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The progressions are included. When the people rose up after the elections, claiming fraud, over a year ago, the progressed Sun of the country opposed Saturn in the sector of enforcement by police and army, H. 6. The Sun is barely free of that suppression now, only by 1°09' but is definitely escaping the heavy hand. Progressed Moon is in II, the Sign Moon holds in the event chart of this week also. It is trine the country's natal Mars in Aquarius.

There are two transit patterns of revolt right now. The first is the lunar eclipse of late December which took place on the midheaven of the country, that is Those In Charge, the ruling powers. Eclipses shake the throne. That full Moon conjoined Hades, you may remember: oppression & misfortune. The effect of lunar eclipses persists for many months.

The second major pattern influencing events is Jupiter on the Aries Moon of the people, square Pluto of control and strong arm tactics in H. 10 of those in power and square Kronos in the outcome and homeland of H. 4. This promises a change of government.

In January, Saturn hovered at national Pluto, then backed off. On March 11, Uranus enters Aries to sit on the national progressed Mercury at 1° 30' inside the First House intercept and it will transit the Moon of the people later, of course (exact April 2012). Uranus is the planet of revolution. Of leading importance is the Sign change of Neptune coming this April 2011 because it rules the Ascendant of the nation. Neptune is operating behind the scenes now and it will then, well inside House 12.

The fact that this country in its present form of governance was born with ruling Neptune at the degree of the nodes, as is Iran's Pluto, ruler of H. 8 of death was an inborn threat to the state of the common man and to life itself.

ETA: Not to dun things over & over but progressed Pluto is 18° 44' Libra (marked on the red rim). That is the degree of ARREST conjunct Pluto of mass for mass arrests in the streets of Iran and we have been seeing that in news footage.
If you look in the area of House 2, you will see the progressed Ascendant for Iran: 9° Taurus 32', which is a degree of crisis. This accurately describes the state of the nation. The people are still feeling confidence because of Jupiter's transit to their Moon restrained in House 1, despite the absolute tyrannical crackdown (the square from Pluto).

The degree of progr. Mars is 4°04' Pisces quincunx Jupiter in House 5, once again exposing a financial debt owed by the gov't, Jupiter,to foreign nations, Mars ruled. This would be for nuclear materials and scientific assistance that does not come free.
This chart is dedicated to Benito, as was his city, on 24 July, 1888. As of February 20, Ciudad Juarez has seen its bloodiest three days: 53 murdered in 72 hours. May God help us! Consecrate this city with its many beautiful churches, missions, chapels to God.

Ciudad Juarez, as Paso del Norte, served as the Mexican capital during the French intervention and was renamed for the hero of its battles. As feared, in the one hundred twenty-three years since, Neptune has stationed to retrograde and five years ago, in 2006, reached the same 0° as the lunar nodes. Corpses from the drug wars have now accumulated to numbers the morgues cannot contain. Yes, House 8 is the Caput Algol, Chinese named "star of the piled up corpses".

The progressed south node of Juarez has reached 22°17' Capricorn, the same degree as the Moon, ruling the tragic attempt to govern. My God hold the hand of that one who tries it.

The people of the city in walled residential properties show up in the House 4 intercept: Moon = locals, intercepted = walled, Aquarius = neighborhood plats. That Moon over so many, many years has now reached the Ascendant, which is 21:09 Aquarius, progr. That is a degree of crisis and we know that from the news as well. The city was born in crisis, 26:55 Libra rising, ruler Venus midway between Sun and Saturn in House 10, all squared by rising Mars. Progr. Mars has reached the square to the city n. Ascendant from another crisis degree in Capricorn (critical within 2011). Violence at the on set, violence now.

Now that Neptune has retrograded to zero as of 2006, it continues to register at zero and will for years because it is still moving backward, therefore it registers tragedy and fatality continuously, from drug traffic and drug competition.
The fact that 0° Aquarius and 0° II are in trine speaks to the groove drug cargo has made through the town. The cartels & drug gangs are readily apparent in the Pluto conjunction to Neptune and the permissive sextile to Venus ruling the chart and sitting in the House of authority.

The letter of the law, Mercury in House 9 of Juarez, has never been observed because covert & critical 13°39' Uranus breaks laws by square from Libra of written codes. The fact that these two planets are by progression trine presents an opportunity to correct this but also means violation is more prevalent and easier than ever.

How do the townspeople feel about the criminal climate? Progressed Saturn opposes them from House 10, an extreme bringer, like the boulder of Sisyphus. And Mars is always at the door, see the "visitor" in pencil, House 3.

What of consecration? There is a perfect progressed trine from faith, Sagittarius, Sun to Sun, if the people surge back to their churches in mass, or to their prayer closets in common bond.
I have been reading aol news whereas scientist are warning of solar storms hitting the US. Has a chart been done on on these storms and if so, do they show when we may expect them and if so what should we do to prepare? This link below is from my computer on AOL news....Thanks so much for you dedicated services to all of us.
First, I'm going to write you out this scrip for SPF 80. Here is a coupon for the non-incendiary mylar house tarp, a bargain at $475. And in this top right drawer, four tickets to Crater Colony on the next Moon rocket. Here you are!
Many, many people who like & credit astrology go through their whole lives studying only Sun Sign forecasts and they do just fine. That's how important the Sun is to earthlings. Our Sun may be sending us a reminder of that. But, in any case, when he turns up the pilots and the radiator, there is not so much that we can do about it. In the southern desert of Australia, living is beneath the ground in hollows. Maybe it's time to start digging. Personally, I am going to persist in my usual routine, without anxiety.
On the last day of this month, Mercury will be moving toward the First House of Iran while Mars comes to the place of Iran's progressed Mars, 4° Pisces, a critical degree that is quincunx their Jupiter n. in House 5 of youth demonstrations and risk taking. Whether Iranians have an organ to communicate with the outside world or not, whether news agencies are allowed in or not, there will be a time of pitch and moment, a real crisis. The Sun will also be moving toward Iran's First House, reaching the rising degree on March 12 with Mercury arriving ahead on the 5th. Big trouble in the streets & possible repercussions over the Iranian warships plowing up the Red Sea to the Gulf of Suez.

This is interesting. I would appreciate any comments from our astros on this 'Super Moon'. Thanks, wm

Here's a link from our GENERAL thread where TUBA spoke about the 'WOBBLE' Super FULL Moon of 3/19/2011 and it being the closest to Earth since last time 18 years ago.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - GENERAL[/ame]
Thank you FifthEssence!

Not another WOBBLE! Say it isn't so.

I also wonder about the effect of shocking Uranus moving into Aries may have impacted this disaster of epic proportions in Japan.

I don't always know how to word my questions astrologically so any input is greatly appreciated.

The power of the coming culmination of the Moon at 28°48' Virgo square the Moon's nodes for a WOBBLE, while Moon is so close you can spread the cheese, closest she has reached us in 18 years, cannot be exaggerated.

We are in the Big Waters Sign of Pisces and the West Coast of the U.S.A. is expecting huge waves rebounding thousands and thousands of miles from the Japan event.

Due to the mutable or common Signs of the flying cross, the WOBBLE will affect human beings, their communication network and their movement to and fro while commuting, traveling, walking, etc. Today is another watery day as the Moon is transiting Cancer opposite Pluto and Mars in Pisces is quincunx Saturn. Inland waterways (those that depend on ocean currents and supply) will fill. As passionflower always reminds us, never never ignore the Moon which was square Uranus for the 8.9 quake. The death & destruction is deplorable and we pray for our Japanese neighbors and send all consolations.
Thank you replying and the insight Tuba. I was curious about Uranus' role in this devastating and far reaching world event. Passionflower's reminder that you quoted regarding the moon/uranus square and impact is duly noted. A lesson that will stick in my mind!

I am sending prayers and positive thoughts to our friends in Japan.

Gosh Tuba is this just really just a prelude, so to speak, since the wobble hasn't hit full speed yet? Can't imagine how strong it will be the closer it gets. Thanks Tuba! Was watching the news last night when it happened and I immediately thought of your moon wobble post I had just read a few hours before. I even googled for an hour or so after reading your original post on the wobble and found tons of astrologers saying things to the effect of mass earthquakes etc. Lots of natural disastrous destructions. I have bought 15 books and even Solar Fire Gold since I started reading the forensic astrology forum here. I feel so lost sometimes trying to learn astrology and just want to give up. BUT Tuba you keep me going even though you dont know it! It's been life changing for me and I want to say THANKS!!! I wish it was like the movie The Matrix and I could just plug in the link and BAM I know all lol. I tell mylself when I get frustrated that you, Soulscape and the others here have been doing this for eons and I'm just a peon and have to truck on with my self schooling.
There is material from the first Chilean quake that still obtains. The Ring of Fire is under grave distress and land and sea eruptions continue in an attempt to compensate for the stress, the gravity imbalance, the old energy leaking fissures, the subterranean actions of land forces in conflict. Now we have and have had the enormous tip of mass coming from the BOWL formation. If you look at this horoscope you will readily see the problem caused by everything on one side or hemisphere of the chart, which then throws UP.

Of course we do not ignore the role Neptune is playing, along with the Uranian disruptions and eruptions. Neptune is the married reaction of the oceans and seas. All these planetary forces are attempts to compensate and manage a world out of balance.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Astrology - MUNDANE (World Affairs & Events)[/ame]

Here is the old quake report, looking at Chile and looking ahead.
Referring to Tuba's chart above for March 11, 2011 2:46:23 PM, asteroid "Sendai" 0:03 Gemini, conjunct the Moon & Alcyone. The video of the tsunami pouring through Sendai, Japan is horrific and devastated the region for 7 miles inland.

Asteroid "America" 26:23 Gemini (the 11th house of friends, hopes and circumstances) trines the POF 26:22 Libra, just one minute from being exact! The USA has sent ships & supplies to her ally and friend. On or about March 14th, "America" will move into 27 degrees Gemini, conjunct the Moon 27:44 Gemini in the national chart, bringing aid to the people.

Japan's national chart for February 11,1889 Noon, has Neptune 29:31 Taurus, in the 12th house. Asteroid "Sendai" has secretly been moving into position since it moved into the 12th house (cusp 29 Aries) on Dec. 20, 2010. The 12th house is intercepted to boot! "Sendai" moved through Taurus without a peep, till it hit 0:03 Gemini and waited for the Moon 0:07 Gemini.

On March 14th, "Sendai" 1:55 will oppose "America" 1:51 SAG, in the National chart.

It's almost too much to bear seeing this catastrope unfold.
I'm sorry to be so ignorant, but what is the interpretation/implication of Sendai's opposition to America on the 14th.
Thank you in advance.
I'm sorry to be so ignorant, but what is the interpretation/implication of Sendai's opposition to America on the 14th.
Thank you in advance.

Oppostions attract!

The USS Ronald Reagan has already arrived off the coast of Japan & at least 8 more are on their way to provide assistance.

In this map you'll see how close Sendai is to the epicenter.
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