Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Just wanted to remind y'all that the name of the victim is Allison Baden Clay.

I hear that Limaes...It makes me think 'his name was Robert Paulson" and i mean no disrespect EVER... but its like cannot desensitize on what you are fighting for....thanks for reminding people the reason why we are here
No indication he was violent to the children. Of course they will have emotional scars but that isn't enough to get him hauled outta there.
As far as arresting him-On what charge.....

I don't understand the multiple affair thing. do you love these other women and your wife?

I tried friends with benefits once just made me feel dirty.....

I t

For the last thirteen years I have been trying to instill this simple but profound concept to every student I have taught...your actions have consequences! Sometimes, your actions affect other people as well as yourself. Damn straight TM should feel 'devastated', not because she has been outed, but because she has treated Allison and her children with utter contempt. I am assuming that nobody put a gun to her head and made her continue with the affair. The consequences of this particular affair at least, are going to leave a bitter legacy for three beautiful girls and their extended families-regardless of anyone's guilt or innocence-IMO:maddening:

thank you you realise that you are in fact instilling this into people? by your very act of teaching, you are reaching out to 'some'*people...where the hell do you think I ever learned about external and internal locuses of control? at some point, I paid attention...WAY TO GO PUDS!!!! ITS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO DO AND BE BETTER!!!
Originally Posted by minni
welcome royster!! this is a great post IMO. I know through personal experience...that some woman are magentic and attract EVERYONE. they are kind, intelligent, sweet, attractive, and sometimes a narcissistic control freak 'lands them'. It doesnt stay happy families forever though, as the narcissist stops feeling good about himself whenever he is around this more intelligent, more likeable, more 'BETTER" person. I think a man who found himself in this position would seek out a mistress to pump him up. Having said mistress would not mean he loves his wife any less, but wants her to suffer nonetheless because inadvertently she makes him feel bad. I imagine that a man like this would kill his wife or any man that she might decide to be with. I M O

Originally Posted by Royster

Hi Minni!! You nailed what I thought exactly- It must have been so frustrating for him not to be able to break her down... She had the ability to rise above everything he threw at her and keep on keeping on- and doing a bloody good job of making it seem he wasn't effecting her. Of course he was- but this is where Al shone- making it seem all perfect. An abusers nightmare really... What a trooper she was- he really had to pull out all stops didn't he - the lengths he had to resort to- to finally be able to break her. MOO

I totally agree, especially with minni. This actually happened to me, my partner idolised me, had me on a pedestal, and used me to boost his own standing in his work and in the community. People said that since I came into his life he looked so happy and seemed so in love. However due to his own low self esteem it seems he took several lovers, and cheated on me more than once, although i didnt know at the time. I suspected with a few different women, but he always denied it, and information came my way after we split up. With the women I knew of (I had met some of them through his work) they were the types that would have fallen for a lot of his self-promotion and false self, and been in awe of him and probably felt so grateful they had scored him they would have really boosted his ego. He was still in love with me and ultimately for important occasions he always wanted me on his arm. He couldnt bear the thought of me being with anyone else and was always worried I would be 'snapped up' by some better looking, richer, more connected guy. Despite the fact that I was totally faithful to him, and really showed him I loved him and put everything into the relationship, I believe he grew to hate me and what I represented. He couldnt stand me being unhappy about his behaviour towards other women, and didnt want it mentioned. (although i didnt know about the affairs at the time, I did observe his constant flirting, obsessive fixation on certain women when we went out to functions and events, and he always had lots of times he was unavailable and i couldnt contact him which were never explained). He eventually got violent with me and it was always as a way to shut me up. I could never speak about any of his behaviour, or query any of his suspicious answers to my questions, even if I tried to do it nicely and calmly, without him going into a rage. He wasn't violent to me on more than a few occsions, but other times he was very menacing and threatening, and it really frightened me, which contributed to me ending the relationship. His violence wasn't severe, but on one occasion he did go too far. I won't go into it right now, but it was all about silencing me.

I feel this is similar to the scenario with GBC and Allison, and the mistresses. As for the mistresses, i have no compassion for any of them. I dont agree with all this talk of 'everyones different', you don't know what they're like, you dont know the situation etc. There is one thing you do know when you have an affair with someone married - you are contributing to them cheating on their wife, you are playing an active part in a betrayal. The married person you are having an affair with is lying to his wife and covering up, and the wife is probably distressed and upset and wondering what the truth is. You've probably even been introduced to the wife, which is a creepy feeling for her. It's very distressing and screws with your mind. I want to keep the focus on Allison here, and what she has experienced, as far as I am concerned I have no time and energy for the problems or concerns of any of the other players in this sordid and tragic situation - they don't deserve it and can go deal with their distress on their own.
I agree, I had a relationship with a man some years ago who told me he was separated. One morning his wife arrived on my doorstep to introduce herself.
I was horrified to learn that "separated" meant that he had moved next door to his parents townhouse and for all intents and purposes he was still existing in a marriage if not a troubled one. I left immediately but still bore the label of a homewrecker.
I know what you're saying and understand how such a situation can occur but...
Wasn't she working with both GBC & ABC? Surely she would know the status of their relationship.
how the sunday mail can reveal that the "affair was confirmed to QPS during a Police inerview" is not known to me. They have their sources like everybody else. But when the Police confirm something it becomes public knowledge and I would think you would walk a long way for a very long time to see QPS physically confirming this bit of information. If it was confirmed to Qld Newspapers, their story would have read more along the lines of "QPS have confirmed to the Sunday Mail of the affair between Ms Mchugh and GBC" not simply sunday mail can reveal..look at the wording of it..

I agree about being careful with interpreting media reporting. Personal experience of myself and others known to me over the years through various types of media (Courier Mail, Women's Weekly, A Current Affair type show) have repeatedly shown journalistic license.....miss quoting ,exaggeration, reporting out of context to favour their point of view, editing words said by a person that may change the meaning even slightly but significantly, and even camera shots that make people look less friendly than they are if that favours the journalists story.

People do need to be careful with what is reported in the media. Someone yesterday in a post recommended to believe half of what you read and then you might get the real story.
just watching channel 9 news. Reported tm is devastated that she has been linked to the murder of alison. She has gone into hiding and her mother was contacted and said tm is distraught.

boo hoo
Ok just got back from a weekend camping tried forgetting about the whole case ended up talking about it around the campfire :) I got back anticipating surely something has happened by luck just 100 millions new threads to read with not much news, that sucks. I dreamt about this case for the first time so I thought this was a sign...wrong. Would love to hear how the show went on the weekend, big turnout? I guess that's a subject for the chit chat room :seeya:
Hi All,

I have been watching this forum for a week now. I don't know what happened and will wait for the outcome of the QPS investigation. However, can someone tell me who first posted the stuff about the missing hand and the weighted down body (QPS reported no obvious signs of trauma) because this sounds like a case of ' my Brothers best friends next door neighbour sat next to guy on a train who told him he overheard his cousin telling a hairdresser kind of thing... save me looking through multiple threads. someone must know how this interesting tale landed on WS. Thank you in advance.

Someone posted this as a rumour they heard and there is no actual evidence of it being true.
Someone did post a link to a youtube video showing that after a week or so the hand skin will actually peel back and can be found near the body in what appears to be a glove. (no not the gloves they found)
The Dickie family Im gathering are no strangers to the way these things go. From professional experience maybe they felt it was time to go forward with info to get some perspective to a lot of local specualtion. They hold more cards than we credit with how & what needs to be made public. Nothing at present is stopping them saying anything - working with the QPS they have determined that backing up quite noted facts is doing no harm to the case and maybe even putting people that are sweating at present in a position to come forward before more information becomes public- therefore not having to wait for confessions.


IMO the story was run with the aim of "shaking the tree" to see what falls out.
I believe the thought behind it was that it is just a rumour and nothing more and we should not start rumours here (TOR). But you may want to ask Kimster?

Perhaps, but why have the 680 billion other rumors been left on here ?

Maybe Kimster would care to divulge ? If there is a reason not to mention it then perhaps we should officially be advised not to ?
All the scratches on him when he first reported her missing to qps?

Have we evidence that the scratches were new on the Friday morning? Is there any chance that he already had the scratches from some explained source prior to Allison going missing. Were the scratches on his face when he went to the school cross country on the Thursday?
ITSTHEVIBE - FYI, Mods told us back then not to discuss the hand anymore and it was probably them who deleted certain post in that regard.

Thanks for letting me know, I just couldnt come online much at the time, and didnt see anything from Mods. I'm glad I didnt begin asking about it once I was back a bit more often, I just thought it best to stay away from it. (Only mentioned it now in response to someone else asking about it.)
First time post here. I have been following the threads and the 'canoeist' is mentioned often in this forum and in the media but there are few real details regarding the canoeist and the circumstances surrounding the discovery of Allison's body. On Sunday 29 April I noticed 3 helicopters fly very rapidly and fairly low, over our house and towards the western suburbs. These same helicopters are the ones pictured at the scene where the body was found. Around an hour and half later the helicopters returned. On Monday 30 April, it was announced in the media that body had been discovered by a passing canoeist. I just wonder whether the body was in fact found on Sunday.

Hi Monocle,

I live near Kholo Creek Crossing. That Monday, 3 helicopters were circling around lunchtime, and I thought the search had widened; then I realised they wouldn't just pick one particular spot. They had found Allison. They closed the road for hours that day. It was definitely Monday.
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