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Further developments July 11 at the total solar eclipse. Meanwhile, the industry examines the explosion, the fire, the well rupture and fights to correct massive the oil flow into the gulf. New insights come with the entrance of Uranus and Jupiter into Aries along with new techniques to relieve the situation and measures to prevent recurrence. and Cosmos/DeepwaterHorizonExplodes001.jpg

MeenaMom: Maybe this can ease your mind.
Very quickly selected this chart to show the cardinal cross this summer. I wish I had time to write up an analysis, but Mr. Mouse takes up so much of my time these days.

You all are in good hands here, though! I am hoping everyone is spiritually and physically prepared

Thanks housemouse. You know we all love you and wish you and Mr. Housemouse the best. We've all sent many prayers to you both, and thank you for all that you have done for all of us here for so long. Your the best.
Housemouse made a beautiful chart of the very formation you two are discussing. I hope she sees your question; I will also ask her to place a copy here. She did NOT like the look of the configuration.


I made a post in the GENERAL thread about this disturbing configuration, as it popped up in my Solar Return Chart, and I was a bit upset to see it plain as day. I didn't know whether to post in the General thread or the Mundane thread because I was trying to figure it out, so posted in the other thread, but I do want to know its meaning for everyone, not just myself, because it looks bigger than all of us. My Solar Chart is slightly different from the one posted here, but not by much, just a bit less than 7 hours later.

Thanks to housemouse for the chart for August, which at first glance, mirrors this past weekend's charts! :eek:

Here's my original post with my questions, I didn't know if I should move it here:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - GENERAL[/ame]
Saturn retrograde in Virgo, enforcement is lost in arguments over details and minutia while mass incursions, violations, Jupiter conjunct Uranus break the law everyday. This goes on at the same time Mexico enforces its own borders with Central America using armed militia. What is wrong with this PICTURE? and Cosmos/DecapitationattheBorder001.jpg

Thanks for this. So, um, not to get into the politics of it all, but I'm confused. The Mexican president condemns Arizona for enforcing our immigration laws but it's okay for Mexico to do this? :waitasec: Is this a sign of what's coming, considering the charts we're now seeing?

Things are looking very grim. I was a bit surprised to see actual pictures on these beheadings!
Post #338 is about this very formation that upset you. Does it have implications outside politics? Of course, because it will affect a twentysomething who never had a political thought or inclination in his mind. It will affect the weather. It will affect the earth's topography and geology. It will affect the financial market and already has this week. As for travel, yes, there are dangers in travel due to Mars opposite Neptune in Aquarius (flights) and anything powered by an engine, motors (Saturn opposite Uranus). Common travel, as by car, will be more impacted when the II Sun joins the Saturn-Uranus opposition by squaring it.
Re: your question at #345, yes, you're right. Try to enter Mexico from Belize or Guatemala or, of course any other Central or South American country and you commit a felony if you are undocumented. The Federales will "take care of you". Jail and deportation, automatic. And these countries are on a friendly basis with Mexico. So the door only swings one way, Mr. Calderone.
Re: your question at #345, yes, you're right. Try to enter Mexico from Belize or Guatemala or, of course any other Central or South American country and you commit a felony if you are undocumented. The Federales will "take care of you". Jail and deportation, automatic. And these countries are on a friendly basis with Mexico. So the door only swings one way, Mr. Calderone.
Tuba you are the master of words, thank you for all you do.
Forgive me if this has been addressed some where, when exactly do we feel the effects of the Grand Cross? I need to travel the week of July 4th,and have a choice of flying or driving. I don't like to fly anyway,but it seems to me,someone who wanted to make a statement might do something on our Independence Day. Is there one particular day or time where everything is just lined up perfectly or is this Grand Cross something that happens over a long period of time?
I apoligize for being so ignorant about this stuff. I believe it all,but just can't figure it all out.

I remembered something else. What other times in history has the Grand Cross appeared? What happened at those times?
Very quickly selected this chart to show the cardinal cross this summer. I wish I had time to write up an analysis, but Mr. Mouse takes up so much of my time these days.

You all are in good hands here, though! I am hoping everyone is spiritually and physically prepared.

I am a complete newbie to astrological forcasts, but this comment concerns me. I am spiritually strong, but am wondering about the comment for both spiritual and physcial preparedness.

Preparedness for what?

Sorry - I'm really not challenging you. I'm just trying to understand things.

Herding Cats
Looking at the aspects for July 4, there is certainly cause for concern, yes. The Grand Square is not in effect and unlike an eclipse, an aspect has more limited effect in time. It works when it is within orb and when it is exact and then as it leaves but is still in orb. Believe it or not, this is NOT a wide range.

The problem with July 4 is that there is a Sun-Moon square, Mercury at a degree about to be eclipsed, Venus at the degree where one is not the master of one's own fate, Uranus and Jupiter square Pluto and Saturn inconjunct or quincunx Neptune. The best way to use this odd energy constructively is to contribute to elaborate and rather costly fireworks displays. Wash down your celebration with a very modest amount of beer. Watch the skies from your bunker--just kidding.
Looking at the aspects for July 4, there is certainly cause for concern, yes. The Grand Square is not in effect and unlike an eclipse, an aspect has more limited effect in time. It works when it is within orb and when it is exact and then as it leaves but is still in orb. Believe it or not, this is NOT a wide range.

The problem with July 4 is that there is a Sun-Moon square, Mercury at a degree about to be eclipsed, Venus at the degree where one is not the master of one's own fate, Uranus and Jupiter square Pluto and Saturn inconjunct or quincunx Neptune. The best way to use this odd energy constructively is to contribute to elaborate and rather costly fireworks displays. Wash down your celebration with a very modest amount of beer. Watch the skies from your bunker--just kidding.

Thanks Tuba. We have decided not to fly after all and will be leaving either before or after the 4th. Taking your advice and enjoying fireworks and cold beer, wherever we are.
Tuba, that was hilarious! Thanks for the morning laugh! (The advice on surgery as well)... your a gem
National Sun is trine our birth Jupiter by progression and also in a separating trine to our armed forces Saturn in House 6, also favorable. What is unfavorable is our progressed Mercury opposite progressed Leo Moon. This brings disputes over our position on enemy combatants and non-citizens vs. the international human rights treaty. Trouble as well from diplomatic ventures and discussions overseas: hoof in mouth disease. Sealed lips sink no ships, in fact, ship's tar is effective for this purpose.

This particular opposition, especially from Leo, generates controversy and big problems in the schools and debate over education: what and how to teach. But exposure of faults and crimes among our teachers comes with this opposition as well. Mars in transit opposite Neptune, from Leo to Aquarius, produces SCANDAL.

The opposition creates frightening trade imbalances and many travel accidents which are aggravated by the Saturn opposition to Jupiter-Uranus (yes, more so on holidays due to the presence of Jupiter).

(CNN) -- A United Airlines jet en route from London, England, to Los Angeles, California, was diverted Tuesday to Montreal, Quebec, after turbulence injured 10 people aboard, an airline spokeswoman said.

Flight 935 had departed London's Heathrow International Airport bound for Los Angeles International Airport at 10:05 a.m. (5:05 a.m. ET) carrying three pilots, 12 flight attendants and 196 passengers, spokeswoman Megan McCarthy said.

But the Boeing 777, which was to have landed at 1:15 p.m. (4:15 p.m. ET), encountered severe turbulence over the Atlantic Ocean and landed instead at Montreal's Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, she said.

The injured people -- nine passengers and a crew member -- were taken to an area hospital with injuries that are not life-threatening and will stay in Montreal.
Goodnight, snowbun. Thank you for the update. Have fun on the slopes.
Looking at the aspects for July 4, there is certainly cause for concern, yes. The Grand Square is not in effect and unlike an eclipse, an aspect has more limited effect in time. It works when it is within orb and when it is exact and then as it leaves but is still in orb. Believe it or not, this is NOT a wide range.

The problem with July 4 is that there is a Sun-Moon square, Mercury at a degree about to be eclipsed, Venus at the degree where one is not the master of one's own fate, Uranus and Jupiter square Pluto and Saturn inconjunct or quincunx Neptune. The best way to use this odd energy constructively is to contribute to elaborate and rather costly fireworks displays. Wash down your celebration with a very modest amount of beer. Watch the skies from your bunker--just kidding.

The most I've done for the last few 4ths is to ride my horse in a local parade...and even that isn't going to happen this year. LOL.

My home is my I suspect I'll be happily eating chips and dip, and drinking baby booze (milk) and watching televised it should be all right, if things are avoidable. I haven't quite figured out how to avoid a meteor or earthquake yet, though. LOL.

Thanks, Tuba. I'm such a beginner at all this stuff. I didn't even really understand it was only the 4th that we're talking about...I thought it was the whole summer.

Herding Cats
I am a complete newbie to astrological forcasts, but this comment concerns me. I am spiritually strong, but am wondering about the comment for both spiritual and physcial preparedness.

Preparedness for what?

Sorry - I'm really not challenging you. I'm just trying to understand things.

Herding Cats

Well of course I cannot speak for Housemouse, but my thought on this quote would be that the stars and planets as they align reflect the overall and general consciousness on the scale of the Collective unconscious (think Carl Jung)and as souls we are ALL a part of the Collective whether we realize it or not.

How then, they align up with our own charts, as well as the country's chart should be noted for oneself if one desires to follow transits and progresssions .

The way I'd look at it personally, would be to say that this is a historical period in time, when the planets align in just such an inharmonious way
that may bring about "collectively" an internal struggle (squares to the outer planets, one to the other), or from without (oppositions)

In other words, "something's got to give"

Now, what the something IS, is up for debate.

I'm not here to debate either, but I can say that we all believe the stars and planets and their alignments should be a warning for all to be aware of their surroundings, and this also means one's spiritual surroundings. A good spiritual foundation to help one weather any type of storm, (psychological ones, physical ones, whatever they might be), is always in order, imo. Didn 't he say, "Be prepared?"
this means, yesterday , today and tomorrow, in "all ways and in all days" in all new moons, etc.

I think Jesus spoke of this didn't he? :waitasec:.......something about, you will not know when, but be prepared?

He also said something about we watch the stars and the planets as signs.... yet we don't see what is in front of us. (I think he said this) which of course, I'd agree with the overall gist of this statement.

Whether 2012 will be an ending of an older age or a beginning of the newer age I cannot tell as I personally do not believe the world will look a whole lot different geographically then it does today.
However, what I do think, it that the events that these alignments should bring about will change ALL of us, in the Collective sense, to re-evaluate what is truly important to us versus what is superficial .

I think that is what the New Age will bring about, the so-called Age of Aquarius, but an Age is also subject to debate as an age is.,and when it takes place in time.

As many ideas as there are seems :innocent:

However, whatever and whenever, we are ALL on the Precipice of a New Age for all., a new beginning, to leave the old aside and walk into the new together. Hopefully spiritually more attuned to the Higher Self as we do. It's a wonderful and momentous historical time to be alive and to witness as souls these "once in thousands of years" important changes to the root race of which we are all a part.


The song was based on the astrological belief that the world would be entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of love, light and humanity, unlike the then current Age of Pisces. This change was presumed to occur at the end of the 20th century, however major astrologers differ over this. Dates range from 2062 (Dane Rudhyar), 2150 (Neil Mann), 2595 (Hermann Haupt) and 2680 (Shephard Simpson).[3]
Do we have a profusion of charts or a confusion of charts? The Fourth of July was the subject of inquiry, so that array of planets was analysed. Yet another chart was the progressions at THIS time for the United States. There were two charts, not one, from housemouse. One for last weekend, May 22 and 23 and one for August of this year, which she will no doubt comment on later. No surprise, I will be adding a chart for the total solar eclipse of July 11 before too long.
Hi aksleuth,

There are many sources for that chart. Here is a link to a somewhat recent article referring to it.


I really appreciated that link and found the information quite useful.

If you have time, I'd like to hear your take (and others as well) on the upcoming transits in the Federal Reserve Chart. There is significant activity over the next 60-90 days, mainly:

1) tJupiter conjunct tUranus conjunct MC (orb less than 10' of arc)

2) tMars conjunct tSaturn opposition MC (orb less than 25' or arc)

3) tMars conjunct tSaturn opposition tJupiter conjunct tUranus conjunct MC

4) Lunar Eclipse June 26 conjunct nSun (orb < 3 degrees of arc)

5) Solar Eclipse July 11 conjunct Asc (orb 1 degree of arc)

6) Solar Eclipse July 11 conjunct nMars (orb 9' of arc)

The transiting conjunctions of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus will form a Grand Cross with nSun opposing nPluto, while tPluto is opposing nPluto (orb 3 degrees) and conjunct nSun (orb 2 degrees).

The Moon will also be transiting Aries and conjunct Jupiter/Uranus opposition Mars/Saturn. I find the Moon often to be the "timer" that triggers events.

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