AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #6

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Hi all!
First post here, long time reader of this thread.
I’ve been amazed at the depth of commitment of so many dedicated and articulate sleuthers on this very sad case.

Just a thought, perhaps suitcase man is not the perp.
Many posters to this thread have expressed the possibility that the suitcase was specifically placed to be found.

Could suitcase man be someone who has been living with a shocking secret??
Did he know the perp, was he possibly even involved in a situation that went too far for him (but not for the perp..).
Has he had to hold details and knowledge of Angel’s death to him self for years for fear of his personal safety or for that of his family?

Has there been an event to change this? Perhaps the perp is now deceased??
Is this why it’s now safe for suitcase to put her where she may be found?

Please know that this is a theory only. I’ve spent so many nights trying to think outside the box for our dear little Angel.
Hi all!
First post here, long time reader of this thread.
I’ve been amazed at the depth of commitment of so many dedicated and articulate sleuthers on this very sad case.

Just a thought, perhaps suitcase man is not the perp.
Many posters to this thread have expressed the possibility that the suitcase was specifically placed to be found.

Could suitcase man be someone who has been living with a shocking secret??
Did he know the perp, was he possibly even involved in a situation that went too far for him (but not for the perp..).
Has he had to hold details and knowledge of Angel’s death to him self for years for fear of his personal safety or for that of his family?

Has there been an event to change this? Perhaps the perp is now deceased??
Is this why it’s now safe for suitcase to put her where she may be found?

Please know that this is a theory only. I’ve spent so many nights trying to think outside the box for our dear little Angel.

Welcome symbah. Your theory is very feasible. It could well be that whoever dumped the suitcase may have been a relative of the perp who is now deceased. The dumper of the suitcase may have known that this relative had a dark past but didn't realise to what extent until they were cleaning out the deceased relative's belongings and discovered Angel's remains. Their thought may have been the relative is now dead and they themselves didn't want to get mixed up in anything that the relative had done in the past.
Maybe this little girl was handed over to her killers, who coldly discarded her little body, along with her suitcase of hand me down clothes. If this is the case, and she was a foster child, her biological parents would not be aware of her fate, and the murderer(s) may still be collecting a cheque for her care.

Thanks for your insight, Sunnybree.
The reason that I am hung up on this idea currently is due, in part, to the number of horrific abuse stories that make the news here in regards to foster children in the USA. There are cases of children that are kept caged, beaten, killed, and in at least two separate cases, where children disappeared (murdered), went unreported, and the foster "parents" continued to collect benefits for up to 10 years! In one case, this amounted to over $175,000 paid out after the child was "out of the picture". (Google Austin and Edward Bryant for precedent)

Sadly, nothing is impossible.


I have been wondering how reliable it is for the police to use the Centrelink database searching for children that their name appeared one year and not the next? I have been wondering what if no one knew the child went missing except the parent or the carer? How can we trust that the Centrelink database is reflecting the reality? Who are we relying on to update this database? And the child might not be getting benefit from Centrelink, there might not be an account for her. Excuse me, I am a 'lot of questions' person.

Edit: Children are to be sighted a minimum of once a month by the Department in QLD, I imagine its the same as other states. Also these children have contact with agency workers, independent advocates, counselors, school staff (permission to home school is rarely granted for children in care), court staff, their biological family members etc.

Thanks for the insight into the foster care system.
However, there are definitely cracks in some system to allow the SA paedophile working as the government carer. Below is the link to this news.

So yes, "nothing is impossible".
Hi all!
First post here, long time reader of this thread.
I&#8217;ve been amazed at the depth of commitment of so many dedicated and articulate sleuthers on this very sad case.

Just a thought, perhaps suitcase man is not the perp.
Many posters to this thread have expressed the possibility that the suitcase was specifically placed to be found.

Could suitcase man be someone who has been living with a shocking secret??
Did he know the perp, was he possibly even involved in a situation that went too far for him (but not for the perp..).
Has he had to hold details and knowledge of Angel&#8217;s death to him self for years for fear of his personal safety or for that of his family?

Has there been an event to change this? Perhaps the perp is now deceased??
Is this why it&#8217;s now safe for suitcase to put her where she may be found?

Please know that this is a theory only. I&#8217;ve spent so many nights trying to think outside the box for our dear little Angel.

Yes, I see where you're coming from.
There has to have been a motive for moving Angel after a significant period of time.
I agree with your comment, and the comments of other sleuthers on this thread, that the suitcase was specifically placed to be found.
I feel there may have been a level of empathy of suitcase man towards little Angel??
Databases are now clustered. There is more than one database such as Centrelink used.

Based on Sleuthers comments about suitcase man being a possible relative cleaning out the cobwebs, not wanting to deal the grief, could he have left clues for police to find the identity in due time? How far would a 60 year old walk with a case that weighed, say 5 kilograms?

The remains were dehydrated, DNA damaged, body placed out in a common area away from the site the crime took place?

I have been wondering how reliable it is for the police to use the Centrelink database searching for children that their name appeared one year and not the next? I have been wondering what if no one knew the child went missing except the parent or the carer? How can we trust that the Centrelink database is reflecting the reality? Who are we relying on to update this database? And the child might not be getting benefit from Centrelink, there might not be an account for her. Excuse me, I am a 'lot of questions' person.
Thanks for the insight into the foster care system.
However, there are definitely cracks in some system to allow the SA paedophile working as the government carer. Below is the link to this news.

So yes, "nothing is impossible".
could the reason this little angels body was held onto so long be just because the killer was too scared to dump her, didnt have a vehicle? or the strength to bury her? felt safer keeping her hidden close?
i dont think it necessarily means she was treasured or kept for any sentimental reasons
which could be why her body was just finally dumped on the side of the road, the killer is probably moving away now and doesnt think there will be any evidence left connecting them?
still wouldnt be surprised if it was paedophile related
could the reason this little angels body was held onto so long be just because the killer was too scared to dump her, didnt have a vehicle? or the strength to bury her? felt safer keeping her hidden close?
i dont think it necessarily means she was treasured or kept for any sentimental reasons
which could be why her body was just finally dumped on the side of the road, the killer is probably moving away now and doesnt think there will be any evidence left connecting them?
still wouldnt be surprised if it was paedophile related

I also think it's very possible they kept the remains close for practical, rather than sentimental reasons. If you have a secure place to hide something, why put it out into a public place and greatly increase the chances of it being found by a third party? Like, I have several sheds on my property and nobody but me ever goes into them, if I wanted to hide something, they'd be an obvious choice. It's also possible that she died much more recently and they haven't actually been holding onto her remains very long. Then they might have decided to dump the remains or they could have accidentally lost the suitcase off a ute or trailer or it was stolen. So many possibilities here
I personally don't believe that whoever dumped the suitcase was in any way emotionally attached, nor did they necessarily want the suitcase to be found.

Say for example a relative had come to visit someone in or close to Wynarka. A relative with a very dodgy and dark past who wanted to hide certain things. They brought the suitcase with them, asking if they could leave it (and perhaps other stuff) in the back shed, the garage or whatever. This relative has then died in the last few years and for whatever reason (moving house, building extensions, or just a general cleanup), the owner of the back shed, garage etc. finally opens the suitcase and is horrified at it's contents. Rather than going to the police, they decide to just dump the suitcase. They just wanted to get rid of it. No point in going to the police. The relative who owned the suitcase is now dead. Let sleeping dogs lie so to speak. I know this sounds horrible but I also think it is a feasible scenario and is only my personal opinion.
Yes, that's feasible.
2 things keep nagging at me.
Why dump when you can bury?
Why leave personal items allowing investigators to make a connection?
I personally don't believe that whoever dumped the suitcase was in any way emotionally attached, nor did they necessarily want the suitcase to be found.

Say for example a relative had come to visit someone in or close to Wynarka. A relative with a very dodgy and dark past who wanted to hide certain things. They brought the suitcase with them, asking if they could leave it (and perhaps other stuff) in the back shed, the garage or whatever. This relative has then died in the last few years and for whatever reason (moving house, building extensions, or just a general cleanup), the owner of the back shed, garage etc. finally opens the suitcase and is horrified at it's contents. Rather than going to the police, they decide to just dump the suitcase. They just wanted to get rid of it. No point in going to the police. The relative who owned the suitcase is now dead. Let sleeping dogs lie so to speak. I know this sounds horrible but I also think it is a feasible scenario and is only my personal opinion.

I also think the idea that dumping the case means the dumper wants the remains found is not believable.
That's why I am included to believe the case was stolen and dumped.

I'm still stuck on the idea that the case was among items stolen from a shed or empty house and was dumped simply because it appeared to only contain dirty old clothing.
I also think the idea that dumping the case means the dumper wants the remains found is not believable.
That's why I am included to believe the case was stolen and dumped.

I'm still stuck on the idea that the case was among items stolen from a shed or empty house and was dumped simply because it appeared to only contain dirty old clothing.

I get what you're saying Jane. The suitcase may have been stolen, then again it may not have. That's something we're yet to learn. My point, and I think you agree with me, is that the person who dumped the suitcase didn't care whether it was found or not and that there was no emotional connection to the suitcase or its contents whatsoever.
Yes, that's feasible.
2 things keep nagging at me.
Why dump when you can bury?
Why leave personal items allowing investigators to make a connection?

Because the person who dumped the suitcase had no need to conceal it. They just wanted to be rid of it so why waste time and energy burying it? The personal items in the suitcase would not be connected back to whoever dumped it.
Hi all!
First post here, long time reader of this thread.
I&#8217;ve been amazed at the depth of commitment of so many dedicated and articulate sleuthers on this very sad case.

Just a thought, perhaps suitcase man is not the perp.
Many posters to this thread have expressed the possibility that the suitcase was specifically placed to be found.

Could suitcase man be someone who has been living with a shocking secret??
Did he know the perp, was he possibly even involved in a situation that went too far for him (but not for the perp..).
Has he had to hold details and knowledge of Angel&#8217;s death to him self for years for fear of his personal safety or for that of his family?

Has there been an event to change this? Perhaps the perp is now deceased??
Is this why it&#8217;s now safe for suitcase to put her where she may be found?

Please know that this is a theory only. I&#8217;ve spent so many nights trying to think outside the box for our dear little Angel.

What, if a man (NOT suitcase man, because age and description don't match) has been living with a (shocking) secret for some time? He is the perp or he knows the perp (maybe a close relative). In both cases it would be critical, if something would happen that leads police to the relative or him (maybe first relative, then immediately him). If there is an exact time of starting the police's interest, then he (man with secret) very promptly has to make disappear the suitcase. The man has another important mission at the same time: to drive from A to B because of special reason. This urgent trip he uses for dumping the case out of his car at some place on his route, near Wynarka. Maybe he crosses the highway (on foot with the case) to fool police on the direction of travel and then continues with his speedy tour.
If this man is not the perp but the other one is: he is not deceased, not before and not later, but sitting in jail a few days later. Our man drives back from B to A in a hurry sometime and later on more or less is awaiting a nice visit of police (what happens indeed).

The suitcase man doesn't fit in my scenario. If at all a suitcase man is involved, then he would have to be perhaps another relative. Maybe this older relative heard of a drama happening, heard of the suitcase dumping and was concerned about the dumping place. Maybe he wanted to help to find another dumping place. But I think somehow it's unlikely and senseless.

Question remains: where is the mother/father/carer of the little girl?
So that is a paedophile ring in Adelaide, and a paedophile ring in Perth busted within a month? There probably is a few nervous people around. I think there is 8 people in Perth going through courts now.

Someone may have panicked, dumping the case in paranoia, expecting a raid.

Technology is amazing these days. Some copper mates were showing technology in their speciality cars about 3 weeks ago. Mind blowing.

If your device has a screen, your screwed. A device can have no NIC, they can read it from vehicles. Drone technology too.

Pardon my ignorance but what is NIC?
they threw her body next to the suitcase above ground and left her there. It was onlyu recently they scooped up the remains to move them. No mother or father would watch the decaying of their child and decide after 7 years later,to move her dumping her off on an abandoned road. I think it can be said easily there weren't people who cared. It makes you mad.

You could be family and not care. It does make one very mad. The recent case of the father setting fire to his children makes me mad.
I think that it's a real shame that not a single piece of clothing had a name or initials written on the tag, as you might do so you don't lose clothing at child care or school. Which leads me to wonder IF none of the items of clothing had anything identifying who owned it - did this child ever did go to school or child care?

Almost all of my kids' casual clothes had their names or initials on them when they were little. I'm still of the opinion most of the clothes were random selections and not what the little girl wore. I think most of them were hand-me-downs or op shop clothes.
If it was a paedophile dumping, you wouldn't have any clothing that was associated with the crime would you? Any chance of DNA in the case, or around it would be potential for uncovering the identity of the criminal. So is it safe to presume that if it is, none of the clothing items are related to the crime?
If someone was making movies etc, they would have thought carefully before throwing a case by a main road. Unlike most of us, they put significant thought into avoiding detection by police?

Unless of course, someone is playing a game with police, deliberately placing items in the case in a game of dare to find him?

Crikies, on the news, father pours petrol on 3 children, sets youngest on fire. People have some serious issues.

It would be awful to think someone is doing this for fun, to taunt police or to make a name for themselves. I still think the perpetrator isn't smart enough for that, though.
I think it's important to remember that the police initially said that the bones and the suitcase were only recently linked. That someone had recently placed the bones in the suitcase. I will try to find a link for that. In my opinion you would only do that if you needed to remove the bones from where they currently were and move them to a new location.

I've always had the opinion that the suitcase's contents were moved, perhaps on the back of a ute/small moving vehicle. I think they either fell off mid trip or were thrown off mid-trip. I also think that was a spur of the moment decision to get rid of the case. Whether or not the person who threw it off knew of its contents isn't clear to me. I always 'see' someone completing the trip and showing up somewhere saying 'an old case fell off during the trip.' To which the horrified 'suitcase man' realises what is lost and asks where. 'Near Wynarka I reckon..... sorry mate'

That has always been my thought too.....but what was the catalyst?

It could be a father who had spent time with this child in Wynarka, this father could be moving out of the home in Wynarka or he is moving on with his life or both. He might wanted the girl to stay in Wynarka.
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