Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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Sorry, I had to run errands, come back an hour later too many threads to read....but.

Not uncommon for households to have shredders either, I'm looking at mine right now. We shred anything with our names addresses, personal details before it goes in the bin.
Not only offices do it. People everywhere do it. Should have een more elaborate in my last post, but I was responding to someone who talked about office shredded paper.

So many people shred now, they sell them EVERYWHERE.

There was a scam. You can read about it online, but a company would offer to take rubbish away for a fee. Dump it in bushland and rummage through your trash to find info to steal your identity. Mainly to order expensive items online using your credit card details. This is why people use shredders.
Maybe they were sick of the media camped outside there house at a very difficult time for them, and thought...we'll give them something to look at/ talk about. Perhaps they were trying to distract the media so that GBC could escape unnoticed. It could be anything.

Reality is the media could have edited it out. It has nothing to do with the case anyway. They just released the image for sensationalism. That reflects poorly on them in my opinion.

One would have thought that they were more concerned about Allison, than the media being there (HAHAHAHA, we all know they didnt)........................Instead of "lets give them something to talk about"...Maybe they should have been out looking for their daughter in law...Instead of mortifying the world into needing psychology appointments.
Yet some women in a situation like that also choose to stay for the sake of, to do the right thing, for the children.

I often think, poor children living in such an unfriendly, hostile and insecure environment especially if domestic violence (physical and or psychological) is involved. I can't see how that is good for any child.

It's a mystery to me why some stay, though I do know that there are those cases where some women live in fear of what could happen if they leave an abusive spouse because of being threatened by them if they do, but that's not the type of situation I'm meaning.

It does my head trying to figure why anyone want their child to live under those conditions?

Its not that easy to just pack up and move out, in my situation it wasnt.
Thinking it was my fault and I was useless and wouldnt cope. It took me 6months to get the courage up to move out. Feeling a failure at your marriage ,trying everything to make it work and wondering why its come to this. Even harder as I did still love him.
Its hard to explain.
I do relate to ABC though in trying everything she could to make it work.
I have a shredder at my house and most of my friends have them as well. There's too much identity theft out there these days!

No, having a shredder isn't unusual to me. The thought of a forensics team having to put shredded evidence back together sounds daunting!
Re the accident at Indro, I think it was probably a lack of concentration. He would have a lot on his mind, driving a car he is not used to, lack of sleep, worry.

What I would like to know is why was he going to the police station in the first place?
Yes Kimster, that's the first thing I thought of when I heard they had shredded paper. Someones going to have fun putt'in THAT back together.
Kimster.....Im asking this out in the open because I think a few people may want to know the answer to this too. Does Websleuths allow multiple usernames from the one IP address on here? I mean at times, could we be speaking to a few usernames, which are infact one person?.

Thanks hon :)
One of my neighbours is a police officer at Indooroopilly, and we are friendly with this has taken me all my strength not to ask what the hell is going on-specially after a few drinks on a Saturday night! I am sure they are getting questioned daily by the public when out & about, but can't bring myself to do the same......

I think it is only natural to be curious especially about a case like this one. If the officer does give you any information then you should not post any of it on a forum like this and don’t mention it if he does, as it can be very detrimental to the case, especially at this stage of the investigation.

I was not going to mention it here but there are a lot of great people here who are very smart (a few loonis too lol). I feel like I have got to know people here and it feels like I am being deceitful by not mentioning it so I will confess that I am married to a Detective.

There are a lot of people working on this case, not just Detectives so someone is always going to know someone who knows something lol. My husband is constantly asked about this case when he is out socially and he just jokingly says the butler did it lol.

The reason I joined this forum is to discuss my thoughts with others about this case. I have never had any great interest in crimes but this case has touched me as it has many others as they can identify with it in some way. For me, my father was accused of killing my mother, he was never charged, her body was never found and has gone on to live a very successful life.

When I give my opinion it is based on my own thoughts, feelings about the case.
Absolutely no doubt the mistress story was orchestrated by qps as part o it's strategy
Yes, I fully agree. I believe that the article did state that TM had confessed to the police about the affair and..... (obviously other stuff!).

IMO this was a message to GBC...."Watch out, TM has squeeled and we know it all, so you better confess."
I think it is only natural to be curious especially about a case like this one. If the officer does give you any information then you should not post any of it on a forum like this and don’t mention it if he does, as it can be very detrimental to the case, especially at this stage of the investigation.

I was not going to mention it here but there are a lot of great people here who are very smart (a few loonis too lol). I feel like I have got to know people here and it feels like I am being deceitful by not mentioning it so I will confess that I am married to a Detective.

There are a lot of people working on this case, not just Detectives so someone is always going to know someone who knows something lol. My husband is constantly asked about this case when he is out socially and he just jokingly says the butler did it lol.

The reason I joined this forum is to discuss my thoughts with others about this case. I have never had any great interest in crimes but this case has touched me as it has many others as they can identify with it in some way. For me, my father was accused of killing my mother, he was never charged, her body was never found and has gone on to live a very successful life.

When I give my opinion it is based on my own thoughts, feelings about the case.

thank you for your honesty Bayside !!
Because if you have been threatened on a daily or weekly basis and the threats have included being killed then you get scared. Let me ask you a question. If you were with an abusive partner would you leave knowing that the Family Court would order you to hand the kids over to the abuser every week or fortnight ??? Would you be worried that the abuser would harm the children to get back at you ????

G'day all,
sorry I just up and left last night without so much as a goodnight-my little boy has night terrors and had an almighty one last night..just had to up and go...

To leave or not to leave, that is a very good question. My mum stuck out and emotionally abusive relationship for 18 years and had my two sisters with him (stepdad). He had never hit her, and the only physical violence in the house was between me and him (I am now a reformed angry teen :woohoo:)
However, when the day came that he told her he would consider taking himself AND us out if he felt the need to do so (wtf?), she starting planning our escape. Very careful planning mind you, he was a police officer (In desperate need of mental health intervention). We left, and thankfully, we were able to do so safely. Maybe it was all talk in his part, but who the hell wants to find out? I can't imagine staying in a physically abusive relationship-but I suppose each woman (or man) has to come to that place of decision themselves as to the best time to leave-and hope to God that it's not too late. In this sometimes wonderful and sometimes ugly world we live in, it can feel a bit like a bad lottery. The 'lucky' ones live (with lots of baggage, memories and scars), and the unlucky ones... MOO:moo:
I have a shredder at my house and most of my friends have them as well. There's too much identity theft out there these days!

No, having a shredder isn't unusual to me. The thought of a forensics team having to put shredded evidence back together sounds daunting!

How do I tee that know get them to steal my identity....but in doing so they also have to take the massive mortgage, the crap job, the domineering wife, the out of control kids, the brain dead inlaws, the even worse siblings and the ****** car.....hmmm did I miss anything ...If I have ill post it to them from the Bahama's!!!

Bayside...Thanxabunch sweetheart.....You are a top lady :)
Yes. She's devastated to be linked to the murder, but can't bring herself to deny involvement or express sympathy? I'd be shouting it from the rooftops.

Why should she have to if she has no involvement? Easier said then done and I don't think the average person could possibly know how they would react until they were in that exact same position or situation, and trying to commentate on it is futile. We already know that affairs, cheating on spouses and lies and deception is common in our society. just type 'affair' into google and it will bring up 3-4 dedicatd websites whereby you can hook up or connect with other people interested in said activity. So lets not condemn people to a public stoning as a result. Whilst morally wrong, its not illegal and seems to be rife. By all means have a low opinion on people who carry out this activity, that is your right.

Sunday Mail's absolute blatant disregard for this woman's privacy is shocking and their total disregard of the repurcussions this story will have for her and her family is abhorent. The way they even tried to sell the story by an 'exclusive' on the front page directing people to a double page spread on pages 4 & 5 is pure sensationalism. They tried to pass it off as if it were a NEW story or development in the case when we all know they have known about it since day 1. They would have just been waiting for enough people to have told them that 'she confirmed the affair to the police' so as to protect their dirty behinds.

Central to the investigation my absolute **** !This is the only way they could have possibly justified printing the story to begin with.
TM is no doubt one of dozens of people who have been interviewed over this case, its standard procedure. Of course she was probably higher up the food chain and rightly so. just like the husband is always right at the very top of the food chain in cases like this.

They even bought in the 'crime editor' as author of the story so as to make it look even more sensational..what was wrong with the other two goons printing the story?? not a good enough title?? Not BREAKING NEWS enough??

I don't know if she is involved anymore than they do, you can know 100% for sure that QPS wouldn't be telling them.

We all know about it on this forum because we have been making it our business to know more about it but the whole state didnt know about it until yesterday and just why the hell should they know about it until it becomes clear whether she was involved in the murder of another human being!!!!!!

And anyone who says "because its central to the investigation is kiddin themselves"...
There are hundreds of bits of info about people and their lives and their movements that are probably 'central' to this investigation but do you see Sunday Mail writing about them all?
Why?? cause it wasn't as good a 'story' as this one!!
Dont forget the Scott Peterson and Amber Frey scenario...

Amber (the mistress who didnt know about the wife until after her murder) was used to obtain information from Scott...

Going off memory here but he was arrested based on her testimony (plus further info).
I have a shredder at my house and most of my friends have them as well. There's too much identity theft out there these days!

No, having a shredder isn't unusual to me. The thought of a forensics team having to put shredded evidence back together sounds daunting!

Yes it is very common for people to have shredders...but I think the difference is....

.... in this case the husband was cheating on his wife multiple times & she is now dead.
Maybe. I am not too familiar with Brookfield road. The furtherest I have been up it is Gap Creek Road.

I vaguely remember it was a Sunday.
It makes sense that he would just come down moggil road and turn into the police station, but what if he was coming from his office and up moggil road.
It would explain doing the loop past the shoppnig centre and bus stop. However that would have put him in the right lane. It's entirely possible that he was on auto pilot and just got into the left lane, and then tried to get back into the right lane and whilst checking over his shoulder veered left into the pole. At the location of that pole he only had 20-30 metres before he needed to turn.
Having said all of that, given the location of his office, and the fact he was a real-estate agent, he must have known the easiest way from his office to the police station is across the bridge and through the back streets.

But nobody knows his true emotions on the day, so everything is purely a guess.

I could understand a person under immense stress/ grief/ anxiety having a bingle with their car. Mind elsewhere, possibly sleep deprived, not concentrating..........I did it myself once (though a far milder bump of the car) when I was in a significant state of stress....though nothing compared to what GBC is going through.

His response to the media when questioned about it was've got to be joking.... I am being asked about how I am after a minor car crash that in normal circumstances wouldn't be newsworthy, at such a time as this (wife missing)! What man of his age gets interviewed by the media about a car crash of that nature? He could even be embarrassed that he crashed. How was he supposed to respond to the question? At the time of the interview he may also have been on medication due to any injury sustained in the crash or even medication related to mental health due to anxiety/ stress. Medications would have an effect on his response to the media/ level of alertness etc.
I will just say this coffeechik......................For a family who wanted to portray "privacy", were requesting privacy and were angered at the media being there at their every turn......A kiss like that sure shows, that they are full of POO. Their claims and actions are certainly not in alignment.

The "granny pash" thing seems to occupy people's thoughts too much in my opinion. I do not see it as necessarily evidence of poor taste ... If you look at the clip it seems obvious that the camera has a telephoto lens on the couple and it is also raining. To (the BC's) the media may have seemed too far away to get such a personal shot inside the garage. I dare say that the media would have at least been outside their property fence if not further. For every judgement about people's intentions there CAN be alternate explanations - not saying that my point of view is necessarily right -just a different perspective on something that has been analyzed to death without any real knowledge of the people or their intentions. BTW not a supporter of the BC - don't know them - but have followed this forum from the beginning.
In his case, perhaps because he can't afford child support? I suspect this man is in deep doodoo financially, and any "love" that he has for other women would be coloured by how much than can help him out of the hole he is in.

FYI child support is based on both parties' income. If he declares "no income/little income", he only has to pay something like $20 per fortnight!! (which is a disgrace IMO, but that's how the Child Support Agency works - a formula).
Regarding the good pastor’s so called ‘sermon’ that was posted in thread #1, he sounds to me like someone who isn’t in the loop. I think he comes across as someone who genuinely cares what happened to Allison. There is nothing in what he wrote that makes me think he’s trying to hide anything. I suspect this poor guy has never been privy to the BC’s inner sanctum.
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