Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Hi kiwi50, I also wonder why a person would throw away a phone and sim card by the side of the road and not in a rubbish bin. IMO the perp is driving away from the scene and remembers they still have the phone and throws it out the car window thinking it will land far enough away to not be found but it actually hits the guard rail and lands on the road which is how the police found it. I know the police have ruled it out but could this be false information to perhaps trick the offender. Does anyone know if they are allowed to do this (false info) or does any info released have to be factual.

So how does that explain the phone still ringing for the majority of the following day and them knowing it was in the Brookfield area.
If the phone was dumped near kholo creek, and it was active, then it would be getting signals from across the river and bell<modsnip>/anstead areas.
I wasn't implying that you wouldnt want the girls to have fun.....

Sorry Willough I knew you weren't implying that at all, I just didn't word it very well. :)

It just sickens me that Allison's family, friends and of course her beautiful girls have had their lives shattered by Allison's murder yet this bloke goes on like he doesn't have a care in the world. :maddening:
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I have read all of the threads and been following the case through the media etc. since before Allison was found. This tragedy is just so sad on so many levels. All I can do is pray for God's comfort, and strength for the whole family and friends (all sides) and great wisdom and integrity for the QPS in bringing the TRUE perpetrator(s) to justice.

I do have some thoughts, questions and observations though that I am happy to share. Just for background I don't live in QLD though I did grow up there (but not Brookfield) and I don't know anyone at all involved with this case. I had never even heard of the Baden-Clay family before this tragedy.

I can understand why people seem so focussed on GBC being the prime suspect, though I am not personally convinced that he did it.
Some questions that I have:
1. GBC could well have reported accurately and honestly to the police. If that is the case he was asleep at 10:00 at night. Could someone have come to the door after he was asleep and confronted Allison resulting in events that lead to her demise? Perhaps GBC is a heavy sleeper, maybe he was medicated or his bedroom may have been away from the front door or carport area. Some medications do make people more sleepy less alert etc. Perhaps for whatever reason he slept through whatever happened.
2. People have raised questions about why the police acted so quickly initially. I wonder whether GBC and ABC could have had any threats made to them in regards to any of their business dealings/ loan/ debts or whatever. Perhaps GBC informed the police of such concerns and that is what triggered the quick response. I don't know... this is just an idea. Then, if this is the case perhaps GBC could only tell them so as to let the police discover for themselves rather than being an informer.....perhaps at risk to his own or other members of his family's life etc.

In the TOS and Etiquette Guidelines, etc I believe that WS is a victim friendly site. Some seem to be using it to defend an alleged perpetrator. We are not about judging an alleged perp as guilty or not, but sleuthing the case IMO.

Police Commissioner said

"As soon as he (her husband) reported her missing there was concern," he said. "When it comes to women and children, if you don't move quickly you might miss something"

Mr Atkinson said police responded swiftly and in large numbers for a reason.

"There were alarm bells from the moment she was reported missing," he said.

Mr Atkinson said some cases needed immediate attention.

I take this to mean that women and children are more vulnerable than men (IMO).

Some cases may need immediate attention because it is out of character for the person to be missing.
Even after they have been charged they have the right to silence. If it goes to court the accused does not have to give evidence. I think h'e the type who would want to get in the box because he is so charming and handsome how could they not believe he's inno:Banane41::Banane57::bicycle:cent. IMO

Yeah - Mr Limelight would love it; his barrister would say 'WTF - do you want to hang yourself!!! Zip it, sunshine!"
morning, had an early breakkie wi friends this morning, one being a legal eagle. As usual this case came up in conversation, and one of the people present innocently asked could it be that the QPS would move in on GBC (if involved) after allowing the children to get a little bit of normality back into their lives after such a traggic event for such young children?

Just an idea, and it may or may not make sense, who knows, but could the 'powers to be' have been in lengthy and relevant discussions with child Physc's about potential trauma involved in removing their father so soon after the traggic loss/murder of their mother. After thinnking about this suggestion I guess it sounds plausable. The welfare of children is always of upmost importance to the authorities.
perhaps 'special' allowances can and have been made under these very special circumstances. I mean lets face it, he is not going anywhere, hardly a flght risk and I have no doubt his passport has probably been taken off him.

If the authorities thought that these 3 littlle girls would be better mentally prepared to go through the ordeal of losing their father in another 1 or 2 months then I think this has to be considered..
And by the way, i don't subscribe to notion that the children would EVER be 'mentally prepared' to losing their father after what they have gone through, BUT the QPS have a job to do. But perhaps this has been taken into consideration.

I would like to hear from the likes of dark shadow, key boredom, hawkins etc if this could even be legally possible for the wheels of justice to work like this i.e someone signing off on 'delaying' an arrest when they have enough to be able to carry it out??? The Attorney General for example??

It is so cute that you think they would let that influence their decision. No they just want to wait until they have him stitched up nice and tight before they pinch him and make it stick:moo::jail:.
I know how it looks but keep in mind we don't *know* who did it yet. We're basing our assumptions on very few facts so far.
Is it possible that we are being fed info to lead us to believe it's GBC? People have been discussing that this can happen to catch the real perp out....perhaps the QPS/media want us to believe it's GBC when in fact it may be someone else. I'm trying to keep an open mind.

This crosses my mind from time to time. The reason I keep thinking that can't be the case is because of things like the brief unplanned interview GBC did outside his house. There was, IMO, so many things wrong/weird in that. However, it doesn't stop me thinking sometimes that we know so little and who knows what the real story is. Oh, except for those who committed the crime, of course!
I do understand that for the girls, it's good. But I am like you, I feel so angered to see him out. Almost like he is a politician, trying to get the votes off the people. He gets the chance to show the world, his fatherly ways, after he did this.............................while his wife is rotting in a grave (sorry if that sounds crass).


Yes! I totally understood that last night's "attendance" was for the girls - they would have been so excited and would have loved every minute at the Show. I have even understood that the girls were going again with the Dickies (free tickets) over the w'end. Ummmmm, but why did HE have to go again tonight? What was that for?

QPS can bring them in for interview but it is everyone's legal right to remain silent. Solicitors will advise not to be interviewed even in more trivial matters as once it is said it is on the record no taking it back.

Yes, thanks for that, but it appears the QPS haven't even tried to take him in for an interview. This suggests that his story about what happened that night must be pretty strong / plausible otherwise wouldn't he have at least been taken in for questioning if his story didn't add up. Sure the lawyers might advise that he doesn't answer the questions.

All I'm suggesting with this line is that GBC's story must be reasonably plausible and he has been able to account for whatever evidence may have been there when the police arrived. Otherwise it strikes me as odd that QPS haven't - from what has been reported - attempted to question him on any obvious flaws in his story. Nor is there any report of his parent's having been questioned intensively.

The only report we have seen of intensive questioning relates to a business associate of GBC, who may or may not have been his mistress.

Not sure what this adds up to, but it is all fact, I believe. It would seem that, if GBC is guilty, what he told police - which we haven't really heard - is holding up and they are struggling perhaps to find chinks in it.
Is it possible that we are being fed info to lead us to believe it's GBC? People have been discussing that this can happen to catch the real perp out....perhaps the QPS/media want us to believe it's GBC when in fact it may be someone else. I'm trying to keep an open mind.

If there is an article in the paper tomorrow about his affair(s), then am sure they would not expose him if he was not involved in her murder in some shape or form IMO.
Sorry Willough I knew you weren't implying that at all, I just didn't word it very well. :)

It just sickens me that Allison's family, friends and of course her beautiful girls have had their lives shattered by Allison's murder yet this bloke goes on like he doesn't have a care in the world. :maddening:

That's alright Ixnaye....I was so worried you thought I was....neeeevvvvveeerrrrr.

I'm disgusted too....Allison has nothing anymore.....She doesnt smile at her babies anymore, yet he gets to talk to politicians about how sad he is about his affair getting out.......Im glad, if that is the news coming out....IM VERY GLAD. Im glad that not only will it be internet forum monkeys like us that will know, and not just the local people of Brookfield etc knowing.............EVERYONE WILL KNOW. Even if he didnt kill his wife, his ways led this happen, I feel..............and everyone should know of his weasling ways.
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I have read all of the threads and been following the case through the media etc. since before Allison was found. This tragedy is just so sad on so many levels. All I can do is pray for God's comfort, and strength for the whole family and friends (all sides) and great wisdom and integrity for the QPS in bringing the TRUE perpetrator(s) to justice.

I do have some thoughts, questions and observations though that I am happy to share. Just for background I don't live in QLD though I did grow up there (but not Brookfield) and I don't know anyone at all involved with this case. I had never even heard of the Baden-Clay family before this tragedy.

I can understand why people seem so focussed on GBC being the prime suspect, though I am not personally convinced that he did it. I believe that the police know far more than we know and we do have to be careful not to judge and mock someone who may well be innocent and in quite significant grief. Yes, if he is found to be the person who has done it he does deserve the full force of the law and judgement.......but let's wait till then. I am more interested in QPS arresting the right person(s) and taking the time to get it right rather than being in a hurry to get an arrest.

The amount of things that seem to have "leaked" (whether they are true or not is another question) from people who seem to know someone who is part of the investigation etc. bothers me too. It raises questions in me of the integrity of the staff investigating. Surely in this line of work, you wouldn't even tell your family snippets let alone anyone else. Surely it is part of the training of police officers to maintain confidentiality/ privacy/ secrecy of investigations. If these leaks are indeed true leaks and not just local gossip then this is something serious that QPS need to look at. I do have hope that indeed the staff are acting with integrity and aren't leaking info and so therefore I will disregard any info that has come this way.

Some questions that I have:
1. GBC could well have reported accurately and honestly to the police. If that is the case he was asleep at 10:00 at night. Could someone have come to the door after he was asleep and confronted Allison resulting in events that lead to her demise? Perhaps GBC is a heavy sleeper, maybe he was medicated or his bedroom may have been away from the front door or carport area. Some medications do make people more sleepy less alert etc. Perhaps for whatever reason he slept through whatever happened.
2. People have raised questions about why the police acted so quickly initially. I wonder whether GBC and ABC could have had any threats made to them in regards to any of their business dealings/ loan/ debts or whatever. Perhaps GBC informed the police of such concerns and that is what triggered the quick response. I don't know... this is just an idea. Then, if this is the case perhaps GBC could only tell them so as to let the police discover for themselves rather than being an informer.....perhaps at risk to his own or other members of his family's life etc.

I have to responsibilities beckon.......but I do promise to come back and write more.

I'm not getting this, you think he doesn't want to be an informer on the abduction/murder of his wife out of fear that something may happen to his family????

but he knows who did it but wants the police to find out for themselves....withholding information from the police ?????
Yes, thanks for that, but it appears the QPS haven't even tried to take him in for an interview. This suggests that his story about what happened that night must be pretty strong / plausible otherwise wouldn't he have at least been taken in for questioning if his story didn't add up. Sure the lawyers might advise that he doesn't answer the questions.

All I'm suggesting with this line is that GBC's story must be reasonably plausible and he has been able to account for whatever evidence may have been there when the police arrived. Otherwise it strikes me as odd that QPS haven't - from what has been reported - attempted to question him on any obvious flaws in his story. Nor is there any report of his parent's having been questioned intensively.

The only report we have seen of intensive questioning relates to a business associate of GBC, who may or may not have been his mistress.

Not sure what this adds up to, but it is all fact, I believe. It would seem that, if GBC is guilty, what he told police - which we haven't really heard - is holding up and they are struggling perhaps to find chinks in it.

He had a lawyer right from the word go, hence the police know they must deal with his lawyer and not directly with him.
I know this is old hat, but someone was talking about body language a few pages ago...I had another look at the first interview GBC did with channel 9 and noticed something (i think is a little odd) in Olivia's expression at around 1:01 mark. It happens before he even answers the question. Probably nothing, I no expert at Body language etc, but I never noticed it before...

[ame=""]The Gerard Baden-Clay Interview, (His wife Allison Beden-Clay still missing) UPDATE BODY FOUND - YouTube[/ame]
rhb, the QPS have stated that Allison was killed before she was 'dumped', so they knew something happened at their house almost immediately IMO, thus it was an essentially named 'crime scene' to be investigated as 'something' was showing QPS it was bad.

Now what they saw that made it a crime scene could have been one broken window, one hole in a wall, or anything visual like that IMO.

Domestic violence must have been sticking out as a 'biggie' visually with something usually does in these cases. JMO

Somebody from an Aussie forum said there was a strong smell of disinfectant in the house when the police arrived. Maybe just heresay though.
Is it possible that we are being fed info to lead us to believe it's GBC? People have been discussing that this can happen to catch the real perp out....perhaps the QPS/media want us to believe it's GBC when in fact it may be someone else. I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Usual procedure "tell them nothing" like a good poker player never expose your hand and always wear you poker face your pp poker face.:boohoo:
Hi, welcome. IMO much of the rumours posted here are actually not from leaks from QPS but more from locals and friends of friends, etc.

There was a comment a few days ago in an article in the CM (I believe it was by the Commissioner?) regarding why police responded so quickly in this case and it said something along the lines of "concern for the welfare of women and children" in certain cases. To me that indicated that there was no concern for the "husbands" ... therefore, IMO it reads like in this case the husband was not at risk. I personally don't believe there was any threat or conspiracy or loan sharks, etc.

I will try and find the link to that article in posted in a little while.
Poignant post Caseclosed.
So how does that explain the phone still ringing for the majority of the following day and them knowing it was in the Brookfield area.
If the phone was dumped near kholo creek, and it was active, then it would be getting signals from across the river and bellboring/anstead areas.

Sorry, where's "bellboring/anstead areas"?
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