AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #2

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Yes, There obviously was an agenda.....for the remains to be found. ..........eventually. I wonder why?
IMO she was placed there after sept 2014. I just located the spot on google maps street view on the karoonda hwy. According to google the place was mapped in Sept 2014. I could find the spot because of the tree and the mineralization in the ground. Just having a look and I CANNOT see a suitcase there at that time.
Here's the link to the spot, maybe you can see it but I don't:!1s3qtFwkWZt_So1TGCLxPWLg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

So if someone is a suspect but in jail since 2013 yet suitcase put there after Sept 2014, that person working with someone else to have the suitcase moved. Must be.

Is it just my eye's or is this the suitcase circled in red?



  • Karoonda Hwy Google 2014 1 Edit.jpg
    Karoonda Hwy Google 2014 1 Edit.jpg
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  • Karoonda Hwy Google 2014 2 Edit.jpg
    Karoonda Hwy Google 2014 2 Edit.jpg
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I find it hard to believe she wasn't getting benefits. single mums dont have to report every fortnight and she would of been getting atleast $1000 a fortnight, id say police know she was getting benefits because they know of her previous locations that she would of reported to centrelink to claim renting assistance

“We know that at different times they have been in Darwin, Alice Springs, Adelaide, Canberra … we know that they stayed in cabin parks, motels and caravan parks along those routes and possibly along the Murray Mallee and Riverlands,” Bray said.
Here is a reminder, if it correct
It is the right finger for an engagement ring. Well spotted.

Watch the date stamps on the Earth datasets. They are not sometimes accurate, more related to copyright. And it depends how you go through the dataset as you zoom in.

I think the dataset is sept 2014, when zoomed in there are 3 separate dates 2007, 2010 and 2014. So google mapped it 3 times? Not from google earth though this is from the google car that drives arround the world.
It appears to be, but wasn't there 3 cases on the highway discovered? Have you a coordinate for us please?

Is it just my eye's or is this the suitcase circled in red?
The years only may relate to copyright date, not when the images were actually taken.

I think the dataset is sept 2014, when zoomed in there are 3 separate dates 2007, 2010 and 2014. So google mapped it 3 times? Not from google earth though this is from the google car that drives arround the world.

Find the Exact Date When a Google Maps Image was Taken
It appears to be, but wasn't there 3 cases on the highway discovered? Have you a coordinate for us please?

It's from the link Preye put up

Image capture is Sept 2014 - Copywrite is 2015
Definately something triangular inshape there, not sure

found this object also

That just seems to be dead tree branches to me.



  • Karoonda Hwy Google 2014 3.PNG
    Karoonda Hwy Google 2014 3.PNG
    787.5 KB · Views: 334
It appears to be the suit case. Is it distance enough you would have to get out the car, or high enough from a truck?
Any other objects in the same scene?

Not sure what road works went on, but it does look fairly hidden to me. To me it looks like 2 anomaly's in the scrub, sleepinoz triangular thing and then that white shape possibly covering something black. There are also strange rocks piled near the curb nearby, possibly markers.
What?? He's been seen since the suitcase was recovered too!? And no one has followed him, or spoken to him??

Laughable really ..... Finding this completely implausible .... hottest story in their parts and he is seen again after the suitcase and the information about his sighting and Police wanting to find out who he is and no one speaks to him/calls the police..

Nah not buying it for a second ....

Whatever his role.....police are downplaying it for a reason....what that reason is - is anyone's guess.
More stuff around the case. White bottle? Bleach? Karlie would be 50kg?

To clarify once again here. I spoke to a detective from the SAPOL Major Crime Branch in September of this year in regard to an image that appeared on the Australian Trucking Association website. This image was of a suitcase purportedly to be that of the suitcase containing the remains of Khandalyce (at that time identity unknown). It was nothing like the image of the suitcase featured on the SAPOL and Crimestoppers websites.

The detective told me that the suitcase featured on the Trucking Association website was in fact another suitcase that was located on the Mallee Highway, not the Karoonda Highway and these two suitcases were not connected in any way. In fact many members of the public had phoned Crimestoppers to report seeing a suitcase on the highway. But which highway? Apparently there is a lot of junk discarded along both the Mallee and Karoonda Highways, including numerous suitcases.

I think the main question now is why the suitcase with Khandalyce's remains was dumped near Wynarka in South Australia, over 1,000 kilometres from where her mother's body was dumped in the Balanglo State Forest in NSW. What would be the cost of fuel for a trip like that? The time to drive there? This is assuming that Khandalyce was also murdered in NSW with her mother. The police believe that Karlie was murdered in NSW or the ACT and it is reasonable to think that Khandalyce would have been with her mother prior to Karlie's murder.

So what type of person would drive across borders to dump the remains of a murdered child. And why South Australia? The only thing I can think of is that it was convenient. It wasn't necessarily out of the way for whoever dumped the suitcase.
You should still be able to. I worked in a section at Centrelink that dealt specifically with street kids & homeless adults & there are procedures in place to help these people get the assistance they're entitled too. It's certainly more difficult, but I'll be surprised (& dismayed) if they've now deliberately made it impossible for the most marginalised & disadvantaged groups in our country to get income support.

There are still procedures in place, there's some brief info on the human services website if anyone wanted to take a look. Karlie has been described as being "off the grid", which leads me to believe she may not have been in receipt of any Centrelink payments - though it could be that they were cancelled due to a review or request for information not being responded to, after she passed away.

Someone mentioned family tax benefit, if a parent is not receiving income support (parenting payment) they would need to provide an estimate of income to get fortnightly ftb, then it's matched against their actual taxable income after the end of financial year. People can choose to claim as a lump sum at the end of the financial year instead of fortnightly payments. If you have varying income that is hard to estimate (eg seasonal work), you can then avoid ending up with a debt from underestimating. So maybe Karlie was doing seasonal or casual work? Police said she had friends in other states, maybe these friends helped out with babysitting? You can actually make a fair bit of money doing seasonal work, enough to tide you over while you do a bit of travel and then on to the next job. Not saying it would be easy with a bub, but possible if you had friends to help.
Here are some stone piles that IMO someone has placed there to identify the spot. These stones are not there on the Feb 2010 google photos. The location of the crime scene is directly in the middle of the stones (i.e each pile is about 100m either side of the crime scene). They appear deliberately stacked. The coordinates are in the address bar..

Please include a link to the images you've posted.
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