AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #5

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I use Google Earth standalone (can't stand the browser version), these are the co-ords of where the case was found: 35° 7'40.06"S 139°42'41.49"E
This object is approximately 1.3kms from Wynarka.
The small cairn I'm using as a reference is about 1.5kms
pictured in 2014!2e0!5s20140901T000000!7i13312!8i6656
Seems to be replacing this cairn pictured in 2010!2e0!5s20100201T000000!7i13312!8i6656

The aftermath of a fire about 50 meters further west of the cairn in the 2010 capture.!2e0!5s20100201T000000!7i13312!8i6656

I've spent a lot of time going "suitcase...old tire...suitcase...old tire..etc."

I'm only estimating the distances, I'm not sure how to do measurements in street view. I've been noting the position and going back to map view to do measurements.

I am gobsmacked.....that's just amazing searvhing! Hubby wants to know Kustom if you can find his wallet he lost riding around town here in Brissy haha :)
Hi there,

This is my first post on the topic. I have to use Google Maps a lot for work (who, annoyingly, won't pay for NearMap so I have to put up with incredibly out-of-date imagery) and have noticed that jumping from Streetview to regular map view often changes your location (hence why for some it might show up as being further from Wynarka). The suitcase is actually located a lot closer to the actual site of discovery - in fact, it's only about 500 meters away. I've put together a map (in which I've also noted the movement of the cairn, not that it means much without context) which is too big to attach to this post - please see this link instead:

I should also issue a word of warning for any international participants on this forum: a lot of Australian trees look like they've been set on fire (we had a lot of natives in our garden at one point and the shrubbery especially looked unsightly, like someone had intentionally vandalised them).

Hope this helps somewhat!

Thank you very much for the visuals!
Welcome littlekitten and Jenz. I think we are really onto something here. This info should definitely be passed onto Crimestoppers. Is there still another suitcase out there or is this black one we are seeing the actual case containing little Angel's remains. Either way I think the area where this black suitcase is or was should be forensically tested.
Does anyone have that 'Nearmap' that MsDee and littlekitten speak of? It'd be good to see the object from another angle, possibly clearer, and the time it's been there, if it's still there etc.
I've never heard of nearmap until today, it sounds really good, how much is it does anyone know? :)
'We have no idea who that person is or why he might be there but they are credible sightings and we believe them,' he said.

Read more:

Does it seem odd to state that they believe them? As if it is unlikely that they should?

Here Jane Found this ... Interesting when you see what they (police) factor into what would/wouldn't make a witness "credible".
Goodness. Every time i come back its on a new thread. Im still here!!! Been here lurking guys because i havnt got anything more to contribute but you are all doing a great job and im enjoying reading he information.
"So this murder could have happened much later than 2007. The date of the disappeared child could have been even 5 years later. That changes who it might be significantly."

Yes, there is a very good chance our little baby Jane Doe didn't even exist before 2007......
Back in 2008 a young woman from Burnie in Tasmania went missing without trace, she was pregnant at the time. While there is normally a paper trail of anyone traveling from Tassie to the mainland I remember years ago when my brother was in the Merchant Marines he used to sneak his (Tasmanian) girlfriend onboard the cargo ships for a trip to Victoria......
Anyway the young lady that disappeared had an older baby boy who I think would be 9 by now, by all accounts she was a very devoted mother and wouldn't have gone and left him voluntarily, but you never know.......
A link to the Coroner's finding on the case:,_helen_karel_-_2012_tascd_138

Thank you! Very interesting!
Does anyone have that 'Nearmap' that MsDee and littlekitten speak of? It'd be good to see the object from another angle, possibly clearer, and the time it's been there, if it's still there etc.
I've never heard of nearmap until today, it sounds really good, how much is it does anyone know? :)

There are a number of different licenses you can buy from Nearmap, I think the cheapest are around $200/year and the more expensive, commercial licenses can go into the thousands. I submitted a quote request today actually, as I'm starting my PhD and will be using Nearmap for some of my data collection - fingers crossed they respond soon!

I'm actually curious as to whether or not I'll be able to post any imagery from Nearmap on here once I've signed up (if there is anything relevant to share, that is), since it is effectively behind a paywall. Any admin clarification would be appreciated!

Edit: Scratch the cheaper option - seems like they don't offer non-commercial licenses anymore! Yikes...
I have nothing to contribute sorry but am starting to feel a bit rude continually reading and having nothing to add. You are all doing an amazing job. It's incredible the information that's coming up.

On the subject of the pumpkin fabric. I had some kitchen curtains that were made in the 1990's of a fabric with the same chequered background except mine had little cows on it , not pumpkins.
There are a number of different licenses you can buy from Nearmap, I think the cheapest are around $200/year and the more expensive, commercial licenses can go into the thousands. I submitted a quote request today actually, as I'm starting my PhD and will be using Nearmap for some of my data collection - fingers crossed they respond soon!

I'm actually curious as to whether or not I'll be able to post any imagery from Nearmap on here once I've signed up (if there is anything relevant to share, that is), since it is effectively behind a paywall. Any admin clarification would be appreciated!

Edit: Scratch the cheaper option - seems like they don't offer non-commercial licenses anymore! Yikes...

Leave it with me littlekitten.
anyone else feeling like this is picking up some momentum? great find on the google street view kustom, it gave me chills
Hi all, I'm new here but I've been reading the threads whilst waiting for the registration to be approved.
Not sure where to start so I'll just jump in.
Below is a link to a zoomed in Google street view that shows what appears to be a black suitcase stashed in the trees. You will probably need to be viewing this image on a reasonably high definition monitor to see what I'm pointing out, a phone probably won't cut it.
This image capture is time stamped September 2014.
As far as I can tell this is very close to where the suitcase was eventually found. By going to the previous capture (February 2010) you will note the object is absent.
Comparing the different captures show some other interesting changes in the landscape. Returning to normal zoom and heading west, we come to the area where there is a small cairn of pale stone that seems to be relocated between the captures and further on there are signs there had been a small road side fire.
Anyway take a look,let me know what you think.!1sm93lzmRvxf5ucmiFBAOsyA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Firstly .... great find.

Not sure what it is .... It could be one of those black recycle bins that we worked out the town's people use when we were discussing another photo awhile back..... but then again it's hard to say ... it could be the suitcase ??

If we were speculating that it was the suitcase ...

I changed your shot to the aerial view and the location is approximately 3200 feet East of where the remains were ultimately found.
lol ... could you all stop posting for at least five minutes so I can catch up please!!!

LOL jokes ... but hey some good work going on ...

I need to learn to speed read...
Converted the street walk view of the pic being discuss to aerial view and it puts this object here ... way much closer to town... as mentioned about 1.3kms west of the town.... about 3200 feet east of where the suitcase was ultimately found.wynarka suitcase maybe pic.png
FYI - SAPOL have advised that the bones discovered at ardrossan earlier this week are those of a man, approx 20 years of age, who died 50-75 years ago.

I'm providing this info here, as I know a few people referenced it earlier in this thread.
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