Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Imagine how boring cop shows would be if witnesses and suspects all lawyered up from the beginning like GBC.
If there was any type of link to underworld type figures it would have been GBC who would have been swimming with the fishes not ABC.

Bikie gangs, mafia, underworld figures etc, all still have a code....innocent women and children are not murdered in retaliation for the sins of their husbands/fathers etc

If there were previous threats, I don't think GBC would have waited overnight to report ABC missing.
and to me, the fact that he hasnt spoken to the police (even on Solicitors advice)...proves in itself, that he does not want to find out who killed his wife, therefore doesnt care about his wife. Surely a husband would want to know what happened to the mother of their children and would favour being co-operative over, being unhelpful. JMO
morning, had an early breakkie wi friends this morning, one being a legal eagle. As usual this case came up in conversation, and one of the people present innocently asked could it be that the QPS would move in on GBC (if involved) after allowing the children to get a little bit of normality back into their lives after such a traggic event for such young children?

Just an idea, and it may or may not make sense, who knows, but could the 'powers to be' have been in lengthy and relevant discussions with child Physc's about potential trauma involved in removing their father so soon after the traggic loss/murder of their mother. After thinnking about this suggestion I guess it sounds plausable. The welfare of children is always of upmost importance to the authorities.
perhaps 'special' allowances can and have been made under these very special circumstances. I mean lets face it, he is not going anywhere, hardly a flght risk and I have no doubt his passport has probably been taken off him.

If the authorities thought that these 3 littlle girls would be better mentally prepared to go through the ordeal of losing their father in another 1 or 2 months then I think this has to be considered..
And by the way, i don't subscribe to notion that the children would EVER be 'mentally prepared' to losing their father after what they have gone through, BUT the QPS have a job to do. But perhaps this has been taken into consideration.

I would like to hear from the likes of dark shadow, key boredom, hawkins etc if this could even be legally possible for the wheels of justice to work like this i.e someone signing off on 'delaying' an arrest when they have enough to be able to carry it out??? The Attorney General for example??

Fair call on the arrest timing and respect all opinions. The point I raised earlier which had been raised with me earlier and I thought was an interesting one, as I know for a fact the welfare of the children's mental state will be a huge priority right now for the authorites, if indeed their father is on the 'radar'.
This is what I mean by this is not your 'typical garden variety arrest'. The police don't make an arrest of this nature (father kills mother of 3 young children) every day of the week.
However the other point to the post was simply to ask the likes of hawkins or dark shadow "even if the QPS wanted to delay an arrest, CAN THEY"?
is this even possible in our legal or legislative system??
I don't expect anyone without actual experience or knowledge in this matter to be able to answer this question. My lawyer friend couldn't this morning put it that way..
curious is all

Hi MH,
Sorry for being a slow-mo...I thought i had better answer this now rather than read the rest of the thread (seeing you have mentioned wanting to know 3 times, lol), so i have no idea if this has been addressed in detail by someone else.
Anyway, AFAIK (and i will look into it tonight), there is no set provision for this type of situation and in some very rare situations, any delay in arrest would be completely at the discretion of the officer in charge of an investigation.
Having said that, I really don't think a delay in arrest would be extended under these conditions (that is; if a parent was an accused party in the unlawful death of their partner, and the children were to be left parentless), and i think that the police would be chomping at the bit to make an arrest in similar circumstances.
However, if a delay (during the commission of an arrest)were to occur for the sake of allowing explanation to a child of an accused person, it would only be an extremely short delay (i mean, less than half an hour), and would be supervised by an arresting officer, and even that could land the arresting officer in hot water if s/he didn't have a decent excuse, but it does occur sometimes.
Also, whoever it was that mentioned that child protection would be called were spot on :) Child protection are responsible for the care of any children in these circumstances, even if they only supervise for 5 minutes until a grandparent or other relative is called.
If anybody wants to read the basic police responsibilities of arrest procedures, the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act is the place to look (s. 365, or chapter 14 on the side menu)
HTH :)
We hope that this person/family loves the children. However, we don't know what their meaning of 'love' is. One hopes that the 3 little girls are not being taught to cover up their own true self, ignore it, just parade with a happy sociable face and others will believe you. One hopes that they are not being taught to ignore a major trauma in their lives i.e. the death and loss of their own mother. This may have major ramifications for their mental health into the future.

Absolutely and this also relates to the whole issue of the suggestion that keeping their lives as normal as possible is a good thing. It depends on what that means, and it could mean sweeping things under the carpet and trying to create a scenario that will prevent difficult questions from being asked, or anger expressed, especially if it's directed at certain people. Kids are pretty cluey beings.
Naaaaaaaads!!! Laughing. I thanked your post, then I noticed all it had in it was "double post".....You cheeky monkey!!!

Now I look like a dork...........Its all good, I can unthank it. giggles
.Unfolding Truth, your post reminded me of a few things. We do have to be careful in how we judge people based on what they do/ don't do, and how they act. Some years ago a friend of mine's child was murdered. I hadn't known her for long, but for various reasons I became her primary support person...walking that horrid journey with her. Initially at the hospital the doctor's thought that he died for some previously undiagnosed medical problem. She was a single mother and it was a real shock when2 days after he died, she discovered the cause of death after the autopsy results came back. She was hauled into the police station for hours and hours of questioning (7 or 8 hours plus). I wasn't with her then, but she reported that they held her there with aggressive questioning to the point that she sometimes was lying on the floor as she was nearly passing out from grief, distress and even hunger. She was confused and she was treated like the perpetrator which is a VERY distressing experience when you are already in grief and shock at the death of your only child. She was a single mother. For various cultural and religious reasons she and her mother (the only relatives) had cleared out all of the child's things like bedding the day that he died. I think that they had Buddhist beliefs and there was superstition about the belongings of a dead person. They had unknowingly gotten rid of the evidence of the crime and this also seemed suspicious to the police.....that they were covering up the crime etc. In the end they found the offender and he pleaded guilty to manslaughter and the prosecution accepted that as it was hard to have enough strong evidence for the full charge of murder. The point is that people do react differently for cultural and religious reasons. all of this woman's behaviour seemed suss to the police..... but it was an appropriate cultural response.

I think that this could be applied to how the public's perception of the Baden Clay's response to grief. Some cultural groups do have a reputation for being very stoic and less outwardly emotional than other cultural groups. Of course I am generalizing here..... but cultural responses do need to be considered and respected.

Just because you may be outwardly stoic doesn't mean that you aren't inwardly grieving and distressed and it doesn't make you guilty or innocent for that matter. Just like people who display their grief/ distress in more public and sometimes histrionic ways are not necessarily more grief stricken internally than a more stoic person, and it doesn't make someone less guilty/ more innocent either.

People are all different.
Naaaaaaaads!!! Laughing. I thanked your post, then I noticed all it had in it was "double post".....You cheeky monkey!!!

Now I look like a dork...........Its all good, I can unthank it. giggles

He he, my bad, not yours!
This is my first post here but I have been a long time lurker. The one thing that resonates with me is if the Dickies felt GBC was innocent they would have made the fact known. After all, he was their daughters husband and father to their granddaughters. They may not like him but they would not let it be thought that they thought he was guilty. As we all know even when people are proven to be innocent of a crime there is always talk. And this would have ongoing impact on the little girls. IMO.

Welcome and excellent observation. If anything happened to me I can imagine my other half comforting my mum while they were both sobbing. (i hope):floorlaugh:
If there were conflict in the family previously surely this is the deal breaker to end all deal breakers. Surely for the sake of the girls it would be a time to be united. IF HE WAS INNOCENT.:rocker:
Well the affair and the mistress named and shamed and money troubles all confirmed now! About bloody time!
Since a link has now been provided....and we have a name.....and we also have that the police interviewed her 3 times.....Can we now scream from the rooftops, without her pretend friends vying for her....that :

Is it definite that it was around 11pm and not earlier, if it was earlier would it not be possible that 2 people (meaning ABC and GBC) were taking something *out* of the car instead of putting something in...Also was the lady a passenger in the car when she looked up the driveway as I feel it is not something one would normally do driving alone late at night...Just wondering...

I dont know where anyone said it was earlier. Not sure why you are casting doubt on this? No sure what Allison and GBC could possibly be taking out of the car at that time. Seems inplausible to me although not totally impossible. However, it's quite possilbe Allison was not even alive at that time.
and to me, the fact that he hasnt spoken to the police (even on Solicitors advice)...proves in itself, that he does not want to find out who killed his wife, therefore doesnt care about his wife. Surely a husband would want to know what happened to the mother of their children and would favour being co-operative over, being unhelpful. JMO

Umm. where has it been said he hasn't spoken to Police? It has been reported many times he has had contact or spoken to Police. How do we know that he has been unhelpful? Just asking..
Since a link has now been provided....and we have a name.....and we also have that the police interviewed her 3 times.....Can we now scream from the rooftops, without her pretend friends vying for her....that :

whoa!..missed that link.. going to go check. good to hear some more news coming out. Thanks. Is this official suspect?..
Since a link has now been provided....and we have a name.....and we also have that the police interviewed her 3 times.....Can we now scream from the rooftops, without her pretend friends vying for her....that :


The article doesn't say she is a suspect though, just that she has confirmed the affair and has been interviewed by police 3 times.
Since a link has now been provided....and we have a name.....and we also have that the police interviewed her 3 times.....Can we now scream from the rooftops, without her pretend friends vying for her....that :


I respectfully disagree. Assisting the police does not make you a suspect. Although an affair is nasty business it doesn't make you a murderer either. What messy lives these people led
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