AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #2

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Just wanted to add that with no fixed address you are unable to qualify for payments .

You should still be able to. I worked in a section at Centrelink that dealt specifically with street kids & homeless adults & there are procedures in place to help these people get the assistance they're entitled too. It's certainly more difficult, but I'll be surprised (& dismayed) if they've now deliberately made it impossible for the most marginalised & disadvantaged groups in our country to get income support.
Just wanted to add that with no fixed address you are unable to qualify for payments .

The awful murder seems to be not long after she left Alice Springs. She probably kept the same address if she was receiving Centrelink until she found permanent housing. But did her killer think about her Centrelink status? I'm sure no. It might help the investigation if someone withdrew funds after her murder but there's no reason to believe that and if they did I'm sure an arrest will come soon. It does not matter to us the public.

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I've read heaps of posts and a few things are really frustrating me. First of all the suitcase condition IMO is not worth worrying about. We know it had not been there long and the police have said the remains were moved. Who knows if the suitcase was new or not once the remains were placed in it or how or when it faded. I don't see it is very relevant. All the questions about why kill Karlie near Bendalong but not the the daughter. Is it not highly likely that they were both killed in the same place but the daughters remains were moved? Any talk about insects and corners of sheds etc I feel are unnecessary. They have identified both girls so why go there? The photo of Karlie seeming underweight, miserable etc..... Look back at photos you might have on your phone etc.... The other shot of her is posed. The second one is not a great photo but that's it. There is nothing there to say she is an addict, depressed etc etc. it's possible yes. But it's one probably unwanted photo at the shops. The fact that a pedophile has been questioned is so awful but it also suggests they were victimised because they were alone and vunerable. Not because of their links to other crimes IMO. My worst fear as it has been linked to a pedophile is that Karlie was killed first.

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Well said Found, I agree with your points 100%!
her skeleton was completely intact. so there is no way someone would of thought it to be a dog or cat.

I think the meaning of the "skeleton was intact" means it was in it's entirety, as in all the bones of the skeleton were there. It could have easily been mistaken for an animal or something else as it would have been very small and in 200 or so pieces, but completely intact if you know what I mean. The tendons and ligaments that hold a body together when alive, would have completely deteriorated after 5-7 years. So if someone just saw a jaw bone (i think that was the news reports), could have easily been mistaken unless they knew what a human skeleton looked like.

Does this make sense? Completely intact = all bones were there.
With regard to the suitcase colour, I have a Lanza brand suitcase (purchased in Geelong in 2003-2004) that is a very dark grey colour. The material it is made from is a weave between black and grey. It is a different style to the Wynarka suitcase but could definitely be confused between black and grey.
I think the meaning of the "skeleton was intact" means it was in it's entirety, as in all the bones of the skeleton were there. It could have easily been mistaken for an animal or something else as it would have been very small and in 200 or so pieces, but completely intact if you know what I mean. The tendons and ligaments that hold a body together when alive, would have completely deteriorated after 5-7 years. So if someone just saw a jaw bone (i think that was the news reports), could have easily been mistaken unless they knew what a human skeleton looked like.

Does this make sense? Completely intact = all bones were there.

The only words I've seen used have been that the skeleton was "complete".

Unless I missed it, the word 'intact' hasn't been used.

To me Intact and Complete are two different things.

Forensic examination has revealed the skeleton is complete. Further testing is being conducted to ascertain its gender.
Whaaaat?! There's some 60 yr old neat looking, suit-attired guy walking around country SA still carrying a suitcase??! How many of such men could there be along the Karoonda Hwy at Wynarka?! Hard to believe. So, does this suggest the guy seen a few months back had nothing to do with this case?

I know, right?! And LE said after the first 15 or so reports seeing him at various different times that the witnesses were credible...

But does he even exist? Is he a random scavenger who goes looking for junk at the side of the road to put in his suitcase? Or is he just an urban legend that people use to frighten their kids -"Do as you're told, little Johnny, or the Suitcase Man will come for you".

After all the time we spent arguing about Suitcase Man on here, analysing his appearance and motivesand his movements, he turns out to just be a red herring...

I think some people did speculate that he was an invention of some of the townspeople, whoo intentionally wanted to confuse the investigation, presumably to protect someone... I'm not sure how likely that is, though. Maybe just a case of mass hysteria where people saw something out of the corner of their eye or in the dark, and their brain played tricks on them but they were too scared to go a and check it out?? Kinds like how people see the same ghostly figure of a nun or whatever in the same old building...

If he existed, why did he never come forward?? I doubt he was a random homeless person if he was neatly attired.

Establishing the sun age the suitcase is irrelevant 'now' but maybe not before. What is relevant now is where the case started on the side the road, if it did start the side the road.
IMHO, most of the innuendo has been started by the media. You only have to read a few of the articles. They better be close to the mark.
As Makara said, one article was based on a comment someone made on Crackbook. That is some crack investigative journalism.
Would multiple people involved with the murder of the two combined with the term paedophile as you say, mean its a ring?

No doubt when the suspects name is released, that will start the ball rolling on what the background of these people are.

I've read heaps of posts and a few things are really frustrating me. First of all the suitcase condition IMO is not worth worrying about. We know it had not been there long and the police have said the remains were moved. Who knows if the suitcase was new or not once the remains were placed in it or how or when it faded. I don't see it is very relevant. All the questions about why kill Karlie near Bendalong but not the the daughter. Is it not highly likely that they were both killed in the same place but the daughters remains were moved? Any talk about insects and corners of sheds etc I feel are unnecessary. They have identified both girls so why go there? The photo of Karlie seeming underweight, miserable etc..... Look back at photos you might have on your phone etc.... The other shot of her is posed. The second one is not a great photo but that's it. There is nothing there to say she is an addict, depressed etc etc. it's possible yes. But it's one probably unwanted photo at the shops. The fact that a pedophile has been questioned is so awful but it also suggests they were victimised because they were alone and vunerable. Not because of their links to other crimes IMO. My worst fear as it has been linked to a pedophile is that Karlie was killed first.

Wasnt Karlie located in a couple of places before her death? She made it to Adelaide. She spoke to her mother later?
The awful murder seems to be not long after she left Alice Springs.
I would normally agree with you regarding her paleness, however this is a girl who has grown up in Alice Springs with fair complexion and no sun damage.. she is sun smart :)
Also in reference to her appearance in the Marion photo, one thing that hit me was her hands.. they looked like she had been doing manual labour. See close up to show my reference.

Is that an engagement ring on Karlie's left hand?
Just wanted to add that with no fixed address you are unable to qualify for payments .

This is not correct. There would be a fairly substantial number of people, collecting CL payments with no fixed address, at any given point in time.
Establishing the sun age the suitcase is irrelevant 'now' but maybe not before. What is relevant now is where the case started on the side the road, if it did start the side the road.
IMHO, most of the innuendo has been started by the media. You only have to read a few of the articles. They better be close to the mark.
As Makara said, one article was based on a comment someone made on Crackbook. That is some crack investigative journalism.
Would multiple people involved with the murder of the two combined with the term paedophile as you say, mean its a ring?

Yes thanks for agreeing re suitcase etc. And now that you mention it if we go by the police they are interviewing a pedophile and have said several people so I guess that does mean there is a possibility of pedo ring. But the police saying several people hold the key this investigation may also mean people not part of the murder just people who know of their movements etc. I wish I knew but of course I don't.

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Yes, doesnt make sense to me either.Especially the suitcase part. How the remains ended up in SA, whether the guy with the suitcase was aware of what he was carrying (i.e. not just junk), why dump it on the side of the road - and not in a bin, for example.
Something gave me the impression that Khandles' entire skeleton was not in the suitcase - otherwise I think someone would have become aware of what the contents were, when it was first tipped out. My understanding is that the contents had been moved around several times at the side of the road, but no one had said anything about bones earlier. So, where are the rest of the bones?

Hmmm......I think the entirety of the bones were retrieved...though they may have been scattered at the site. I do think that Khandalyce was wrapped in the quilt whilst her remains were intact....just my opinion.
My feelings on this case is a random, unfortunate moment of obvious psychopathic reaction.... If, these angels were bashed to death, then there was a detachment...but then for khandalyce's remains to be somewhat cared for ....... where's the attachment?

Side note....The suitcase experiment and attention reminds me of the gold and blue dress... :D
Really interesting read, thanks Fruity..
I remember reading a description of Angels features recently and have to say it was quite accurate, broad face, widely spaced eyes, small mouth and side parted hair. If the reconstruction had less hair I personally think it would have looked more like Karlie.

I think the reconstruction was like Karlie too save for the hair being too thick and also the way Karlie had shaped her eyebrows into a very thin artificial arch. I agree with the person who said at another point that the reconstruction looked very like you would imagine Khandalyce to look as an adult, again subject to having much finer hair.
Hmmm......I think the entirety of the bones were retrieved...though they may have been scattered at the site. I do think that Khandalyce was wrapped in the quilt whilst her remains were intact....just my opinion.
My feelings on this case is a random, unfortunate moment of obvious psychopathic reaction.... If, these angels were bashed to death, then there was a detachment...but then for khandalyce's remains to be somewhat cared for ....... where's the attachment?

Side note....The suitcase experiment and attention reminds me of the gold and blue dress... :D

I wonder if it's just a case of "babies are easier to hide" rather a case of attachment. It will be interesting to find out where she's been all along and why she was moved.

I'm just waiting to hear that whoever dumped the suitcase "had no idea what was in it".
Yeah, police said they believe more than one person involved, with multiple suspects. Its hard to keep up with articles and trust the info integrity unless it is from the horses mouth. If its paedophilia, as suggested and more than one person...

It does appear Karlie was buried in Milat territory then Candles was left mobile to deteriorate till DNA was hard to trace, then shifted interstate to further prevent detection. No one thought the two bodies were connected interstate until someone with a photo came forward. Someone knew more than the average bear.

And they are all networking in a NSW prison knowing who is in for what brushing upon their trade-craft, via a prison internet connection.

Yes thanks for agreeing re suitcase etc. And now that you mentionce, it if we go by the police they are interviewing a pedophile and have said several people so I guess that does mean there is a possibility of pedo ring. But the police saying several people hold the key this investigation may also mean people not part of the murder just people who know of their movements etc. I wish I knew but of course I don't.

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Hmmm......I think the entirety of the bones were retrieved...though they may have been scattered at the site. I do think that Khandalyce was wrapped in the quilt whilst her remains were intact....just my opinion.
My feelings on this case is a random, unfortunate moment of obvious psychopathic reaction.... If, these angels were bashed to death, then there was a detachment...but then for khandalyce's remains to be somewhat cared for ....... where's the attachment?

Side note....The suitcase experiment and attention reminds me of the gold and blue dress... :D

I don't unfortunately agree with the belief Khandalyces remains were cared for. I know they were with her belongings but she was violently murdered. The belongings to me just show they were hiding any evidence. Not out of care for her but their own agenda.,

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IMO she was placed there after sept 2014. I just located the spot on google maps street view on the karoonda hwy. According to google the place was mapped in Sept 2014. I could find the spot because of the tree and the mineralization in the ground. Just having a look and I CANNOT see a suitcase there at that time.
Here's the link to the spot, maybe you can see it but I don't:!1s3qtFwkWZt_So1TGCLxPWLg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

So if someone is a suspect but in jail since 2013 yet suitcase put there after Sept 2014, that person working with someone else to have the suitcase moved. Must be.

edit: since posting there may be some objects in the bush there.
It is the right finger for an engagement ring. Well spotted.

Is that an engagement ring on Karlie's left hand?
Watch the date stamps on the Earth datasets. They are not sometimes accurate, more related to copyright. And it depends how you go through the dataset as you zoom in.

IMO she was placed there after sept 2014. I just located the spot on google maps street view on the karoonda hwy. According to google the place was mapped in Sept 2014. I could find the spot because of the tree and the mineralization in the ground. Just having a look and I CANNOT see a suitcase there at that time.
Here's the link to the spot, maybe you can see it but I don't:!1s3qtFwkWZt_So1TGCLxPWLg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

So if someone is a suspect but in jail since 2013 yet suitcase put there after Sept 2014, that person working with someone else to have the suitcase moved. Must be.
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