ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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BUMP from the vigil Jun Lin.
I think the psychopathy diagnosis is next to meaningless because has been pointed out here so many people are psychopathic. Yes he is psychopathic but that is just the beginning.

My post was in response to a number of people on here debating LRM's different possible mental health issues and disorders... I feel it boils down to one: psychopathy (which as we know cannot be treated). Sure, he's a narcissist and maybe was abused at some point in his life, who knows, but did he know what he was doing? Yes. Did he plan Lin Jun's murder? Asbolutely. I don't have any sympathy for LRM and if he is sent to a comfy little mental institution rather than a max security prison in Canada, I'll be disgusted. That's the only point I was trying to make.
Hullo, all,
Denmark is lurking again, and finally about to catch up with the thread for the umpteenth time, lol. Thank you's go to all of you, and welcomes to all new contributors. I can't begin to tell you what it means to me to be a part of this WS community. I know I may have said so before, but following this thread is bringing me some sort of clarification, some sort of understanding, some sort of... peace of mind, if one can even talk about that, in this gruesome context. But like many of you, I watched. And regretted it ever since. So just being here helps. A lot.

Thank you all for that.

Now... this link has most likely been posted before as well. But it resonates so very well with my own beliefs - that LRM (or Eric) - did all of this merely for the attention. The fame. The infamy. I have absolutely no doubt that said individual has some severe, deep and disturbing mental issues. But... IMO, he did this all for the fame. He is neither smart, devious or clever enough for anything more than... fame-whoring. After all, he spent years of his life doing just that. As implied in the article - he is the Troll of all trolls. The absolute worst of his kind.
The "Manny", the "Mafia", the kitten killings, the puppy brought into the scene, the extremist right wing support, anything and everything he could imagine and come up with... all has shock value. It is nothing else.
Fame-whoring. IMO, it starts and ends right there.

And, like the author of this article, I am also scared the most by that simple fact.
The article is not fresh (June 5, 2012) but still. It is worth the read.

Link here:

Of course, this is a personal view on the case. I welcome any critique, and input! :)
*WARNING...some discussion is graphic*

It's amazing to me how people's brains think they saw something that their brains simple piece together based on insinuation. For example, no one has seen LM actually eat anything in the video, yet there is much debate on the cannibalism and whether or not it is real and many news main stream media were quick to call him a cannibal. Sick, yes. Murderer, highly likely. Cannibal, not convinced (hopefully that 15 min vid sheds light on this, but based on what I've read, no LE has come out and said he actually ate body parts in the video.)

Next, there is the "private parts" discussion. Again, you do not see the private parts, yet there is suggestion on the vid that he used the victim's parts to masturbate. And the portion where he appears to mount the victim, there is nothing on the video that actually shows the definitive act of penitration, yet many just assume it happened. Really, I don't recall that you can even tell LM has an erection because you can see the little guy and I don't even recall any shots where LM is clothed and excited. Near the end, you see his skinny legs, and, once again, there is a lot of suggestion of what is going on with LM and the body parts, but it shows nothing definitive.

All of these acts or mimicked acts ironically fit in with LM's internet persona that he created; there's so much confusion about who he really is other than someone who lies a lot and murdered JL as well as several animals.

In an odd way, I think all this contraction that all of us have here about whether he did this or did not do that is exactly what will play out in court. And while not being familiar with Canadian law, the defense can easily place a lot of doubt in any jury's mind, and that's all they need to do.

I guess, in the end, all that matters is they prove that LM killed Jun Lin and it was premeditated. The rest is maybe important simply to understand the mind of someone that would play all this out in real life.

Does anyone know if they can actually test Jun Lin's blood for Rohypnol, the date rape drug?

Also, so many seem to be convinced that LM met Jun Lin over craigslist. I'm not sure why though. I can rattle off three or four hook up sites where anyone can meet up and hook up very quickly. If you've heard of Grindr, it's an iPhone app that allows you to view a pic of someone else on it and then chat with them. It could have been as simple as that. LM chats up JL and 20 minutes later they are in LM's apartment. LM offers JL a drink, drugs it. The rest is what you see in the video.

OK my two cents.

I am sure that they tested for any sign for drugs and based on what has been described by members here of what is in the video (I have not seen it) it seems that drugs did play into this entire scenario. If they are able to do that then there will be no "doubt".

Since the unedited video has not been seen by the public it's difficult to say whether there could be "doubt". Obviously the unedited video will be shown to the jury and if his face appears and is show clearly on the video - well there will be no "doubt".

They also have the tape (video) of him shipping the parcels - so no "doubt" there that HE did do that which means that he is guilty at least of one of the charges being brought against him about shipping those body parts to the Prime Minister's headquarter's.

As far as him meeting Lin Jun, does anyone know how close the convenience store where Lin Jun worked is to LM apartment? Being that LM smoked perhaps he went to that specific convenience store and that is where he met him? It could also be by craig list and if the police recovered the full video from LM computer, which they have done, well perhaps they have uncovered emails as well linking him that way also to Lin Jun.

I don't think, there will be any "doubt" that he "committed murder", my concern will be about the "doubt" that the defendant will more than likely play the "insanity" card. To me, if I am correct, and they have all this proof, his only defense would be an insanity plea.
It is not a vigilante site and he gets a defence including the possibility of a psychiatric defense. Laws can be changed, punishments can be changed but that is a separate though related matter.

I think L.M. would enjoy prison more than a psychiatric hospital there will be FAR more opportunities for sex, drugs, violence in one of our primeval mens prisons than in a psychiatric hospital. He'll be drugged into a coma at a hospital - and studied of course.

As it stands now I would think the psychiatric defense is a possibility. Actually overwhelmingly here people have felt there is no meaning to his mailing of the body parts and there is no reality to any of his various connections including right wing political connections. That will play to his defense as it stands now.
Can anyone point me toward a thorough breakdown/analysis of the "Python Christmas" video? I'm wondering about this one the most as it was his most recent video (Dec. 2011) before the murder. Is it true another person was featured in this video? Also, any evidence of where it was shot? And who owns that snake? Obviously not a common household pet and probably expensive to keep (something I can't imagine LM doing).
It is not a vigilante site and he gets a defence including the possibility of a psychiatric defense. Laws can be changed, punishments can be changed but that is a separate though related matter.

I think L.M. would enjoy prison more than a psychiatric hospital there will be FAR more opportunities for sex, drugs, violence in one of our primeval mens prisons than in a psychiatric hospital. He'll be drugged into a coma at a hospital - and studied of course.

As it stands now I would think the psychiatric defense is a possibility. Actually overwhelmingly here people have felt there is no meaning to his mailing of the body parts and there is no reality to any of his various connections including right wing political connections. That will play to his defense as it stands now.

Based on what is happening in Germany where he is, I think he would rather be in an institution, hence he will probably go with an insanity plea. As it is, he asked to be in solitairy confinement in jail because he was afraid of being in the general population in the prison. He was quoted as saying that and requesting it. I don't think he would last one second int he general population. I think he would be a dead man if he didn't stay in solitaire now and if and when he is convicted. Like Bernardo and Russell, he would be held in solitaire. Now having said that, lol, there was an article in the Ottawa Citizen the other day about the fact that Kingston Penitentiary will be closing in the next two years and they were discussing that perhaps those that are now in solitaire, such as Bernardo and Russell, might have to "bunk together". I wonder how LM would feel about having to "bunk up" with either of those two. Would be interesting to say the least. Perhaps they would kill each other.
1. I am not sure police really believe Mariam Makhniashvili jumped from that bridge.The giveaway is that police are not asking anyone to report if they saw someone walking along North America's busiest bridge in September or thereafter 2009.

2. If you google "Luka Magnotta Russian mafia" you get a Luka-written paragraph saying LM is hanging with dangerous people it is attached to an actual article on organized crime in Canada researched by the same author who did a slide show on unusual business aspects at the building Mariam's backpack was found. And that author is connected to the Mariam case in another way. Of all the buildings in Toronto and the world, seems strange to see this connection.

3. Thank you for the info that he was in Toronto. Do you know where he lived in Forest Hill? Anything else anyone learns or knows more narrowly about L.M. presence in Toronto from summer 2009 to the end of the year would be super helpful here or at the Mariam (the thread misspells as Miriam) Makhniasvhili thread. His residences and travels are important for the past 10 years at least.
He didnt live in Forest Hills chorley8, it was a few miles east at Munro Street.
does anyone know how close the convenience store where Lin Jun worked is to LM apartment? Being that LM smoked perhaps he went to that specific convenience store and that is where he met him?

About 8km or 5miles 10-15 min Drive

The store was located in Verdun, QC, Canada
Luka lived 5309-5325 Place Lucy Montréal, QC H3X 3Z4, Canada
L.M. writes on a grotesque right wing site that he loathes Jews and Chinese people then selects someone of Chinese descent and makes an internationally public spectacle of killing him. Then he threatens the P.M. (how exactly do we have that text?) and sends body parts to political parties and a school where the purpose is POSSIBLY to bring J. Trudeau's name into the news. It is typical of the far right to hate the government in this all-encompassing way.

I cannot think of another context where this would not be treated as a hate crime and a politically motivated crime. For example if it happened in Germany, in France? It used to be a truism that there was a link between extreme sexual deviance and perversity and fascist politics c.f. Bertolluci's The Conformist, Germany in the mid 30s etc.

And there have been articles in the National Post saying Chinese parents are becoming disinclined to send their kids to Canada, that it could affect immigration and that the Chinese press and public is treating it as a racist crime that has political meaning.

He sent the body parts to political party offices and for all we know the Casa Blanca not to Vogue Magazine or Facebook.

What if it is an actual threat to Canadian politicians for example maybe there is a text they can see in this that other cannot. Especially if L.M. or Nemo1 had a sleep-over in anyone's Ottawa flat.
He didnt live in Forest Hills chorley8, it was a few miles east at Munro Street.

He also lived on Erskine at some point (before 2007) which is near Yonge and Eglinton. When did he live on Munro do you know? Erskine street residence shows up on his bankruptcy he didn't pay his rent.

We need all his addresses eventually.
:waitasec: Wondering what the priorities on this board are. Kittens, or the murder of Jun Lin?

:waitasec:ive barely seen any mention of kittens????
unless i missed a crap load of posts?

but w/ that said...the animals are victims too....and what he has done to them is illegal...and he needs to be held accountable for it!

eta....i picked up on part of the thread i already my posts are incredibly out of order now... @@ i should just go back to bed....
Attacking the poster and not the post is not cool and unacceptable. This lands at random.


(eta: this INCLUDES telling others how to post)
He also lived on Erskine at some point (before 2007) which is near Yonge and Eglinton. When did he live on Munro do you know? Erskine street residence shows up on his bankruptcy he didn't pay his rent.

We need all his addresses eventually.
Erskine isn't in Forest Hill. They are several miles apart.
Based on what is happening in Germany where he is, I think he would rather be in an institution, hence he will probably go with an insanity plea. As it is, he asked to be in solitairy confinement in jail because he was afraid of being in the general population in the prison. He was quoted as saying that and requesting it. I don't think he would last one second int he general population. I think he would be a dead man if he didn't stay in solitaire now and if and when he is convicted. Like Bernardo and Russell, he would be held in solitaire. Now having said that, lol, there was an article in the Ottawa Citizen the other day about the fact that Kingston Penitentiary will be closing in the next two years and they were discussing that perhaps those that are now in solitaire, such as Bernardo and Russell, might have to "bunk together". I wonder how LM would feel about having to "bunk up" with either of those two. Would be interesting to say the least. Perhaps they would kill each other.

I doubt he'll be going to Kingston. He'll probably go to Leclerc. He could be bunking with the Hells Angels.
He also lived on Erskine at some point (before 2007) which is near Yonge and Eglinton. When did he live on Munro do you know? Erskine street residence shows up on his bankruptcy he didn't pay his rent.

We need all his addresses eventually.

I believe (could easily be wrong, though) that Munro was his last place in Toronto before moving to Montreal.

He also lived on Erskine at some point (before 2007) which is near Yonge and Eglinton. When did he live on Munro do you know? Erskine street residence shows up on his bankruptcy he didn't pay his rent.

We need all his addresses eventually.

I have a sense that he didn't pay his rent for many places, hence one of the reasons he moved around ALOT. I read in one article that he "used" people alot so probably mooched accommodations from many and more than likely had people feeling sorry for him and borrowed money all the time from acquaintances and when that didn't work he did what he did in T.O. which was "borrow" (used loosely) and purchased things with other people's credit cards.

I would love to know why the judge in Toronto imposed in his sentence that he was not allowed to own and use a camera, a computer, etc. Would be interesting to see what the court transcripts for that case was. Unfortunately, unlike the U.S. these are public records BUT you have to send in a request to perhaps "purchase"? this.
Erskine isn't in Forest Hill. They are several miles apart.

I didn't bring up Forest Hill. Someone else said Forest Hill and I just tried to clarify where. I don't think we have all his addresses yet so it would be great if the poster who said Forest Hill could clarify. So far in Toronto we just have

88 Erskine not sure of the dates but as an adult before 2007
Scarborough with family
Munro Street not sure of the dates
About 8km or 5miles 10-15 min Drive

The store was located in Verdun, QC, Canada
Luka lived 5309-5325 Place Lucy Montréal, QC H3X 3Z4, Canada

Just a bit more info:

LM lived at 5720 Decarie Blvd, Montreal

Lin Jun worked at Depanneur HKK, 2001 Wellington in Verdun, a 10 minute drive from there.

However Lin Jun was taking government sponsored french courses. I'm interested in knowing which facility his classes were at as I was also taking government french courses during the same time in the Plamondon area of Montreal at Pauline Julien Center. The PJ centre is only a 5 min drive from where LM was living, and near the same metro station.

I did find both LM and Lin Jun had accounts on the gay dating site, Real Jock:

Registered within one month of each other but neither account appears very active. There is really no way of telling how they met… guess if LE has any info on that, we will find out.
I didn't bring up Forest Hill. Someone else said Forest Hill and I just tried to clarify where. I don't think we have all his addresses yet so it would be great if the poster who said Forest Hill could clarify. So far in Toronto we just have

88 Erskine not sure of the dates but as an adult before 2007
Scarborough with family
Munro Street not sure of the dates
Yes, I understand that.

He also lived on Parkway Forest Drive (Don Mills and Sheppard area) at the time of his fraud charges.
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