ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #5

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In the comment section of the most recent vid from HollywoodLoveLetters there is a comment from Eric Newman 6 hours ago. Click on his name and it takes you to Shane Taylor's YT channel who is commenting about LM and the arrest - after the arrest. He also comments recently about "his" LM defense fund being taken down, death threats, a plea for rational thinking (ha!) and discussion about this etc. He also has a video posted claiming that LM was set up (haven't watched it yet).

Has it been determined that this YT channel owner is only a troll or ?? The date the channel was created is Oct. 2011. I'm confused about why a comment from a channel called Shane Taylor will show up as Eric Newman being the commenter.

Long time lurker finally posting. I would have done so a few days ago but I am another one who didn't want to be suspected of being LM.

can you please link all this stuff? thanks!
Hi everyone. This is my first post. I just wanted to post my generalized thoughts, and thank you's. I've been following the case on this forum since accidentally coming across a still photo taken from "the" video. Some idiot on a forum completely unrelated to crime thought it would be a good idea to post a huge shot of poor Jun Lin's disembodied head in the very first post of a thread. I audibly screamed and clicked away, but that split second view of that photo etched into m brain and has haunted me for days now. I've been glued to this forum since then, and thank you all for your wonderful work unearthing LM's internet life. LM is possibly the single most bizarre person I have ever come across. I was about halfway through the previous thread when it was pulled for review, so I apologize if this has been dealt with, but I also believe Eric Newman was here on this forum, and most active in the third thread. If it wasn't Eric, it was someone whose trains of logic was quite horrifying.

I have been scrupulous about avoiding seeing any of the videos. I'm thankful to this forum for being a safe place to follow this case without the risk of seeing something that would no doubt traumatize me. I am grateful to those of you here who have watched it so that I didn't have to, however. Also, many thanks to Kadir Anlayisli, the Berlin internet cafe owner, who recognized and turned this lunatic in. :rocker: :cheer:

Although I breathe a huge sigh of relief that LM is no longer out there in the world to stalk another victim, I am still left with feelings of unease about the sort of people that this personality brought out of the woodwork. Tonight, I'm still walking around my house with a feeling of paranoia and unease. The Youtube poster Beavis Butthead is apparently NOT Eric Newman, and neither are many of the other alleged sockpuppet accounts previously attributed to him. There was also a thread on the forum about the killvid, in which members watched and joked around about this macabre account of Jun Lin's last moments of life. There are people out there who don't seem to register the horror of what this video portrays.

This monster exploited an innocent, kind, beautiful man's life, and essentially used this human being's body as a vehicle for his own infamy. I am horrified at the thought that there are people out there using this video for their own kicks: in the same way "chili-heads" go after the hottest chili peppers in the world to get a rush or test their mettle. Now that Magnotta has been caught, there is no reason for this video to remain online. Enough people have seen it (and been scarred by it). It only does harm -- disrespecting the memory of Jun Lin. Unfortunately, as a card-carrying member of the "Facebook-generation" I know that once something is put online, it's impossible to remove all traces of it. Were that we could expunge all traces of Luka Magnotta's viral delusion from the web for good. :please:
Here is someone who HLL subscribed to that posted in the last hour:

  • Um, I just noticed that HLL subscribed to me 2 days ago. If you're NOT Luka could you post please? lol

    sentstuff05 41 minutes ago
  • HollywoodLoveLetters never logged back in...

    sentstuff05 43 minutes ago
So far.... no response from HLL. Guess you can't get an internet connection and laptop from jail in Berlin.

The James Dean Killer - 1 Man 1 Icon - Luka Rocco Magnotta - YouTube
From Wondergirl on the prior thread:
"I heard a radio interview on the CBC tonight, and the journalist reported that the reason why there were 7 police who came to investigate LRM in the Internet Cafe, is because they were being trained!

Imagine that? Just starting your career as a Law Enforcement Officer, and being part of the Team who arrested arguably one of the Western World's Most Wanted "Men"?

Great job, Team! May the rest of your careers be just as successful in tracking down the bad guys."

We have an hour and a half in the cafe before the police arrive. I would like to know how long it was before Kadir either called for help or obtained help off the street. I understand he may have waited to make sure it was him. I'm just curious.

if you look closely, it almost looks like the female, third from the last, is holding up her hand, pretending its a gun, aiming straight up.. atleast i think.. i cant seem to figure out why she has her hand up lol
Derek MacKinnon, LM's neighbor/landlord, has been interviewed by the Toronto Sun. He wonders if LM was influenced by a role he (Derek) played in a horror many years ago.

Derek MacKinnon played a serial killer who cut a young victim to pieces in the 1980 film Terror Train, and now he wonders if his former downstairs neighbour, Luka Magnotta, made life imitate art.

The 56-year-old actor told QMI Agency that the similarities between his film and Magnotta's alleged crimes are too close to be a coincidence.

"(My character) killed 11 people, my appearance was always changing and I dismembered a victim," MacKinnon said of his character in the film, shot in Montreal 32 years ago.

"The similarity is pretty significant."

It's quite a famous horror flick and Derek was interviewed at length in 2010 at MonsterMania (possible horror convention) and he goes into elaborate detail about his character in "Terror Train", his only starring role and the one that is eerily similar to LM's actions.

Derek MacKinnon’s portrayal of Kenny, the killer in Terror Train, is unique in the horror film world, being a performance that doesn’t rely on flashy personalities such as Hannibal, nor outrageous stunts, but an uncanny ability to mimic other people.

It a very long interview and worth reading. Also worth mentioning is that Derek MacKinnon seems like an incredible man. He's led an interesting life and seems like a good egg. I wish him well.
can you please link all this stuff? thanks!

Yes, sorry. Here is the HollyWoodLoveletters channel with all comments showing:

Scroll down or find "Eric Newman" - there is only one comment from him. Now click on his hyperlinked name and it will take you to Shane Taylor's YT channel where you will see his most recent activity and the comments I mentioned. Nowhere can I find the name Eric Newman as that channel name.
In the comment section of the most recent vid from HollywoodLoveLetters there is a comment from Eric Newman 6 hours ago. Click on his name and it takes you to Shane Taylor's YT channel who is commenting about LM and the arrest - after the arrest. He also comments recently about "his" LM defense fund being taken down, death threats, a plea for rational thinking (ha!) and discussion about this etc. He also has a video posted claiming that LM was set up (haven't watched it yet).

Has it been determined that this YT channel owner is only a troll or ?? The date the channel was created is Oct. 2011. I'm confused about why a comment from a channel called Shane Taylor will show up as Eric Newman being the commenter.

Long time lurker finally posting. I would have done so a few days ago but I am another one who didn't want to be suspected of being LM.

I saw a comment by that person last night saying that he had renamed his account to be "eric newman" using google+. I don't know what it was before the change, but it's only been eric newman for a day or so.
I hate that picture, and I still hate LM!!!! I am hoping a lot of guys in prison will hate him too. I can't wait until he is placed into Gen Pop.... Jeffery Dahmer didn't fare too well, and I predict LM won't fare too well either.

In Canada they keep the freakier prisoners segregated for their own protection. Luka would never be put in gen pop.:moo:
Yes, sorry. Here is the HollyWoodLoveletters channel with all comments showing:

Scroll down or find "Eric Newman" - there is only one comment from him. Now click on his hyperlinked name and it will take you to Shane Taylor's YT channel where you will see his most recent activity and the comments I mentioned. Nowhere can I find the name Eric Newman as that channel name.

When he setup the "fund" to help LM someone asked him about his name being Eric Newman. He replied saying he had changed his username. He then posted a link to the fund, which had $10 in.

So he's just a troll, and someone pro Luka Magnotta
It's quite a famous horror flick and Derek was interviewed at length in 2010 at MonsterMania (possible horror convention) and he goes into elaborate detail about his character in "Terror Train", his only starring role and the one that is eerily similar to LM's actions.

Isn't the killing more like Basic Instinct? The ice pick and everything? I know he used a (modified) quote from the film in one of the letters he sent to the Sun regarding the cat killings. I have seen Terror Train (though it's been a while), and I can't recall any similarities between that movie and this murder.
Hi everyone. This is my first post. I just wanted to post my generalized thoughts, and thank you's. .....

This monster exploited an innocent, kind, beautiful man's life, and essentially used this human being's body as a vehicle for his own infamy. I am horrified at the thought that there are people out there using this video for their own kicks: in the same way "chili-heads" go after the hottest chili peppers in the world to get a rush or test their mettle. Now that Magnotta has been caught, there is no reason for this video to remain online. Enough people have seen it (and been scarred by it). It only does harm -- disrespecting the memory of Jun Lin. Unfortunately, as a card-carrying member of the "Facebook-generation" I know that once something is put online, it's impossible to remove all traces of it. Were that we could expunge all traces of Luka Magnotta's viral delusion from the web for good. :please:
SBM (Snipped By Me): First, Welcome to WebSleuths to ALL of our new members!!! I watched this horrible video, and I will always hold Jun Lin in the highest regard. He did NOT deserve this, and my heart breaks for his family. As a long time WS member, I have seen so much horror and grief that it could fill all of the oceans of the Universe. I have also seen sincere people who care, and who will demand justice. I totally know what you mean about photo's being etched into your brain and being haunted by what you have seen. That is when it is time to take a break, and CELEBRATE the beauty that life has to offer - not only celebrate it, REVEL in it!!! Go find something fabulous to enjoy and take advantage of the gift you have.. a free life. Personally, I am getting ready to go to bed, read a book until my mind blurs, and then tomorrow, and I am going to look at pretty pictures of home decor and recipes on Pinterest. Hugs to all of us who have been through this horrible ordeal. We will be here until the end.
Isn't the killing more like Basic Instinct? The ice pick and everything? I know he used a (modified) quote from the film in one of the letters he sent to the Sun regarding the cat killings. I have seen Terror Train (though it's been a while), and I can't recall any similarities between that movie and this murder.

A lot of his sock puppets on YouTube before the murders contained clips from the Basic Instinct movie. I've also read it was one of his favourite movies.

For example:
Isn't the killing more like Basic Instinct? The ice pick and everything? I know he used a (modified) quote from the film in one of the letters he sent to the Sun regarding the cat killings. I have seen Terror Train (though it's been a while), and I can't recall any similarities between that movie and this murder.

Just MO, but I think LRM took bits and pieces of many horror/slasher flicks into consideration during his violation of dear Jun Lin. It pangs me to say that.. but I truly believe he stored every visual he could from every horror movie he saw and acted it out on Jun Lin.
Hey there, everyone! I just checked on the Anna Mansfield YouTube it just me or has the account been deleted? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong page.
Also, I just wanted to ask...I noticed one of the threads has been pulled for review...what exactly does that mean?
Hey there, everyone! I just checked on the Anna Mansfield YouTube it just me or has the account been deleted? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong page.
Also, I just wanted to ask...I noticed one of the threads has been pulled for review...what exactly does that mean?

I believe the other thread has some photos that need to be removed. Mods have pulled it to do just that.

The Anna Mansfield channel is still coming up for me.
Hi everyone. This is my first post. I just wanted to post my generalized thoughts, and thank you's. I've been following the case on this forum since accidentally coming across a still photo taken from "the" video. Some idiot on a forum completely unrelated to crime thought it would be a good idea to post a huge shot of poor Jun Lin's disembodied head in the very first post of a thread. I audibly screamed and clicked away, but that split second view of that photo etched into m brain and has haunted me for days now. I've been glued to this forum since then, and thank you all for your wonderful work unearthing LM's internet life. LM is possibly the single most bizarre person I have ever come across. I was about halfway through the previous thread when it was pulled for review, so I apologize if this has been dealt with, but I also believe Eric Newman was here on this forum, and most active in the third thread. If it wasn't Eric, it was someone whose trains of logic was quite horrifying.

I have been scrupulous about avoiding seeing any of the videos. I'm thankful to this forum for being a safe place to follow this case without the risk of seeing something that would no doubt traumatize me. I am grateful to those of you here who have watched it so that I didn't have to, however. Also, many thanks to Kadir Anlayisli, the Berlin internet cafe owner, who recognized and turned this lunatic in. :rocker: :cheer:

Although I breathe a huge sigh of relief that LM is no longer out there in the world to stalk another victim, I am still left with feelings of unease about the sort of people that this personality brought out of the woodwork. Tonight, I'm still walking around my house with a feeling of paranoia and unease. The Youtube poster Beavis Butthead is apparently NOT Eric Newman, and neither are many of the other alleged sockpuppet accounts previously attributed to him. There was also a thread on the forum about the killvid, in which members watched and joked around about this macabre account of Jun Lin's last moments of life. There are people out there who don't seem to register the horror of what this video portrays.

This monster exploited an innocent, kind, beautiful man's life, and essentially used this human being's body as a vehicle for his own infamy. I am horrified at the thought that there are people out there using this video for their own kicks: in the same way "chili-heads" go after the hottest chili peppers in the world to get a rush or test their mettle. Now that Magnotta has been caught, there is no reason for this video to remain online. Enough people have seen it (and been scarred by it). It only does harm -- disrespecting the memory of Jun Lin. Unfortunately, as a card-carrying member of the "Facebook-generation" I know that once something is put online, it's impossible to remove all traces of it. Were that we could expunge all traces of Luka Magnotta's viral delusion from the web for good. :please:

Hello, and welcome!
Respectfully bolded by me: the exact same thing happened to me. When the police released Magnotta's name, I choked on my coffee (came across it in 2009, before the kitten videos even showed up...), then started sleuthing. THAT came up. It might just be the worst thing I have ever seen... that image... the look of horror on the poor man's face.... will ever be imprinted in my brain.

I also wish that we could just give the internet a good bleach-and-peroxide bath and scrub it of all traces of Magnotta. I don't hate much, but I HATE that nasty maggot for what he has done. There are so many other things he could have done to get attention... why this?!?!
Hey there, everyone! I just checked on the Anna Mansfield YouTube it just me or has the account been deleted? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong page.
Also, I just wanted to ask...I noticed one of the threads has been pulled for review...what exactly does that mean?

I still get the Anna Mansfield YT account at the link below. If a thread has been pulled, it is usually because someone (or several of us) violated TOS in someway. They run a tight ship here at WS's, which is one of the things that I like about it.

Thank you for posting that.
What a beautiful man... so horribly sad :(

Isn't the killing more like Basic Instinct? The ice pick and everything? I know he used a (modified) quote from the film in one of the letters he sent to the Sun regarding the cat killings. I have seen Terror Train (though it's been a while), and I can't recall any similarities between that movie and this murder.

I agree. He deliberately copied several movies or games..

His new last name (Magnotta) is the same as the last name of a character in a video game called Ripper. The character was a lead detective on a case where the Ripper sent messages to a reporter for a newspaper detailing his murders. (The wiki of Ripper (Video Game) explains this.) It's just assumed the letters are from Ripper since it was never proven to be him sending them.

(Magnotta changed his name to a character in the game, and he also sent letters to The Sun with the name John Kilbride.) (John Kilbride is a Moors Murder victim)

In the video game, Ripper sends a threatening letter to the reporter investigating..

(Magnotta did send a scary letter that was threatening to The Sun reporter several months ago)

In that letter, Magnotta says "Killing is different than smoking... with smoking you can actually quit."

(The movie Basic Instinct, this quote is used "Killing isn't like smoking. You can stop".. The character's name is Catherine Tramell. Magnotta uses an account named Katherine Tramell on a site.)

The murder video has a song from American Psycho.

There's so much that is related to movies or video games. This guy is obsessed with them. (In case anyone missed this, the song in the murder video is also in this video he posted on a sock puppet account in April.. He refers to himself as a serial killer. )
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