ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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That does seem like it could be him, however, it also sounds like it could have been a member of one of those animal rights groups that seemed to know him better than most. I will google that user id to see if anything else pops up.

It looks like someone getting as much info as they can about Luka's online activities before they disappear.

Oops. Didn't read down far enough. I see what you mean.
Thank you so much OEJ, I hope we can find more about the snake owner. I remember one case here where I live of a person that was adopting abandoned kittens and puppies solely to feed a huge snake, so I'm afraid whoever owns that snake from Luka's video, have done that sort of thing before and probably helped or at least agreed with the whole thing.
Hey everyone, thanks for replying my questions! I'm a newbie so bear with me if this was discussed before and please moderators feel free to delete or modify my post if it goes against any rule of this forum.
I found one cached thread at
and it seems that Luka posted there himself with the nickname "blUNJBxK" talking about the murder. He says it was a cat (not a dog) in the 1 lunatic 1 icepick video and wrote a lot of graphic details about how it happened, information that I don't remember being released by the press at that time. I don't think it's some random troll who wrote those things. If that was indeed Luka who posted, it explains why he did and how.
Any thoughts? sorry, if this was discussed before, thanks in advance!

Thanks for that link! I've been trying to see the 4chan discussion for a while but haven't been motivated enough :) Although the "it looks legit" header makes me wonder, the content is interesting.
At my computer real fast so I could edit that horribly typed post that I made from my tablet.

Yes, found that Chanarchive post from /b as well. When we first found it; I think most of us were just like "yeah ok, that's all info that we already know.. blah blah blah", but what was weird about that guy is that he would always post a Luka picture. Which is very lukaesque. Also, when Luka would post on these kind of boards in the past (like /b/ or /7chan) he would never ever ever use a user. Ever. That really doesn't mean a damn thing; but it's not something he ever did. He did post on /7chan right after the first kitten's and it's how we received most of the black and white photos, but he never did it as a user.

So, considering the source, I personally just thought it was a normal chan user.
That does seem like it could be him, however, it also sounds like it could have been a member of one of those animal rights groups that seemed to know him better than most. I will google that user id to see if anything else pops up.
Thank you Streets! I thought blUNJBxK could be really Luka because in every comment he posted a new picture of himself, plus the way he wrote with typos, 'lol' and smiley faces, but you are right it could also be some animal right group or even the police pretending to be him so they could get more info to arrest him, who knows.. I will be back later to check more posts. take care everyone and thanks again
That does seem like it could be him, however, it also sounds like it could have been a member of one of those animal rights groups that seemed to know him better than most. I will google that user id to see if anything else pops up.

THAT, to me, was the only strange thing about that user. But you have to consider the source. It is chan, and this is the stuff they live to troll for. Good hiding place for Luka though :)

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what's a pearltree so,if you don't mind me asking?

It's a tool to make 'trees' of links. one of the tools we used early on to keep track of all Luka's garbage.
It's called VKKII, as you have to understand when we created it.. at the time we referred to him as the 'Vacuum Kitten Killer'; before he murdered a person. Since he murdered a person; and this received news and press and interest; we've gotten rid of things that are sensitive.. but I think most of it is still in tact. Over time; it got a little hard to follow along with.
based on reading the posts under that usuer, i abolsutely believe it is him and believe it is all very telling. i believe there is truth in those words...
i believe those were confessions....just like OJ's "If I did it"....

Prima : You think the ghostwriter of If I Did It (who actually wrote the book and was also a witness in the Simpson criminal trial) killed Ron and Nicole? Interesting... Hehehe :cool:

And I thought I was alone in believing that OJ didn't murder them... ;)

More importantly,
* Why do you believe those are Magnotta's posts?

* Might you elaborate on what you found very telling?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
THAT, to me, was the only strange thing about that user. But you have to consider the source. It is chan, and this is the stuff they live to troll for. Good hiding place for Luka though :)

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

Baudi your post made me wonder that given the history of muckraking by groups of individuals on 4Chan, was it a good hiding place or very calculated move- by hiding in plain site he could potentially protect himself from being a target.

Or am I way off?
(as always, anyone is welcome to jump in with a reply)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Baudi your post made me wonder that given the history of muckraking by groups of individuals on 4Chan, was it a good hiding place or very calculated move- by hiding in plain site he could potentially protect himself from being a target.

Or am I way off?
(as always, anyone is welcome to jump in with a reply)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II

No I think that's a very good point!

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
Hey everyone, thanks for replying my questions! I'm a newbie so bear with me if this was discussed before and please moderators feel free to delete or modify my post if it goes against any rule of this forum.
I found one cached thread at
and it seems that Luka posted there himself with the nickname "blUNJBxK" talking about the murder. He says it was a cat (not a dog) in the 1 lunatic 1 icepick video and wrote a lot of graphic details about how it happened, information that I don't remember being released by the press at that time. I don't think it's some random troll who wrote those things. If that was indeed Luka who posted, it explains why he did and how.
Any thoughts? sorry, if this was discussed before, thanks in advance!

Thanks Donyale,
very interesting. Sick, disturbing, depraved, but interesting. You could be right. *shudders*.
Back at my computer so I can elaborate.

For the past 18 months we've been doing the "Is this a Luka profile / post" game. In each one that we verified was him, he would always either make a mistake or he would link another account that would lead back to him somehow. Either comments made by another user that we had already verified were him, or comments made by a new user that would lead back to him.

In posts or pages that he wouldn't link back to himself somehow, he would make clear typo's, grammatical errors, post images of himself, or CAPITALIZE weird words I'm sure you're all aware of them now. Im sure there are many many many profiles / posts that we never found that he never made these sort of mistakes on, and they are just unknown. In these types of posts its impossible (for me) to say if its him or not, and I'm tired of playing that game LOL :)

Luka would have very, what I called; "Lucid Moments" where he would type very well. If he hadn't made a mistake, or purposely led that post to him, the post or profile would never have been found.
Hey everyone, I had to get back quickly because I found something interesting related to that Luka's snake picture taken at Manati Park. I found out from google images this:
Apparently when you visit the park you can pay the photographer that works at the park to take your pictures with the animals. Maybe Luka the 'devastating looking' male model befriend Manati Park's photographer or someone else
that works at that park, maybe some caretaker or veterinarian who takes care of the snake? Just a crazy theory! If I find anything else, I will come back, I'm not at home right now so I need to log off. See you later!
Hi Folks
First post – not sure I know what I am doing as it relates to “placement”! BUT several notions here. I think all of us are overlooking a very important point in this troubled individuals behaviors. His core “must have” is power and control. Throughout his life he has felt powerless and it has caused him much distress. What is ultimate power? To give or take life – no?
Animals are powerless are they not – that is why most anti socials have history of animal abuse before escalating to homosapians. My vote – he will kill himself – can anyone think of a place where one is more powerless than being incarcerated?
I also believe this is not his first murder. He had been, for years, quite clearly, shouting hey ya all I am killing living things. Hey world I like blood. Hey world I like sex with dead creatures. He needed to increase the “thrill” by broadcasting it to take it to another level for him. Classic sociopath (setting the closet on fire in his house years back).
I also found the notion of him possibly being a Hermaphrodite quite interesting and a possibility. Would explain much – his ability to look male at times, female at others, his relentless inner confusion about gender/sexual orientation etc. again, things most of us do not have power or choice over -- our gender
Anyone with history of any kind of abuse – all abuse- is about being powerless to stop it. We all have stated endlessly that most of us are confused about each of our obsession with this case. It has taken time out of our lives. Think about it – especially while on the run- he had power over each of us didn’t he? I checked the news all the time while he was on the lam.
Another thing that seems to have been missed here and would love feedback – very early on – and it was only mentioned in the first 48 hours – there were notes in 3 of the 4 packages. Lead cop stated there were notes; in one of them he indicated that he mailed 6 packages, and that one of them was “the ramblings of a mad man”. Anyone knows any more about content of notes – the notion at the very beginning that he mailed 6 really creeped me out when the second round hit. Actually interrupted sleep awaiting head delivery (gentilia 6th? UGH
Anyone possibly know any more about any of the notes in the packages?
Well there now I feel better got some of my notions out there – as we all know – lots of folks do not like discussing this stuff the way those of us on this site do! So now I have found an outlet to do some theorizing – here what others think, about musings over this bizarre and troubled dude!

Also when it was first breaking I did get myself to the video and I sat there folks for about two minutes so wanting to push play and this inner voice kept saying “No” “No do not do this” “this is not a good idea” and I struggled guys. And now, after reading you all am 85% glad (!) I listened to my inner direction. Still vague curiosity but NO!
One more note --- at some level in the first 5 days I did feel somewhat validated when every time (8 times a day!) I went to CNN Pulse the story was in the number one or two spot- it was like see you are not the only absorbed in this tale!
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