AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #6

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Would someone who has access to the article simply paraphrase please!
Would someone who has access to the article simply paraphrase please!

With thanks to Theodora, here is, verbatim, her earlier post that paraphrased the article:

The key points in the article in my paper are that Karlie left home very soon after the birth of Khandalyce. It says she left with her "infant" daughter 9 years ago, ie in 2006. It mentions the interview of an inmate in NSW and finding the person who bought the car. It just says that person helped the police to "fill in some of the gaps". The police believe more than one person was involved, as evidenced by searches of a number of places. They do not consider there is any link to Milat and they are "almost 100% sure" that Karlie was killed in NSW near Belanglo Forest. A number of houses in SA and ACT have been searched and they are occupied by people associated with Karlie and Khandalyce. The searches were productive and they have a lot of information from a lot of people.

Police are keeping an open mind while pursuing a strong line of inquiry and speaking to people the Police suspect know what happened. The article goes into the same areas of the other news reports about finding and identifying Karlie and Khandalyce, the report to police in 2009 and its withdrawal and so on. It does not specify the way Karlie's mother was informed that Karlie was safe but did not want to be contacted. The police think both Karlie and Khandalyce were dead by the time of that contact so whoever made the contact would be able to lead police to the killer.

The family did not contact police after this and just relied on Social media to try to contact Karlie. The article has a critical tone when saying this. The article says her family was "fractured", lived in an area of high unemployment where there was a lot of drug and alcohol use and violence. Karlie was small and quiet and played sport but article says Alice Springs is socially and racially divided and Karlie's family was "on the fringes" and mostly unemployed. It is suggested by someone they quote that this made it unsurprising that the family didn't take more steps to locate Karlie.

There is mention of Karlie's pregnancy and break up with Khandalyce's father and her relationship with Darren Ashley, who was sentenced to life in gaol in 2012 for the "brutal" murder of his wife, whose injuries the article describes. Police have ruled out the possibility that he killed Karlie but "it is indicative of the world she inhabited". Karlie left in 2006 after a dispute with her mother (this is suggested by a Facebook post) and travelled, having less and less contact over time.

Police know they stayed in caravan parks etc in and along the way between Darwin, Adelaide and Canberra. Police are investigating how she supported herself and Khandalyce and an Alice Springs local told the Australian that the route from Darwin to Adelaide and Canberra "are all known drug routes". The journalists say their questions of locals brought "unprompted" references to drugs and claims one of Karlie's old schoolmates half joked that they could end up in Belanglo themselves if they mentioned that he or she spoke to them.

Police are not ruling out that Karlie was working with the "underbelly of society" including drug runners and added that she might have supported herself doing odd jobs. Police do not think Karlie was drawing welfare payments and there were no medical records for Khandalyce after her 18 months vaccinations. There is reference to the photos taken in early November 2008 at the Marion Shopping Centre and not long after they were seen by police in "a routine traffic stop" in Coober Pedy.
I think the photo of Karlie at Marion was taken from a standing position with the camera/phone held at chest height so Karlie may be looking above the camera into the photographer's face, while the photo of Kandalyce was taken from a squatting or seated position.

The photos are interesting for several reasons:

Seems strange not to take a photo of Karlie and Kandalyce together. (unless they haven't been released by police)

Karlie appears, as others have said, to be a bit annoyed and taken off guard. She certainly didn't pose for the photo and it seems to have been taken quickly.

The most puzzling aspect, is why the photos were kept for 7 years. The photo of Karlie was as unremarkable as it was unflattering.
It would have meant transferring the photos with phone upgrades or stored on a computer.

That the photos were kept suggests they were important to the photographer, both at the time, and for the subsequent 7 years.

maybe they kept them because it's the last time they saw her and they missed her.
Browsing through old photos you would find it hard to delete a photo of a childhood friend who you hadn't seen since taking the photo.
And maybe it was on an old laptop or pc they had kept and not used for years, my old computer would be 10 or more years old and it still sits in my desk waiting for me to have time to sort through old photos. They could even have a large back up hard drive and not delete photos.
It is a terrible photo. I suspect they had to go looking for it through old files or maybe they even emailed it to someone and could search email records.
Hitchhikers are no longer a common site in Australia thanks to Milat.

Also, hitchhikers do not use suitcases, generally speaking I don't think ive ever seen a person with a suitcase on the side of the road, fellow Aussies?

I was a hitchhiker myself in Australia. You get a swag.

Older people also - with our social security system, older people tend not to be homeless or mobile, they tend to have subsidized housing and stay put or go on coach tours, not wander about randomly with a suitcase in a town that doesn't even have a tourist facility!

If he was a hitchhiker did he GET to Wynarka without someone giving him a ride and later calling police? Hitchhikers travel exclusively by other people, folk would've called up and said "i gave an old guy with a suitcase a lift" but no one has.

Nope, he drove.

I think he came from close by, and he was looking for a wheelie bin. I cant get Murray Bridge out of my head but when I get feelings like that im usually wrong! But somewhere nearby where he would still be unknown in Wynarka and think of it as "country".

I wonder if he came on pick up day? If he knew the local bins were being emptied? Found unexpectedly the bin in Wynarka was not there, had to improvise?

Realized he'd left the suitcase too close to the road, went back and moved it?

I think you're on the mark ... though I can't help but have a chuckle about the wheelie bins.... travel to Wynarka to find a wheelie bin... :D..... hey, you may be on the mark there too.....I just find it a lighthearted way :)
With thanks to Theodora, here is, verbatim, her earlier post that paraphrased the article:


Police are not ruling out that Karlie was working with the "underbelly of society" including drug runners and added that she might have supported herself doing odd jobs.

Thank you Jane. So this is what Puggle was referring to up thread. That police had alluded to Karlie running drugs. Phew! Talk about going the long way around just to get that snippet! This is why it is always very helpful to the thread if someone is willing to parpaphrase an article behind a paywall.

Look, I think we all know what was going on with Karlie but we need to have links to everything that is discussed here at the moment. It is such a complicated case and everything needs to be kept in context and not borne out of rumour, which in turn grows legs and then becomes fact in the minds of some.

Thanks again Jane, much appreciated.
So, I think I have worked out where the 'Boss' comes from.........

From this link:

18th January, 2008


The rural township of Murray Bridge in South Australia will again be transformed into a car lover’s paradise when the 2nd annual Murray Bridge Autofest roars into action on the Australia Day long weekend (January 26-28).

Headlining the octane fuelled event is Australian Drag Racing champ Brett ‘The Boss’ Stevens from the Jack Daniel’s Racing team, who will be firing up the crowds with a smoking driving display on the burnout pad in his infamous 2,500 horsepower Burnout Ute.

“Last year when I came down to Murray Bridge for the Autofest I received a great reception from the local motoring fans and I am really happy to back again in 2008,” Stevens said.

This guy is worth a google search.......

Very interesting .....
You are welcome, Makara.

I was only assuming it was the one Puggle referred to - you'd have to ask him/her.
However, I may be wrong because the article is now two and a half weeks old, but it does state that the police were not ruling out drug running at the time.

I also paints a rather grim picture of her family and social life, don't you think?
All terribly sad :(
Thanks for that inkpink.
Excellent sleuthing and very interesting reading once I looked him up. Maybe could connect a few dots...IMO

There is no indication that this guy is connected to this case so any sleuthing of him is off limits here.
You are welcome, Makara.

I was only assuming it was the one Puggle referred to - you'd have to ask him/her.
However, I may be wrong because the article is now two and a half weeks old, but it does state that the police were not ruling out drug running at the time.

I also paints a rather grim picture of her family and social life, don't you think?
All terribly sad :(

The whole thing is terribly sad Jane. Karlie's family is off limits here but I'm sure they loved her.
Oh yes, of course her family are off limits. They are victims too.
I suppose I should have said "her situation" instead.
Interesting that's not the person my search came up with but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to post about it

So, I think I have worked out where the 'Boss' comes from.........

From this link:

18th January, 2008


The rural township of Murray Bridge in South Australia will again be transformed into a car lover&#8217;s paradise when the 2nd annual Murray Bridge Autofest roars into action on the Australia Day long weekend (January 26-28).

Headlining the octane fuelled event is Australian Drag Racing champ Brett &#8216;The Boss&#8217; Stevens from the Jack Daniel&#8217;s Racing team, who will be firing up the crowds with a smoking driving display on the burnout pad in his infamous 2,500 horsepower Burnout Ute.

&#8220;Last year when I came down to Murray Bridge for the Autofest I received a great reception from the local motoring fans and I am really happy to back again in 2008,&#8221; Stevens said.

This guy is worth a google search.......
Interesting that's not the person my search came up with but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to post about it

DinkyDi, as I just mentioned up thread, the guy mentioned in the article is off limits here. There is no indication that he has any connection to this case, so leave the sleuthing of him out of the discussion please.
I wonder if the police actually do know DH also murdered Khandalyce but are just quietly behind the scenes gathering all the evidence they need for a trial. If Karlie was murdered/found in NSW perhaps they would need to extradite him to SA for Khandalyce's murder and they will do that when he has served time for Karlie's murder. Am I making sense? Sounds better in my head lol
I wonder if the police actually do know DH also murdered Khandalyce but are just quietly behind the scenes gathering all the evidence they need for a trial. If Karlie was murdered/found in NSW perhaps they would need to extradite him to SA for Khandalyce's murder and they will do that when he has served time for Karlie's murder. Am I making sense? Sounds better in my head lol

Yes you are making sense Daisy. We did discuss in an earlier thread about the extradition of DH from NSW to SA if he is charged with Khandalyce's murder. I personally believe that the police know exactly who murdered Khandalyce and they are just gathering all of the evidence to make an arrest. There simply cannot be any loopholes left open in this case and the police would be making sure they have solid and tight evidence.
Hi all, an age since I've posted but have been following these threads daily so I'm up to speed with what's been spoken about.

I know it's been gone over in fine detail and everyone has their own opinion about the last picture of Karlie in the shopping centre but I just wanted to throw mine into the mix. MOO but what if Karlie didn't actually know she was having her picture taken at the time? As others have pointed out, and I agree with, it looks like she's looking up above any camera/phone so maybe she didn't know it was taken until after? Or not at all? Just a thought
I agree that why they were kept for 7 years is the most significant question I'd like the answer to.

They may not have been "kept".

They may have been posted to someones facebook then forgotten about.

They may have been in someone's old phone - Australia has the highest rate of smartphone ownership in the world.

I have a drawer full of old phones with God knows what on them.

So does half of Australia.
I wonder if the police actually do know DH also murdered Khandalyce but are just quietly behind the scenes gathering all the evidence they need for a trial. If Karlie was murdered/found in NSW perhaps they would need to extradite him to SA for Khandalyce's murder and they will do that when he has served time for Karlie's murder. Am I making sense? Sounds better in my head lol

The latest I've read is

"we're not interested in suitcase guy but WE WANT TO KNOW WHO HE IS"


but if you know cop talk. that translates to

He is a Suspect and he needs to turn himself in before we find him the Hard Way.

This guy is outstanding. He IS involved.

A well dressed guy with a suitcase in the main street of Wynarka would be equivalent to a float of strippers with a brass band accompaniment anywhere else.

Tiny Aussie towns like Wynarka roll along at a snails pace.

A strange face in town is fodder for gossip for WEEKS not days.

This guy was seen, with suitcase, and he didn't hitchhike to Wynarka, he drove.

So where is he now eh? South Australia is huge physically but barely settled. There simply aren't that many places for a well dressed guy to hide, even if he went bush he still would have to come to town for supplies.

If you study Australian Crime you will be aware just how often public help solves crimes. Milat was caught from public tips. People phone this stuff in all the time down here, especially when a child is involved.

Nope, suitcase guy is the one.

One thing occurs to me - maybe he was fatally ill at the time.

Maybe he removed the suitcase from his home so grieving relatives wouldn't find it after his death.
Hi all, an age since I've posted but have been following these threads daily so I'm up to speed with what's been spoken about.

I know it's been gone over in fine detail and everyone has their own opinion about the last picture of Karlie in the shopping centre but I just wanted to throw mine into the mix. MOO but what if Karlie didn't actually know she was having her picture taken at the time? As others have pointed out, and I agree with, it looks like she's looking up above any camera/phone so maybe she didn't know it was taken until after? Or not at all? Just a thought

I have one friend who simply refuses to cooperate with photos.

I cant tell you how many I have of the back of her head.

She hates them and turns her head every single time.

Karlie looked to me like an unhappy girl who simply could not muster a smile for the camera.

In this day of Selfies, I haven't seen one of Karlie - unusual in itself these days and in Australia where everyone has a smartphone.

Did she even have a facebook?
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