Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Somebody from an Aussie forum said there was a strong smell of disinfectant in the house when the police arrived. Maybe just heresay though.

That would certainly send off alarm bells for a police officer.

I really wish they would release Allison's cause of death. I am certain they would know that by know, they might still be waiting on final test results re DNA etc but they would know her cause of death by now.
People coming up with information about tracking iphones and GPS's logging routes and ringing up crimestoppers to let them know about it are just kidding themselves. That sort of stuff is childs play to anyone who knows what they are doing and I can guarantee the detectives had people working on that from the time they realised it wasn't a missing persons case.

I disagree. If any member of the local public know anything or have seen anything, don't be afraid, call CrimeStoppers and contribute your bit. Don't feel belittled, just contribute what you know as it just may be a missing piece of the puzzle.
Is it definite that it was around 11pm and not earlier, if it was earlier would it not be possible that 2 people (meaning ABC and GBC) were taking something *out* of the car instead of putting something in...Also was the lady a passenger in the car when she looked up the driveway as I feel it is not something one would normally do driving alone late at night...Just wondering...
Whilst I get where you're coming from, given that she know's Allison I don't see this as odd.

Whenever I drive past the house of a friend I will always look, driving or being a passenger! I'm not sure if this is because I grew up in the country or if I'm just a sticky-stare LOL. But I think it's a matter of keeping an eye on your mates, to me it's a part of looking out for those that you care for.

Obviously I can't say that this is what happened in this case, but just thought I'd share another perspective.
This crosses my mind from time to time. The reason I keep thinking that can't be the case is because of things like the brief unplanned interview GBC did outside his house. There was, IMO, so many things wrong/weird in that. However, it doesn't stop me thinking sometimes that we know so little and who knows what the real story is. Oh, except for those who committed the crime, of course!

IMO nothing seems to sit as normal in any of the coverage of GBC and his family. From the very brief interview with sister and other interview with sister standing by nervously, to the "pash" by ABCs inlaws to their filmed demeanour at her funeral. No one from that family made any genuine pleas for assistance or information during the 11 days Allison was missing. No one from that family has spoken out with grief or sorrow at any time. This is not normal from a family who had a lot to do with the 3 children borne by Allison.
What is the division/ tension between the 2 families and why? There is something very very abnormal about all of this. It is far more than just keeping the stiff upper lip.
I agree KG......It has made me question what the devil is going on in many homes now.

In so many families, you see there are facades (not to the extent of this). Even in my family, there is facades. Whether it be keeping up with the Joneses, portraying one is more than they actually are, financially and socially.

I have come to the conclusion that everyone is trying to keep up with someone else and instead of living their lives, and being satisfied with what is infront of them, they are always searching for betterment.

This creates so much stress.....and now people like Allison, get killed for it.
Mr Atkinson said police responded swiftly and in large numbers for a reason.

"There were alarm bells from the moment she was reported missing," he said.

Mr Atkinson said some cases needed immediate attention.

I take this to mean that women and children are more vulnerable than men (IMO).

Some cases may need immediate attention because it is out of character for the person to be missing.

Many adult women are reported missing and none get such a quick response. "There were alarm bells ... ". IMO there is an underlying message in his comments, not just that women and children are more vulnerable and this was out of character.
I'm not getting this, you think he doesn't want to be an informer on the abduction/murder of his wife out of fear that something may happen to his family????

but he knows who did it but wants the police to find out for themselves....withholding information from the police ?????

Well Greg - as a theory, it confirms that he's a selfish *** who just wants to save his own skin! JMO
Yes, thanks for that, but it appears the QPS haven't even tried to take him in for an interview. This suggests that his story about what happened that night must be pretty strong / plausible otherwise wouldn't he have at least been taken in for questioning if his story didn't add up. Sure the lawyers might advise that he doesn't answer the questions.

All I'm suggesting with this line is that GBC's story must be reasonably plausible and he has been able to account for whatever evidence may have been there when the police arrived. Otherwise it strikes me as odd that QPS haven't - from what has been reported - attempted to question him on any obvious flaws in his story. Nor is there any report of his parent's having been questioned intensively.

The only report we have seen of intensive questioning relates to a business associate of GBC, who may or may not have been his mistress.

Not sure what this adds up to, but it is all fact, I believe. It would seem that, if GBC is guilty, what he told police - which we haven't really heard - is holding up and they are struggling perhaps to find chinks in it.
Not necessarily. There is much we don't know. The Police do not have to inform us, the public, about whom they interview or when or what about. It was reported on this site last night that locals alleged that NBC was at the police station being interviewed for a few hours yesterday.
IMO nothing seems to sit as normal in any of the coverage of GBC and his family. From the very brief interview with sister and other interview with sister standing by nervously, to the "pash" by ABCs inlaws to their filmed demeanour at her funeral. No one from that family made any genuine pleas for assistance or information during the 11 days Allison was missing. No one from that family has spoken out with grief or sorrow at any time. This is not normal from a family who had a lot to do with the 3 children borne by Allison.
What is the division/ tension between the 2 families and why? There is something very very abnormal about all of this. It is far more than just keeping the stiff upper lip.

But if the theory that the spotlight is being put on GBC purposefully in order to deflect from the real perpetrators then all this weirdness might be partially explained.

ALL MOO: Regarding the tension/division between the 2 families perhaps it could be because the Dickies knew GBC had had an affair. They could have known about the DV (not that we have any hard proof of that). They may have hated him for a long time and thought that he had made their daughter's life hell. And maybe they don't socialize much with each other. My spouses parents and my parents have probably spent (in total) less than a day together. Is it possible part of it is just that they don't know each other and they are suddenly then thrown together. I don't know.

As for the "granny-pash": people do very strange things when they're in highly stressful situations.

I try to keep an open mind because of the lack of hard evidence we have available to us.
IMO nothing seems to sit as normal in any of the coverage of GBC and his family. From the very brief interview with sister and other interview with sister standing by nervously, to the "pash" by ABCs inlaws to their filmed demeanour at her funeral. No one from that family made any genuine pleas for assistance or information during the 11 days Allison was missing. No one from that family has spoken out with grief or sorrow at any time. This is not normal from a family who had a lot to do with the 3 children borne by Allison.
What is the division/ tension between the 2 families and why? There is something very very abnormal about all of this. It is far more than just keeping the stiff upper lip.

I would certainly not like my "son-in-law/family" if I knew that he had been cheating on my daughter for years, and maybe even more than once. If I knew that my daughter was distraught and suffering. Yes, his family is not showing what normal families would. Why? .... because they are hiding something!!!
Ha Ha It's Bellbowrie, not boring (LOL) though some would disagree. If you were to continue on Moggill Rd. past the Mt. Crosby turnoff you would go through Bellbowrie. I recall they originally triangulated the phone to include Bellbowrie and Pullenvale.
Bushchick - Hi and welcome there was definately "talk speculation" that Allsion had been a "target" of a hit and run. This was widly discussed on a well known "book" site as early as the helicopters flying over brookfield. However I have only seen and very recently by "new comers" posts on this forum relating to this. It wasnt mentioned in the mid threads and as I say only posted by posters with 1 or 2 "posts". Not sure where this information is coming from either very close to home or someone in the know. Could be a hit and run then realised she was not dead so then finished off the job all gone wrong so then dump body. Which is why a regular poster on here said that there would be some horrific details regarding Allsions death?

IMO if it was a hit and run, why would the cops ping her cell phone within a 150 m radius of her house?

And when the body was found the media reported that the police said the body did not show signs of trauma.
Hi everyone, last night I had dinner with a friend who I only see once a year. She told me one of her good friends spoke to Allison B-C at the school on the Thursday 19th April, during the cross country. That night she drove past the B-C house and looked up the driveway and saw 2 people putting something into the back of the white Prado. She did wonder what they were doing at 11 pm at night. When she heard the reports on the Friday morning of Allison going missing she contacted the police straight away. I know this is second-hand info but I was pretty shocked! Wonder if it is true?
Also spoke to the person who told me the lawyer was there on the Friday morning when the police arrived, asked him how the lawyer would get there from the gold coast as such a long way. Turns out it was a local lawyer, a friend of GB-C, the gold coast lawyer was hired later in the day.
GB-C normally wears his sunnies when he is at the school and puts his head down and texts/reads his mobile, Thursday and Friday he had no sunnies on, didn't see his phone and he was chatting and smiling. I guess it is better for the girls if GB-C starts acting "normally". The Brookie Show has lifted the communities spirit, the kids are all so excited. It doesn't mean anyone is forgetting about Allison, it is just good to not have so much tension around for a few days.

This is of course, a rumour, but if it is true then it does give me hope - because this means the police have that very important piece of information and have had the chance to check it out. This could explain why the unidentified woman has been interviewed so may times, or the fact that it was reported that there could be more than one person involved. It could also explain why the police have said they have been considering this as an unlawful homicide for some time, at a very early stage.

I can't stop thinking about the post someone made a few days ago that they had heard from an inside source that the murder was pre-meditated, and it was supposed to happen in a month's time but a suitable moment arose and the murderer took the opportunity and did it early. I realise that this is also rumour, but it has stuck with me, somehow in my mind it fits in with the fact that other people are involved - and the reported sightings of the vehicles etc, and with the financial situation of the business.

I originally thought it was all so simple and kept to that view for quite a long time, but over the last few threads and with other information being officially reported I've started to think it may have been a bit more complicated.

I guess "keeping an open mind" may not mean that you don't allow yourself to believe that GBC is the perp, as that could be the most obvious and moderate view of all. I actually thought I was keeping an open mind by not subscribing to some views of others about premeditation. But now I'm not so sure - they could be right.

Even discounting the 2 rumours I've referred to in the posts of others, just thinking about the sighting of the 2 cars in Anstead, the fact that police have said they won't rule out there being more than one person involved, and another couple of factors, it is looking like it could be not quite so simple.

I was also thinking back to a post someone made - was it Hawkins? who said they believed that when we find out what happened it could be something very, very dark or something much more unpalatable than we could have imagined. Can anyone remember something along those lines, and who it came from?

These are my thoughts and wonderings based on some of the facts and a few things others have mentioned which I feel could have some credence. I just never wanted to let myself believe that a number of people could be involved, but if it is the case it really does take on a much more sinister tone.
I know this is old hat, but someone was talking about body language a few pages ago...I had another look at the first interview GBC did with channel 9 and noticed something (i think is a little odd) in Olivia's expression at around 1:01 mark. It happens before he even answers the question. Probably nothing, I no expert at Body language etc, but I never noticed it before...

The Gerard Baden-Clay Interview, (His wife Allison Beden-Clay still missing) UPDATE BODY FOUND - YouTube

I'd love to see all of the raw footage from their contact with the BC's.
Good Evening everyone!

I understand that the alleged mistress has a lawyer now. Does anyone know if her home was searched (like the BC family)?

Does anyone know if the name she is going by is her maiden name or has she been married in the past? (without naming names of course!)?

Many thanks
I agree with you Hawkins. However, the rapist who has been let off has to live with his conscience for the rest of his life. Then again, it may not bother him.

I wish I had a direct reference for this, but I don't. I saw it on ABC documentary a few years back. Rapists mostly feel positive about what they did, because it gave them a sense of power they'd never felt before. And they will mostly argue the victim deserved it. Sorry, not relevant to the case.
From memory we didn't have rain for several weeks.
I remember it being pretty dry, and then the weekend she was found it literally rained from late Friday night, all day Saturday and I think it eased into the night a little. We had a few hundred mm in just over 24 hours in parts around Brisbane.

I ride my bike to work every morning at 6:30am, so I tend to notice if it rained over night and I recall that weekend being the first rain in maybe 2-3 weeks.

It rained where I live - - we had about 6 inches in the time ABC disappeared and was found. I live 5 minutes away from where she was found... some parts of Brisbane would have received less.
Many adult women are reported missing and none get such a quick response. "There were alarm bells ... ". IMO there is an underlying message in his comments, not just that women and children are more vulnerable and this was out of character.

In a normal missing person case the police don't take away the family cars to be examined. If they accepted GBC's version at face value they would have sent out a BOLF got a search party from SES. Why would they place Police tape around the house, to stop anyone entering. Why don't they want anyone entering because they believe there is evidence in the house. The word evidence is not applicable in a missing person case.:banghead:
Have you heard of the Susan Powell-Cox case. She disappeared and the hubby is/was the main suspect. However, because the could never pin him to it, he was allowed to still look after his two boys. They are still under 10.

The police started to move in on him and he actually killed them and himself in a self made bomb in his house.

Millions of children go through worse trauma than those girls. I am not insensitive, but they are not anymore special than others. Some loose both parents at the same time.

I dont think the police will take that chance because of the emotional welfare of family. If he is guilty according to them, he is a murderer that should be locked up. He can always apply for bail. Then his defense team can argue that the children needs their dad, that he is not a flight risk and neither a security risk for them.
The safety of the 3 little girls has crossed my mind. Some men take their family with them when they decide to suicide. There was an example of this recently in the State of Victoria where a father ended the lives of his wife and children, then himself because he was allegedly depressed. We do need to consider these difficult scenarios in the best interest of those girls. I am relieved that there are probably Psychs and related others involved to monitor this situation.
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