ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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Re: 3. - I think it can be easily explained, I bet he just enjoyed saying ARRRGHH; heck, who doesn't. Remember, September 19th (every year) is International Talk Like A Pirate Day...

No - Captain John's is a lovely boat which cruises the waterfront around Toronto. It's lovely at night, looking at the Toronto skyline and the lights over at Toronto Island. The restaurant in Captain John's is quite costly.

But....I know, you were adding humour. That's cool!
I've never read or heard about David Buller, but my immediate thought would be that if some of his art includes homoerotic themes, I'd certainly think that one profile of the murderer (aside from the obvious like boyfriends, people he worked with, upset customers) would be a repressed conservative gay man who abhorred that part of himself and may act out such an act. A sort of "killing the gay inside himself". From the posts I read about LM, he didn't seem too uncomfortable with his sexual orientation. Of course it must be very bastardized for him because of all the *advertiser censored*/prostitution and lack of respect he attached to his sexuality. On the one hand I think he would find homoerotic art as validating yet it could also be a bit repulsive to him given how he loathed much of the sexual acts he did with men.
I'm in the US, so could someone explain what Captain John's is and what's so special about it?

Psychopaths in general have very little use/drive for sex, unless they are using it to lure someone into their web. Additionally, if LM were "dating" someone I doubt it would be easy for him to share sexual intimacy with someone he wanted to like him because going to the sexual intimacy must have brought up a lot of psychic shame/disgust for him.
I think it would be truly sick if LM wears Versace at his trial. He loves to dance with innuendo.
Not to me. I wouldn't know Versace from Walmart and pronounce it like it's written. :what:
Oh okay, so a nice place to eat. Well, lets face it...he couldn't take a date to his ghetto apt and impress that way. He also couldn't afford a nice car that required monthly payments. So he rented a limo and took her to a nice place to eat...and then later went home to his squalid hovel. Its all smoke and mirrors....narcissism in its typical manifestation.
Mind you, LM probably turned a couple of tricks either before picking up his date or after dropping off her off just to afford this one night illusion. So it while looking impressive on the outside, he loathed the inside. Jekyl and Hyde....

Didn't he rinse some parts in the bath? He may have rituals that won't make a dang bit of sense to us. Certain sexual oddities can have rituals that are strange like you find in very bad Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (obviously a different sort of acts, but the ritualizing can be kind of similar!).

I think the rituals come from repetitive sexual fantasy acted out in real life.
Do we know what the threat to Canada's P.M. consisted of (?), it has also been called harrassment.
Just throwing in my random thoughts.... they may seem totally far fetched and I'm not trying to defend Luka Magnotta. Overall I think he's a sadistic psycho but anyway here are my thoughts.

Maybe there is some evidence that would defame LM if the head was found? Maybe even a gunshot wound? He could have possibly had a gun with a silencer. He's full of himself and wants attention but he seems like such a wuss...

I think there are more old perverts out there than we want to imagine and I think LM probably had no problems getting money from these guys... in whatever way he needed to.

I cannot get over the other person in the python video. I can't accept that they were only there for the aftermath. Even if they have nothing to do with the murder, why were they involved with LM in that sickening act??

As much as he was alone, there are a lot of pictures of him with other people, and a lot of pictures of him in different houses, on different peoples beds...

And about the dog in the video. I've seen a lot of pictures of LM with dogs. It would almost seem like he liked dogs. Maybe he DID like dogs and thats one of the reasons he was so horrible to those poor cats. Maybe.. .just maybe, that dog got dropped off on a dirt road somewhere on LMs way outta the country.

It's really hard for me to accept that this little puke of a guy would have the guts to do what was on that video all by himself. In the way that is shown on the video anyway. I've been wondering since I first saw it if he was turning off the camera because HE was sick to his stomach. To me, the wuss thing to do would be kill him quickly and then gain fame by doing horrible things to the body and making it look like you're such a bad @$$ killer.

It's pretty obvious that LM struggled with feeling like he was good for something other than sex. And he could have been using meth.... but I don't think either of these things is reason enough for him to do what he did.
I don't think there is any mystery about what happened to the head. It was probably sitting next to the torso when the garbage collectors came by.
Barbie said she often had concerns about Magnotta’s creepy personality but whenever she began to doubt their relationship he would do something to win her over.

She recalled when he whisked her off to harbour boat seafood restaurant Captain John’s.

She said: “He was nice sometimes. He called me one night and said he wanted to take me out to dinner. I said no because I wasn’t sure about him but then he turned up in a limo. I had never really travelled in a limo before. I thought that was pretty romantic.”

Despite Magnotta being a rent boy and *advertiser censored* actor, Barbie said they rarely had sex during their four-month relationship.

She went on: “He had problems with his sex drive".


Kinda funny that LRM called himself "Barbie" on an on-line forum discussing transsexuals... UGH...

I won't attach the link but for those who are curious enough to Google it; July 12, 2009, marilynmonroe4, "My Wild Threesome with 2 Straight Guys"...
Thanks for sharing that Dotr.

When I read that article this morning I was left questioning the credibility of Barbie (heck she dated Ken for so many years and left him for that Australian surfer Blaine and then at some point after Blaine had a fling with Magnotta...)...

The two dated for four months in six years ago and we don't know both sides of the relationship to break-up story... I doubt that someone in her position of being interviewed about someone accused of such horrors would speak glowingly of that individual.

I also doubt her credibility.
Who turns a story about a relationship with a killer into a photoshoot?
Then again, who publicly tells the story about a relationship with a killer...

... somebody seeking attention, that's who!
I doubt the credibility of all of these so-called 'exes'.
This is just a random thought and not fully analyzed in my head. I've now seen/read about 2 LM transexual/transgendered persons/ex's of his. The similarities of these is that they are not comfortable presenting as a man, it's incongruent with how they mentally self-identify. If they are pre-op or prefer to keep their penis, then "illusion" is a big part of their life, at least as it relates to those unknown to them (I am not saying this is an illusion for the trannys themselves, they very well feel very congruent when looking in the mirror). Anyways, we know LM was trying to create many illusions over his life. He probably never felt comfortable in his own skin as he lacked a true self. So could he have perhaps been drawn to trannys as they are looked upon by many as on the "fringes" of society and because they were illusionists in some he was?
Do we know what the threat to Canada's P.M. consisted of (?), it has also been called harrassment.

I really don't know but I'd think sending body parts to any head of state would be called a threat/harassment. Also, he might have included a note which was threatening.

This is just a random thought and not fully analyzed in my head. I've now seen/read about 2 LM transexual/transgendered persons/ex's of his. The similarities of these is that they are not comfortable presenting as a man, it's incongruent with how they mentally self-identify. If they are pre-op or prefer to keep their penis, then "illusion" is a big part of their life, at least as it relates to those unknown to them (I am not saying this is an illusion for the trannys themselves, they very well feel very congruent when looking in the mirror). Anyways, we know LM was trying to create many illusions over his life. He probably never felt comfortable in his own skin as he lacked a true self. So could he have perhaps been drawn to trannys as they are looked upon by many as on the "fringes" of society and because they were illusionists in some he was?

I have thought about this a little bit.
If these ladies were pre-op at the time they dated Magnotta, perhaps he dated them to APPEAR heterosexual, while still being with somebody who has the anatomy of a male? In some of his ramblings, it seems he has serious issues with his sexuality.
Or perhaps he saw them as 'kindred spirits'? I think he has always been aware of how different and 'messed up' he is, perhaps he thought the same of these transsexuals and just felt somewhat comfortable around them.
And the no sex bit... a sign of respect, in his weird way? Seems he never associated sex with any real emotions or respect, perhaps he felt by having sexual relations with them, he would be disrespecting them, so he took them out for fancy meals to show his affection, instead?
That is, assuming these stories are true...
1. About Captain John's and the limo - where did he get the money for that?

2. About the 'problems with sex drive' - :lol:

3. And also "Captain JOHN'S" - a psychological reason/something Freudian?

i read a report recently (i will try and find it. ETA FOUND IT that said that men who view craploads of *advertiser censored* (and masturbate to that *advertiser censored*), have issues performing with a regular person in a normal sexual situation.....

and LM not having much of a sex drive makes absolute sense since he turned tricks (that's where he got the money) and probably was into hard core+ *advertiser censored*.....once he got w/ a person who wanted a "relationship" he couldn't perform because it was so outside the norm of his life.

its a common problem with men...even if they don't talk about it....

ETA....a personal story, which I don't like to share about myself much, but it wont identify who I am...
I dated a guy once - years ago - and he was lousy in bed lol. i mean he just was horrible. long story short, he came to me one day and said he had gotten fired from his job....and the reason being: he had such a ridiculous (my word) addiction to *advertiser censored* that he was watching it at work all day and got caught watching it....his work computer was filled with crap. he admitted to me that he could not stop watching it....home, work, wherever he could get a computer or magazine.....then told me "i'm going to get help for it" i'm no supermodel but damn its not like one NEEDS *advertiser censored* if in a relationship with me. @@ needless to say i kicked him to the curb (not just for that but that was the tipping point) wonder he couldn't "perform"....

hopefully that didn't break t&c :/
I just noticed that a new thread has been created to discuss the video. I really appreciate this, as I don't want to even glance at comments related to gory details in the video. Thanks Salem!

Here it is: **GRAPHIC**- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder: ***DISCUSSION OF THE VIDEO ONLY*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Just want to thank Salem and the other mods for opening the above thread for us. It certainly makes it easier for those of us who want to discuss it and not inadvertently upset anyone who doesn't.
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