AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #2

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thanks so much for this . has anyone else noticed that the hand made quilt that Karlies mum made for Khandalyce is very worn and falling apart compared to the little pink dress that is pictured in this link . i read some where that most of the clothes that were found in the suitcase were mass produced and of a cheap quality . In my opinion , i would think that the hand made quilt would stand up a lot better then the little pink mass produced dress .

Depends on what decay or bugs were attacking the quilt.
The number of possible names out there for this inmate - just from NSW lists alone is pretty frightening. Half the time no-one's even heard of these guys which is worse really. I noticed Graham Harrison's name has come up with Raymond Cornwall's in this article

He has a similar parole>breach>rearrest>parole>breach>rearrest etcetc history to him too. Cornwall was rearrested & sentenced to 9 months in Jan 2008, making him due for release around Oct 2008. According to MAKO Harrison was due for release on 27 Nov 2008. I can't find anything on them since but they were both going in & out of custody so often up until 2008 that it's hard to believe there haven't been further sentences.

There was this too, Mittagong's about 35mins from Belanglo. It's kind of local to me but I hadn't even heard of this couple. He was sentenced in 2013

its sickening to read some things:gaah:
Meh. Plenty of pedos have kids of their own but molest other kids. Some murderers of children have children of their own. If you murder the young single mum it makes sense to murder the kid too. What else are you going to do? Too hard to cover your tracks if you keep her alive. Bikie gang = organised crime. Bikie gang members aren't angels, they're criminals or people who associate with criminals by choice knowing full well they are into drug dealing and other crimes. (Note. Not talking about bikERS (my SO is a biker), not talking about non-violent biker groups, but declared OMCGs).
Meh. Plenty of pedos have kids of their own but molest other kids. Some murderers of children have children of their own. If you murder the young single mum it makes sense to murder the kid too. What else are you going to do? Too hard to cover your tracks if you keep her alive. Bikie gang = organised crime. Bikie gang members aren't angels, they're criminals or people who associate with criminals by choice knowing full well they are into drug dealing and other crimes. (Note. Not talking about bikERS (my SO is a biker), not talking about non-violent biker groups, but declared OMCGs).

Agree 100%. I also think it would explain why some were willing to dump her body, because OMCG's have Noms. You know what, I'm sure you've heard some pretty disgusting stories about what actually goes on in these clubs, as for the way they treat women, well anyway .. probably best not to go there, but the whole 'Oh we're all good blokes, come check us out doing a toy run and see what great guys we are!' image is a complete farce.
The blog in The Australian really paints a very nasty picture of Karlie and her family.
It's paywalled but the summary is that the Police find no evidence of her receiving welfare and yet she comes from a very welfare-dependant family.
The "friends" they spoke to seem to think Karlie was drug running for some time before disappearing and that her mother and step-father knew it.
They mention posts on the down defunct FB "Help Find Karlie" page as implying that Mum and Karlie had a bust up over her drug involvement.
I know it is a blog and mostly opinion based on unnamed sources, but if it's correct, then the murders may have been a drug deal gone wrong or a retribution for ripping off a major dealer.
It's a horrible article as it seems to be blaming Karlie for her own murder.

how does a young single mum not on welfare benefits provide for herself and her the same time judging by her old car she was not loaded with money
how does a young single mum not on welfare benefits provide for herself and her the same time judging by her old car she was not loaded with money

yep it is strange, some things spring to mind though-sugar daddy, prostitution, drug mule, cash in hand work could provide it. She was probably on and off benefits depending on need, what about child support from dad? Given the missing persons report was cancelled IMO she was under the radar and police would only now start to be gleaning/ investigating info from bank accounts, phones etc.
yep it is strange, some things spring to mind though-sugar daddy, prostitution, drug mule, cash in hand work could provide it. She was probably on and off benefits depending on need, what about child support from dad? Given the missing persons report was cancelled IMO she was under the radar and police would only now start to be gleaning/ investigating info from bank accounts, phones etc.

I think the people who knew her would be most likely to have the answers ...


The "friends" they spoke to seem to think Karlie was drug running for some time before disappearing and that her mother and step-father knew it.
They mention posts on the down defunct FB "Help Find Karlie" page as implying that Mum and Karlie had a bust up over her drug involvement.
And even if she was a drug dealer, she still didn't deserve to be murdered.
Her child most definitely did not.

The Australian is News Ltd... it might use more a more dignified broadsheet layout, but it's Daily Terrorgraph at heart.
its just very sad that possibly she was mixed up with the wrong crowd from a young happens...either way no one deserves to be treated in that manner and yes especially an innocent child(which I add Karlie was not far off a child herself....may they both rest in peace now xx
The article is in today's Weekend Australian, starting on page 1 and continuing on page 8. The only way I could post a link would be if I could scan it and upload to the forum but I don't know if that can be done? I think there might be more in the online blog. It doesn't really contain anything new other than some criticism of her upbringing and hints without evidence of drugs and low life, as I have summarised.

The key points in the article in my paper are that Karlie left home very soon after the birth of Khandalyce. It says she left with her "infant" daughter 9 years ago, ie in 2006. It mentions the interview of an inmate in NSW and finding the person who bought the car. It just says that person helped the police to "fill in some of the gaps". The police believe more than one person was involved, as evidenced by searches of a number of places. They do not consider there is any link to Milat and they are "almost 100% sure" that Karlie was killed in NSW near Belanglo Forest. A number of houses in SA and ACT have been searched and they are occupied by people associated with Karlie and Khandalyce. The searches were productive and they have a lot of information from a lot of people.

Police are keeping an open mind while pursuing a strong line of inquiry and speaking to people the Police suspect know what happened. The article goes into the same areas of the other news reports about finding and identifying Karlie and Khandalyce, the report to police in 2009 and its withdrawal and so on. It does not specify the way Karlie's mother was informed that Karlie was safe but did not want to be contacted. The police think both Karlie and Khandalyce were dead by the time of that contact so whoever made the contact would be able to lead police to the killer.

The family did not contact police after this and just relied on Social media to try to contact Karlie. The article has a critical tone when saying this. The article says her family was "fractured", lived in an area of high unemployment where there was a lot of drug and alcohol use and violence. Karlie was small and quiet and played sport but article says Alice Springs is socially and racially divided and Karlie's family was "on the fringes" and mostly unemployed. It is suggested by someone they quote that this made it unsurprising that the family didn't take more steps to locate Karlie.

There is mention of Karlie's pregnancy and break up with Khandalyce's father and her relationship with Darren Ashley, who was sentenced to life in gaol in 2012 for the "brutal" murder of his wife, whose injuries the article describes. Police have ruled out the possibility that he killed Karlie but "it is indicative of the world she inhabited". Karlie left in 2006 after a dispute with her mother (this is suggested by a Facebook post) and travelled, having less and less contact over time.

Police know they stayed in caravan parks etc in and along the way between Darwin, Adelaide and Canberra. Police are investigating how she supported herself and Khandalyce and an Alice Springs local told the Australian that the route from Darwin to Adelaide and Canberra "are all known drug routes". The journalists say their questions of locals brought "unprompted" references to drugs and claims one of Karlie's old schoolmates half joked that they could end up in Belanglo themselves if they mentioned that he or she spoke to them.

Police are not ruling out that Karlie was working with the "underbelly of society" including drug runners and added that she might have supported herself doing odd jobs. Police do not think Karlie was drawing welfare payments and there were no medical records for Khandalyce after her 18 months vaccinations. There is reference to the photos taken in early November 2008 at the Marion Shopping Centre and not long after they were seen by police in "a routine traffic stop" in Coober Pedy.

So the only new material in the Australian is the fact Karlie left home in 2006, the critical comments about the environment in which she was raised and hints that she might have been involved with drugs but no evidence of that.

have I got this right or wrong....this article suggests she was going back home to alice springs???
I think the person who took the photo did contact Crime Stoppers as the SA police reported that call number 1271 provided vital evidence, being the photo of Kandalyce in the pink dress.

Key points:

1,267th call to Crime Stoppers nominated Khandalyce as being girl found near suitcase
1,271st caller provided photograph showing Khandalyce with quilt found near remains
Police then obtained girl's medical records and matched to remains
Police then worked with retail, government and DNA to link girl to mother, whose body was found in Belanglo
I am with a few others on the "caught up in the wrong crowd" theory. Without wishing to speak ill of the dead, could Karlie have given Khandalyce as a form of collateral??? This could explain why they were apart and likely killed in separate locations? Khandalyce killed to punish Karlies/retain control and she herself was killed soon after....
Can anyone find anything about a family member being able to withdraw a missing persons report, because I can't.
This whole thing just makes no sense, why on earth would this person or people not leave they're remains together? Why would anyone drive half way across the country with a little girls remains to only dump her on the side of the road like a piece of rubbish to be found later. And the same with Karlie, why was she left where it was highly likely she would be found at some point.
Maybe I'm just nuts but surely if they didn't want them to be linked they would have made sure the remains were never found, not so hard considering how many missing people are never found or seen again.
And of course the strangest thing of all is if Khandles remains were only put there recently then why now? I still think something happened to make someone move Khandles and set this whole ball in motion, my guess is someone has been sent to prison and his girlfriend/wife has found Khandles and freaked out.....
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