Attorney Brad Conway To Release More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09

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Maybe this is be design?
If this has been posted elsewhere, please forgive me.

But could KC's parents successfully throw themselves out there as targets, or under the bus so to speak with the intention of bringing doubt in some jurors mind? Realizing that of course the DA is not going to have enough to turn around and hold them accountable should the jurors find reasonable doubt just because of the idea that in fact the parents may be guilty?.

I have said before, though no one seems to bite, that you can't just throw out other suspects in court but maybe I don't have this right, and it is easier to do this than I thought.

Otherwise, two people could conspire to kill someone, each making themselves look guilty, and neither getting convicted due to a jurors doubt that it may be the other (I am talking where there is separate trial for each person, not one where both are on trial together with conspiracy as part of the indictment)
I know this is simplying the situation.

Does someone here get what I mean, someone pretty please throw me a bone here.
I hope this is not ot too much, but the post above reminded me of this.

That actually happened, once, w/ twins, IIRC.

But, they would have to get their stories straight w/ KC.

And, I think GA might do it, but CA wouldn't.
I predict an attempt at damage control by BC...don't know how he's going to do it with any success, but Cindy probably urged him on since her and George's future ($$$$) is riding on it. Give it up Cindy and George, go back to working a real one wants to read or hear a word you have to say.... unless it's the truth in a court of law which I and most people have no hope of ever hearing from any of you.
This could be a clue to what BC may tell reporters today!
I have a feeling we are all gonna need one of these today!!
Essies- I think you are right.

I did not see that info in the doc dump. Was it buried in there or not released?

Banging head now.
Am i understanding correctly that there was hair that wasn't caylee's found on the duct tape? Was it the lab techs? I wonder if LE took samples of their two yorkshire's hair. As yorkshires have hypo-allergenic hair (not fur)

I have a feeling brad will be re-stating what we already got a glimpse of in the doc dumps.(A) Tape doesn't match gas can tape (B)lab tech and (possibly other dna on duct tape) Random hair on duct tape, that matches noone. blah blah blah..I can't believe BC is putting his neck out there for his clients guilty daughter. Isn't he supposed to protect his clients and his clients only?

It shall be an interesting day. I somehow think TP's earlier remarks of "shocking" evidence may come in to play with Bc'S latest stunt.

I have to say, at this point, nothing will shock me.
I am about to leave for work, but just remembered something and wonder if anyone else remembers it??

I seem to recall either a Today Show or LK Live show featuring CA and BC, and BC stated that the information "leaked" about the duct tape and heart shaped sticker was not true? He stated that there was NO heart shaped sticker on the tape (or was it a comment about the information that duct tape was wrapped around the skull?) was completely INACCURATE and FALSE?

Does anyone recall this? I seem to recall at the time I saw the show I was flabbergasted that he would make such a comment???
I do remember discussion about BC saying words to that effect.
Today will be very interesting.
Apparently BC will release the info at 11am (the current news thread).

Seems it is regarding the duct tape not matching and I think this has already been reported overnight.
i have a feeling the concern is with the press. A lot that has been stated about documents has turned out to be less than true? BTW what ever happened to the 8000 pages that were supposed to be released. I always think the press requests this stuff and then only weed out what they think will sell papers or bring readers to their web page. I have pretty much given up looking for the truth anymore. So much spin and so little time.:banghead:
Yes I admit that I've only read the first post that contained a media announcement from BC. But, OMG. Isn't he stepping over boundaries that are not his to step over? Couldn't this be considered as tampering with an ongoing case? I hope the SA's office responds and quickly.
Now to the motive, BC isn't the defense attorney representing KC or could he be a silent member? How would this effect this case?

If I keep pulling hair out I'm going to need some of the latest and best wigs.

Novice Seeker:banghead:
I am about to leave for work, but just remembered something and wonder if anyone else remembers it??

I seem to recall either a Today Show or LK Live show featuring CA and BC, and BC stated that the information "leaked" about the duct tape and heart shaped sticker was not true? He stated that there was NO heart shaped sticker on the tape (or was it a comment about the information that duct tape was wrapped around the skull?) was completely INACCURATE and FALSE?

Does anyone recall this? I seem to recall at the time I saw the show I was flabbergasted that he would make such a comment???

IIRC on LKL BC said no duct tape on the skull. Did the lab docs say they were unable to extract dna from the hair mass? I guess BC thinks a mass of hair belonging to some else was taped to Caylee's skull.
I am about to leave for work, but just remembered something and wonder if anyone else remembers it??

I seem to recall either a Today Show or LK Live show featuring CA and BC, and BC stated that the information "leaked" about the duct tape and heart shaped sticker was not true? He stated that there was NO heart shaped sticker on the tape (or was it a comment about the information that duct tape was wrapped around the skull?) was completely INACCURATE and FALSE?

Does anyone recall this? I seem to recall at the time I saw the show I was flabbergasted that he would make such a comment???

I remember, it was during a LKL show. While BC was stating all the leaked information was false, Cindy was patting his leg and shaking her head.

BTW, before I forget. From looking at information turned over from the Anthony's computer it seems like big sections are missing. Is the SA's office keeping that particular information sealed or was sections of information withheld from being turned over?

Novice Seeker
Oh, ONE more thing and then I promise to go back to reading. But, did anyone notice the email address's? CA's address seemed to be connected to DC's. For you computer experts why is this?

Novice Seeker
OK...well we know that Caylee's hair was on the duct tape that was wrapped around her skull. From everything I have seen it is the same brand that was on the gas can in the garage. How's Brad going to explain away the canvas bag, trash bags that link back to the A home...not to mention the Winnie the Pooh blanket. There is just TOO much to explain away. I guess now Brad is a certified member of the defense team...they could bring in 1000 attorneys and still their Casey is going down for this murder and I for one will be happy to see it.
The Anthony family’s attorney says he can prove that duct tape at the crime scene doesn’t match tape found at the Anthony home. New documents are expected at 11 a.m. today.

I'll be waiting to see if these are his documents or the SA's docs.....I still feel that this is an attempt to do damage control. It's what the A's do after a doc dump. MOO

I am about to leave for work, but just remembered something and wonder if anyone else remembers it??

I seem to recall either a Today Show or LK Live show featuring CA and BC, and BC stated that the information "leaked" about the duct tape and heart shaped sticker was not true? He stated that there was NO heart shaped sticker on the tape (or was it a comment about the information that duct tape was wrapped around the skull?) was completely INACCURATE and FALSE?

Does anyone recall this? I seem to recall at the time I saw the show I was flabbergasted that he would make such a comment???

Yes, it was on the Larry King show. BC is not known for his accuracy. If you recall Cindy corrected him several times on the show when he said something she disagreed with. Which one was telling the truth is up for grabs...
The Anthony family’s attorney says he can prove that duct tape at the crime scene doesn’t match tape found at the Anthony home. New documents are expected at 11 a.m. today.

I'll be waiting to see if these are his documents or the SA's docs.....I still feel that this is an attempt to do damage control. It's what the A's do after a doc dump. MOO


The article says BC states the hair on the duct tape doesn't belong to KC or Caylee. Ummmm - didn't the hair have to be cut away from the skull to remove the tape? Are they trying to say the skeleton wasn't Caylee? Maybe that's "why CA is still looking for a live Caylee". cra-zee
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