AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #5

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Do we have an artist onboard, or a mathematician who could tell us the measurement of the black object that looks like a suitcase?

This is probably extremely unscientific, but I was curious how much of it I could make out. Using the dimensions from here based on this (I could be wrong about the model and the dimensions!) I recreated that shape and was able to overlay it with the actual suitcase. I proportionally skewed it to the shape I outlined in the trees (bottom right rendition) and.. definitely incredibly comparable, unless the bushes are creating some sort of hard edge optical illusion.

This is probably extremely unscientific, but I was curious how much of it I could make out. Using the dimensions from here based on this (I could be wrong about the model and the dimensions!) I recreated that shape and was able to overlay it with the actual suitcase. I proportionally skewed it to the shape I outlined in the trees (bottom right rendition) and.. definitely incredibly comparable, unless the bushes are creating some sort of hard edge optical illusion.


Bettiepageturner, I think that you are a genius. :takeabow:

You'll send that to Crimestoppers, won't you?
Hi everyone!!

Although I have nothing to contribute to this case, just wanted to compliment you all on your sleuthing, great work!! I've been following since day 1 & its become somewhat addicting I must say.

Anyways just dropping a hello & keep up the good work! :)

Good day, all the way from Canada!
ya know... some updates would be really good right about now I have heard nothing for way too long... so many of you using your special time to find out details such as pumpkin fabrics etc and tracking down labels it would be nice to maybe get an update that all that has now been identified and maybe let us know that there is some progress etc etc but with no update we are all going crazy trying to find information that they may have already had a week ago.... feeling frustrated

Couldn't agree with you more Suz.
Hi all, I'm new here but I've been reading the threads whilst waiting for the registration to be approved.
Not sure where to start so I'll just jump in.
Below is a link to a zoomed in Google street view that shows what appears to be a black suitcase stashed in the trees. You will probably need to be viewing this image on a reasonably high definition monitor to see what I'm pointing out, a phone probably won't cut it.
This image capture is time stamped September 2014.
As far as I can tell this is very close to where the suitcase was eventually found. By going to the previous capture (February 2010) you will note the object is absent.
Comparing the different captures show some other interesting changes in the landscape. Returning to normal zoom and heading west, we come to the area where there is a small cairn of pale stone that seems to be relocated between the captures and further on there are signs there had been a small road side fire.
Anyway take a look,let me know what you think.!1sm93lzmRvxf5ucmiFBAOsyA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

What an amazing find, there is no way that is one of them recyclable bins. Im pretty familiar with them, It dost have the depth or width to be one. i think you found the suitcase, Im on a big montior and can see alot of detail - you can see on the left hand side of the case it's not a straight line and you can also see a vertical line in the middle of the case, that could be the zip.

Well done kustom. Great work :)
Just have to add..... until very recently I had never heard of Geocaching.....someone brought it up recently and this hobby would have seen many of people who would have been Geo-caching within the very area the suitcase was found.... and might have moved the suitcase a few metres from its original spot to where it was found...

Could there be more than one suitcase along the road?
Here's a link. Just fill in the blanks that you know and attach your picture with an explanation of what you have done. You might be able to leave an email address in case they want to hire you for future work. ;)

If you have any trouble others here have done this before and can help you.

Got a chuckle at this part of the form under the "person of interest" section, imagining myself absentmindedly making myself a wanted person on a separate continent..
This information is about the person you are sending us information about. DO NOT enter your own details.

And thank you, I'll send that off to them along with the other map context. :)
I just wish ShaunO would have more footage of his GoPro but of this 'new location' and from 2014 and earlier then March 2015.

I thought he said it was his first GoPro ride. But maybe there are other motorbike riders with GoPro footage.
Got a chuckle at this part of the form under the "person of interest" section, imagining myself absentmindedly making myself a wanted person on a separate continent..

And thank you, I'll send that off to them along with the other map context. :)

Heh! I filled out one of these earlier, and I got a chuckle out of myself, when, in answer to the question: How did you hear about this crime?, I found myself scanning down the drop down list looking for the answer, "Websleuths", and then feeling indignant that I had to click, "Other".

Not sure if this helps I not really a good photo editor lol

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Well, there are foxes, but unlikely they'd be interested in a suitcase.

No dingoes this far south.
Oh, yeah I forgot about the foxes..... here in Tassie we have the devils of course, even with numbers down they are like mobile disposal units, you never leave your boots out of the tent of a night!!

I just noticed that the music note fabric shown in the police picture linked above, is the back of the fabric, and the notes are all backwards with the stems attached on the wrong side. Music notes never look like a 'b', or a 'q, but should be either a 'd' or 'p'.

I wonder what's up with that. Why wouldn't they show the front of the fabric on such a large piece? Surely the quilter didn't use the back of the fabric.

Here's a picture of the fabric.
I have been aking that too, I would like to see the back, however, the front is what makes it unique, so I guess they see no need to show the back.
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