Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Well Greg - as a theory, it confirms that he's a selfish *** who just wants to save his own skin! JMO

sorry just doesn't make sense especially if there is a risk of danger to yourself or family, you would want the culprit caught immediately at the very least to protect your children....and we all know his priority was his children
"With all the theories floating around, I can't help but think that this case is still a case of DV gone too far and not pre-planned. Was there a cover-up after the fact, IMO yes. Who helped him? IMO a member of his family and not the alleged mistress. My observations of the funeral photos still make me think that he was genuinely grieving that day, saying "sorry" to the girls and the coffin ... remorseful, but too late to make amends."

If the kids were at home that night, I would have argued that it was NOT premeditated.
I'm not getting this, you think he doesn't want to be an informer on the abduction/murder of his wife out of fear that something may happen to his family????

but he knows who did it but wants the police to find out for themselves....withholding information from the police ?????
Poignant comments Greg.
This is of course, a rumour, but if it is true then it does give me hope - because this means the police have that very important piece of information and have had the chance to check it out. This could explain why the unidentified woman has been interviewed so may times, or the fact that it was reported that there could be more than one person involved. It could also explain why the police have said they have been considering this as an unlawful homicide for some time, at a very early stage.

I can't stop thinking about the post someone made a few days ago that they had heard from an inside source that the murder was pre-meditated, and it was supposed to happen in a month's time but a suitable moment arose and the murderer took the opportunity and did it early. I realise that this is also rumour, but it has stuck with me, somehow in my mind it fits in with the fact that other people are involved - and the reported sightings of the vehicles etc, and with the financial situation of the business.

I originally thought it was all so simple and kept to that view for quite a long time, but over the last few threads and with other information being officially reported I've started to think it may have been a bit more complicated.

I guess "keeping an open mind" may not mean that you don't allow yourself to believe that GBC is the perp, as that could be the most obvious and moderate view of all. I actually thought I was keeping an open mind by not subscribing to some views of others about premeditation. But now I'm not so sure - they could be right.

Even discounting the 2 rumours I've referred to in the posts of others, just thinking about the sighting of the 2 cars in Anstead, the fact that police have said they won't rule out there being more than one person involved, and another couple of factors, it is looking like it could be not quite so simple.

I was also thinking back to a post someone made - was it Hawkins? who said they believed that when we find out what happened it could be something very, very dark or something much more unpalatable than we could have imagined. Can anyone remember something along those lines, and who it came from?

These are my thoughts and wonderings based on some of the facts and a few things others have mentioned which I feel could have some credence. I just never wanted to let myself believe that a number of people could be involved, but if it is the case it really does take on a much more sinister tone.

Yes, it was Hawkins that said that ... and also I believe he said it wouldn't be easy for jurors. That could mean many things though. For example, if we subscribe to the theory that she was dumped further up stream, can you imagine the destruction of the body after being subjects to rocks, logs, etc. whilst being washed downstream by a torrent? Not a pretty sight IMO.
But if the theory that the spotlight is being put on GBC purposefully in order to deflect from the real perpetrators then all this weirdness might be partially explained.

I try to keep an open mind because of the lack of hard evidence we have available to us.

THE media may put the spotlight on one person to the exception of others to sell papers. The QPS would not do this if they did litigation would be imminent :fence::waitasec:
I don't think anybody knows at this stage. I personally don't trust the report of a "blue" car (at night). IMO it could have been a dark green, charcoal, maroon, etc. Too hard to know for sure, whilst driving on a very dark night, with no moonlight IMO.

Surely streetlights were on. I am sure the police would have investigated the witness and showed him different types of blue in different lights to establish exactly what he/she meant by "blue".
"With all the theories floating around, I can't help but think that this case is still a case of DV gone too far and not pre-planned. Was there a cover-up after the fact, IMO yes. Who helped him? IMO a member of his family and not the alleged mistress. My observations of the funeral photos still make me think that he was genuinely grieving that day, saying "sorry" to the girls and the coffin ... remorseful, but too late to make amends."

If the kids were at home that night, I would have argued that it was NOT premeditated.

I read the girls were sleeping over that night.
sorry just doesn't make sense especially if there is a risk of danger to yourself or family, you would want the culprit caught immediately at the very least to protect your children....and we all know his priority was his children

Yeah...I'm still trying to chew this one over... but IMO he's shut his mouth because he's guilty.. not because the Mafia ( or the banks????) are out for blood.

In the words of Hawkins, who is 'The Man' in my eyes! go figure...

And I am being sincere - Hawkins, you rock!
Surely streetlights were on. I am sure the police would have investigated the witness and showed him different types of blue in different lights to establish exactly what he/she meant by "blue".

There are but 2-3 street lights on that entire road.
Surely streetlights were on. I am sure the police would have investigated the witness and showed him different types of blue in different lights to establish exactly what he/she meant by "blue".

It's a dark country road, no street lights and there was no moonlight, and someone identifies the colour whilst driving past another moving vehicle? It could be blue, but am not convinced.
Surely streetlights were on. I am sure the police would have investigated the witness and showed him different types of blue in different lights to establish exactly what he/she meant by "blue".

They will be making sure all their witnesses are totally credible and their information has no holes in it. They will have thought of every question a defence barister might ask and the car colour thing would definately be up there.:bud::cop:
what if the person who saw the car was driving a truck? The lights are brighter and
sit up higher than a car.
thinking out aloud...
Amee, good thinking. Trucks like to travel at that time of the night/morning...IMO
I agree KG......It has made me question what the devil is going on in many homes now.

In so many families, you see there are facades (not to the extent of this). Even in my family, there is facades. Whether it be keeping up with the Joneses, portraying one is more than they actually are, financially and socially.

I have come to the conclusion that everyone is trying to keep up with someone else and instead of living their lives, and being satisfied with what is infront of them, they are always searching for betterment.

This creates so much stress.....and now people like Allison, get killed for it.

Whether we admit it or not - we all put on facades - the people that 'really' know us are our 'spouse and children.' It is not about keeping up with the Jones... but more about how we present ourselves to those outside our inner circle around us. Even your own close friends don't always know what is going on as we tend to keep certain things hidden from them. I am sure you behave totally different with the different people you know - that is how we all are. Even our parents are sometimes not in the loop about what is happening in our marriage for some reasons. That is life.
I believe that the police know far more than we know and we do have to be careful not to judge and mock someone who may well be innocent and in quite significant grief. Yes, if he is found to be the person who has done it he does deserve the full force of the law and judgement.......but let's wait till then. I am more interested in QPS arresting the right person(s) and taking the time to get it right rather than being in a hurry to get an arrest.

The amount of things that seem to have "leaked" (whether they are true or not is another question) from people who seem to know someone who is part of the investigation etc. bothers me too. It raises questions in me of the integrity of the staff investigating. Surely in this line of work, you wouldn't even tell your family snippets let alone anyone else. Surely it is part of the training of police officers to maintain confidentiality/ privacy/ secrecy of investigations. If these leaks are indeed true leaks and not just local gossip then this is something serious that QPS need to look at. I do have hope that indeed the staff are acting with integrity and aren't leaking info and so therefore I will disregard any info that has come this way.

Some questions that I have:
1. GBC could well have reported accurately and honestly to the police. If that is the case he was asleep at 10:00 at night. Could someone have come to the door after he was asleep and confronted Allison resulting in events that lead to her demise? Perhaps GBC is a heavy sleeper, maybe he was medicated or his bedroom may have been away from the front door or carport area. Some medications do make people more sleepy less alert etc. Perhaps for whatever reason he slept through whatever happened.
2. People have raised questions about why the police acted so quickly initially. I wonder whether GBC and ABC could have had any threats made to them in regards to any of their business dealings/ loan/ debts or whatever. Perhaps GBC informed the police of such concerns and that is what triggered the quick response. I don't know... this is just an idea. Then, if this is the case perhaps GBC could only tell them so as to let the police discover for themselves rather than being an informer.....perhaps at risk to his own or other members of his family's life etc.

Hello, Welcome! Thanks for your post. I have said the same sort of thing regarding the judgement and mocking of someone for all we know *May* actually be innocent and in an amazing amount of grief. Despite how the outside world perceives his actions or inactions. We can't possibly know what he is feeling on the inside. I do know to many his actions may not seem like that of an innocent man. But do we really know? We have the barest of facts really, and from that there has been alot of minds made up as to guilt. Because of that view point it seems easy to pick apart every action and reaction of those involved and believe it backs up the fact of guilt. I can not help but feel a bit uncomfortable at times with the judgement and at times persecution of a person because it is believed fact they are guilty. I would hate to think this person is completely innocent and been vilified because they did not act the way people think they should have or because of so far unsubstantiated rumours. Everyone of course is entitled to an opinion one way or the other, but sometimes that can go way past the point of simple opinion (IMO).

As for your second question regarding why police acted so quickly. I have had the exact same thoughts. What if there is a possibility of previous threats made or issues they have had with other persons. MR BC may have relayed this info to Police the morning he reported Allison missing. This could account for the swift action by police. I know- or at least have heard about legal advice sought via computer before ABC went missing.(Not saying its fact, though I have heard someone else mention similar on here).. Who knows if this was inrelation to something he did(or planned) or in fact hassles/threats they had received. There is SO much we don't know, that the police do, and perhaps the person we think might be responsible may not be.
Back in Thread #6, DunnoZo posted the following :

Just reviewed the video looking @ the trailer, but listened carefully & IMO, EBC's "friend" hugged her and it sounded like "thank you for your_____"???? can anyone decipher this? sound like ..."support". Why would she be thanking EBC? shouldn't it be the other way around ?Unless she was involved, IMO

The video, which was included in an online media article (I can't find the link to the original article but this is the link to our Websleuths Timeline page where it has been included on one of Jes's posts of links - post no 28)

I don't think anyone picked up on DunnoZo's post at the time as it was a very brief post and the thread was moving quite fast at the time. I wrote it down but just never got time to bring it up again. It's on the video at about 1.03 where the dark haired woman makes the comment, and I do think she says "Thank you for your support".

So, what does everyone think about the meaning of this? I do have thoughts about a couple of options, all similar but perhaps having some of the players in different roles.
"With all the theories floating around, I can't help but think that this case is still a case of DV gone too far and not pre-planned. Was there a cover-up after the fact, IMO yes. Who helped him? IMO a member of his family and not the alleged mistress. My observations of the funeral photos still make me think that he was genuinely grieving that day, saying "sorry" to the girls and the coffin ... remorseful, but too late to make amends."

If the kids were at home that night, I would have argued that it was NOT premeditated.

I read the girls were sleeping over that night.
I think that to be fair, attending the show was probably an attempt at trying to give a certain aspect of normality for the girls.

I totally agree. And if innocent, why should he not give them that. I know people are making a judgement on him attending the show as they think its outrageous to do so when they believe he has killed his wife. But again we don't know for sure he is guilty.
Whether we admit it or not - we all put on facades - the people that 'really' know us are our 'spouse and children.' It is not about keeping up with the Jones... but more about how we present ourselves to those outside our inner circle around us. Even your own close friends don't always know what is going on as we tend to keep certain things hidden from them. I am sure you behave totally different with the different people you know - that is how we all are. Even our parents are sometimes not in the loop about what is happening in our marriage for some reasons. That is life.

The only people that really know us is ... US! How many people think they know their spouses (Allison?) and unfortunately they don't.
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