Audio of meeting-Commander Irwin and Cindy

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Could someone tell me what GMAB means. I need to know cuz everytime I see GMAB all my mind thinks of is get me a bat!


Get me a bat! :D

In this case, with Cindy so involved, you'd think that was the case, wouldn't you? Of course, GMAH (get me a hammer) is also appropriate for CA. A bat in one hand, a hammer in the other, with GA coming behind with his trusty garden hose.

Okay, I'll behave now. :innocent:

To add to your thought (because this is something that has really bothered me since CA first said it), I offer this:

Here is why lying, in this case does make her a murderer::

-KC lied about her job. If she had no job, she had no reason to need a nanny. So, this lie is directly tied to Caylee being missing.

-KC lied about the nanny's address. If the nanny did not live where KC said she lived, then KC is lying about where she left her missing child. So, this lie is directly tied to Caylee's murder.

-People KC said she told about Caylee's abduction do not exist (Jeff and Julliette). So, this means that KC did not reach out to anyone after Caylee went missing. Why would she lie about that unless she was trying to cover up the fact that she did not care, at all, about Caylee being gone? This lie is clearly tied to the case.

-KC lied about the very existence of the person who she said had Caylee. In other words, the killer does not exist. So, this lie is perhaps the most critical of all and of course it makes her the murderer!!

Of course, CA is somewhat correct. If KC just lied about sleeping around, or about going out drinking, or about various other non-criminal issues, then, of course, that would not mean she is a murderer. Duh.

But, since the lies she did tell do make her the murderer, then CA is ridiculously wrong!!

Just wanted to add one:

Casey lied about the last time she spoke to Caylee. Although she claimed to have had a phone conversation with her while she was supposively with the imaginanny, this call was not reflected on cellphone records.
This has taken me a while but here it goes 52:40-1:03:12 Irwin referring to JB. Just talk to him about stuff CA (background noise) You know her said he doesn't know her status, we didn't know who he was and how she got him and he has been a part of this all along and he don't know her status is and I want to tell you something. I said that Sunday night he spent 2 hours with us till 1:30 in the morning first time in his entire life he said your daughter is absolutely innocent and I know it. I've never heard him say, I never heard him say It wasn't to reassure me he just came right out and told me that. I didn't say anything to him and I've been thinking about that over & over & over again. Why would Jose (background noise) something about Jose saying to CA he doesn't know what to make of my daughter. Here when you finally get to talk to her that you'll understand certain things. ( Background Noise) CA saying Blah, Blah, solidifies my feelings because 24 hours after she was incarcerated I was thinking clear and I knew why she was doing what she was doing when. Irwin-Well here is the thing Cindy, I'm not talking about innocence or guilt. CA-no,no, no, I know. Irwin-were talking about responsibility. At the same time CA _ responsibility while Irwin is talking. Irwin-people are gonna want to put responsibility somewhere with this and that is the reality beyond guilt or innocence. CA-right but in JB innocence and what he has been saying is true the players are there we are just not looking in the right spot and (background noise) Irwin buying lunch & CA saying something cute. More background noise. Something about KC being in jail and CA could not say the word jail and KC tells her its OK mom you can say jail. CA- I want to talk freely and I was getting distracted. I know KC and she knows me so well. She knows I needed to you know say it and get it out there. I was upset in the very beginning because I gave JB her bible in the first couple of days. The day I first met him I gave him her bible and I said can you give her her bible. Well I found out 2 weeks later that she wasn't allowed to have her bible and he had assured me that the Chaplin had one and that she had access to him. KC said she had a Bible and that she was able to read it, she would mark passages and she wrote in it cause she didn't have any paper. She would mark little passages and she said I'm having to have one all the time gave her comfort, kept her faith up, kept her confidence up and kept her strong and kept her focused about her thing. And I believe that whole heartedly. I don't think she said ( background noise hard to hear) to solidify that. She said. Irwin- Certainly your in a position to say that but she hasn't said anything to us so we can't make that jump. Well Cindy I hope something comes about that we can get this resolved. CA- I do too, I do too. Uh mm have you ever heard of Texas Equasearch? Irwin-NO CA- The last 3 weeks I've been getting information from people telling me that I need to give them a call. They actually search, I thought I had to give them an area to search. I found out last night that they actually have resources and a few other things ( background noise hard to hear)I'm gonna call them today when I can. I just didn't know if you knew. Irwin-It is called Texas Equa like horse back. CA Yeah that's what I thought. There not gonna be coming to Orlando and mounting up that was my impression at first. When I talked with someone that actually knew them you know (back ground noise hard to hear)other ways of doing things, I should say other ways of getting the word out. (Background noise) Irwin-Like different state organize locally and doing a search, CA-Yeah, I was gonna say if there are any tips, wouldn't that be other means to help. Irwin says we would be and then CA starts talking fast and incoherently that I can't transcribe a few sentences. CA- like I said something, Is there any way we can help with the tips that haven't been followed that we could have some to start in. CA-In Dallas Texas there is a system in place there that calls every house when there is a missing child alert. Irwin-hmmm CA- We have resources for that you don't even know. Is there anything we can do to organize that through Awilda or Irwin-I think that would be just fine. I can see nothing that would prevent us from sharing tips like that. CA-or location like if there are a lot of tips coming in from like the New Jersey area where we had several tips come in. Irwin- that is why I wanted to come and meet you. You got ideas and other CA interrupts with thats what I said I realize it's very hard for employees to knock on every door you guys can't ( background noise)John said Caylee is not in the background. I had a New Jersey state parole officer call me because he didn't know anything about her. He had to look her up on the internet to find out she is a missing child. But yeah I realize. I'm just saying. I had a girlfriend call me last week and she is in New Jersey and she picked up the People magazine last Monday. She doesn't watch TV and she said OMG Cindy, I didn't know or I would have called. Irwin-I think that is the case with LE too. Information is available but no everybody sees it. With a case like this of a missing child it goes into a NCI so if anybody comes across Caylee and ran her she would come back as a missing child. But when there's not necessarily something in place that would contact every cop in the country. CA Yea, If we could pin point areas. I mean we have resources that are working for us that will benefit everybody. Irwin- Bring your plan to Tonya(background noise) CA-would it be OK? I know it is your department. Irwin- Bring your ideas and if they pose you a problem of some kind then call time out and look me up. CA- Well, well I would like to talk to the girls about information. Should they give the tips to them, the information. But I don't know, I mean I don't want to put more work on your staff. But I think in the long run it is gonna help. My own question, does this mean that the A's had the tip from Meter Reader?
Between this conversation, as well as others CA has had, and TM's assessment of what she saw in the A house, I think I can start to understand (not agree with) where CA comes from as far as her family.
If I take the current CA, and apply to what KC's upbringing must have been like, I believe CA has never properly disciplined KC. I know that sounds simplistic and has been written here before, but here's what I mean: I think CA may be one of those moms that has more trouble than others in seeing her children as fallable. She sees discipline as being mean. It breaks her heart to hear others criticize her children's bahavior. She would rather cover for them, or take the heat on herself.

Perhaps CA was a very good child herself, and a pleasure for her mom to raise, she seems to love her parents dearly and worries about them even when they are mad at her. Maybe CA was not the necessary recipient of a lot of discipline herself as a child. If CA were a bad child, I get the feeling SP would have let her know.

(I promise I am bringing this back around to topic at hand) Notice that when KC did not finish high school, CA immediately blamed the school.

Notice that CA falls on the sword when SP and GA are pizzed at KC.

Notice that each time someone says something to CA, she interrupts with "I know." She claims everything as her own knowledge, then frequently turns it back around and defends KC.

When KC called the house from jail and was being nasty, CA said to KC in her very sweestest voice, "But you have told lies, sweetheart."

Her conversation with the commander is no different and to be expected-Everything is countered with "I know," deflection from KC, denial of the core issue. The thought of KC having to be accountable to society is excruciating for her. To the point that some have thought CA was capable of covering up for KC in this crime.

She is never going to be able to approach LE, testimony in trial, or her own daughter, in a lucid way. To the extent that she is KC's mother, I understand. But she continues to fail to see KC as a human, warts and all. CA sees what she wants to see through those rose colored glasses. It makes her conversations now barely listenable.
1:03:12 - end Irwin- Coordinating information is not going to be so much work. If it turns into a monumental exercise Ca interrupting It shouldn't they could just flip me an e-mail when they have one. Try (Can't hear town starts with L) New Jersey, Dallas, Tx, Phoenix, Az or whatever then we could get. I could email those zip code and contact my resources ( background noise) or get better resources. Irwin-So you would just be looking for info. CA interrupts again, right, Carrie told me before the way that you prioritize tips, the one that someone saw her at 7-11 right now someone would go check. As the tip comes in from a week ago then you have to prioritize blah blah blah. My thing is if we have something from a week ago or 3-4 tips cause they also said that sometimes they prioritize if tips come in from the same zip code or same things with phone calls coming in from that same location. So those are the places you want to put to an all out missing persons out to everybody cause your not going to get fliers from say the McDonald's over here in Podunk wherever if we could get that first 911 call type thing and have those zip codes or area codes. ( Back ground noise) Equasearch could come and send a team and put fliers out or whatever they do. Orlando's been saturated with fliers but I don't think that she is still in Orlando. You know what I'm saying. Irwin- Well, I'm not sure. What I hear you asking if we don't think we have the personal to follow up on a tip to give it to somebody who I'm reluctant to do that or I will not commit to that. CA- no, no, no. If there are some that I guess ( background noise)I guess what I am saying 3-4 tips come from a location. Why do we have to wait a week for it to be investigated. When I could send an alert and have it checked out sooner. Because if they are in that location they will be gone in a week. Irwin- Cindy there are no tips that are waiting a week for us to get on. These tips are getting farmed out immediately. As I sit here, FBI and FDLE are there own agencies and I don't know how quickly there jumping on these. But what I can tell you is that we are getting them out and to these people within the day so Hum I don't. If there are places where you think where more of a search should be done. CA- Like that picture at the McDonald's if it does take a week to clarify that picture while were waiting to clarify that picture we could have an alert. Suppose that picture turns out to look like Caylee and we don't know where she went from that McDonald's on. But while we are waiting for that clarification for 7 days why can't we put an alert out to folks in the area that there has been a sighting of Caylee. Irwin- You may be right, I am not discounting what you're saying. It is kinda like that lady that did the composite sketch. We can't put that stuff out if we don't know if the credibility is there. CA- but it's not hurting anyone if she was possibly seen in the area. Irwin- It's different with a picture of a child. Have you seen this child. CA interrupting- It's a missing child alert, send a picture out. I think they contact the local media, send pictures out, they call people to let them know there is a child there and to be looking (I think she is talking about KFN) Irwin- OK , well CA interrupts again with you know, if it was anyone in your family you would want the same shake. You don't want to wait. Irwin- I know CA( she is not speaking clearly but says something about Caylee has been missing for so long and not reported right away) then says wasting time before she has heard all of that but it is urgent now. But that area code or zip code could be a hit. Do you know what I'm saying? Irwin- Yeah, Well let me find out about that picture first. But it's possible that it has not been communicated back to you. CA- But if it has taken a week to process that picture then if that's her we've wasted a week where we could have done an alert. OK does that make sense? I'm not questioning that your no getting them out and Blah, blah, blah CA's words) But if it takes a picture or photo cause you know she will no longer be at that McDonald's and you know she will not go back there. Irwin- Well I'm going to find out about that picture and how long it has taken, CA-that's they type of thing I'm talking about. Irwin- I understand what you are doing. CA- There are so many instances where we could put out that alert and act on it. Irwin- from my point of view we have the resources to act on any tip at any time so I wouldn't be farming a tip out to an individual. If it was that important of a tip I would send out a detective and send them wherever we need to send them. I want to do anything I can to help you with this and CA(background noise Cindy talking) its gotta take two. Irwin- Coordinate with Tonya and Carrie. If there is a specific issue that you want to address we will take it one by one. Alright, I promise you that I will try to work with you in every way possible. But, I can tell you. If it looks like something that needs addressed right now we will address it right now. CA- I know that but again if it is something that takes a few days, you know waiting for that picture to get clear. I don't know what it would hurt just to alert that area. I mean you may get a couple calls and yeah they may have to work a little bit and follow o up on maybe they won't. I still go back to that first Saturday when (somebody) brought her a picture from Virginia that was because of there was a Caylee alert. We could find another little person. Irwin- your right, your right. CA and you know what (background noise) They are checking out of the restaurant. CA says thank you. Irwin-Your welcome. I would much rather get all of the issues out like this. CA (noise) I feel like I need to do stuff. The girls that are in missing persons are great. Irwin- They do, They want to do a good job. I am very luck to have them all. CA (background Noise) Talking can't hear something support. Get something negative have to look for a positive. Irwin- Right, Right (They are getting into Irwin's car) CA - Awilda needs to start making bags. I have a hard time taking peoples picture with a camera but I never knew that one of my favorite pictures that I ever took of Caylee would be so popular. Oh, remember when we talked a couple weeks ago about getting my laptop and camera back. Irwin-yes CA- I could really use my laptop. I really could. Irwin- John and I just talked about this yesterday or the day before. So we will get that squared away. CA- It just so many things Irwin- What we will end up doing Cindy is getting a new hard drive for you and then we will replace the images that the hard drive has now. CA- I understand it is evidence and all that kind of stuff. I understand that. Its just that I can not afford to go buy another one. Irwin- No need for that CA- Now I am keeping KC off of our home computer. Irwin- OK CA- OK I just want you to know that she is off limits to the home computer(Laughs) Irwin-OK CA- I don't even want to answer the phone at the house cause #1 you never know they took away our caller ID of course for home confinement. Irwin- Oh Really CA You can't have features on you phone you have to have a basic line. And I fought to keep my answering machine. I actually had to get a new answering machine even though I was told I couldn't. Well first I was told I could then 2 days later I was told I couldn't. And just having that will help me save so I won't have 2 land lines. I figure that will make up for what we have to pay for her house confinement. It is $5 a day. So it will help with that. So, I have to have the machine to answer calls cause we still have crazies calling (Background noise) Irwin- I can tell you it's brought them all out of the woodwork hasn't it. CA- you know there is some lady from south Florida formulating a protest for outside our home on Labor Day. Irwin- No Kidding CA- No Kidding Irwin- Protesting you guys? CA- Yelp they are gonna do a protest outside our home. Its on the Orlando Sentinel Blog thing. Where your allowed to write stuff on there. We can tell the Sentinel has stopped other people they take our there post but whatever. I'm sure she has put it on My space and other things so. Irwin- Are you going to go to OCSD? CA_yes, I want to go talk to the girls and if you could get back to me about the picture. Yuri couldn't tell me if it was a McDonald's or not. They had so many McDonald ones. But I don't know. The McDonald's that I know about is from California. She called me twice to find out and I tell her if you called the tip line they are working on it. People call the tip line, what do they want me to do? From1:21:14-1:21:34 SWEET SILENCE. CA- I' curious, I want to ask her about 1 tip I talked to Nick Savage from the FBI about out of state stuff and he assured me they follow up on stuff. There is this 1 that called back on July 21. The guy called me cause he was having a hard time getting through on the tip line and so I had given his information to Carrie way back when and he actually called me on Monday and said he and his girlfriend had never heard anything back. Well, I remember what Nick told me that the people who call in tips aren't always the ones that hear back. He remembered cause he had finally called the Dallas authorities when he gave them that tip. He didn't know what apartment number cause it was his girlfriends apartment they saw her out at the pool with this lady. She was new and the girlfriend had never seen this woman or this little girl before. And the little girls name was Caylee. He felt very strong about this. Well they saw this woman again and found out what apartment number she was staying in. I am not sure how they follow up with new information. I mean that's my logic. I don't know how one would follow that up. So I told him if your sure you called the police and the tip line, here is my private investigator;s number, do you want to talk to him? And that's what I did. I had no problem with it. So my private investigator is following up on that tip right now.( she said with a laugh) That's t he kinda thing they you know never asked him about. The Apartment or contacted him about the apartment cause they didn't know the number only the complex. So unless they went from apartment to apartment. But he says he saw what they threw away in the trash. He said there was pull ups, you know and an air plane ticket and all kinds of stuff and I said did you grab the ticket cause once it is in the garbage its free reign and he said yes I did. So I said if the police won't take it give it to my PI ( background noise CA still talking) Irwin- Your right, there are a lot of concerned people. They are now at the station talking in the elevator, hard to hear CA- Unless we find her today or tomorrow, sure is a lot of commotion. CA Sighs CA my friend Jim is impressed how big this place is, I heard him talking to one of his buddies in Ohio, he was telling him. Irwin to unknown female- Can Cindy hang out in this room. Yeah, can you check when they get back, they went out to lunch. Irwin- I will go round them up. CA will you check on my computer, picture and camera. Irwin you have a good day.
CA- I do too, I do too. Uh mm have you ever heard of Texas Equasearch? Irwin-NO CA- The last 3 weeks I've been getting information from people telling me that I need to give them a call. They actually search, I thought I had to give them an area to search. I found out last night that they actually have resources and a few other things ( background noise hard to hear)I'm gonna call them today when I can. I just didn't know if you knew. Irwin-It is called Texas Equa like horse back. CA Yeah that's what I thought. There not gonna be coming to Orlando and mounting up that was my impression at first. When I talked with someone that actually knew them you know (back ground noise hard to hear)other ways of doing things, I should say other ways of getting the word out. (Background noise) Irwin-Like different state organize locally and doing a search, CA-Yeah, I was gonna say if there are any tips, wouldn't that be other means to help.

Many thanks for your efforts in this tedious job, Sdavidson!! Want to pinpoint just the portion referring to Texas Equisearch:

CA: Uh mm have you ever heard of Texas Equisearch?


CA: The last 3 weeks I've been getting information from people telling me that I need to give them a call. They actually search, I thought I had to give them as area to search (is that why it took 3 weeks to finally call? because SHE wanted to tell them WHERE to search?) I found out last night that they actually have resources and a few other things (background noise hard to hear) I'm gonna call them today when I can. I just didn't know if you knew.

IRWIN: It is called Texas Equisearch like horseback.

CA: Yeah, that's what I thought. There not gonna be coming to Orlando and mounting up that was my impression at first. (which is why she didn't call at first?) When I talked with someone that actually knew them you know (background noise) other ways of doing things, I should say other ways of getting the word out. So now she is ready to call them...because she was told they can offer something OTHER than actually searching?

IRWIN: Like different state organize locally and doing a search

CA: Yeah, I was gonna say if there are any tips, wouldn't that be other means to help?

IRWIN: We would be.


CA: Equasearch could come and send a team and put fliers out or whatever they do. Orlando's been saturated with fliers but I don't think that she is still in Orlando. You know what I'm saying.

Knowing that Cindy refused to give an item or clothing of Caylee's to Tim to aid in his LOCAL search for her, and quickly shutting the door to doing anything to assist TE once they responded to her call, I am reading from this exchange that Cindy had very specific ideas of where SHE intended to divert searching attention......anywhere but locally! If I recall, all the tips she claimed she received were all for areas outside of the Orlando area. Sounds like she thought SHE was going to direct TE on where they would go, didn't expect or want them to do any foot searching at all, and thought she could USE them to further attempt to divert the media attention AWAY from the local (home) area.
I know, as I listened to it also, her refusal to back off the Amber Alert is maddening. The Amber Alert diatribe is more distraction on CA's part in order to confuse and muddle the issue, which as all of us thinking people know .......when a child goes missing, an innocent guardian/parent/sitter calls 911 immediately. That she did not is a glaring indicator of KC's guilt, and CA never wanted anyone LE, or otherwise, to focus on that. Much easier to blame LE for no Amber Alert than blame her daughter for murdering her grandchild. And in the face of what is so obvious to us, what you point out......they are the experts. No, no---that's not for CA, she's an expert all of a sudden. It's so ridiculous---I'd love to say to her (among many, other things) *Cindy. You're daughter denied LE the opportunity to issue an Amber Alert. They didn't make that choice, KC did.* Of course, the choice KC made was far worse than that, as no Amber Alert could have saved Caylee anyway. :furious:

Exactly! The whole point of the Amber Alert is to prioritize efforts while the child is likely to be close to the area where s/he went missing.

After 31 days, there is no point.
As annoying as Cindy is, I wish that they would have been 100% wrong and that Cindy would have been right and that Caylee would have been found alive. But hey, that's just me. I simply cannot rejoice that LE was right about Caylee being murdered. Regardless of how I may feel about the Anthony family. The price is simply too high.

With respect, everybody on these threads had the same wish.

However, the fact is that Caylee is dead, and the As have been unhelpful and obstructive to the investigation.

What is needed now is for them to get out of the way and let justice take its course.

Get me a bat! :D

In this case, with Cindy so involved, you'd think that was the case, wouldn't you? Of course, GMAH (get me a hammer) is also appropriate for CA. A bat in one hand, a hammer in the other, with GA coming behind with his trusty garden hose.

Okay, I'll behave now. :innocent:

GMAS (get me a sock-- for CA's mouth)
Thank You my fellow WSers for giving me the run-down on what Cindy had to say. I, honestly, get heart-burn when I listen to CA for long so this is my "Please Excuse from Actually Listening" note to be let off just this one time to not getting sucked into the Cindy vortex.
Between this conversation, as well as others CA has had, and TM's assessment of what she saw in the A house, I think I can start to understand (not agree with) where CA comes from as far as her family.
If I take the current CA, and apply to what KC's upbringing must have been like, I believe CA has never properly disciplined KC. I know that sounds simplistic and has been written here before, but here's what I mean: I think CA may be one of those moms that has more trouble than others in seeing her children as fallable. She sees discipline as being mean. It breaks her heart to hear others criticize her children's bahavior. She would rather cover for them, or take the heat on herself.

Perhaps CA was a very good child herself, and a pleasure for her mom to raise, she seems to love her parents dearly and worries about them even when they are mad at her. Maybe CA was not the necessary recipient of a lot of discipline herself as a child. If CA were a bad child, I get the feeling SP would have let her know.

(I promise I am bringing this back around to topic at hand) Notice that when KC did not finish high school, CA immediately blamed the school.

Notice that CA falls on the sword when SP and GA are pizzed at KC.

Notice that each time someone says something to CA, she interrupts with "I know." She claims everything as her own knowledge, then frequently turns it back around and defends KC.

When KC called the house from jail and was being nasty, CA said to KC in her very sweestest voice, "But you have told lies, sweetheart."

Her conversation with the commander is no different and to be expected-Everything is countered with "I know," deflection from KC, denial of the core issue. The thought of KC having to be accountable to society is excruciating for her. To the point that some have thought CA was capable of covering up for KC in this crime.

She is never going to be able to approach LE, testimony in trial, or her own daughter, in a lucid way. To the extent that she is KC's mother, I understand. But she continues to fail to see KC as a human, warts and all. CA sees what she wants to see through those rose colored glasses. It makes her conversations now barely listenable.

CA is not in denial. If she was in denial, she would not be covering for KC and trying to obfuscate the investigation. She'd be harrassing LE to find the "real" killer. She'd also have been out searching for Caylee, herself.

She knows KC did it.

KC's behavior is also likely not just a product of her upbringing. People like KC are also "wired" differently. It's a combination of bad heredity and bad background. If KC had been taught limits, her behavior MIGHT have been better. Or, maybe not.
CA is not in denial. If she was in denial, she would not be covering for KC and trying to obfuscate the investigation. She'd be harrassing LE to find the "real" killer. She'd also have been out searching for Caylee, herself.
She knows KC did it.

KC's behavior is also likely not just a product of her upbringing. People like KC are also "wired" differently. It's a combination of bad heredity and bad background. If KC had been taught limits, her behavior MIGHT have been better. Or, maybe not.

That says it all, Brini :clap:
That's one of the most infuriating parts of the interview: The Amber Alert stuff. I'm no expert on them, but generally I think they are used WHEN the child goes missing, and not 31 days later. You'd think Cindy would figure out that she should be mad at Casey for not reporting Caylee missing, instead of taking out her anger on the police. And where does she come off telling them how to do their job? Insulting and very disrespectful. They're the experts - they eat sleep and breathe this stuff every day. They know what they're doing and guess what Cindy - they were 100% correct and you were wrong!:clap:

She's torqued because she can't direct the investigation.

IMHO, she really DID want LE to traipse all over the globe at her direction, from her "tips."

She also REALLY thought she could get Yuri in touble for not being sufficiently attentive to "her feelings."
Do you ever have this image some LE receptionist saying, "Cindy Anthony is in the lobby", and all investigators, both FBI and OCSD, in a circle saying, "you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!", "no! you talk to her!".

And then the receptionist goes and says, "Cindy? They've promoted me to investigator. They want me to talk to you."


OMG! This is so hysterical, and probably EXACTLY what happens when she walks in!
CA- I do too, I do too. Uh mm have you ever heard of Texas Equasearch? Irwin-NO CA- The last 3 weeks I've been getting information from people telling me that I need to give them a call. They actually search, I thought I had to give them an area to search. I found out last night that they actually have resources and a few other things ( background noise hard to hear)I'm gonna call them today when I can. I just didn't know if you knew. Irwin-It is called Texas Equa like horse back. CA Yeah that's what I thought. There not gonna be coming to Orlando and mounting up that was my impression at first. When I talked with someone that actually knew them you know (back ground noise hard to hear)other ways of doing things, I should say other ways of getting the word out. (Background noise) Irwin-Like different state organize locally and doing a search, CA-Yeah, I was gonna say if there are any tips, wouldn't that be other means to help.

Many thanks for your efforts in this tedious job, Sdavidson!! Want to pinpoint just the portion referring to Texas Equisearch:

CA: Uh mm have you ever heard of Texas Equisearch?


CA: The last 3 weeks I've been getting information from people telling me that I need to give them a call. They actually search, I thought I had to give them as area to search (is that why it took 3 weeks to finally call? because SHE wanted to tell them WHERE to search?) I found out last night that they actually have resources and a few other things (background noise hard to hear) I'm gonna call them today when I can. I just didn't know if you knew.

IRWIN: It is called Texas Equisearch like horseback.

CA: Yeah, that's what I thought. There not gonna be coming to Orlando and mounting up that was my impression at first. (which is why she didn't call at first?) When I talked with someone that actually knew them you know (background noise) other ways of doing things, I should say other ways of getting the word out. So now she is ready to call them...because she was told they can offer something OTHER than actually searching?

IRWIN: Like different state organize locally and doing a search

CA: Yeah, I was gonna say if there are any tips, wouldn't that be other means to help?

IRWIN: We would be.


CA: Equasearch could come and send a team and put fliers out or whatever they do. Orlando's been saturated with fliers but I don't think that she is still in Orlando. You know what I'm saying.

Knowing that Cindy refused to give an item or clothing of Caylee's to Tim to aid in his LOCAL search for her, and quickly shutting the door to doing anything to assist TE once they responded to her call, I am reading from this exchange that Cindy had very specific ideas of where SHE intended to divert searching attention......anywhere but locally! If I recall, all the tips she claimed she received were all for areas outside of the Orlando area. Sounds like she thought SHE was going to direct TE on where they would go, didn't expect or want them to do any foot searching at all, and thought she could USE them to further attempt to divert the media attention AWAY from the local (home) area.

First...thankyou SDavidson for all the work you put into transcribing these diatribes! I don't know how you kept your sanity! :crazy:

Bold red mine.

I love how Cindy seems to think that she can get TES to be her "gophers"...they will come with all their people, expertise, and equipment, and Cindy wants to use TES as "flyer putter-uppers". :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
CA- I do too, I do too. Uh mm have you ever heard of Texas Equasearch? Irwin-NO CA- The last 3 weeks I've been getting information from people telling me that I need to give them a call. They actually search, I thought I had to give them an area to search. I found out last night that they actually have resources and a few other things ( background noise hard to hear)I'm gonna call them today when I can. I just didn't know if you knew. Irwin-It is called Texas Equa like horse back. CA Yeah that's what I thought. There not gonna be coming to Orlando and mounting up that was my impression at first. When I talked with someone that actually knew them you know (back ground noise hard to hear)other ways of doing things, I should say other ways of getting the word out. (Background noise) Irwin-Like different state organize locally and doing a search, CA-Yeah, I was gonna say if there are any tips, wouldn't that be other means to help.

Many thanks for your efforts in this tedious job, Sdavidson!! Want to pinpoint just the portion referring to Texas Equisearch:

CA: Uh mm have you ever heard of Texas Equisearch?


CA: The last 3 weeks I've been getting information from people telling me that I need to give them a call. They actually search, I thought I had to give them as area to search (is that why it took 3 weeks to finally call? because SHE wanted to tell them WHERE to search?) I found out last night that they actually have resources and a few other things (background noise hard to hear) I'm gonna call them today when I can. I just didn't know if you knew.

IRWIN: It is called Texas Equisearch like horseback.

CA: Yeah, that's what I thought. There not gonna be coming to Orlando and mounting up that was my impression at first. (which is why she didn't call at first?) When I talked with someone that actually knew them you know (background noise) other ways of doing things, I should say other ways of getting the word out. So now she is ready to call them...because she was told they can offer something OTHER than actually searching?

IRWIN: Like different state organize locally and doing a search

CA: Yeah, I was gonna say if there are any tips, wouldn't that be other means to help?

IRWIN: We would be.


CA: Equasearch could come and send a team and put fliers out or whatever they do. Orlando's been saturated with fliers but I don't think that she is still in Orlando. You know what I'm saying.

Knowing that Cindy refused to give an item or clothing of Caylee's to Tim to aid in his LOCAL search for her, and quickly shutting the door to doing anything to assist TE once they responded to her call, I am reading from this exchange that Cindy had very specific ideas of where SHE intended to divert searching attention......anywhere but locally! If I recall, all the tips she claimed she received were all for areas outside of the Orlando area. Sounds like she thought SHE was going to direct TE on where they would go, didn't expect or want them to do any foot searching at all, and thought she could USE them to further attempt to divert the media attention AWAY from the local (home) area.

When Tim Miller first arrived in Orlando, Cindy welcomed him with open arms. She was under the impression that he was going to be searching for a live Caylee. Once she learned that TM was going to physically search the fields and woods with thousands of searchers looking for a dead Caylee, she pulled out all the stops to try to hinder the search. She knew that finding a dead Caylee equaled Casey being guilty.

Cindy made a scene at the search site headquarters, and there was a report that she took TES's donation jar, which contained about $300, saying the donations were for the search for Caylee, not for TES.

When Tim Miller asked for an item of Caylee's in order for search dogs get Caylee's scent, Cindy refused. I've often wondered if her refusal delayed finding Caylee? Search dogs can find people even if the person is in water. Had a dog alerted on an area of standing water, divers could have gone in or the area could have been drained.

I remember when TM did his first search of the area. Many here at WS that either lived local or could get there, volunteered for the search. I remember the day when TM called off the search saying there were areas that were under water. He said he was concerned for the safety of his searchers, and feared that if Caylee was submerged in water, going in with horses or machinery could push her remains further into mud.

He said they would return after the water subsided. When they returned in November, there were still some areas of standing water. On the day Caylee's remains were found, Tim Miller stated that where she was found was one of the areas that was still under water when they did they November search, and in fact, they almost lost an ATV trying to go into that area. Local residents confirmed this saying that the area had been under water until just a few weeks prior.
CA is not in denial. If she was in denial, she would not be covering for KC and trying to obfuscate the investigation. She'd be harrassing LE to find the "real" killer. She'd also have been out searching for Caylee, herself.

She knows KC did it.

KC's behavior is also likely not just a product of her upbringing. People like KC are also "wired" differently. It's a combination of bad heredity and bad background. If KC had been taught limits, her behavior MIGHT have been better. Or, maybe not.

I should clarify, I don't think CA wants anyone else to know KC is fallable, even her own parents and Rick, etc....Oh I agree CA is not in denial, she fully knows what KC has done-She just can't stand to have anyone punish KC for it. It goes back to wanting to look good, but a little deeper than that-I think she's always worn kid gloves around her kids, for fear of losing their love or for fear of her losing CONTROL over her kids and GA-She has no idea that proper discipline can bring you closer to your kids. So she has continually gone to any extent to cover or deflect.

ETA: For instance, she knows KC stole from her grandmother and she knows KC did not do something right that prevented her from graduating-But she swept it under the rug with lightning speed, or she denied and lied-Great example to set for KC and LA, BTW....
Sdavidson11 -

I just wanted to thank you for all the transcribing you have done on this thread!
Well, the thread is about the "meeting".

SO back on that- Irwin was using lunch as an opportunity to gain info. CA showed her AZZ as expected, ran her mouth and firmly convinced me and the rest of the world that she is more concerned about appearances than she is about CMA. I KNOW ! I KNOW!

So, If you think that CA thinks that; KA was not capable ,responsible, and in fact the dooer, then you r nuts.

Funny how Irwin never heard of EQUASEARCH but explained it to CA. YOU KNOW !! EQUA, AS in HORSES AZZ LIKE YOU CA.

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