ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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*Graphic: Luka's Sexuality and Abnormal Psychology*

Reading what Luka posted on that thread, I'm starting to think there's something unusual about his sexuality. He seems to have dated a lot of trannys; in some ways he seems to have been interested in being a tranny and definitely had the lifestyle and looks to easily become one; he liked to pretend to be other women... Maybe he was even dating trannys just to understand them better in order to figure out whether he wanted to be one himself. Maybe he was insanely jealous of them. I almost get this impression of someone pressing their face against a window, looking in at society, and trying to find back ways to crawl in and understand and become part of it. That's the odd thing about him; he committed this atrocious act and yet from some angles he looks like a kid playing around, not at all aware of what harm he is causing. One thing I asked myself recently was how my boyfriend's cat can be so cute most of the time but then so sadistic when hunting. Is Luka like that?

Also, I started to wonder if Luka actually is a masochist and whether his sadistic actions toward others are more a way to feel connected/alive. Maybe he actually empathizes with the people he hurts and it gives him a thrill when he hurts them because he loves to suffer.

Or was it that most of his behavior was about feeling stimulated one way or another by over-the-top behavior, since people had no meaning for him and he felt hollow inside? Maybe he has been planning for this kind of moment for most of his life, along the way figuring out how to create layers of obfuscation so people like me would be totally confused. In which case he is not that interested in trannys, not capable of sexual intimacy or desire, not confused about his sexuality, not schizophrenic, etc...but rather, a total psychopath who sees things in black and white and only feels gray.

:pullhair: :confused:

Yeah, I found her with that same username on a site called tgirlforum, and she was talking about dating Luka in posts back in 2009.

What is really weird, though, is someone posting under the marilynmonroe4 moniker, mentioned upthread on a forum called, FreeOnes, and signing as "Luka Magnotta" with a pic that is him, is claiming to have dated someone named, Dallas.

Well, "Barbie_swallows" was also claiming to have dated a Dallas at the same time.

Not only that, but marilynmonroe4, who is claiming to be Luka, sounds identical to "Barbie_swallows." It's like Luka was pretending to be her!
But everyone I've known well (as in knowing them for years and knowing their life story and actually having family members and other back it up) who seemed to suffer from antisocial personality disorder, came from a severely abusive background. There does seem to be a causative role there. A lot of people don't want to talk about abuse or it is denied in some cases. And some kinds of incredible hardship are less likely to make someone break. For instance, if you are abused by both parental figures but have siblings you grow up with who are kind and trustworthy, that will make all the difference. It's easy to make quick judgments. For one, as everyone has experienced, many people who appear good are not such great people.

I'm skeptical about the brain science that defines psychopathy as brain differences. Every experience is going to have a manifestation in the brain. It becomes structured over time that way. Our choices will literally mold our minds and who we are in this way. Also, if hardened criminals are the only ones being studied, what about the invisible psychopaths who never commit those crimes? Are their brains the same?

In the end, I think we give more leniency to those we feel had had a hard life and rightly so. That said, someone who does all the other things Luka did in that video, should not be free to harm others in society. Most of us can at least agree on that much.

I've known people who had unbelievably hard lives who have gone on to be great people. I've also known people with wonderful childhoods who are horrible people.
Bermuda? Are you sure it was Bermuda. I have been to Bermuda and it is a VERY small island. Everyone knows everyone's business in Bermuda, so if someone owns a snake like that in Bermuda it would VERY easy to find out. I have a friend who lives in Bermuda so I can find this out easily.

I had it downloaded, so went to look at it. It was Punta Cana, Dominican Republic - 2007, not Bermuda. Sorry about that.
To quote Mick Jagger... "Please allow me to introduce myself...."

Hi everyone. I just discovered this site a couple of nights ago and have spent the last couple of days going through all the threads on this case. Fantastic discussions. I'll look forward to contributing in exchanging info and ideas going forward. Thought I'd just drop a message in first before I started replying and posting so you hopefully now know where I started!

I'm following the case intensely, and have access to a lot of Canadian media , television as well as print and online, so I'll chime in when applicable.

Good to have you here. Welcome.
*Graphic: Luka's Sexuality and Abnormal Psychology*


Scientific! WOW, excellent post! I LOVE the way you process and articulate your thoughts. I'm suppa jealous.

My thoughts are so tangential (OCD & ADHD)... When I read your posts it is like stepping into my thoughts except that it is FAR more organized & brilliant.

*Graphic: Luka's Sexuality and Abnormal Psychology*

Reading what Luka posted on that thread, I'm starting to think there's something unusual about his sexuality. He seems to have dated a lot of trannys; in some ways he seems to have been interested in being a tranny and definitely had the lifestyle and looks to easily become one; he liked to pretend to be other women... Maybe he was even dating trannys just to understand them better in order to figure out whether he wanted to be one himself. Maybe he was insanely jealous of them. I almost get this impression of someone pressing their face against a window, looking in at society, and trying to find back ways to crawl in and understand and become part of it. That's the odd thing about him; he committed this atrocious act and yet from some angles he looks like a kid playing around, not at all aware of what harm he is causing. One thing I asked myself recently was how my boyfriend's cat can be so cute most of the time but then so sadistic when hunting. Is Luka like that?

Also, I started to wonder if Luka actually is a masochist and whether his sadistic actions toward others are more a way to feel connected/alive. Maybe he actually empathizes with the people he hurts and it gives him a thrill when he hurts them because he loves to suffer.

Or was it that most of his behavior was about feeling stimulated one way or another by over-the-top behavior, since people had no meaning for him and he felt hollow inside? Maybe he has been planning for this kind of moment for most of his life, along the way figuring out how to create layers of obfuscation so people like me would be totally confused. In which case he is not that interested in trannys, not capable of sexual intimacy or desire, not confused about his sexuality, not schizophrenic, etc...but rather, a total psychopath who sees things in black and white and only feels gray.

:pullhair: :confused:

Great questions and observations. I've come to a couple of tentative conclusions about people who commit sexual homicides. I think they are all sociopaths, and they don't all seem to have the same inner world.

Some of them seem like they are dead inside and doing and thinking these things seems to give them some kind of feeling. They almost seem to be playing a game with themselves to see how far they will really go and to see how they will feel about it.

Others seem to have a rich inner feeling world of high sexual excitement glorying in feelings of power and control and deviancy. It seems to be the most important and wonderful thing in their lives.
*Graphic: Luka's Sexuality and Abnormal Psychology*

Reading what Luka posted on that thread, I'm starting to think there's something unusual about his sexuality. He seems to have dated a lot of trannys; in some ways he seems to have been interested in being a tranny and definitely had the lifestyle and looks to easily become one; he liked to pretend to be other women... Maybe he was even dating trannys just to understand them better in order to figure out whether he wanted to be one himself. Maybe he was insanely jealous of them. I almost get this impression of someone pressing their face against a window, looking in at society, and trying to find back ways to crawl in and understand and become part of it. That's the odd thing about him; he committed this atrocious act and yet from some angles he looks like a kid playing around, not at all aware of what harm he is causing. One thing I asked myself recently was how my boyfriend's cat can be so cute most of the time but then so sadistic when hunting. Is Luka like that?

Also, I started to wonder if Luka actually is a masochist and whether his sadistic actions toward others are more a way to feel connected/alive. Maybe he actually empathizes with the people he hurts and it gives him a thrill when he hurts them because he loves to suffer.

Or was it that most of his behavior was about feeling stimulated one way or another by over-the-top behavior, since people had no meaning for him and he felt hollow inside? Maybe he has been planning for this kind of moment for most of his life, along the way figuring out how to create layers of obfuscation so people like me would be totally confused. In which case he is not that interested in trannys, not capable of sexual intimacy or desire, not confused about his sexuality, not schizophrenic, etc...but rather, a total psychopath who sees things in black and white and only feels gray.

:pullhair: :confused:

I keep starting to type something, than can't decide whether I believe it myself. lol So I'll just say this. I think the written message he left in his apartment is the key to his mental state as it culminated at the time of the murder. And I do believe that it culminated. One of the things I've said before is that I am interested in the extent to which his obfuscation was premeditated. Personally, I think he snapped quite some time ago. jmo
Thanks. It's a very disorienting case. I felt like I couldn't articulate what I was saying and kept having to delete and retype. Glad something that I was trying to say seems to have come through clearly.


Scientific! WOW, excellent post! I LOVE the way you process and articulate your thoughts. I'm suppa jealous.

My thoughts are so tangential (OCD & ADHD)... When I read your posts it is like stepping into my thoughts except that it is FAR more organized & brilliant.

@scientific. I absolutely think he should be gone forever. And without getting too personal my brother is guilty of things that make him not far down the ladder from LM. Our parents were never abusive and my brother was never abused by anyone else. He is also very egotistical and I have seen hate and emptiness in his eyes.
I don't think this link has been posted yet. The first part we know most of it BUT there is new information. The second post gives details of his time in London new to me for sure a bout the police episode.

Wow.. that is interesting.. and new to me. Also, on a side note.. I've never seen the word "niggling" before. Sounds kind of racist but I'm sure it's not. In context: "But I did have a niggling fear at the back of my mind."
Sounds like you've given this quite a bit of careful thought. That message does seem to be central but was it the kind of communication that is like a moment of clarity from amidst a fugue state or was it something he consciously thought for years to himself? When I was a teenager and suffering from anorexia--which some have considered to be a psychotic state of sorts since it involves detachment from reality--I had a moment of clarity in which I realized I was killing myself purposefully and that I was terribly depressed due to family control and neglect. Then I resumed that state of mind in which my very skin was seen as fat, as it clung to my emaciated body. Shortly after, a relative rescued me from the disorder by caring enough. That was what I needed.

...wondering how much dissociation Luka was capable of.

I keep starting to type something, than can't decide whether I believe it myself. lol So I'll just say this. I think the written message he left in his apartment is the key to his mental state as it culminated at the time of the murder. And I do believe that it culminated. One of the things I've said before is that I am interested in the extent to which his obfuscation was premeditated. Personally, I think he snapped quite some time ago. jmo
@scientific. I absolutely think he should be gone forever. And without getting too personal my brother is guilty of things that make him not far down the ladder from LM. Our parents were never abusive and my brother was never abused by anyone else. He is also very egotistical and I have seen hate and emptiness in his eyes.

I think there's a good argument for genetics playing a strong role. From what little I've gathered, not even Luka accused anyone in his family of abuse. Dysfunction, but not abuse.
@scientific. I absolutely think he should be gone forever. And without getting too personal my brother is guilty of things that make him not far down the ladder from LM. Our parents were never abusive and my brother was never abused by anyone else. He is also very egotistical and I have seen hate and emptiness in his eyes.

I'm sorry about your brother swl (hope you don't mind the shorthand), and please don't take this the wrong way. I'm just curious how you know for sure your brother was never abused by anyone if you don't mind sharing. I'm definitely not suggesting that he was, or that lm definitely was. I'm just wondering where you're coming from since I have quite a bit of personal experience myself with all kinds of dysfunction, including sociopathy and abuse.
I feel like I can't judge another person's soul that way (in deciding whether they should live or die). I leave that to an eternal being should such a being exist. And this I'm saying even after having gazed into the hollow, icey eyes of a psychopath before, so I know how inhuman they can be. That said, thank you for sharing with me. I'm sorry that you've suffered in having that sort of a brother. Sometimes it's a matter of perspective and some people don't want to see their parents that way. Further, some children are treated very differently than their siblings to the point that the siblings never guess what they went through. But you may very well be right and I respect your opinion. I certainly have met some very selfish people who seemed like they had only just been spoiled their whole lives, though none of them seemed capable of this magnitude of crime. I'm not an expert, of course. ...just speaking from my limited vantage point.

@scientific. I absolutely think he should be gone forever. And without getting too personal my brother is guilty of things that make him not far down the ladder from LM. Our parents were never abusive and my brother was never abused by anyone else. He is also very egotistical and I have seen hate and emptiness in his eyes.
Been wondering this for a long time now. It's possible that it belongs to the other person seen in the "Petting of the snake" video (not the kitten killing video). But, I really can't say for certain.
hey everyone, I've been lurking for a couple of days and finally decided to subscribe and post. There is a picture in Luka's photobucket with a snake and I think it was taken at Manati Park, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Can anyone tell me if it is the same snake from the video? here the photo:
Sounds like you've given this quite a bit of careful thought. That message does seem to be central but was it the kind of communication that is like a moment of clarity from amidst a fugue state or was it something he consciously thought for years to himself? When I was a teenager and suffering from anorexia--which some have considered to be a psychotic state of sorts since it involves detachment from reality--I had a moment of clarity in which I realized I was killing myself purposefully and that I was terribly depressed due to family control and neglect. Then I resumed that state of mind in which my very skin was seen as fat, as it clung to my emaciated body. Shortly after, a relative rescued me from the disorder by caring enough. That was what I needed.

...wondering how much dissociation Luka was capable of.

Again, I am hesitant, but it seems to me that it was likely a persistent thought in moments of relative clarity that was acted upon during mental "breaks" that became increasingly common and severe. fwiw and jmo.
I'm sure you have far more insight to it than I do. I don't believe I've ever actually experienced a psychotic or semi-psychotic state, but I have experienced certain underlying events, thoughts and reactions which I can believe could easily take someone there.

I'm glad you were rescued. I don't have any personal experience with that particular discorder, but it's my understanding that it can be very difficult, if not impossible to overcome.
I feel like I can't judge another person's soul that way (in deciding whether they should live or die). I leave that to an eternal being should such a being exist. And this I'm saying even after having gazed into the hollow, icey eyes of a psychopath before, so I know how inhuman they can be. That said, thank you for sharing with me. I'm sorry that you've suffered in having that sort of a brother. Sometimes it's a matter of perspective and some people don't want to see their parents that way. Further, some children are treated very differently than their siblings to the point that the siblings never guess what they went through. But you may very well be right and I respect your opinion. I certainly have met some very selfish people who seemed like they had only just been spoiled their whole lives, though none of them seemed capable of this magnitude of crime. I'm not an expert, of course. ...just speaking from my limited vantage point.

I used to think that people who did these things must have had a mind-warping childhood and felt very sorry for them. I thought they were anguished about it all but couldn't stop.

Then I found out that some of them didn't have a childhood like that at all. That they like it. They've liked it since childhood and feeling sorry for them was a good way for me to get exploited by them.

I think it's interesting to project my own experiences and life dynamics on to those who commit these types of crimes, but my own observations have taught me that we are not Luka. Luka is not us.
From the article cited on WS recently in last few hours:

"After interviewing Magnotta we waited outside to see if we could quiz him again.

We were surprised when the police then turned up. We asked them if they were investigating the cat killings. But we were told to mind our own business.

Magnotta was escorted off the premises by two plain-clothed cops and the hotel manager.

He was put into the back of a mini-cab and was driven off. That was the last we saw of him.'

This sounds strange to me and I know London fairly well. He is staying at an absolute bottom end residence 40 pounds a night for London is rock bottom. Wembley is part of London. Not sure why the officers would not be in uniform for what must be routine, an eviction. It sounds to me like they have been tipped off to the reporter and are protecting Luka.

Not anyway sure why police would be involved in an eviction. Usually if a hotel wants to evict you they just lock up your room. And then put him in a mini cab? Who is paying? What about his belongings? To go where? Just at the moment the reporter is there and they are none too polite to him.

Totally typical of them not to investigate though London is swarming with crime but they like to keep their crime figures low.

Possibility of Luka being some kind of paid informant low level worker for one or more intelligence agencies.
I'm sorry about your brother swl (hope you don't mind the shorthand), and please don't take this the wrong way. I'm just curious how you know for sure your brother was never abused by anyone if you don't mind sharing. I'm definitely not suggesting that he was, or that lm definitely was. I'm just wondering where you're coming from since I have quite a bit of personal experience myself with all kinds of dysfunction, including sociopathy and abuse.

When my brother was home from one of his prison stays I decided to straight up ask him why and aboutt the tthings he's done. He said he didn't know and that I couldn't imagine what his brain comes up with.we talked for a while. Sorry, hard for me to type on mobile.
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