AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #1

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I read that Dr Hayes who did the facial reconstruction actually said that it should be used as a likeness. Which is fair. If you look closely (and ignore the hair), the angel depiction actually looks a lot like Khandalyce as an older girl! It's hard to see Karlie there because of Karlie's lack of facial fat and that hair.

I agree. It looks as good as I'd expect to see taking her leanness and hairstyle into consideration. They couldn't have identified her cowlick from skeletal remains.
I can also see that it would have been possible for the police to make all those links between the DNA and eventually they probably would have. Unfortunately they were dealing with a huge number of possibles and would obviously have to eliminate as many as they could before investigating in depth, making personal contact with the short list and determining the confirmed location of every possible unaccounted for child in the country.
So fruit fly border control is like drug testing. You are a random selection for a full search. You just hope they dont put the gloves on.

My mum drove through a border control once she was such an anxious driver. Didn't see the 300 hi viz vests. The contents of our caravan were emptied roadside. Mumma ran the border, below the speed limit, with caravan in tow - accidentally.

The hi viz were like fire flies running after us. Like something out a movie really. I was 11. We have a runner!!!! I remember the swarm as they ran for cars in HV. We have a runner!!! A BANANA smuggling mummy.

Mummy was not au fait' in caravan

Plenty of times they've just taken me at my word, or not even bothered walking over, and you're supposed to just dump any fruit in a bin provided.

I think it must depend where you cross, because I usually head into South Australia from Broken Hill, but I imagine if you're coming via Mildura it'd be tighter.
My understanding is that most of the effects of pregnancy and childbirth on the pelvis, (affected by pregnancy hormones, weight of neonate and delivery injuries), occur in most instances in the soft tissues and ligaments, which would have deteriorated by the time Karlies skeleton was located. Any diastasis of the symphysis pubis (if the pelvis was intact) would probably have self corrected by two years post partum. The occurrence of fractures of the symphysis pubis etc, which historically may have indicated traumatic delivery, is almost non existent in modern childbirth.
Also keep in mind there are other causes of this type of skeletal change, (such as sporting or motor vehicle accident), which affect young women.

Thanks visioneye, that explains it then :)

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I've never ever seen anyone at the station near Broken Hill. We don't risk it so we don't take fruit on the trip (or we buy it on the he way and eat it immediately) but IME they are pretty lax.

The border between NSW and Qld at Wallangarra/Jennings has nothing (not even a sign to warn you about the stupid Qld road rules which the strict cops are gleeful about reinforcing as soon as they see a NSW number plate). We were at the NSW/Vic border near Thredbo last October but I can't remember much. Probably too busy talking about the giant, massive snow covered emu we saw galloping all over the place.
Have police released a description of the car Karlie was driving? Someone mentioned holden commodore but I can't find anything about model, colour or the license plate.
I've never ever seen anyone at the station near Broken Hill. We don't risk it so we don't take fruit on the trip (or we buy it on the he way and eat it immediately) but IME they are pretty lax.

The border between NSW and Qld at Wallangarra/Jennings has nothing (not even a sign to warn you about the stupid Qld road rules which the strict cops are gleeful about reinforcing as soon as they see a NSW number plate). We were at the NSW/Vic border near Thredbo last October but I can't remember much. Probably too busy talking about the giant, massive snow covered emu we saw galloping all over the place.

BBM. Hahaha! I love this country of ours I do! I think border controls are only really enforced if there's a campaign, boredom, an outbreak or the season. I know that at one particular qld regional airport, they have fruit and vege bins, but depending on season - its not enforced and they rely mostly on people using common sense.

Karlie Pearce-Stevenson had a beautiful personality but was troubled in her teenage years, according to a close friend who welcomed the then-teenager into her Alice Springs home after she fled a family argument.
Jennifer Adams, who lived in Alice Springs until 2006 and met Ms Pearce-Stevenson through mutual friends, said the girl everybody knew as "mouse" stayed with her for a week during 2004 or 2005.
"She just stayed with me as she was fighting with her family. She was a bit of a defiant teenager like a lot of girls that age."

"She was so lost. [She] always seemed to be struggling."
Ms Adams could not recall the exact nature of the feud between Ms Pearce-Stevenson and her family, but said it related to "silly stuff."
Karlie Pearce-Stevenson was troubled in her teenage years, a close friend has said.
Karlie Pearce-Stevenson was troubled in her teenage years, a close friend has said. Photo: NSW Police
Ms Pearce-Stevenson's mother Colleen Povey, who passed away from illness in 2012, was a "lovely" person, she said.
"[They] just clashed a bit I think. Not [coming] home on time, etcetera.
Nine News Adelaide ‏@9NewsAdel 13m13 minutes ago

NSW and SA Police to hold a press conference at 1.30pm on the Wynarka - Belanglo murder investigation. #9News

Stacey Lee ‏@Staceylee_ 2m2 minutes ago

Police in SA and NSW will update the media on investigation into the murders of Karlie and Khandalyce at 1.30pm CST. @7NewsAdelaide @Y7News
Nine News Adelaide ‏@9NewsAdel 13m13 minutes ago

NSW and SA Police to hold a press conference at 1.30pm on the Wynarka - Belanglo murder investigation. #9News

I hope we get the name of the suspect! I just saw a headline saying he is "linked to the murders".
For those overseas, it is 12.40 at the moment. So it is in less than an hour.
BBM. Hahaha! I love this country of ours I do! I think border controls are only really enforced if there's a campaign, boredom, an outbreak or the season. I know that at one particular qld regional airport, they have fruit and vege bins, but depending on season - its not enforced and they rely mostly on people using common sense.
I'm not exaggerating, it was the tallest, fattest emu I have ever seen! It was enormous!!
Nine News Adelaide ‏@9NewsAdel 13m13 minutes ago

NSW and SA Police to hold a press conference at 1.30pm on the Wynarka - Belanglo murder investigation. #9News

That's gotta be an arrest!!!!!

Laughing at the differences in fruit fly stations, I didn't think I was going crazy .. It depends where you cross if they give a carp or not. Loving the image of the fruit fly packing mamma being chased down and the entire contents of her van spilled out and searched [emoji12]
Re bones showing eastern european heritage - I am not sure what affects the composition of bones, but if Karlie was a first-generation australian, and her family came from (say) Poland, she probably would have eaten many traditional polish dishes as a child. Would this have affected bone composition? And possibly teeth as well?
Re bones showing eastern european heritage - I am not sure what affects the composition of bones, but if Karlie was a first-generation australian, and her family came from (say) Poland, she probably would have eaten many traditional polish dishes as a child. Would this have affected bone composition? And possibly teeth as well?

Possibly - I am a first gen aussie and I can say that the sun here has not been very kind to my skin at all.
I don't think Karlie was a first gen aussie though. At least on one side of her family - they appear to have been in australia for at least a few generations. (her mums side - not sure about karlies bio dad's side)
'Pearce-Stevenson' seems like an Anglo-Saxon last name, not Polish. That said it can be hard to tell. My daughter goes to school with a boy from Poland (not just Polish background, but literally from Poland) and his last name is typically Anglo.

ETA It occurs to me the surname (of the boy) could have been anglicized when his family moved here? Do people still do that?
Detectives investigating the murders say they have identified several suspects, including a man who is currently serving time in a NSW prison.

The ABC has been told he is not the chief suspect, but one of many suspects identified by police in NSW and SA as part of the investigation.

Police said they were focusing their investigation on NSW jails, looking for anyone who has committed similar crimes in the past.

They are looking at inmates who have a history of violent crimes and who may have been around the Australian Capital Territory, Goulburn or Belanglo districts around the time Ms Pearce-Stevenson and her daughter are believed to have been killed.

Sounds like they're narrowing it down ...
If he was living in Goulburn he won't be living far from home for the rest of his days ;)
Jane Hutcheon: "There is several suspects, with a focus on NSW inmates" [ABCnews24]

So both Angels were murdered in the ACT at the same time?

I did speculate someone had come from NSW to dump the body in Wynarka as to disconnect from both police databases. If so, its no accident. He may have been in prison before where he learned his trade-craft. Real potential for a career criminal.

I have noticed two people in my state now with South Australian plates obviously affected by meth, mostly due to the sores on their faces after picking them. I do wonder whether sometimes criminals purchase vehicles interstate to stay under the radar. Or stolen plates. Mostly to avoid detection by being outside the scope of state number plate database.

Detectives investigating the murders say they have identified several suspects, including a man who is currently serving time in a NSW prison
The ABC has been told he is not the chief suspect, but one of many suspects identified by police in NSW and SA as part of the investigation.
Police said they were focusing their investigation on NSW jails, looking for anyone who has committed similar crimes in the past.
They are looking at inmates who have a history of violent crimes and who may have been around the Australian Capital Territory, Goulburn or Belanglo districts around the time Ms Pearce-Stevenson and her daughter are believed to have been killed.
Sounds like they're narrowing it down ...
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