Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Does anyone know know anything about other possible lovers of GBC?

Also... GBC financial advisor was interviewed for 4 hours the other day and also had her computer seized and a search warrant on her house. Does this mean the focus was indeed on finances????? Seems full on.
How does the paper know TM confirmed the relationship to police if the police didn't tell them? It doesn't say she admitted it during an official interview, that was my assumption. Are you saying the journalist is lying?

It does say it has been confirmed *in* evidence given to the police, not in any way confirmed *by* the police. Cleverly worded IMO...
Good point. I would also hasten to add that it is unlikely the story would have made it past the newspaper’s legal counsel unless it was confirmed by a credible source such as the QPS. This case is too high profile - repeating hearsay or information not from a confirmed and credible source, could be (and has been in the past) a costly mistake for a newspaper.

Exactly. The media would have known about the affair from a very early stage but they have not released a story like this until now - why? Because the police have only now given them the go-ahead - for a reason. Yes, the affair itself is mucky, but the story and the reason it was written is not about muckraking journalism at all IMO. It's about getting justcie and catching the killer/s.
If Allison was under the impression that the affair was over and then found out that it wasn't...I am trying to imagine how I would feel...I would feel humiliated, crushed, heartbroken, and more than just a little bit of rage. Perhaps she finally snapped and told GBC, "right you a$$%^*e, game on! I will see you in court, with a divorce lawyer, I'm taking you to the cleaners for the pizzly amount your worth and you can choke on that!" or perhaps words to that effect. He has lost his rag and the rest is history. I agree, money prob the main motive. Also, slightly larger woman could prob overpower a smaller woman-I have seen some tiny woman fell big men using some amazing self-defense techniques...IMO...just putting it out there :)

Pudwink, I think you are right on the money. It's one thing to be PROMISED an affair is over, but it's another thing to be told after being PROMISED that it's actually not, even may have kept going immediately after the promise.

I wonder how long it was continuing and Allison thought he was done with TM. I was in a relationship when I was younger where it happened to me. The affair continued for a whole year after I was PROMISED it was over.
It brings new meaning to the term devastated.

I was so betrayed, I beat myself up because I believed his promise. Felt I was worthless because someone had made me a promise, but so easily lied to me. I felt I had wasted a year of my life and the opportunity and RIGHT for me to move on was stolen from me. I was so depressed it was unbelievable and the night I found out I was so angry I asked him to sleep in another room and lock his door. I didn't have children then either, so I can only imagine how Allison felt. Yep...I agree, it all came out and she was about to shaft him big time. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn. She was a tough smart lady, I believe she was smarter than him and he knew it. Suddenly....he was up **** creek without a paddle.
It does say it has been confirmed *in* evidence given to the police, not in any way confirmed *by* the police. Cleverly worded IMO...

Yes you do have a point there. Could be significant, or may not be. Will be interesting to see what comes next.

I just think, that if the media have just done this completely off their own bats, then why haven't they done it before? It's all over different media - and I'm sure all media don't collaborate as to when they are all going to run with the same story. Competing media try to get a scoop and this info has been known for weeks. I believe the media have been given a release by QPS - hence the story breaking at the same time for everyone.
hehehe shes a real estate agent, never met one who hasnt spun me a load of.. well.. you know what.. if it meant getting what they want lol

A bit of creative salesmanship is hardly the same as a four hour interview with police.

Even the pathological liars I have had the displeasure of knowing would have been screaming for a lawyer if they knew they were up to thier neck in it.
I don't believe TM was involved in the murder or cover up unless a huge confrontation took place at her house. I can easily see Alison driving past and seeing GBC's car there,and having a huge fight when he arrived home, but unless she thought the children were also there, I can't see her going to the house. I wonder if GBc was meant to take the kids to sleepover.

Maybe someone can confirm when the affair began, I'd have thought it had just about run its course and GBc would have shown his true colours.
I can see an affair being exciting when it's your boss and he appears wealthy, but once you've been sacked, he no longer has any money and doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving his marriage, his star would wane surely.

At least TM is talking to the police, there must be so much she can tell, as I suspect no one from GBc's family are. I don't have a problem with her getting a lawyer, I'm sure she'd be doing everything she could to stop the media revealing all her sordid details, yet I have a huge problem with GBC lawyering up.

Please don't think I condone anything she has done, I'm sure her and GBC totally deserve each other, but I just see a huge gap between having an affair and murdering the wronged spouse. You really don't hear of this scenario much despite the 100,000's of affairs going on

I did find it odd the GBC told his staff Allison had found out about his affair, they must be a tight group.Lol I guess that is good old GBC showing his "upfront honesty"
All IMO only
There is a simple equation here.
There is a victim who was murdered and there is a murderer at large.

Numerous tests have been carried out on the victim and the detectives have a lot of information. By now, most if not all of the results of those tests will be back.
Many people have been interviewed.

There is also a person of interest. And that is putting it mildly.

What is it the investigators need? How many pieces of the puzzle are missing?
Where is the key to this case going to be found?

I dread the thought that the missing piece is what all investigators need in these cases................luck.

I just want this case resolved for Allison's family.
Does anyone know know anything about other possible lovers of GBC?

Also... GBC financial advisor was interviewed for 4 hours the other day and also had her computer seized and a search warrant on her house. Does this mean the focus was indeed on finances????? Seems full on.

Really?? This seems interesting?
I'm not so sure the police have had anything much to do with these articles today.

The facts seem to be coming from interviewed friends and associates. Fair enough.

They're still credible, I imagine Allison's friends and his work associates would want the info 'out there' about the cheating husband and unfair boss!

My thoughts on him attending the show after our profiling: he cares a great deal about what people think if him. He's doing his public relations bit and sussing out people's reaction to him. He's getting alot of ATTENTION too.

Im sure there would be other friends offering to take the girls if he wasn't up to it. Lovely for the girls to go though.
A bit of creative salesmanship is hardly the same as a four hour interview with police.

Even the pathological liars I have had the displeasure of knowing would have been screaming for a lawyer if they knew they were up to thier neck in it.

Just my opinion, based on not much, but women are usually more realistic about these things. As well, a woman (just imo again) would be more inclined to feelings of regret and conscience

It's my suspicion that she didn't lawyer up and co-operated with investigators because she wanted it out and was prepared to suffer the consequences

People might laugh and they may be well justified, but her focus, initially, we're told, was upon the finer things in life - the beautiful, the aesthetically pleasing and rewarding. Hence her trying to make a career and lifestyle very probably, based in art

As someone has said, there's not a lot of money teaching art. Lots of hard work, trying to foster in children an appreciation of the finer, more ethereal things in life. So, not a woman focused on money or ostentation, prestige, etc.

That being the case, she may have been drawn into matters which spiralled out of her control. She's not a terribly attractive woman, whereas GBC could be described as a good-looking man. Maybe she hadn't ever received much attention from men? If not, understandable that she could have crossed boundaries when wooed by a spin-artist

If it's true she's reasonably comfortable financially (?) (several properties?) it might not have crossed her mind until too late that her bank balance was her primary attractiveness from GBC's perspective

Could be completely off-track with this, but it's my current suspicion that she decided to make a clean breast of it with investigators, wanted to do the right thing - belatedly

If any of this is remotely correct, I hope people are keeping a good eye on her and ensuring she doesn't entertain thoughts of suicide
Also worth noting is that usually when 2 people have an affair, they are infatuated with each other. They don't get the daily grind of raising kids, doing washing, mowing lawns and having to attend places they don't want to go. They get the dream fantasy and the good sex.

If TM and GBC were infatuated with each other, (as I think they were), infatuation is like addiction and it tends to really skewer your thinking. You do things you normally wouldn't dream of doing to keep the situation and the feeling going. I have no doubt this would include helping cover up a murder, if the infatuation was strong enough. Which I also think it was.
Hi everyone

This is my first post, but I have followed every comment on all 10 threads since the start. This has consumed me! I constantly check this site and the news for updates, desperately hoping for a break in the case, and justice for Allison. I'm a mum myself of 3 kids aged 8,11 and 13, and this awful situation has struck a chord... I can't imagine being without my children and it saddens me so deeply to think of Allison's girls having their mother stolen from them. I have read so many excellent posts and discussion - keep up the excellent sleuthing! I look forward to arrests very soon, and the guilty parties getting what they deserve.
While I know some dont feel the affair has anything to do with the murder of Allison, it is/can be a possibility! Know of 2 high-prrofile cases here in US that that was the case..One even killed his children....Just my lil old 2 cents :)
Yes that's right - Friday night, Saturday during day and Saturday night. I think the kids have been given free tickets so i guess that could be why - he could send them with other rellies or friends though in my opinion. He has a lot of front ! I think he does use the girls as a kind of shield as another poster mentioned - he would know that people in these parts would never have a real go at him when he has the girls with him.

Bet he would never turn up to the local pub on his own though, people might not be so kind.....

He was there Friday night, but not Saturday night. He came and got the kids in the arvo off Allison's grandparents who were being taken around by officials.

TM drives a black BMW - so the blue car definately wasn't hers!!! but there was talk of it being intentionally crashed to cover up previous damage.... all heresay of course. Also, apparently he was on his way to have the scratches on his face looked at - needless to say that was put off - again, heresay!! Then he grew a beard.

And yes, GBC said that no one talked to him at the show, ppl just look at him like a leaper.
Is it possible a "senior" person was fed up with the untidy family situation and financial problems and decided to eliminate someone to ease the pressure? Someone who thinks nothing of eliminating living creatures? Looking back at the granny pash thing, maybe that was wife "thanking" her big brave husband??

Did someone say there was a marriage counsellor in the family?
Just another thought, would think with the murder and all going on, one would think it has put a HUGH damper on the affair relationship!
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