Attorney for Casey Anthony's parents comments on state seeking death penalty

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I think BC has been caught drinking the Juice.

I think they should love their daughter no matter what. I understand that. What I can not understand is how do you support the person who took the life of of her own child your grandchild.

I would hope if I was in that situation I would still love my child, BUT, I would tell them that they have to take the penalty for what they have done no matter what that may be. And to lie for them, well no wonder KC tells lies she got it from some where. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

I thinking loving your child is one thing but it does not mean they should get away with murder. If you truly love them you let them face their own Consequences.

That's just it. I don't think ANYONE faults them for still loving their daughter or "supporting" her. But if they mean "support" by lying and trying to get Casey skip out on taking responsibility for Caylee's murder then I think that's where everyone has a problem with the A family. They have continued this pattern of behavior Casey's whole life. Now Casey doesn't understand why the rest of the world won't let her get away with what her parents have allowed her to for the duration of her entire life. Casey believes rules are for everyone but her.
Even KC's "Party Friends" had jobs, rent and commitments to fulfil, were striving with education etc.

Hard to see KC actually has any "peers" she certainly would not fit with typical unemployed.
She is simply uniquely hopeless!

Yes, she is. Hopeless, narcissistic, shallow, loathsome, cruel, and many more adjectives that I won't list here.
It's not going to happen, but how about lock the whole GACALAKC in a room for 12 hours with 4 chairs, and a plain table?

Two questions: 1.) Will Cindy have her hammer? and 2.) Can we videotape it?

If we had never 'met' the senior Anthonys before...

If we had never heard them ranting and raving...

If we had never seen them clutching baseball bats, hammers, and hoses...

If we had never heard their rude reactions to anyone offering aid...

If we had not listened to their 'mistruths' and twisting of words...

If we had not seen them defiant and contemptuous of authority, the police, the courts, and the laws of the land...

If we had not witnessed their apparent collections of money for searches that never happened...

If we had not witnessed them running over the feelings of others...

If we had not heard their accusations against anyone and everyone besides their lawfully arrested daughter...

If we had not wondered when they were going to support their slain grand daughter instead of her accused killer...

If all these things had never happened, then this announcement would gather support and sympathy.

However, we have 'met' the Anthonys.

Hi Paintr,dont forget them chewing their cud,I mean gum:rolleyes:
The State's decision to seek the death penalty will not change the support and love the Anthony's have for Casey

Sadly that love trumps the love they supposedly had for Caylee..

I agree, and as another poster asked: define "support".
I can't begin to know what it is to live a lie everyday of your life, it has to eventually wear on a person. I don't know how you wake up day after day and deal with living in a made up world where your daughter is the victim and truthful and everyone else is wrong.

I agree - as much as the truth hurts them all - they need to face it so they can try to heal and move on. The way they acted at the depositions just proves how not facing the truth is eating away at them and making them act very ugly.
QUOTE=frenchvixen;3612255]That is a poker face family. KC is the queen of poker face. I found this lovely poem on another message board. I think it says it all:

Quoting Casey,

"Everyone lies
Everyone dies."

But not everyone fries.
Just you, Casey.[/QUOTE]

Now thats a good one:woohoo: ~ once again I cant say thanks:doh:
Maybe he borrowed one of Todd's old files on issuing press releases and public statements.
The Anthonys are selling their selves as well as Casey, short, by taking the attitude of "we will deal with it if and when...". They need to take a reality check and deal NOW... it's real and it can happen... if they, like Baez, play this wait and see game, they could end up seeing Casey put to death, when her life could have been saved had they all dealt with it on a real term ASAP.
They are playing Russian Roulette... but ya know, I don't have sympathy for the pain they will endure from it.
Well they're initial "reason" for not visiting was that the visits would be released to the public and that they would be vilified in the media...It's interesting to think about this after their debacle dispositions! They didn't care enough to get a handle on their behavior for the dispositions so, I cannot fathom why they would care less about their visits being made public. I'm starting to strongly suspect that, on JB's council, that KC has refused them visits.


I think KC is so mad about Caylee being cremated and not buried as she requested, a grave site or head stone to go visit as JB stated were her wishes. I realize that it seems odd to post her wishes for someone she killed, but it shows that CA gets what she wants and she decided what was best for KC's daughter even in death. She couldn't carry out the wishes of her daughter (remember in her mind innocent and a victim of a horrible crime against Caylee) to have a grave site. Can you imagine how angry KC is about that? I don't think KC WANTS TO SEE ANY OF THEM. JMO not only did CA get her first when she was born; she got her last and made all the arrangements and didn't honor the MOTHER'S wishes!!
"The State's decision to seek the death penalty will not change the support and love the Anthony's have for Casey."
The sentiment in this sentence I can understand. The Anthonys love their daughter and always will. At first reading I thought, wow, maybe finally they are going to say something I can respect and understand.

"Casey Anthony, like all other defendants, is entitled to the presumption of innocence."
Here I see a little snarkiness coming through because the phrase - like all other defendants - is totally unnecessary. Seems they are implying Casey is not being treated like all other defendants. Starting to lose my respect with this sentence.

"If the State can overcome that presumption before a jury of 12 of Casey's peers, the Anthonys will then begin to deal with the potential sentence."
This sentence I just don't understand at all. It's poorly phrased. Probably because they can't bring themselves to say "if Casey is found guilty by a jury of her peers." And only then will they begin to deal. Huh? My suggestion to the Anthonys is to start thinking about it NOW! Prepare yourselves for the "potentional" sentences NOW! The DP or LWOP are potentially your daughter's only future.
It's not going to happen, but how about lock the whole GACALAKC in a room for 12 hours with 4 chairs, and a plain table?

Sounds like a winner to me, my friend! They wouldn't last long in that room! I would want that to be video taped for us to watch!!:gavel::gavel:
Let the games begin!

Love your new avatar, btw.
Lawyers don't actual type things, they dictate and the secretary types them. This I know as sure as the sun comes up in the morning. I heard a paralegal tell one of our lawyers once, it would take you less time to just type this yourself and he very condescendingly told her, "Darling, I don't get paid to type, I get paid for knowing what the letter needs to say!" I later forgave him and married him. LOL
They should get JBean to "Moderate" their press releases.
She's a stickler for getting the Anthonys' name right!
I don't understand this part. The State Attorney believes she is guilty, why would they wait for the jury to decide before assuming she is guilty? If they didn't think she was guilty they would not prosecute her.

Is this that backward sorta way thinking, eh, is it? Is it? Come on you can tell me, is it?

Oh no, I don't think the Anthony's will EVER admit casey's guilt, even if they know it very deep down in their hearts. What BC is saying is that ifa jury votes guilty, then they will try to deal with the fact that casey has been sentenced to death and will be executed for the crime sh has been convicted of.
I don't understand this part. The State Attorney believes she is guilty, why would they wait for the jury to decide before assuming she is guilty? If they didn't think she was guilty they would not prosecute her.

Is this that backward sorta way thinking, eh, is it? Is it? Come on you can tell me, is it?

yup thats it in a nut shell
I don't know why I get so uncomfortable when BC, JB, and the As spit out things like this. Law is not LIFE (odd coming from me). Just because legally the criminal law establishes burdens of proof in one way, does not mean that the As or the public HAVE to support Casey or think she is innocent.

For the person who asked earlier- Legally, there is a "presumption" of innocence. The Prosecution has the burden of proof to persuade a jury that the evidence shows that the defendant committed the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. It's a strong presumption- its stronger than "more likely than not," "really likely" - a juror has to be convinced that there's really no other explanation than the defendant did this. We may hate this - I'm sure many prosecutors hate this - but interpreting the Constitution (which we all love for other reasons) Courts and the legislatures have said this is how it goes.

But that is in COURT. That is for the 12 citizens doing their duty. WE do not have to buy into the presumption in this case. The evidence screams that she did it, and that's just too bad for Casey and the As.

I just hate how they all come out, "because KC has her presumption of innocence, the As will stand by her and love her and believe her." No. The presumption is mandatory. So are taxes. Today is an appropriate day to make the analogy- Even if I hate, hate, hate paying certain taxes, or think tax breaks for other people are unfair, it doesn't matter - its the law and I have to do it. But do I have to issue press releases saying I love paying taxes! No! I can hate them and still understand that's how the law works.

...this turned into a rant. But the As, IMO, should either issue press releases honestly and say they will love her no matter what she has done because she is their flesh and blood, or just sit down and not issue spin press releases. Cindy is not a juror - the state does not have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to HER anything. She can disbelieve all she wants. But enough with this twisting of law and presumptions.

[I had a really long day, sorry if this is wildly inappropriate]
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