AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #6

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Absolutely sickening. Really wish I hadn't read that. [emoji17] it's just not fair what these innocent children have to go through because of some disgusting sick piece of s**t. So angry right now.

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The law always isn't fair to what a child has to suffer, I think. Manslaughter but not murder - why? I will never understand things like that.
I do wonder whether someone came in, killed the person that killed the child, then took the case to Wynarka, left the case beside the road for police to find out who did it, and what might be occurring in Wynarka? Someone would have to have a child, with no medical assistance, no nothing. Off the grid.
Did the child become terminally ill, the parent killed the child for any number of reasons? The child had autism or another 'condition'? Too much for mum?

Did the old man kill, those that killed his child, and grandchild?

The man walked through Wynarka with the case closed. When the case was discovered, the case was open, next to the hwy?

Paraphrase from Aust article.

Selling perfumes and colognes and carrying a suitcase a travelling salesman does visit the area. Is this a coincidence?

This seem really odd.
A bloke visits the area to sell perfume and cologne. :thinking:
Does he walk around the small town carrying the suitcase?
Does he come by car?
What is his description?
When was he last in the area selling his wares?
I would like to know more about the travelling salesman.
Paraphrase from Aust article.

Selling perfumes and colognes and carrying a suitcase a travelling salesman does visit the area. Is this a coincidence?

This seem really odd.
A bloke visits the area to sell perfume and cologne. :thinking:
Does he walk around the small town carrying the suitcase?
Does he come by car?
What is his description?
When was he last in the area selling his wares?
I would like to know more about the travelling salesman.

Thanks Soso. I'd also like to know more about the travelling salesman. Surely someone who has dealt with this man (purchased from him or just looked at his wares) would be able to tell the police what brand/s he was selling. Did he have a business card, brochures. free samples etc. Was he an Avon representative?

ETA: Who is the author of that particular article?
Suitcase man walks through town and puts it in the roadside bush. So thats not where the suitcase was dropped? It was dropped out the other side of town?

The back area looks like where people ride motorbikes or quads? Over the railway line? Who has been over the railway line?

Thanks Soso. I'd also like to know more about the travelling salesman. Surely someone who has dealt with this man (purchased from him or just looked at his wares) would be able to tell the police what brand/s he was selling. Did he have a business card, brochures. free samples etc. Was he an Avon representative?

ETA: Who is the author of that particular article?

The author is Dan Box.
The Article - Murder mystery: gone girl's secret breaks Wynarka's heart.
Thanks Soso. I'd also like to know more about the travelling salesman. Surely someone who has dealt with this man (purchased from him or just looked at his wares) would be able to tell the police what brand/s he was selling. Did he have a business card, brochures. free samples etc. Was he an Avon representative?

ETA: Who is the author of that particular article?

Looked at his wares ???
You would want to hope that many in the large spread out area were in the spending mood and cashed up and in need of your wares. Or it would hardly make your trip worth while.
Looked at his wares ???
You would want to hope that many in the large spread out area were in the spending mood and cashed up and in need of your wares. Or it would hardly make your trip worth while.

LOL. Yeah, it's crazy isn't it?
Looked at his wares ???
You would want to hope that many in the large spread out area were in the spending mood and cashed up and in need of your wares. Or it would hardly make your trip worth while.

Frankly, it is ridiculous.
Nobody would spend time trying to sell door to door in Wynarka.
When is the last time you saw a travelling door to door sale person even in the densely populated suburbs.
I'd say not in over 40 years.
Salesmen these days are a select lot, access to internet and leased cars, top accommodation, not likely they walk around with a suitcase, imo.
Frankly, it is ridiculous.
Nobody would spend time trying to sell door to door in Wynarka.
When is the last time you saw a travelling door to door sale person even in the densely populated suburbs.
I'd say not in over 40 years.

Yep JaneSA I totally agree and that is what I was implying .... sounds ridiculous.
But some locals according to that article have said that there was a travelling salesman with a suitcase that came to the area. Why?

I am still curious as to why there has not been some description of the clothes the suitcase man was wearing other than he being neatly dressed.
Frankly, it is ridiculous.
Nobody would spend time trying to sell door to door in Wynarka.
When is the last time you saw a travelling door to door sale person even in the densely populated suburbs.
I'd say not in over 40 years.

Apparently someone is doing just that according to the locals! Mind boggling really. So this guy trudges along the highway from town to town selling perfumes? I doubt he'd even make enough money for a cheap motel room to rest in for the night. Perhaps he comes from one of those bush camps that was mentioned.

Most country people are hospitable and would probably offer this guy a cold drink or at least have a chat with him. Surely whoever has seen this salesman has given police a good description of him and does it fit the description of suitcase man? :confused:
Frankly, it is ridiculous.
Nobody would spend time trying to sell door to door in Wynarka.
When is the last time you saw a travelling door to door sale person even in the densely populated suburbs.
I'd say not in over 40 years.

It does sound very odd

I'm with you Jane .... a bit far out to be selling door to door....

Really which we had a local on here that could confirm this report of the salesman.
Apparently someone is doing just that according to the locals! Mind boggling really. So this guy trudges along the highway from town to town selling perfumes? I doubt he'd even make enough money for a cheap motel room to rest in for the night. Perhaps he comes from one of those bush camps that was mentioned.

Most country people are hospitable and would probably offer this guy a cold drink or at least have a chat with him. Surely whoever has seen this salesman has given police a good description of him and does it fit the description of suitcase man? :confused:

You actually just reminded me .... one of my first jobs was working for a encyclopaedia company. I was very young and didn't really understand what was going on for along while (I left when I realised)... Basically the company did mass interviews and gave jobs to every person that applied (Usually overseas travellers).... What they did with these people is drive a group of people to different areas and drop them off ... then these guys would go door to door attempting to sell encyclopaedia's.. it was really horrible for them...because sometimes they would have to wait hour and hours for the driver to go back to pick each person up...they Had like a mini bus....

So thinking along those lines maybe these perfume sellers are part of a group like that... and they drop a guy off in Wynarka as they head to Karoonda .... then the poor bloke has to wait... (Possibly sitting on the side of the Hwy - perhaps) waiting for the bus/driver to collect him..

If the locals are adamant that this person exists... maybe that is the type of scenario... he works for a similar type setup employer ???

ETA: and they made them all stay in one motel room together (usually teams of six people)... as they travelled from place to place... all commission based only of course. Truth is none of those people hardly ever made any money.... they'd last a few months enjoying the friendships they made... but got sick of having no money eventually... The company just continually maintained the same process of interviewing and hiring each and every other day... so they never ran out of people.
Frankly, it is ridiculous.
Nobody would spend time trying to sell door to door in Wynarka.
When is the last time you saw a travelling door to door sale person even in the densely populated suburbs.
I'd say not in over 40 years.

I've got a friend who works for a market research firm that pays participants in small value cashcards, and they have people who work the small towns in rural areas and still manage to make quota despite there being fewer houses and further between them. Often the residents are kind of a little starved for face-to-face interactions with new people, and anyone actually at home during the day is likely to have the whole day on their hands for a cuppa and a chat. I'm not saying there are going to be a lot of people going door to door with perfume or makeup but I would not say it is impossible there are Avon Ladies and suchlike out there who make it work by knocking on doors in small towns to get new customers. I can see how it could work.

Edited to add: Also about a year ago there was a huge wave of teens stealing expensive perfumes by snatch-and-run from pharmacies in Adelaide, it was fairly obvious that is was an expanding area of criminality actively recruiting, and they were swapping them for drugs from their dealers who then were offloading them to professional fences. The perfumes were being sold on gumtree and similar sites. By the amount of it that was happening it must have been a profitable business. If the police have clamped down on the online sales, then maybe door to door in small towns is what's left of that business. Go into town, doorknock all the doors, look professional, make some sales, get out before any of the locals have had a chance to put two and two together and call the police.
What, if a man (NOT suitcase man, because age and description don't match) has been living with a (shocking) secret for some time? He is the perp or he knows the perp (maybe a close relative). In both cases it would be critical, if something would happen that leads police to the relative or him (maybe first relative, then immediately him). If there is an exact time of starting the police's interest, then he (man with secret) very promptly has to make disappear the suitcase. The man has another important mission at the same time: to drive from A to B because of special reason. This urgent trip he uses for dumping the case out of his car at some place on his route, near Wynarka. Maybe he crosses the highway (on foot with the case) to fool police on the direction of travel and then continues with his speedy tour.
If this man is not the perp but the other one is: he is not deceased, not before and not later, but sitting in jail a few days later. Our man drives back from B to A in a hurry sometime and later on more or less is awaiting a nice visit of police (what happens indeed).

The suitcase man doesn't fit in my scenario. If at all a suitcase man is involved, then he would have to be perhaps another relative. Maybe this older relative heard of a drama happening, heard of the suitcase dumping and was concerned about the dumping place. Maybe he wanted to help to find another dumping place. But I think somehow it's unlikely and senseless.

Question remains: where is the mother/father/carer of the little girl?

Yes, FromGermany, the question also remains: Why hasn't someone come forward with knowledge of the mother/father/carer who no longer have a little girl in their care?
It does sound very odd

I'm with you Jane .... a bit far out to be selling door to door....

Really which we had a local on here that could confirm this report of the salesman.

And surely, given the town sees few visitors, the witnesses to "suitcase man" would be able to say straight away whether it was the same person knocking on their door selling perfume that month.
Sorry not to agree on that one particular comment That I excuse or to accept in anyway this behaviour as "Normal" is wrong....I'm sure my fathers Uncle considered himself rational...and a balanced human being....IMO opinion if I could take a knife to his extremities I would.....ohhh...but that would make me a bad human being...because he couldn't help himself...

Blah.... accept it paedophiles should either top themselves voluntarily......or expose themselves and let us top them...I'm not into the love fest of helping everyone...lets stop it here and now..

As others have said, Puggle, I certainly was not condoning or excusing their behaviour in any way. The bit you bolded was the bit I directly grabbed from the person who posted that they were not like that.

It is a very serious mistake for people to make. Because the majority of these people appear exactly like everyone else. They don't look like monsters. You can't tell who they are by looking at them.

It is always a very confronting topic for most people, but if it is not talked about and dragged out into the open, there is more chance of it being perpetrated behind closed doors. As others have said, it gets driven underground, and it is much harder to police, and all we end up doing is locking up the offenders and driving the ones that may want to seek out help further underground, with less support and therefore much more likely to act on their urges.

Much like domestic violence used to be. Society still has a ways to go with that, but it is getting there.

I feel so bad for any victims of these heinous crimes, as the victims are usually those who are the most unable to defend themselves. As you yourself were. It is inexcusable.

I hope I have explained myself a bit better, because I in no way condone pedophiles at all.

* I knew a lady who blew her husbands head off when she discovered he was a pedophile who had been doing unspeakable things with his own kids since they were little. She discovered it when the oldest was around 12 and finally got the courage up to tell her. The poor kids had been threatened with all sorts of evil if they told. She didn't hesitate to pull that trigger, and if that were me, I wouldn't have either. She did 6 months.
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