link to all this mental illness discussion in this case? If it is just speculation that is fine but you need to state it as such in your posts when doing this and it cannot get too carried away...

this lands at random

I don't think anyone chooses to be ill. Either physically or mentally. But if the nature of ones illness becomes a threat or has done harm or caused the death of innocent people, then that person cannot simply be excused with "oh my, he is ill. It's like cancer, ya know. He didn't choose this."

Choice or not, some people are dangerous and some are evil. And they ought not to be free to act as they are driven.
I agree just responding to like the sense that mental illiness does not result in problems (!) I suppose what I am responding to (understand at some level) anger AT him - to me it is like people being really pissed at a person in a wheel chair who cant run a marathon. I am not saying that if the indiv in the wheelchair keeps running people over it ought not be addressed (!)!
just that the indiv in the wheelchair CANT run the marathon -- am I making sense!
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