Attorney for Casey Anthony's parents comments on state seeking death penalty

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Anthonys Hope Death Penalty Won't Be Imposed
Sources Say Family Surprised, Not Surprised Over Monday's News
POSTED: 4:20 pm EDT April 15, 2009
UPDATED: 5:32 am EDT April 16, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- After speaking with a number of sources from within the Anthony camp, the family is in shock but not completely surprised at this week's decision by prosecutors to seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony.

A few months back:

State Won't Seek Death Penalty Against Casey
Representatives for George and Cindy Anthony released a statement on Friday regarding the state not seeking the death penalty against their daughter.

"In response to the state's intent not to seek the death penalty came as no surprise to us this afternoon," the statement said. "Our family believes Caylee Marie is still alive and our efforts have not lost focus to the objective of bringing her home. Today's announcement only supports our theory that our granddaughter is still with us, and we will continue investigating all tips and leads that support our position despite what the authorities continue to say."

The A's were not surprised the DP was removed in Dec because despite what LE and SA state Caylee was still alive and Casey was innocent.
Now, over 4 months later, the SA is again seeking the DP and the A's again are not surprised.

But, IMHO, it's because the forces are out to get Casey despite what the evidence(that we know of) shows and what the authorities say.

Casey, The Defense and Family wish to take this to trial and HOPE that a DP qualified Jury won't impose the DP is playing Russian Roulette. Good Luck with that. IMO.
Of course they love her and support her, she's their daughter regardless of her actions. However, I don't believe the A's will ever "accept" or "deal with" KC's guilt or a sentence if one is imposed. They will just proclaim she is a victim of the "forces that were out to get her". MOO

Off topic, but I've heard this several times and am wondering if this is just speculation, or has it actually been confirmed:

They even wear Caylees ashes, something KC will never be able to own in jail (Could be wrong on that point).

The State's decision to seek the death penalty will not change the support and love the Anthony's have for Casey

Sadly that love trumps the love they supposedly had for Caylee..

Maybe the A's are being blackmailed by Casey.....
What I still don't quite understand is how this family in all their "support" doesn't see fit to visit their loving daughter/sister for months on end.

JB thinks its best because they are being taped.. hope this answers your question ... and sorry if someone already has!
I wonder what the A's would have said if someone had asked them a year ago ... if someone were to brutally murder your granddaughter/niece and disposed of her body like trash ... would you want that person to be put to death for their crime? I understand that as parents of the accused they are going to support her ... and in doing so will never seek the justice that precious Caylee deserves.

In an interview CA did back in August, she said if there was any evidence that KC did this she would support her daughter being in jail for the rest of her life. Funny how since then TONS of evidence has piled up and she continues to support and lie even more for her than she did back then.
JB thinks its best because they are being taped.. hope this answers your question ... and sorry if someone already has!
...thanks...that would be the obvious reason, but as someone pointed out, so were their depos...and that didn't stop them from behaving badly!! I truly believe that Casey does NOT want to see them. I'm still trying to figure out why.
I was fit to be tied when watching GA's depo and he yelled at Atty Mitnick that "all you people have been tearing my family apart, and you don't care!". I so hoped that the atty would correct him and tell him "your daughter did this!". What the profiler lady said is so true=they think they are some kind of mob family, that no one should touch as they will take care of their own problems. How dare the state interfere with the A family! Unbelievable! jmo

I was watching the Jane V. show the other night (I think it was that or either Headline News) and they said the Anthony Family almost has a mob mentality. Its like yeah we know one of ours did something wrong but WE (the family) will deal with it. They basically want folks to stay out of family business.

Here it is, wanted to post it yesterday but wasn't near the laptop!

April 14, 2009 Nancy Grace show transcript:

SUSAN, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Nancy. I enjoy your show so much. Do you suppose the reason that George and Cindy aren`t owning up to their daughter, doing this to the granddaughter, is that they feel a partial blame for the whole situation?

GRACE: Interesting question. Pat Brown, what about it?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER, AUTHOR OF "KILLING FOR SPORT": Well, yes, they definitely raised her so they are responsible. And they know that. But I think they`re acting like a mob family. It`s like, look, we can kill one of our own, we`ll take care of it here, but nobody can come and accuse us of anything.

So they`re all banding together, lying like dogs, because we`re the family and you shouldn`t be able to touch us.

And I want to say one thing to Baez. The forces that he`s worried about are the forces of good against the forces of evil. And the only reason he doesn`t want that plea to go down is because he wants that trial so badly for himself. That ought to be a conflict of interest right there.

I've felt the same way for a long time, they are like the Mafia, we deal with our own, how dare you interfere. IMO Cindy feels her greatest mistake was calling 911...
Here it is, wanted to post it yesterday but wasn't near the laptop!

April 14, 2009 Nancy Grace show transcript:

SUSAN, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Nancy. I enjoy your show so much. Do you suppose the reason that George and Cindy aren`t owning up to their daughter, doing this to the granddaughter, is that they feel a partial blame for the whole situation?

GRACE: Interesting question. Pat Brown, what about it?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER, AUTHOR OF "KILLING FOR SPORT": Well, yes, they definitely raised her so they are responsible. And they know that. But I think they`re acting like a mob family. It`s like, look, we can kill one of our own, we`ll take care of it here, but nobody can come and accuse us of anything.

So they`re all banding together, lying like dogs, because we`re the family and you shouldn`t be able to touch us.

And I want to say one thing to Baez. The forces that he`s worried about are the forces of good against the forces of evil. And the only reason he doesn`t want that plea to go down is because he wants that trial so badly for himself. That ought to be a conflict of interest right there.

I've felt the same way for a long time, they are like the Mafia, we deal with our own, how dare you interfere. IMO Cindy feels her greatest mistake was calling 911...

The "mob mentality" is also shown when they totally dog Casey out to her friends and/or boyfriends (ex: Jessie, TonE, Ryan) but when questioned about those statements later either deny them or make excuses. They are allowed to chastise their own mob but no one else better raise an eyebrow!

I would think there has to be something new here for the prosecution to come to the decision of bringing death back to the table. My gut feeling tells me that Casey opened up to Cindy & she knows the truth. That could be the reason behind Georges breakdown. Does Cindy know the truth & is the L.E. waiting for Cindy to continue to put her foot in her own mouth.
...thanks...that would be the obvious reason, but as someone pointed out, so were their depos...and that didn't stop them from behaving badly!! I truly believe that Casey does NOT want to see them. I'm still trying to figure out why.

I think that KC does not want to see them because she is afraid she will crack and tell them details that they don't yet know, and I am convinced JB does not want KC to see them for the same reasons. I'm also convinced that neither of them want to see them to avoid plea bargain discussions.

I spent some time this week listening to this jailhouse visit over again, and I noted something that convinced me that KC's deep anger at her parents is because they just didn't 'get' the point that KC already knew she was far, far up the creek. She resented deeply that they were still pressing her about Caylee, instead of focusing even then on her case. It was quite revealing watching it again now after so many months:
Here it is, wanted to post it yesterday but wasn't near the laptop!

April 14, 2009 Nancy Grace show transcript:

SUSAN, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Nancy. I enjoy your show so much. Do you suppose the reason that George and Cindy aren`t owning up to their daughter, doing this to the granddaughter, is that they feel a partial blame for the whole situation?

GRACE: Interesting question. Pat Brown, what about it?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER, AUTHOR OF "KILLING FOR SPORT": Well, yes, they definitely raised her so they are responsible. And they know that. But I think they`re acting like a mob family. It`s like, look, we can kill one of our own, we`ll take care of it here, but nobody can come and accuse us of anything.

So they`re all banding together, lying like dogs, because we`re the family and you shouldn`t be able to touch us.

And I want to say one thing to Baez. The forces that he`s worried about are the forces of good against the forces of evil. And the only reason he doesn`t want that plea to go down is because he wants that trial so badly for himself. That ought to be a conflict of interest right there.

I've felt the same way for a long time, they are like the Mafia, we deal with our own, how dare you interfere. IMO Cindy feels her greatest mistake was calling 911...

All too often, people use this mentality to keep from infighting...and I totally believe this of the A's family dynamic...before this tragedy.

In the jail visits KC talks about "people" and how stupid they are, etc...the whole family lashes OUT to keep from always infighting.
...thanks...that would be the obvious reason, but as someone pointed out, so were their depos...and that didn't stop them from behaving badly!! I truly believe that Casey does NOT want to see them. I'm still trying to figure out why.

I don't blame her, they are lunatics.. she probably feels free for the first time in her life!
All too often, people use this mentality to keep from infighting...and I totally believe this of the A's family dynamic...before this tragedy.

In the jail visits KC talks about "people" and how stupid they are, etc...the whole family lashes OUT to keep from always infighting.

yup, ITA! They need outsiders to hate and blame in order to keep from hating and blaming one another. I really think if those protesters had stayed away when Casey was on bond (giving the anthony's something other than Caylee being "missing" to occupy themselves with- giving them a common enemy, a reason to band together) Cindy would have ended up loosing it and forcing Casey to cough up the truth.
...thanks...that would be the obvious reason, but as someone pointed out, so were their depos...and that didn't stop them from behaving badly!! I truly believe that Casey does NOT want to see them. I'm still trying to figure out why.

Did you catch the clip of CA's depo where ZG's lawyer tried to reason with and gently guide Cindy, pointing out to her that her bad behavoir was being taped??? She made a FOOL out of herself. George did too. And their son. Has anyone ever seen the likes of these weirdos before??? Shame on them. They shamed themselves. They shamed their Granddaughter. Their hositility is SO misplaced. How DARE them blame the public and media for their pain! Their OWN DAUGHTER is solely responsible for their pain.
Did you catch the clip of CA's depo where ZG's lawyer tried to reason with and gently guide Cindy, pointing out to her that her bad behavoir was being taped??? She made a FOOL out of herself. George did too. And their son. Has anyone ever seen the likes of these weirdos before??? Shame on them. They shamed themselves. They shamed their Granddaughter. Their hositility is SO misplaced. How DARE them blame the public and media for their pain! Their OWN DAUGHTER is solely responsible for their pain.

I just would love to know why they haven't come up with anything on ZFG if they are so sure she holds all the answers......that to me means they know more than they are willing to share----

It also made me mad when they all sidestepped questions....questions that wouldn't be to hard to answer---and you know JM was just trying to appease ca by telling her that she was so "prepared".....
"The State's decision to seek the death penalty will not change the support and love the Anthony's have for Casey. Casey Anthony, like all other defendants, is entitled to the presumption of innocence.

That is a parents love
I think that KC does not want to see them because she is afraid she will crack and tell them details that they don't yet know, and I am convinced JB does not want KC to see them for the same reasons. I'm also convinced that neither of them want to see them to avoid plea bargain discussions.

I spent some time this week listening to this jailhouse visit over again, and I noted something that convinced me that KC's deep anger at her parents is because they just didn't 'get' the point that KC already knew she was far, far up the creek. She resented deeply that they were still pressing her about Caylee, instead of focusing even then on her case. It was quite revealing watching it again now after so many months:

ITA-GA more or less admitted that it is KC keeping them from seeing her when they were on LKL and he was pushing them over and over about it. GA finally says something like, KC wants us to focus on making something positive in Caylee's name right now(not exact quote). But that told me KC is telling them to stay away. I think JB doesn't want them to come as one of them could get heated about something(as they are good at pushing each other's buttons) and put their foot in their mouth. Most likely KC.

I wish some reporter (KB) would go back and look for interviews BC has done to see if he ever gave his views on the DP prior to this case. Does anyone know exactly what type of attorney he is (defense?) and has he always been that? I suppose most defense attorneys would be opposed to the DP though huh?

I have been going back over all the really old stuff on wftv as time permits. The problem I am running into is that some of the really old stuff is gone, or it takes soo long searching the web to find it. Like I wanted to see exactly what JB said the night KC was arrested during the NG show, remember he was with CA out in the driveway droning on and on about the injustice of LE coming to her house to arrest her when he had a fax to prove he told them he'd bring her in!! LOL Well I finally found it, after a long time searching the web. So many of those are gone from the local news sites. And I think they are very important. I wish they would leave everything there until the end of the trial. JMO
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