AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #6

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OMG!! I can't find any words.
Without a body, no death certificate can be issued.
Admittedly systems today are very different to even 5 years ago.
Your children are attached to your medicare ID which is tied into many other attributes of your life.
It makes it that much easier when a case like Angel turns up.
If Angel wasnt born in a hospital which begs the question, was Angel killed because she had a medical complication.
Is there a black suitcase in picture 16? Bottom right corner?

I think it is the bottom part of a baby car seat, in a pile of car seats .
One like this, but upside down.
My understanding by reading the article was that there were six children in the House of Horrors that the authority didn't know their existence until 2008. Anyone please correct me if this is not true.
No they were known about, they were receiving welfare payments and definitely in the system.
Perhaps they've already been exposed. I'm talking about the House of Horrors revealed in all it's horror in 2008. There is every possibly that there is a connection here. Trudy Quinlivan, who is now on the run, was part of that family. This was briefly discussed back in an earlier thread and I still believe it possible that there could be a connection to this case. 0&total_comments=26

Trudy Quinlivan could certainly fit in with the Wynarka case IMO. She disappeared in April of this year and the suitcase was found in July. So where is Trudy? Someone is obviously hiding and helping here. I don't think she could survive on her own. I have found no mention of her arrest between April and time of writing.

Trudy had given birth to three children from memory. Perhaps Trudy gave birth to a fourth child. A daughter who was badly beaten (not necessarily by Trudy) and died. The people living in that house would not have reported the death of a child or even sought medical help IMO. So what to do? Wrap the body up and secret it somewhere on the property. The child may have not been Trudy's daughter but one of the other 21 (or more) kids living in that house. Maybe it was a child that Trudy cared about and she has clung onto the remains ever since. Scooping up clothing, not necessarily all belonging to the deceased little girl, and stuffing them into an old suitcase, along with the remains of the little girl. Some of the clothing may have belonged to some of the other children, both boys and girls.

I have no idea how and why little Angel ended up where she was found but one thought is that Trudy has made her way to the Mallee area, is hiding out in one of the bush camps and has either dumped the suitcase herself or someone who is hiding her has done so.

I'm happy for everyone to poke holes in this theory but I feel it needs to be discussed further.
The clothing as a whole in the suitcase has always puzzled me, as there seems to be articles which span time.
Either all the articles of clothing belong to angel over a few years.....or as you say, bits and pieces from multi aged and gender children gathered....
But the items appear folded.... don't see this happening by the looks of things.
It is possible that this little girl was not living "off the grid" but just came from a situation of isolation. Imagine a couple or single parent with no close friends or family. Most people barely know their neighbours these days. If the little girl died on the more recent end of the time scale it is possible that she has had no reason to be missed by government authorities.

Even if they were friendly with the neighbors - a couple has a child, then they move five hundred miles and arrive with a suitcase and no child. No one would think twice about it.
The clothing as a whole in the suitcase has always puzzled me, as there seems to be articles which span time.
Either all the articles of clothing belong to angel over a few years.....or as you say, bits and pieces from multi aged and gender children gathered....

And that is only the clothing we know of. Police say there were approximately 50 items in the suitcase.
My understanding by reading the article was that there were six children in the House of Horrors that the authority didn't know their existence until 2008. Anyone please correct me if this is not true.

Correct. This article has some info regarding subsequent findings & recommendations made by Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee. It would appear this case proved to be quite a political hot potato:-

Five years after the shocking discovery of the abuse at the Parafield Gardens home - the government released its response to 32 recommendations by the Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee into the shocking case.

- Child Development Minister Jennifer Rankine identified poor information-sharing practices between government agencies as a major contributor. No one government staff member or agency "had the full picture of information or knew that the six children were in the house''.

- Opposition child development spokesman David Pisoni said the government had spent the seven months since it received the recommendations "preparing a political response''."The government has focused on covering up rather than fixing up,'' he said.

- Government received the recommendations in October, a "high-level'' meeting of Health, Education, Housing and Police ministers was convened

I haven't been able to find any mention either in news/fb/twitter confirming that Trudy Quinlivan was located following issue of missing alert back in late March 2015. Can't find any record of further court sessions if she was found. I would've thought at least one journo would follow it up?? I imagine if Angel was found to be a child connected to HOH / TQ, that it would create quite a poo storm for the SA govt. Her going awol while under supervision for starters and the possible undetected death of a child to boot. Just a thought for those exploring this angle. So where is Trudy Quinlivan and where did she disappear to during March-April 2015??
I think as time progresses, people are less bothered by "bad colours" as the association with death becomes less recent and less relevant.

I don't recall if my young daughters ever wore black ... at least not plain black. It's a colour that simply wasn't on my radar when selecting kids' clothing. Most kids' clothing seemed to be bright colours and prints.

I think that dressing young kids in plain black is still rather uncommon. A parent who is comfortable dressing kids in plain black, might choose the colour regularly.

Not that it means anything, but, if someone was sleuthing a person, like Tania Staker of House of Horror fame, and found photos of a clothes line with lots of black kids' clothing, it might cause a person to press their finger against their brow and think, "hmmmmm".
Correct. This article has some info regarding subsequent findings & recommendations made by Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee. It would appear this case proved to be quite a political hot potato:-

I haven't been able to find any mention either in news/fb/twitter confirming that Trudy Quinlivan was located following issue of missing alert back in late March 2015. Can't find any record of further court sessions if she was found. I would've thought at least one journo would follow it up?? I imagine if Angel was found to be a child connected to HOH / TQ, that it would create quite a poo storm for the SA govt. Her going awol while under supervision for starters and the possible undetected death of a child to boot. Just a thought for those exploring this angle. So where is Trudy Quinlivan and where did she disappear to during March-April 2015??

Yes, the article mentioned that “no one government staff member or agency "had the full picture of information or knew that the six children were in the house''”. It also said that “the committee reviewed more than 200 documents, including child truancy alerts and Housing SA and health records, relating to all those who lived in the house but said there was scarce evidence of the existence of the six children, who moved to Adelaide from Victoria not long before the case was exposed.”
My understanding is that immunization is not compulsory in Australia but to not immunize may affect one's eligibility for family assistance benefits.

One of my children had immunisations overseas. We received letters for over a year and it affected our family assistance until it was resolved. But there is no doubt that they would not come knocking at our door about it. Many parents also choose to start their kids at school a year later as they feel they are not ready and there is no one asking why etc. I think it would be pretty easy to keep a child off the radar except for family payments. If you are not entitled to much assistance then you would not be concerned. There is no birth certificates or I'd required to start at a public school and many children change surnames due to relationships etc. and at birth the hospital just say take this piece of paper to register the child's birth. If you don't I wonder how they follow it up? Perhaps Medicare? I think the system relies on the fact that people want their assistance or bonus money. If you don't it's just cut off. They certainly don't come knocking to ask why.

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Also I think the theory by Makara about the house of horrors is the most plausible theory so far. Great sleuthing.

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I, too, had a daughter that wore black leotards/clothes to dance class. In my way of thinking, all I've seen is a graphic tee that happens to be black. And a tutu. I didn't find anything odd with that at all. It all looks perfectly normal to me.

I remember when that house of horrors subject came up a few threads back. I had the same sense of deja vu looking at the piles of clothes.
One of my children had immunisations overseas. We received letters for over a year and it affected our family assistance until it was resolved. But there is no doubt that they would not come knocking at our door about it. Many parents also choose to start their kids at school a year later as they feel they are not ready and there is no one asking why etc. I think it would be pretty easy to keep a child off the radar except for family payments. If you are not entitled to much assistance then you would not be concerned. There is no birth certificates or I'd required to start at a public school and many children change surnames due to relationships etc. and at birth the hospital just say take this piece of paper to register the child's birth. If you don't I wonder how they follow it up? Perhaps Medicare? I think the system relies on the fact that people want their assistance or bonus money. If you don't it's just cut off. They certainly don't come knocking to ask why.

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I needed birth certificates, immunisation records and my own i.d to enrol my kids in a public school.
I needed birth certificates, immunisation records and my own i.d to enrol my kids in a public school.

Must depend on how relaxed the school is. I only needed proof of address for zoning.

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In the majority of MSM reports about the house of horrors, it has been stated that there were 21 children living in the house. Only five of those children (sometimes reported as six children) were subjected to the harsh cruelty meted out by the adults who were supposed to love and care for them. IMO, all 21 children were abused. Maybe not to the extent of the selected five (or six) but they all suffered at the hands of those six adults who treated them so cruelly.

This is moving off topic but I think there is a very good argument to look further at this case and the connection it may have to little Angel. I've spent a lot of time sleuthing the players in this case as you all may want to as well. The road may well lead back to the Mallee.

A big thank you to Camp Chair who has piqued my interest again in the house of horrors case.

I've once again contacted SAPOL asking for an update on Trudy Quinlivan. Stay tuned.

Below are a few links that may be of interest.

SIX children subjected to starvation and torture in Adelaide's so-called House of Horrors case were "virtually unknown'' to state authorities, it has emerged.
When police uncovered the Housing Trust home - where six adults and 21 children lived - they said it was infested with swarms of cockroaches, flies and maggots, and faeces was found on the floor.

Why did nobody say anything? Inside the House of Horrors where 21 children and six adults were allowed to fester in depravity within a normal Australian suburb
Read more:

Twenty-one children between four and seven were crowded into a house piled high with garbage and human waste, forced to stand in line for hours for measly scraps that were their only food and were slapped or had their hands sticky-taped together if they tried to get more.
When authorities discovered the house in suburban Adelaide in 2008 the children were so malnourished their brains had shrunk, they had open sores and were suffering from scabies.
The six adults at the centre of the horrific scene were convicted of abuse, but one woman never went to prison because a court ruled she was mentally unfit to stand trial.
Trudy Quinlivan, now 35, was freed under orders that she be closely supervised in the community.
But she is now wanted by police for allegedly failing to live up to the conditions of her release, and disappearing.

SA Police need help to find Trudy Quinlivan.
South Australian Police are seeking the assistance of the public to help locate 35-year-old Trudy Quinlivan. 0&total_comments=26


The unnamed adult in HoH case who also got convicted back in 2011 (mother of the 5 children charges related to), gave evidence against the others & received a lighter sentence with name suppression. If granted parole after min 3 yrs served, she might be out of jail now?

The woman is serving a minimum three-year sentence after pleading guilty to abusing five of her children, including refusing them food, beating them and forcing them to stand in line all day.
The unnamed adult in HoH case who also got convicted back in 2011 (mother of the 5 children charges related to), gave evidence against the others & received a lighter sentence with name suppression. If granted parole after min 3 yrs served, she might be out of jail now?

She may well have been released sometime last year. I wonder if she had some luggage she needed to dispose of?
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